View Full Version : Low Fantasy Gaming for MoreCore

January 15th, 2020, 13:08
Now in the Forge

Low Fantasy Gaming
Low Fantasy Gaming (“LFG”) is a tabletop role-playing game built for sword & sorcery adventures in low magic worlds.

Big shout out to Stephen J. Grodzicki from Pickpocket Press who has made it possible to share not only this Ruleset Extension but also the complete First Edition of Low Fantasy Gaming in Fantasy Grounds format.

Rules Light
LFG is rules light, with a heavy emphasis on Games Master (“GM”) rulings. It’s a hybrid of old school and modern game design, based on the 1d20 Open Game Licence.

Fast & Engaging Combat
Combat is designed to be fast and engaging, with minimal waiting between turns. Creativity is encouraged via martial exploits and magic.

Dangerous & Gritty
Battle is genuinely dangerous and every skirmish takes a toll. The threat of serious injury or death is never far away.

A “Realistic” World
LFG worlds tend to mimic our own classical or medieval periods. Humans are the default player race. Magic and fantastic monsters exist, but are very rare.

Dark & Dangerous Magic
Magic is not only rare, it is dark and inherently dangerous. Sorcery is a power not meant for mortals, and adventurers engage with it at their peril.

Riches & Glory
LFG is about exploring the unknown; delving into the lost places of the world to unearth new mysteries. Player characters are not epic heroes charged with saving the world; they are bold adventurers seeking riches and glory.

Open World
LFG is made for short, episodic adventures in an open world. Mechanics and random tables support GM improvisation, empowering the referee to handle any situation or side trek.

What LFG is Not
This book does not describe a new low magic fictional setting. It is a generic ruleset for use with published low magic worlds (some examples appear at page 177) or a world of your own creation. With some tweaking, LFG could handle most fantasy settings, but the system assumes low fantasy.

To use Low Fantasy Gaming on Fantasy Grounds you will need the following:

Download the latest version of MoreCore. You will need version 1.52 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?34860-MoreCore-Ruleset) or later
Download the Low Fantasy Gaming extension (updated 20200830) from this post.
Download the Players Handbook (updated 20200121) and the Game Masters Guide from this post.

If you are new to Fantasy Grounds -
place the MoreCore.pak in the /rulesets directory
place the MCLowFantasyGaming.ext in the /extensions directory
place the LFG-PHB.mod and LFG-GMG.mod in the /modules directory
Create a new campaign and choose the MoreCore ruleset and enable the MoreCore - Low Fantasy Gaming extension
Go to Library -> Modules and Activate/Load the Players Handbook and the Game Masters Guide

The following video shows how to create a character using these resources.
There are now three videos in the playlist -
Low Fantasy Gaming on Fantasy Grounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6Ad87N0YLY
Low Fantasy Gaming - Using Magic on Fantasy Grounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w25k1aDNFRA
Low Fantasy Gaming GM Setup on Fantasy Grounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnlLVLCBMKw

And finally a big thanks to superteddy57, BTaylor, Mortar and Forecaster for helping me get all the content converted.
New updates with help from monkeyboy_9000 and kelrugem

Really, really big thanks to everyone who has contributed to this extension and the reference materials. It was very much a team effort and I really appreciate the efforts of everyone involved.

Have fun - and be sure to check out more Low Fantasy Gaming resources over at https://lowfantasygaming.com/ including the newer Deluxe Edition.

New version of the extension uploaded which supports the classes and some other material from the Deluxe edition - but you need to enter that data in yourself.

January 15th, 2020, 13:10
And to really get the party started - Steve has also provided permission to post this Adventure Conversion up here too.
Please if you like the Low Fantasy Gaming system drop by their website or Discord server and give them a shout out.

January 15th, 2020, 15:27
cool great work Damned

January 15th, 2020, 23:43
Superb thank you so much for all your hard work Damned, BT, Mortar, Forecaster & superteddy57 :D

January 16th, 2020, 00:05
Excellent - thank you for sharing this. Cant wait to give it a spin.

January 16th, 2020, 11:42
hey Damned have there been any other Australian RPG's of note?

January 16th, 2020, 12:13
hey Damned have there been any other Australian RPG's of note?

Im sure there have been...
One day Ill finish mine and then we will know the answer!

January 16th, 2020, 13:41
My quick Google finds two Super Squadron and Lace and Steel...two more than New Zealand

January 16th, 2020, 13:48
Ive played quite a few RPGs at local Cons that were written (and published) by the GM.
They were all quite fun - though none are challenging 5E just yet.
Ill have to try and recall some other game names.

And thank goodness you didnt find any Kiwi games...

January 16th, 2020, 16:49
found a kiwi game and its in print NZ 1 AUS 1 ....Monster of the Week

January 17th, 2020, 02:58
found a kiwi game and its in print NZ 1 AUS 1 ....Monster of the Week

I thought we were friends?

January 17th, 2020, 11:33
joking aside I'm really looking forward to getting the time to download this at the weekend

January 17th, 2020, 21:57
Can someone describe in a few sentences, how this diverges from D20? I'm still thinking about playing in the Warhammer old world with downstripped D&D 5E rules. I might take LFG as inspiration.

January 17th, 2020, 23:55
The first post describes the game very well but compared with 5e, skills are a roll under ability, of which there are seven ( wisdom gets split between Will and perception). Combat is much the same apart from the exploits which give nice twist to combat. Saving throws are covered by luck score which is an expendable resource while magic is wild and chaotic. The power level of characters is significantly lower than 5e as magic is nerfed. Not sure it would be a good match for warhamner as the vibe is sword and sorcery rather than grimdark

January 18th, 2020, 01:07
Attribute Checks/Saves are roll under Attribute.
Skills work the same way but are developed separately to Attributes.
Using a skill also lets you access your limited Reroll pool on a failure.

A natural 19 on attacks usually has some special.

You have access to a limited Luck resource which gets riskier the more you use it.

When casting Magic there is a Dark & Dangerous check whose odds of occurring increase every time you use magic (until it occurs) and can have some very interesting side effects.

Combat is traditional roll over targets AC.

Far less magic and magic items.

January 18th, 2020, 09:25
few bits of feed back after building a few characters and watching your YouTube clip. The hide unused skills button is missing and there is only a equipment pack for the barbarian

January 18th, 2020, 09:33
few bits of feed back after building a few characters and watching your YouTube clip. The hide unused skills button is missing and there is only a equipment pack for the barbarian

Can you confirm the button thing?
Its only a small button...


Uploading a new build of the PHB now with parcels...


January 18th, 2020, 10:05
I can't see it

January 18th, 2020, 10:19
Ill upload a new version tonight - thank you.

January 18th, 2020, 11:50
i wouldn't of spotted it if i hadn't of watched your informative YouTube clip, looking forward to the magic one

January 18th, 2020, 13:24
Ive just had several people test and confirm it works for them.
I have just uploaded a new build just in case and will do the same for MoreCore in 3mins time.

January 20th, 2020, 15:45
thanks and the two new videos are great as well

January 20th, 2020, 16:03
I have a new build to upload and my internet is dying!
I think I have removed teh current buld but I cant get the new one up....
Stay tuned... in the next 12 hours a new version will be up with a bunch of fixes and tweaks.

January 20th, 2020, 23:51
A new extension and a new Players Handbook have been uploaded.
Classes are now enabled and you can drag and drop the class on to the Character.
This will update your Level and your Attack Bonus.
It will tell you how many HD/HP to add
Plus any Abilities to add
And any Spell Slots to add

January 21st, 2020, 01:52
There are now three videos in the playlist -
Low Fantasy Gaming on Fantasy Grounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6Ad87N0YLY
Low Fantasy Gaming - Using Magic on Fantasy Grounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w25k1aDNFRA
Low Fantasy Gaming GM Setup on Fantasy Grounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnlLVLCBMKw

February 17th, 2020, 01:25
Nice videos.

February 18th, 2020, 04:30
Dragging classes to the character sheet doesn't update anything except add the button next to the class field with the class information.

March 12th, 2020, 13:51
Hola everyone,

New updates with help from monkeyboy_9000 and kelrugem

Really, really big thanks to everyone who has contributed to this extension and the reference materials. It was very much a team effort and I really appreciate the efforts of everyone involved.

Have fun - and be sure to check out more Low Fantasy Gaming resources over at https://lowfantasygaming.com/ including the newer Deluxe Edition.

New version of the extension uploaded which supports the classes and some other material from the Deluxe edition - but you need to enter that data in yourself.

April 5th, 2020, 11:44
Hey firstly, thanks for doing this extension.

Would here be a good place to ask for some help with a script problem running an encounter? Worked fine last week - now not so much.

I would ask in the tech forum but it says it needs to be reproducible free of extensions and this doesn't apply in this cast (since It works fine when I turn the extension off).

Any help would be appreciated - I'm sure it's something simple.

April 5th, 2020, 13:11
Hey firstly, thanks for doing this extension.

Would here be a good place to ask for some help with a script problem running an encounter? Worked fine last week - now not so much.

I would ask in the tech forum but it says it needs to be reproducible free of extensions and this doesn't apply in this cast (since It works fine when I turn the extension off).

Any help would be appreciated - I'm sure it's something simple.

Welcome TheBoo please post details of your issue. More details generally = faster resolution.

April 5th, 2020, 15:19
Welcome TheBoo please post details of your issue. More details generally = faster resolution.

Thanks for the response, I actually managed to sort it out my self - was a self created issue.

April 7th, 2020, 18:53
Wow awesome stuff. Im just getting into Fantasy grounds again after some years away. I am creating my own world as well as playing 5E, but im checking out different ways how to do stuff inside fantasy grounds.
I have been trying to find out how to make a module. Then I came across this. I have no experience in coding, but im trying to learn as I go.

I am trying to find out how to make a module like the players handbook and GM here in this module.
The referance Manual inside here, can I please ask how to make that? Where do you type this is? Is it in Story mode or?
Would be very greatful for help here.

April 8th, 2020, 06:08
Think I got it. Found out it was the author extension that could do this

April 8th, 2020, 08:06
Hi evenfell

Yes, create the content in Fantasy Grounds - Story, NPCs, Encounters, Maps etc and then use the Author tool to export.

April 15th, 2020, 20:18
Love the extension but its stopped working and I can't figure out why. Anytime I open the classes and then select a class and open that it goes into a tail spin. I've downloaded MoreCore again and also the extensions and modules and replaced everything. Started a fresh campaign and still the same issue. It then just keeps repeating that last line

[4/15/2020 7:12:06 PM] FGU v4.0.0 STANDARD (2020-04-13)
[4/15/2020 7:12:06 PM] Launcher scene starting.
[4/15/2020 7:12:17 PM] Starting private server mode. [( (fe80::981b:7f1:eae5:aedf:1802)]
[4/15/2020 7:12:17 PM] Game server started. []
[4/15/2020 7:12:17 PM] Launcher scene exiting.
[4/15/2020 7:12:17 PM] Tabletop scene starting.
[4/15/2020 7:12:28 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] icon: Could not find image file (graphics/radial/icon_shuffle.png) for icon (resettemp). [MoreCore] [graphics/graphics_icons.xml]
[4/15/2020 7:12:28 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] icon: Could not find image file (graphics/radial/icon_shuffle.png) for icon (resetalltemp). [MoreCore] [graphics/graphics_icons.xml]
[4/15/2020 7:12:48 PM] [WARNING] Could not load script file () (cliroller3) (common/scripts/char_skillfilter.lua)
[4/15/2020 7:12:49 PM] s'aMajor: ' | { s'CoreRPG' = #4, s'MoreCore' = #1 } | s' aMinor: ' | { s'CoreRPG' = #0, s'MoreCore' = #54 }
[4/15/2020 7:12:49 PM] s'onInit: registerResultHandler'
[4/15/2020 7:13:11 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (tracker_reverse) in windowclass (cas_stats)
[4/15/2020 7:13:11 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (number_trackers) in windowclass (cas_stats)
[4/15/2020 7:13:11 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (tracker_reverse) in windowclass (cas_stats)
[4/15/2020 7:13:11 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (number_trackers) in windowclass (cas_stats)
[4/15/2020 7:13:14 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (tracker_reverse) in windowclass (cas_stats)
[4/15/2020 7:13:14 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (number_trackers) in windowclass (cas_stats)
[4/15/2020 7:13:14 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (tracker_reverse) in windowclass (cas_stats)
[4/15/2020 7:13:14 PM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (number_trackers) in windowclass (cas_stats)
[4/15/2020 7:13:35 PM] [WARNING] textcontrol: Could not find font (reference-b-blue) in control (reftype) in class (ref_pcclass_header)
[4/15/2020 7:13:35 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Could not find font for fontName reference-b-blue
[4/15/2020 7:13:35 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Could not find font for fontName reference-b-blue
[4/15/2020 7:13:36 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Could not find font for fontName reference-b-blue
[4/15/2020 7:13:36 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Could not find font for fontName reference-b-blue
[4/15/2020 7:13:36 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Could not find font for fontName reference-b-blue
[4/15/2020 7:13:36 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Could not find font for fontName reference-b-blue

April 15th, 2020, 23:43
There is a later build of MoreCore than the build you have there
What extensions are you running?
It looks like another FGU font issue.

Moon Wizard
April 16th, 2020, 01:34
Please update to the latest build of FGU released today to address those error messages.


April 16th, 2020, 01:51
I can confirm that this issue is resolved with 2020-04-15 - thanks Moon Wizard

April 16th, 2020, 10:00
Perfect, that's sorted. I'm fairly new to MoreCore and am updating LFG to the Deluxe edition for a campaign and was worried I had somehow broken it. From now on with unity I'll wait a day before jumping!:)

April 19th, 2020, 18:49
One other question, i've been adding all the new classes/rolls from Deluxe for my game and am wondering is there a way of updating the player's handbook. I've tried exporting a module but it only exports the classes I've added. to a new module. I've also made some changes to the older classes and magic names. Is there a way I can put the entire thing together into a new single updated players module using export? Sorry if this is obvious.

April 20th, 2020, 02:05
One other question, i've been adding all the new classes/rolls from Deluxe for my game and am wondering is there a way of updating the player's handbook. I've tried exporting a module but it only exports the classes I've added. to a new module. I've also made some changes to the older classes and magic names. Is there a way I can put the entire thing together into a new single updated players module using export? Sorry if this is obvious.

You would only be able to export them all in one resource by using the base campaign I started in.
I cant share it as it now has content that is not covered by the kind permissions granted by Steve.
Best thing to do is load the Author extension and export it as Advanced options or similar.

April 22nd, 2020, 20:45
This is a terrific extension. I'm wondering if there's any plans to add the races, being Dwarves and Elves?

I've recently read the LFG core rule book and see it as potentially an OSR platform to adapt a Fantasy setting I've previously homebrewed for D&D 5e and Savage Worlds. My setting has many races and subraces however, but my plan is to wrap my subraces into single races as that IMO suits OSR better anyways. My setting also has Dwarves as the predominant race though, so if I was to use LFG I'd really need to define Humans as an exrtra race.

Anyhow...I realize there isn't much meat to the extra races, but I was hoping the Elf and Dwarf might be added to this extension so I'd at least have a template to work from.

April 23rd, 2020, 02:37
This is a terrific extension. I'm wondering if there's any plans to add the races, being Dwarves and Elves?

I've recently read the LFG core rule book and see it as potentially an OSR platform to adapt a Fantasy setting I've previously homebrewed for D&D 5e and Savage Worlds. My setting has many races and subraces however, but my plan is to wrap my subraces into single races as that IMO suits OSR better anyways. My setting also has Dwarves as the predominant race though, so if I was to use LFG I'd really need to define Humans as an exrtra race.

Anyhow...I realize there isn't much meat to the extra races, but I was hoping the Elf and Dwarf might be added to this extension so I'd at least have a template to work from.

Races are not part of the Free rules which Steve allowed us to convert and share here so no I cant add that content.
I am planning to Add Races to MoreCore very soon - similar to how Classes are implemented.
Classes in LFG are more advanced than the Class implementation in MoreCore because the extension can be specific whereas MoreCore itself needs to be more flexible.

April 23rd, 2020, 23:31
Races are not part of the Free rules which Steve allowed us to convert and share here so no I cant add that content...

Oh OK. I didn't realize there was another rules book besides the freebie PDF I downloaded from driverthrurpg this week - definitely aware there's a Deluxe that costs $'s. The one I downloaded has Elves and Dwarves on pg. 30, but they are the only 2 races beyond Humans.

April 24th, 2020, 03:01
Ill have to have another look Kronovan

May 3rd, 2020, 16:38
Hey Damned, starting a new campaign with cultist from deluxe who cast similar to magic users except using will and no spell slots. What's the best way of creating a roll, probably in special which is just a will check that increments to the dark and dangerous count and checks the same as spell slots. I know you can't add them due to it not being on the free issue but if I know where to look for the others hopefully I should be able to add something. At the very least it will further my MoreCore journey.

May 4th, 2020, 04:12
So you are saying (sorry I dont actually play LFG so I forget how it all works quickly) that you need a separate Will roll that also increments Dark and Dangerous and does the Dark and Dangerous check?

May 6th, 2020, 20:46
Yes that's exactly right

May 7th, 2020, 01:18
I will get to it - I cant promise when.

May 7th, 2020, 10:09
There is no rush, What you've done already is amazing!

August 21st, 2020, 06:06
Why is the PHB mod missing the cultist? It is missing several classes. Also there is a glitch on the the 3rd tab of the character sheet. Just open a character sheet and do not fill anything out, then go to the third (last tab) and a scripting error appears. FYI I am using MoreCore RS Version 1.59 20200630, with the LFG- Players Handbook.

August 21st, 2020, 13:12
Iirc the cultist is a class featured in lfg deluxe, the paid version and not the free rules released here.

August 29th, 2020, 01:41
The third tab on the character sheets keeps glitching and giving and error, anyone else experiencing this?


August 30th, 2020, 14:43
New build uploaded in post #1 that fixes Notes issue.

August 30th, 2020, 21:26
New build uploaded in post #1 that fixes Notes issue.

You are a beautiful human being.

July 31st, 2024, 03:07
Hate to necro, but me and my friends have been attempting to play a westmarch with this ruleset. A few of us own the deluxe edition and have been wondering if it might be possible to edit the mods to add that info in (obviously we won't be sharing that or publishing it due to it being copyrighted material) But we're trying to get a more cohesive system set up for 10+ players using the deluxe content.

August 1st, 2024, 05:04
Hi LeroyD I havent looked at this in a long time.
Please add a little more detail so I can understand what you need?

August 3rd, 2024, 00:40
Do mods have source codes and how could I obtain an editable version of the mods? Please ��

August 3rd, 2024, 06:00
You are going to need to UNPACK the EXT and the Players MOD.
These are ZIP files.

In the EXT you will need to (very carefully) edit data_common_lfg.lua to add all the class levelling info.

-- required for fighters, additional HD/HP
aFighterTitle = {"Swordsman","Warrior","Swordmaster","Hero","Swashbuckler","Myrmidon","Commander","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord","Lord"};

-- required for fighters, additional HD/HP
aFighterHD = {0,"10hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","1d5+5hp plus CON Bonus","3hp plus CON Bonus","3hp plus CON Bonus","3hp plus CON Bonus"};

-- required for fighters, additional HD/HP
aFighterSpecial= {};

aFighterSpecial[0] = {none};
aFighterSpecial[1] = {"Adaptable (Choose Default Style) and Deadly Strikes"};
aFighterSpecial[2] = {"Supplies & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish."};
aFighterSpecial[3] = {"Unique Feature & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
aFighterSpecial[4] = {"New Skill & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
aFighterSpecial[5] = {"Master of Arms & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
aFighterSpecial[6] = {"Unique Feature & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
aFighterSpecial[7] = {"Second Attack & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
aFighterSpecial[8] = {"New Skill & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
aFighterSpecial[9] = {"Unique Feature & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
aFighterSpecial[10] = {"Stronghold & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
aFighterSpecial[11] = {"Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};
aFighterSpecial[12] = {"Unique Feature & Additional use of Adaptable. substitute your default style for another if you wish"};

-- required for Fighter, expired required - first 21 levels
aFighterAB = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12};

-- required for Fighter, expired required - first 21 levels
aFighterExp = {2000,4000,8000,16000,32000,64000,120000,240000,36 0000,480000,600000,720000,840000,960000,1080000,12 00000,1320000,1440000,1560000,1680000};

aFighterSkills = {"Add Common to languages and one extra language per point of INT Bonus. At first level gain the following skills - Leadership and Athletics. \nPlus choose 4 of the following - Acrobatics, Arcane Lore, Detection, Apothecary, Gather Information, General Lore, Insight, Persuasion, Stealth, Deception, Traps and Locks, Wilderness Lore."};

You can either add the other stuff in the Players MOD by hand or you can create the CLASS in FG (you can also export that for later re-use).

September 21st, 2024, 09:35
Been running a pretty good westmarch with this. There are quite a bit of errors though I know no one probably uses this lol. (In fact I get **** from a friend of mine who uses Foundry and apparently Foundry got the rights to publish the deluxe version)

[ERROR] Script execution error: [string "C:charsheet_more:roll_charisma"]:4: attempt to call field 'getActor' (a nil value)
Everything I highlighted won't Auto-work ...also the combat tracker also doesn't use low to high as well. Granted we just use basic math and most things still go smoothly.
Like would you know about how to fix this error? 62094

September 22nd, 2024, 06:25
New build now in the Forge.
You will need to delete or remove your existing Extension, PHB and GMG.

Now in the Forge

September 22nd, 2024, 16:51
Just downloaded the Forge version and getting Errors on startup and when clicking on the Notes tab of the CS. Also, the mods are not available for the books. Do the mods need to be downloaded from here?

[9/22/2024 9:41:07 AM] RULESET: MoreCore
[9/22/2024 9:41:07 AM] NETWORK STATUS: [Server] [Connected]
[Server Type - CLOUD - PUBLIC]
[9/22/2024 9:41:20 AM] [WARNING] font: Could not find font file. (MoreCore) (graphics/fonts/Noto_Sans/NotoSans.ttf)
[9/22/2024 9:41:20 AM] [WARNING] font: Could not find font file. (MoreCore) (graphics/fonts/Noto_Sans/NotoSans.ttf)

[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] s'CharacterListManager.addDecorator - DEPRECATED - 2023-12-12 - Use CharacterListManager.setDecorator'
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] s'CombatManager.setCustomDrop - DEPRECATED - 2022-08-16 - Use CombatDropManager.setLinkDropCallback/setDragTypeDropCallback'
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] s'onInit: '
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:26 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:27 AM] [ERROR] window: Control () anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor) in windowclass (setup_step1)
[9/22/2024 9:41:28 AM] Fantasy Grounds - v4.5.10 ULTIMATE (2024-08-20)

[9/22/2024 9:44:09 AM] [WARNING] template: Could not find template (portrait_charlocal) in class (charsheet)
[9/22/2024 9:44:09 AM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (pcclasslink) in windowclass (charsheet)
[9/22/2024 9:44:09 AM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (pcclasslink) in windowclass (charsheet)
[9/22/2024 9:44:09 AM] [WARNING] windowcontrol: Could not find frame (fieldwhite) in control (max1) in class (charsheet_more)
[9/22/2024 9:44:09 AM] [WARNING] windowcontrol: Could not find frame (fieldwhite) in control (max2) in class (charsheet_more)
[9/22/2024 9:44:09 AM] [WARNING] windowcontrol: Could not find frame (fieldwhite) in control (max3) in class (charsheet_more)
[9/22/2024 9:44:09 AM] [WARNING] windowcontrol: Could not find frame (fieldwhite) in control (max4) in class (charsheet_more)
[9/22/2024 9:44:09 AM] [WARNING] windowcontrol: Could not find frame (fieldwhite) in control (max5) in class (charsheet_more)
[9/22/2024 9:44:09 AM] [WARNING] windowcontrol: Could not find frame (fieldwhite) in control (max6) in class (charsheet_more)

[9/22/2024 9:44:10 AM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static width ignored for control (curmagic) in windowclass (charsheet_more)
[9/22/2024 9:44:10 AM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static width ignored for control (curluck) in windowclass (charsheet_more)
[9/22/2024 9:44:10 AM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static width ignored for control (curreroll) in windowclass (charsheet_more)
[9/22/2024 9:44:11 AM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static width ignored for control (curmagic) in windowclass (charsheet_more)
[9/22/2024 9:44:11 AM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static width ignored for control (curluck) in windowclass (charsheet_more)
[9/22/2024 9:44:11 AM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static width ignored for control (curreroll) in windowclass (charsheet_more)
[9/22/2024 9:44:36 AM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (pcclasslink) in windowclass (charsheet)
[9/22/2024 9:44:37 AM] [WARNING] window: Anchored static height ignored for control (pcclasslink) in windowclass (charsheet)
[9/22/2024 9:44:37 AM] [WARNING] template: Could not find template (script) in class (charsheet_notes)
[9/22/2024 9:44:37 AM] [ERROR] window: Control (level) anchoring to an uncalculated control (pcclassexperience) in windowclass (charsheet_notes)
[9/22/2024 9:44:37 AM] [ERROR] window: Control (level) anchoring to an uncalculated control (pcclassexperience) in windowclass (charsheet_notes)
[9/22/2024 9:44:37 AM] [ERROR] window: Control (level) anchoring to an uncalculated control (pcclassexperience) in windowclass (charsheet_notes)

September 23rd, 2024, 02:26
New build pushed to Forge.

October 27th, 2024, 23:12
When I'm rolling Attributes saves, it's not accounting for modifiers in the roll.

October 27th, 2024, 23:52
Attribute Checks
All attribute checks (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Perc, Will, Cha) are made with a 1d20 roll. If the roll is equal to or under the attribute the action is successful. The GM might apply modifiers to this roll depending on the circumstances. Attribute checks are most commonly used when an adventurer proactively attempts to do something, like climb a wall, swim across a lake, or sneak up on an unwary foe.