View Full Version : Call of Cthulhu One Shot

December 27th, 2019, 14:18

Call of Cthulhu One Shot
Approx 3 hours

Looking for 2-5 players
Sunday morning my time... probably Sat afternoon/evening your time...

Reply below....

December 27th, 2019, 15:17
I've never played A Cthulu game but I've heard a bit. If you don't mind lagging a bit to teach a new player I'd love to join! What time were you looking at though?

December 27th, 2019, 15:57
I would be interested in playing, as with obelisks, I am new to the ruleset.

December 27th, 2019, 18:36

I am interested in playing this. I have not played this ruleset before, but I imagine I can pick it up. Just finished reading the complete works of Lovecraft and it would be fun to try the RPG. Let me know if you still have open seats.


December 27th, 2019, 21:52
Hi good people - the first link should show you the time. It is in 25 hours from the time of this post.
Ii have all three of you in -


You need zero experience with Call of Cthulhu or even Fantasy Grounds - all will be explained.

What you will need to know is that Call of Cthulhu is nothing like Dungeons and Dragons. You are not dragon slaying heroes off to save the world. You are mere mortals, every day Joes, with real world skills and experience and you are unexpectedly exposed to things you dont understand, cant explain and probably cant kill... The most likely outcomes for your Investigator are Death or Insanity.

Please do post again to confirm that you can make that time and that you still want to try it out.

December 27th, 2019, 22:30
Sounds great, I'm in.

Will we be using voice or chat? If voice, discord?

December 27th, 2019, 23:30
Sounds great, I'm in.

Will we be using voice or chat? If voice, discord?

Voice. We can use Discord or TeamSpeak.

December 27th, 2019, 23:47
Any room for another player?

December 28th, 2019, 00:03
I would vote for Discord, but can set up Teamspeak if I need to.

December 28th, 2019, 00:06
Any room for another player?

Hi PhilAdams yes - you make it five.
Pending a couple of confirmations we look good to go.

December 28th, 2019, 01:29
Awesome. Thanks!

December 28th, 2019, 03:27
Confirmed. Looking forward to it.

December 28th, 2019, 09:51
Hi just wondering if theirs any room left for another new player?

December 28th, 2019, 11:57
Hi just wondering if theirs any room left for another new player?

Hey buddy, I do have 5 already and this type of game does run better with smaller rather than larger groups.
I do hope to run another in the next couple of weeks and Ill give you first shot if the timing works for you.

December 28th, 2019, 21:37
Hi Damned - Is the game for today (its possible I messed up the time conversion - but dont see server details)?

December 28th, 2019, 22:41
I've not played Call of Cthulhu but I've looked over the books some and would like to play sometime if you run another one shot. I hope you all have a great game tonight/today.

December 28th, 2019, 22:42
Hi Team,

Sorry - been running around with chores.

Server: insane hook puny idol
Voice: FG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/8pNC2H

December 28th, 2019, 22:42
Hi cphillips27 same as Fenrirfnrir above - ill hold you a slot when I run the next one shot ok.

December 28th, 2019, 22:47
Awesome. Thank you very much.

December 29th, 2019, 02:45
Thanks PhilAdams, Talen, Grundole and Ellspeth

The investigators discovered untold wealth and riches - and perhaps something more...



December 29th, 2019, 03:14
Out of curiosity, how do you blur out portions of your screenshot like that?

December 29th, 2019, 03:27
I did blur out sections of story as CoC is very investigative.
I use GiMP for most things image editing.
I used a select tool to pick the various areas and then I went to Blur -> Pixellise and set it to 4px.

December 29th, 2019, 03:47
I did blur out sections of story as CoC is very investigative.
I use GiMP for most things image editing.
I used a select tool to pick the various areas and then I went to Blur -> Pixellise and set it to 4px.

Cool - thanks. :)

December 31st, 2019, 23:01
Thanks much for taking the time to run that. Sorry for the Discord chaos.

January 7th, 2020, 13:39
Sorry - short notice - but thats how it is...

Fenrirfnrir and cphillips27 you get first dibs on spots if you are available.
