View Full Version : LFG - EU player - Weds/Thurs GMT - D&D 5e

December 9th, 2019, 12:45
LFG 1 Player, Monday and/or Thurs Evenings. EU GMT Time Zone. D&D 5E

FG License: Ultimate
Time Zone: GMT
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: 18.30 GMT onwards. Monday, and/or Thursday. Can't edit post title but I am only looking for games on Monday and Thursday evenings GMT
Term: Long term
Voice: Discord preferable

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E
Game System Experience: D&D 5E
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Pretty familiar with FG, I currently DM a home-brew and play in other long term campaigns.

Character Type Preferred: I've played most types of characters in my time from pure healers to getting stuck in your face fighters.
About me: I'm a young 50 from England, played AD&D when it was current but took a long hiatus until getting back into 5e & FG just over two years ago. I'd like to think the people I've played with in the past would not have any negative comments about my play-style and I believe in letting the game flow.

Thanks in advance.

January 1st, 2020, 11:50

January 6th, 2020, 14:15

January 6th, 2020, 15:18
Our group is just starting up a 5E game playing on wednesdays european time if you are interested.

January 6th, 2020, 15:30
I've sent you a PM