View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF SUN-FRI EST US Time Zone prefer non d20

December 21st, 2019, 13:35
For now demo version (should have Ultimate Lisc by the middle of Jan 2020).

Usually go out with friends on Saturday but any other day of the week is good. I do have a day job, but get out by 1600 EST.

Looking mostly for non-fantasy and non-d20 setting, prefer science fiction. If it's "strange" fantasy than I am game to check things out ("strange fantasy" is stuff like Deadlands, Weird Wars, Day After Ragnarok, Endless Realms, and Cataclysm), stuff that isn't run of the mill Tolkien stuff..... I know, that makes me the odd man out for most games.

Experience: Have been playing RPGs since about 1982 or 1983 under a zillion different mechanics from Basic D&D to 2d20 Star Trek.

FG experience? I'm so wet behind the ears I'd need to have a roll of paper towels with me... however I have been using computers about as long as I have been gaming so I am a quick study and shouldn't need to have someone hold my hand explaining how to open a file :p.

As above I said I said I'm a newbe, as such am also willing to help other newbes try to set thing up. We can get frustrated together at not quite being at a certain point on the learning curve. No one starts out painting a masterpiece and we all have to go through growing pains before getting good at things.

I'm open to most game mechanics including homebrew mechanics and settings. Have played (tabletop bot VTT) D&D, d20, Pathfinder, GRUPS, Savage World, and a poop ton of other systems. When you've played a few different mechanics it's easy to grasp the basics of a new system. It's like knowing how to drive and getting a rental car (the headlights, radio controls, and where the wiper blades are in different places).

Character Role: Depends on the setting but like medics that can at least hit the broad side of a barn with a blaster.

Dream Games? Just about any Post Apocalypse (not zombies), Weird Wars, The Expanse, Deadlands Noir, Gangbusters, Firefly, Dead Gentleman's Demon Hunters.

Mostly just wanting to get up and running. One shot, mini campaign, helping someone test out their own setting.