View Full Version : New and Inexperienced DM LFG, 5E

Rex of Friendship Party
December 31st, 2019, 22:06
My availability is 1pm to 10pm EST, UTC -5. Looking for about 4 players in a 5 man group.

I can play any day except for Fridays.

I'm still learning the rules and such, but I would use them as guidelines, not as full set rules if its in the way of the entire group's enjoyment.

I'm going to start the adventure, Lost Mine of Phandelver. Then I'll probably sttart making my own homebrew settings/worlds.

I hope I can meet and play with people who enjoy roleplay.

My discord is Nia#5294

I'm hoping for a long term group

Edit: I'm now full

December 31st, 2019, 22:50
I'd be interested in joining. I have some experience so I can help out with things like rules and effects of spells/feats if needed.

My discord is Lyion #4583

January 1st, 2020, 16:24
i am inexperienced with fantasy grounds myself due to not haveing any friend so a game or two would be helpful

January 2nd, 2020, 04:43
would love to join. My discord is corruptdragon #8876. I have a few character ideas and am looking for a long term campaign to grow characters and evolve them in a storyline. =)

January 4th, 2020, 06:25
Would like to join let me know what you need from me

January 4th, 2020, 10:34
I'm trying my best to find a group, so I'll send a discord request your way :)
my code is Izui#0585 and i've only ever had one party before which only had three random sessions
I'm free on Sunday and Monday probably from around 12:00PM-3:00AM PST

January 4th, 2020, 11:49
Interested if you still have the room. New to FG but looking to get my feet wet.

Name: Scott,D

Age: 40+

Real to Game: Sun-Mon 8am until whenever, Tue morning hours 8am on until 3pmish CST Thr-Fri 8am-12pmish CST So optimal would be a Sun or Mon or some on Tue

Contact Info: Email:[email protected] Discord: wwolf1#2597

TTRPG Experience: Off-an-on since military mid 90s. Mostly experienced with 2-3.5e but have started recently trying to get into 5e (a few sessions under my belt). I have access to nearly everything printed from 2.0 thru 3.5 in pdf format as well as the hard copies of nearly all the major books for 3-3.5 Forgotten Realms setting (also a huge fan of Drivethru RPG) with the ability to get a hold of most 5E pdf. Longest campaign ever was TTRPG homebrew D&D 3-3.5 while in military. Every Sat&Sun for 8+hrs and it lasted nearly 2 years (lvl 1-23epic). I have a love/HATE relationship with Planescape and Sigil in particular (stupid doors to gods know where seems to be around every corner). I have also enjoyed/played Robotech, Palladium System (Fantasy,Twilight 2k, Mutants&Masterminds) and D20 System-Modern/Cyberscape/Future/Past and Apocalypse) and have even enjoyed a few games of Warhammer 40k (love my Tyranids and Necrons. Lost nearly all of my local gaming group over the past 4 years or so due to RL constraints and have been forced to try the online route (having mixed results).

Player Interests: 60/40 role-play/combat would be preferred as it usually provides plenty to do for those in either camp. Political intrigue where your choices can make a difference but requires strength of arms to make it happen/enforce it.

What I look for out a campaign: A rich campaign where a character can make a difference and your character choices matter for good or ilk. A group that can work together forming a phalanx or knows when to attack in an echelon when needed but isn't afraid to banter/give each other a hard time while enjoying an ale around a fireplace. A campaign that last long enough to establish a character with a rich history or atleast the ability to establish a character for later adventures. I am often the one that wants to know what the tavern is serving for dinner as well as what building is behind the tavern, who lives there and what is their history (never know when you might meet an unlikely ally).

Art Wendorf
January 4th, 2020, 13:15
For those of us old farts, how does knowing the person's Discord thingy (like Nia#5294) work in discord.

LOL. I'm slowly becoming my parents when it comes to this Tech Thingy.

Rex of Friendship Party
January 4th, 2020, 16:27
Unfortunately, I'm now full. Discord is a program where you can socialize and that's my username and ID tag

Art Wendorf
January 4th, 2020, 17:17
Oh, I figured you'd be full. And I use Discord quite a bit (at a more basic level). I was just trying to guess what to do with the ID tag in Discord.\

Thanks for the friendly reply!