View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Saturday night Game CST US Time Zone prefer 5E

December 24th, 2019, 23:20
FG License: Ultimate
Time Zone:Central Time USA.
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Looking for Friday or Saturday evening games, 5pm-11pm CST, weekly (or more. I DM one group on Mondays and play in another campaign on Tuesdays)
Term: Long term
Voice: Currently have Discord, but could add voice app required for group.
Game System Preferred: D&D 5E, D&D 3.5
Game System Experience: D&D 3.0, D&D 3.5, D&D 4E and D&D 5E
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Been using Fantasy Grounds for a few months. Comfortable with the tool set.

Character Type Preferred: Monk, Ranger or other melee, but happy to play whatever the group needs to round out the needed expertise.
About me: I like a mix of combat and role-play. I like a collaborative group of players, as opposed to a group that works at cross purposes. I do like to develop a character's persona and play as the character, incorporating backstory, voice, mannerisms, expressions etc., to make the session more enjoyable for myself and everyone else. I do like to bring levity to the game at times, but, I do not distract. I also come from the school of play that recognizes the DM has the final say, so I don't engage in rules-lawyering, but instead prefer to trust that the DM knows how to advance the flow of the game. I do not tend to min-max, but prefer to select the race of creature that matches the persona I have created. I do like to be an active participant, but don't like to hog the limelight. As such, I usually will wait to give others in a group the chance to speak up during a role-play encounter, stepping in, only to enhance the direction of conversation which others start, or to begin the conversation in the absence of input from other players.

December 27th, 2019, 00:44