View Full Version : Slave Pins

November 26th, 2006, 16:12
I was planning on putting together a calender site to schedule D&D Miniature battles using the standard d20 rule set, and some tokens I made from WotC miniature pictures. I wanted to see what the following would be for this.

How it would work is I will post availability times for matches and anyone able to play that day will post in the message log at the bottom(for first come first serve) of the calendar and on the day.

Each player will start with 100 gold bars. Each slave costs 1 gold bar per point in the miniature cost. A miniature costs half its cost to resurrect and one quarter its cost to heal.

Each match has a prize set based on the chance of miniature death, and miniature cost to participate. The more miniatures involved, and more dangerous the higher the prize.

If you might be interested in this idea post a comment here. Thank You and see you around the forums.