View Full Version : LFG - Player and DM looking to be a player in a text-based 5e game

January 7th, 2020, 15:29

I'm looking to join a game as a player under the ideal circumstances:

Text Based (Don't have a good set up to use voice and am generally more comfortable using text)
Games that run Friday, Saturday, or Sunday evenings around 6pm EST

I've been playing 5e since last spring, though I've been DMing more than I've been playing, so I'm eager to get in a game as a player. I have several character ideas already, but could even come up with new ones depending on party needs - though I will say I prefer to play casters.

I have at the ready: a Life Domain Cleric, a Transmutation Wizard, and a Bard (The Bard idea is a bit... out there, so may not be ideal for some games.)

Really looking to play in a game with a lot of good RP, challenging situations, and meaningful combat.

It's important to note that I am fairly new to FG, I'm more used to Roll20 but in terms of 5e mechanics and rules overall, I know my stuff.


February 28th, 2020, 04:04
Did you ever find a game?

I am looking for text games but haven't had any luck so far.

February 28th, 2020, 05:50
I'm running at text based Tyranny of Dragons every Friday at 7h pm EST message me if that interest you.