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View Full Version : Sailing ship combat question (Ghosts of Saltmarsh)

December 11th, 2019, 08:10
As an example I am using the stat block from The "Warship" others are similar. In the "ACTIONS" section its states "on its turn the ship can take 3 actions, choosing from the options below" It has 3 options "Fire Ballista (2) , Fire Mangonel (2) and Move.

From this I can assume it can move, fire a ballista and fire a mangonel as its actions for that turn or any such combinations.. My question is ..because there are 2 ballistas or 2 mangonels do you fire both ballistas counting as one action and firing both mangonels counting as one action?

I think Im seeing it as you can only fire one counting as one action. which means for 3 actions per turrn you can fire a ballista 2 times as thats all you have and move or fire one mangonel.

Any thoughts on this is greatly appreciated .. thanx in advance.

Edit : I found the answer... In the actions tab for ballistas or Mangonels it says 2 targets .. ie Fire Ballista(2) so in essence its says for one action I can fire both ballistas at a target .. 2 targets..

December 11th, 2019, 20:55
Yes, once you read the whole thing it becomes clear. It's a bit vague when it says it can take three actions choosing then from only three actions; but once you read that it can have less actions once the crew is completed it makes more sense. So with a full crew it can take all three actions and firing both Ballistas or Both mangonels count as a single action.