View Full Version : Host - Unable to Connect should be a priority fix!

December 31st, 2019, 04:21
I realize there are many FGU issues that need to be resolved but the issue of "Hung Cloud Hosting Sessions" should be made a priority fix. I say this because this bug can only be resolved by Moon Wizard and he is on a well deserved vacation. So according to Moon Wizard's post today anyone that has a "Hung Host Session" will have to wait until the end of the week when he returns and clears the servers before macOS users like me are able to use FGU again because the macOS version of FGU can not use the local server to host a game due to a different bug affecting macOS FGU. At a minimum al least one other person at FG should have the ability to clear the hung hosting sessions.

After I submitted this post I again attempted to host other rulesets and I was able to connect to the cloud server. I was also able to connect to the hung host sessions that previously would not allow me host those campaigns.

Moon Wizard
December 31st, 2019, 05:23

It is a priority for both Ryan and myself. There are several good reasons why I haven't given the okay for running live games yet, and the cloud server issues and Mac local server issues are the highest among them. Getting the networking solidified is a big focus for us in January.

Unfortunately, there are many other priorities, such as getting all the rulesets actually working within FGU, as well as fixing network data synchronization items. Without those, having the servers up doesn't really gain much. I actually just did a big push in early December to clean up initial game connections, file sharing and data synchronization.

Ryan and I actually did a shared debugging session on Mac local hosting before both of us went on vacation; and it was working when we tested on the development machines but not working when we did the build to beta testers right after. This leads us to believe that it is a configuration issue for Macs that we have to drill in on. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to track down the exact issue before we both had to leave town.

For the other network tasks (such as cloud server work), I need to be at my home office where I can run multiple clients, as well as have all my development tools handy. Additionally, it's the kind of work that requires uninterrupted time, as well as a lot of setup for very incremental gains. I actually expect "visible" cleanup work to slow down while I work out the kinks in the networking in January. The networking issues tend to be the hardest to debug; and require a lot of instrumentation for every issue.

We'll get it working, but there will be bumps...

Happy holidays,

December 31st, 2019, 12:54
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. I have no doubts that everyone involved with the FGU development are working hard to squash the bugs. At first I hesitated to even write my original post because I feared it would be misinterpreted as angry or demanding which was not my intention.

My main concern was that these hung sessions could only be cleared by one person at FG and if that person was unavailable to work then there was not a means to clear these hung sessions. You have the big picture view and I do not but I felt it was an important enough problem that I should express my opinion.

I truly hope you have a great and relaxing vacation with your family!