View Full Version : Problems loading module

December 30th, 2019, 00:06

First of all, I'm sorry if this has been posted into oblivion, but I did a search and didn't find the same problem as me...

So, I've recently bought the DnD 5e Players handbook trough steam. The program says I own a copy and the files have been already downloaded to it. When I run a campaign on Fantasy Grounds, I see the rules added (all the characters and such) BUT the module says I don't OWN the file, just the "complete" SDR.
(pic related)


I know i can work with the SDR ruleset as it is, but I kinda bought something and I'm inspecting the program to acknowledge it. Am I doing something wrong? Am I just being retard? Please send help.

Thanks in advance.

December 30th, 2019, 00:16
I'm not actually familiar with that Module Set Load window so I'm a bit worried I'm missing something obvious..

Anyway, teh way I would check is in your 5E campaign, do a "Library" > "Modules" and see if the PHB shows up there. Does it? If so, click the load button. If not, return to the launcher screen and make sure your FG username is entered and you are linked to your Steam account. Then run an Update. When the update finished, return to your campaign and modules window.

Let me know if that doesn't solve.

December 30th, 2019, 00:50
I've figured out. My Steam acc and FG acc weren't synced, so my buys weren't loading. A extensive google search revealed the culprit. Thanks anyway =)

December 30th, 2019, 01:44
I'm not actually familiar with that Module Set Load window so I'm a bit worried I'm missing something obvious..
It's part of the campaign setup window that appears in new campaigns (or if you click the "Setup" button in the options window). The "Data Modules" window within the setup has some hard coded module data sets, configured in the ruleset itself.

December 30th, 2019, 04:10
It's part of the campaign setup window that appears in new campaigns (or if you click the "Setup" button in the options window). The "Data Modules" window within the setup has some hard coded module data sets, configured in the ruleset itself.
Thanks, must have been introduced since the last time I created a campaign!