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View Full Version : Connection error - Unable to start cloud game server.

January 4th, 2020, 18:55
I get this message when trying to host any of my FGU campaigns, including newly created campaigns.

[1/4/2020 1:40:21 PM] [NOTICE] Launcher scene starting.
[1/4/2020 1:40:44 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Database restore point found. Saved as new backup file (C:/Users/Ed/AppData/Roaming/SmiteWorks/Fantasy Grounds/campaigns/Svilland/db.backup.637137420445539845.xml)
[1/4/2020 1:40:44 PM] [NOTICE] Connection error - Unable to start cloud game server. A server is already registered to your user name.
[1/4/2020 1:40:50 PM] [NOTICE] Connection error - Cancelled by user.

Any help would be appreciated.

January 4th, 2020, 19:24
This is a known issue: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?51880-Hosting-issues

Edit: Apparently the following is incorrect, I thought I had read that there was a timeout involved in most cases: In most cases, the stuck cloud game will clear itself after "a while" of inactivity (check the thread for timing details, I think it might be half an hour?). In a small percentage of cases, it gets stuck forever and you have to use local hosting as a workaround until someone at FG clears the stuck cloud games, which happens periodically.

January 4th, 2020, 21:13
You could also try temporarily changing the campaign to Private/localto see if you can at least load the campaign.

January 5th, 2020, 00:06
Try removing your game password and connecting.

Moon Wizard
January 5th, 2020, 00:10
Once a game server is hung, it won't clear by itself. If you are just testing locally, please select "Local" server type, and you won't need to worry about the cloud server. (Though, if you're on Mac, there is a known issue with local servers too.) We'll be working on the networking issues this month after everyone returns from holiday (including me).


January 6th, 2020, 19:25
I tested FG with remote users in a poor internet environment (hotel with shoddy wifi). What I found was that periodically, it would start acting weird, obviously. When I would use the radial dial to exit, and restart the campaign, the box would pop up and say that the Cloud Server is already registered in my name. However, rebooting my machine cleared it and let me restart the cloud server.

At the same time, my players would get a similar error stating that their Username was already in use.

January 6th, 2020, 22:29
Receiving the same error:

[1/6/2020 5:26:00 PM] [NOTICE] Launcher scene starting.
[1/6/2020 5:26:09 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Database restore point found. Saved as new backup file (C:/Users/John Harrington/AppData/Roaming/SmiteWorks/Fantasy Grounds/campaigns/Bemyria/db.backup.637139283699344185.xml)
[1/6/2020 5:26:09 PM] [NOTICE] Requesting cloud server.
[1/6/2020 5:26:13 PM] [NOTICE] Connected to game server.
[1/6/2020 5:26:13 PM] [NOTICE] Launcher scene exiting.
[1/6/2020 5:26:13 PM] [NOTICE] Tabletop scene starting.

January 12th, 2020, 21:24
I upgraded my system and now I am getting similar results.

[1/12/2020 4:18:54 PM] [NOTICE] Launcher scene starting.
[1/12/2020 4:19:02 PM] [NOTICE] Spawning private server.
[1/12/2020 4:19:04 PM] [NOTICE] Connected to game server.
[1/12/2020 4:19:04 PM] [NOTICE] Launcher scene exiting.
[1/12/2020 4:19:04 PM] [NOTICE] Tabletop scene starting.
[1/12/2020 4:19:04 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] ONLOAD: System.DllNotFoundException: lua5.1
at (wrapper managed-to-native) KeraLua51.NativeMethods.luaL_newstate()
at KeraLua51.Lua..ctor (System.Boolean openLibs) [0x00011] in <e3509a66679142cc9617e708d5bc73f8>:0
at IFEKENHPAFD.MPMEDIHHMKL () [0x00000] in <b92bbb9414354981a3a0b16cb92399bc>:0
at ALHGNNPGGEB.LNFHJHMNNAP () [0x00000] in <b92bbb9414354981a3a0b16cb92399bc>:0
at ALHGNNPGGEB.DFHKHMLOMHH () [0x00000] in <b92bbb9414354981a3a0b16cb92399bc>:0
at FG.FGDesktop.OMJMPOAAMPK () [0x00027] in <b92bbb9414354981a3a0b16cb92399bc>:0
[1/12/2020 4:19:04 PM] [NOTICE] Tabletop scene exiting.
[1/12/2020 4:19:04 PM] [NOTICE] Launcher scene starting.
[1/12/2020 4:19:04 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Lost connection to game server instance. Please return to launcher, and start game again.

January 13th, 2020, 10:31
I upgraded my system and now I am getting similar results.

[1/12/2020 4:18:54 PM] [NOTICE] Launcher scene starting.
[1/12/2020 4:19:02 PM] [NOTICE] Spawning private server.
[1/12/2020 4:19:04 PM] [NOTICE] Connected to game server.
[1/12/2020 4:19:04 PM] [NOTICE] Launcher scene exiting.
[1/12/2020 4:19:04 PM] [NOTICE] Tabletop scene starting.
[1/12/2020 4:19:04 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] ONLOAD: System.DllNotFoundException: lua5.1
at (wrapper managed-to-native) KeraLua51.NativeMethods.luaL_newstate()
at KeraLua51.Lua..ctor (System.Boolean openLibs) [0x00011] in <e3509a66679142cc9617e708d5bc73f8>:0
at IFEKENHPAFD.MPMEDIHHMKL () [0x00000] in <b92bbb9414354981a3a0b16cb92399bc>:0
at ALHGNNPGGEB.LNFHJHMNNAP () [0x00000] in <b92bbb9414354981a3a0b16cb92399bc>:0
at ALHGNNPGGEB.DFHKHMLOMHH () [0x00000] in <b92bbb9414354981a3a0b16cb92399bc>:0
at FG.FGDesktop.OMJMPOAAMPK () [0x00027] in <b92bbb9414354981a3a0b16cb92399bc>:0
[1/12/2020 4:19:04 PM] [NOTICE] Tabletop scene exiting.
[1/12/2020 4:19:04 PM] [NOTICE] Launcher scene starting.
[1/12/2020 4:19:04 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Lost connection to game server instance. Please return to launcher, and start game again.
Welcome to the FG forums. To fix the DLL message see here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?51576-Error-when-starting-joining-a-campaign&p=459814&viewfull=1#post459814