View Full Version : Anyone using a later than 2018-12 Eclipse with LDT? (Lua Development Tools plugin)

January 5th, 2020, 20:19
[SOLVED] - Currently works in prior release 2019-09 of Eclipse. [SOLVED]

I was setting up a new laptop and downloaded Eclipse: Version: 2019-12 (4.14.0) but when I tried to add the LDT plugins, it fails because it cannot get/install the core (See below.)

The prior version of eclipse I had on my last laptop was 2018-12 (4.10.)

Does anyone here use Eclipse with LDT (Lua Development Tools) - the only reason I used this plug-in was for code syntax sort of thing. I don't obviously RUN or debug the Lua under eclipse. But it gives me an environment I am used to (we use eclipse at the office for Java dev) and more importantly it gives me a nice interface I am used to for git stagings/committing/diffing.

Do you guys have a list of what the last/latest version of Eclipse which works with the LDT (1.4.2?) plugin is?
For now am using a simple text editor and command line on git but would like to change back to Eclipse. I just didn't want to install up to 4 versions of Eclipse until I found out which was the last version that runs that plugin since it will keep adding later unused crud to my system. Just cos I got it with 4TB doesn't mean I want to leave unconnected stuff all over. Knowing it is there irritates me enough ;)


January 7th, 2020, 05:27
If you can't get Eclipse to work. I'd like to suggest an alternative, which is what I use for extension writing.
The free Visual Studio Code text editor, and the following extensions: Lua and/or vscode-lua, Lua Debug, XML Tools.

ps. Can't remember if I had a separate extension to show the document outlines (lists functions etc.) or if it came as default or with the extensions mentioned.

January 7th, 2020, 12:47
One reason I like Eclipse is that I use it at work all day, so it is second nature. One aspect of it that I like, again because I am used to it - not necessarily that it is "better", is the git integration.

Not only the normal right click a file for all git operations, but the bottom (by default) history and git-staging windows. I love keeping a running "commit log" as I stag/unstage when working. It's how I am used to working with it. That said, I would not mind messing with VSCode to try it out.

I am sure I can get Eclipse to work, I am just trying to find out without having to install one at time until the LDT plugin >doesn't< work the 4 or 5 versions between 2018-12 (4.10.x) and 2019-12 (4.14.0)

So if anyone has a version between that running LDT, let me know. If anyone already has one installed and doesn't mind running Install-Plugin for LDT - let me know if it did or didn't install in your version. I know works in 4.10.X and not in 4.14.0. (I believe the x=0, but without going to my older machine not sure from memory.)

January 8th, 2020, 06:28
Found out that ironically 2019-12 was the FIRST non-working with LDT plugin version. Going to 2019-09 solved the issue.

I did install VSCode on my other work macbook to give it a try. The git integration so far does not seem as nice as the staging/committing window view on eclipse (subjective) and I like (maybe due to familiarity only?) the eclipse Team/history view for diffs.
But I want to check it out nonetheless.