View Full Version : Best Game Night Structure?

November 29th, 2006, 00:55
I have played a number of sessions now and I have found what I think would be the best game structure. (Not that any session will hold to this perfectly :))

Please feel free to add to or contradict any of the below.

Game Night Setup.

4-5 hrs. All time is Game Master time.

Start at 8pm have 1 hour for administration every session unless by some miracle there is nothing to do.
9pm - 12am regular game
Vote to continue.
12 - 1am. Finish.

How does that sound to people as a model?


November 29th, 2006, 06:48
Looks decent.

The only suggestion I can throw out there is about your administration hour. If you want to cut it down to about nothing, set up an email group or a blog/forum for your players to communicate in. Then have them do all the out of game admin/blue booked stuff this way.

I think I've only had one hour in a game session where I've done any type of Admin stuff and this was before I went to emails. My players love the email group (though I'm thinking about setting up a blog or forum like I have with my live group to keep down the incoming emails) and tend to write "in-character" while getting done what they need done.

November 29th, 2006, 08:30
I agree with Idyparadox99. I use my Yahoo group to cut down on admin during the game. For my open table game which requires much more admin time because of the constantly changing characters, I still only allocated 30 minutes at the start and often I only use 10-15 minutes.

Oh, one thing that I found helpful is to schedule a 5 or 6 min break about in the middle. That cuts down on the afks if the players know they are going to get some time off in the middle to grab a soda or a snack or hit the bathroom.

November 29th, 2006, 09:58
I have set up a Google Groups (https://groups-beta.google.com/) group for my players, I put all maps, game info and related material in the files section there. I also create websites which are viewable only to my players, where I put campaign relevant information. We also discuss everything prior to the game on the group. I also use Google Calendar (https://www.google.com/calendar) to announce our games. ;) At first I was sending them e-mails, but then thought that a one spot for everything, such as Google Groups (and they can use the same account for the Calendar or Gmail!) is a better idea. To my surprise, there was no grumbling, everyone accepted my idea right away.

I would minimize the "administration" part to maybe 15, maximum 20mins. That's where I allow people to chat and just get into good mood and perhaps ask me a few questions if they have any they forgot to ask earlier on the discussion group.

Anyway, Google Groups is a very handy tool and I encourage every Game Master to use something like this (it doesn't have to be Google).

Oh, one thing that I found helpful is to schedule a 5 or 6 min break about in the middle. That cuts down on the afks if the players know they are going to get some time off in the middle to grab a soda or a snack or hit the bathroom.

Yeah, I announce a short break in the middle of a session, 10-15mins. That's when I go to bring some drink or food for myself and just relax a bit.

November 29th, 2006, 17:33
I heartily agree with the email group suggestions. I have just found that things creep in that are best served by conversations. Its just easier to have online rolls etc...

The unstated thing that also happens in the admin time is players socialize a bit and there is a little wiggle room for late arrivals.
