View Full Version : Whats the best way to handle these tables?

January 1st, 2020, 23:42
I am making a module and am coming across an issue I have. Should I let the DM/GM roll these values themselves and just list them in text or do I make encounter tables using dice generated amounts ex: (1d4 goblins)? This also goes for treasure generation. What would be fair to the GM/DM? I think they should just read the text and roll themselves but I dont know what would work better mechanically in FG.

Example: A merchant caravan is encountered making its
way along the road. The caravan contains 1d8 wagons or carts, with an
appropriate number of accompanying pack animals per cart as well as 1d6
caravan guards per cart or wagon. There are 1d3 merchants (commoners)
per cart as well. Merchants on this route are on guard and want little to
do with adventurers; they start with an initial attitude of unfriendly. If the
characters can improve the merchant’s attitude to make them friendlier
with a successful DC 12 Charisma check, they would be willing to provide
general information about road conditions; if they are really friendly (with
a successful DC 15 Charisma check) they allow the party to travel with
them. They do not otherwise offer any aid to the party.

Example 2: Treasure. The guards have 1d12 gp, 2d12 sp, 3d12 cp. Each wagon has
3d100 gp worth of miscellaneous trade goods.

Is there a tutorial online on how to roll these? I know I saw it before, just cant remember where to look for it. This would be a pretty complex set of rolls to program correctly in FG?

January 2nd, 2020, 00:48
Have a look at Story Templates and see if that will work for you.

January 2nd, 2020, 00:49
Not in front of my computer but there’s several ways to do this. First would be to create a Story Template https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Story_Templates

Another method would be to create a single random encounter with 1 wagon, 1d6 guards and 1d3 merchants, and then call that encounter 1d8 times from a table.

For the treasure one table for the guards treasure and one for the carts. The guards can be just one row and three columns [1d12] GP etc.

You won’t be able to call this table the correct amount of times since there isn’t a way to call a table from a random encounter, so the DM will need to roll for each guard when needed.