View Full Version : Creating items that allow spellcasting D&D 5e

December 16th, 2019, 20:02
I can't find an answer anywhere, please, point me to the right post if this has been answered already.
How can I create an item (i.e. A sword) which allows the owner the casting of one spell (once per day, for example)?
I've got the same problem trying to create potions with effects of spells. Is it possible?

December 16th, 2019, 20:14
Sure it's possible, but FG wont automate the creation of the action.

For an example, take something like Blackrazor or a Staff of the Magi and created tour item in a similar way. Then the player will have to create a set of actions or powers to use with the item. You cann refer to the 5e Effects wikipage, Mr Z"s youtube videos or Rob Twohy"s item effects module on the DMs Guild for specifics.

December 16th, 2019, 21:28
Hi PonC. welcome to FG.

Yes, what you want to do is certainly possible. As LE says you'll need to add a Power Group to the actions tab and include the spell in that along with the needed limit of 1 use per day.

For more information on effects see the Wiki. (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Effects) And for a more visual approach here's a link to some videos (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?41478-Effects-Videos-for-5E).

December 18th, 2019, 17:21
Thanks a lot.
It would be lovely if that effect was attached to the item somehow, so if one player gives his potion (i.e with the effect of "Pass without a trace") to another player, the receiving player won't need to create a power with that effect. This also apply to weapons or wands.
Anyway, this will do, so I got what I was looking for :)

December 18th, 2019, 20:14
It would be lovely if that effect was attached to the item somehow...
See if this community extension helps: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?40833-5E-Advanced-Effects-(items-npcs-characters)