View Full Version : LFP SWADE, Regime Diabolique (All for One), 8:30 PM GMT/UTC+0, Monday Evenings.

December 16th, 2019, 07:08
FG License: Ultimate
Game System: SWADE
Day of week and time: Sunday evenings at 8:30 PM GMT/UTC+0. Europe.
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Weekly 3-4 hour sessions. 20 minute break in the middle.
Term: Short to medium length campaign.
Voice: Discord, good mic and connection required, voice only.
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No recording or streaming allowed.

Roleplay & Combat mix: 60 RP/40 Combat
Number of Players in game & needed: Have 4 players, need 1-2 more.

Calendar Entry: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=3705

Details of your scenario:
Complementing music score: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxAsk3E3fz4

"Bonjour mes amis", says the man before you. His clothes are typical for one of his position, a musketeer for a number of years. He removes his feather capped leather hat, smiles at you from underneath his thick black mustache.

After a swig of his ale in the gardens of this small café under the Parisian sun he continues.

Ah.. our loved city of Paris he says, while beckoning his arm around. Such a beacon of splendor!

Here in our blessed lords year of 1636, our king Louis XIII sits on the throne as a leader of men and nation. So deigned by god. Foolhardy and unscrupulous forces still wish to challenge his position, both from within and outside Royaume de France.

Then there's Cardinal Richelieu, our religious leader here in Paris, and the right hand of Louis. Some men call him a divine figure, others more brave or foolish, call him a devil. His ways are at times questionable in his religious persecution, but I am but a simple man who follows orders, who am I to question the divine will of the Pope in Rome!?

During the day Paris is the height of civilization and fashion, a symbol of greatness to all nations. Though fewer know, it has a darker seedy underbelly. Furthermore, while most likely the mad ramblings of drunkards and the poor. Recently stranger fantastical tales, of ungodly shadows skulking our streets at night, circulate under the pale lights of burning oil wicks in tavern chambers. Alas many a man and woman will tell tall tales after a few drinks have loosened lips.

"And minds.." he quickly adds, before breaking into a short stint of laughter.

Finishing a final hasted deep drink from his mug, he smiles ones more. Gets up, dusting off his uniform and putting his white feathered hat back on while fixing his rapiers sheath at his side.

"Alors, mes amis, I must return to duty. Look around and enjoy what the city has to offer."

With a final bow the man thanks you for the drink, then makes his way through the crowd down the cobble-stoned streets, towards the palace.


About me: I'm an experienced GM, that delivers a narrative experience with voice acting.

To apply: Tell me a little about yourself and your roleplay experience.

December 23rd, 2019, 06:12
We are in need of one more brave soul, to enter the lands of France under the rule of King Louise XIII. To take on whatever dangers and mysteries take place in the shadows of night and under golden chandeliers of the noble court.

December 28th, 2019, 14:00
I'd really like to play.
is the Edge AB (magic) available in your world?

December 29th, 2019, 18:35
Ah, hello! It is great to see another role play based campaign here on the site, I have a tiefling character name Madraw the Lucky, and I'd love to play! I just don't have Discord, any other way for communication?
Edit: I forgot to add in that I have a 7/10 with role play, and I love campaigns that are role play heavy, so, it'd be great to be able to play!