View Full Version : Shortcuts for various UI windows operations

December 5th, 2019, 00:22

Will Unity support standard keyboard shortcuts for various UI windows operations that are common in most other software?

- CTRL/CMD-W to close the currently active window.

- CTRL/CMD-TAB to switch between windows, especially needed when they are on top of each other.

- CTRL/CMD-+/- to zoom in and out.

- F11 to maximize/restore a window.

Thanks and regards.

December 5th, 2019, 00:28

Will Unity support standard keyboard shortcuts for various UI windows operations that are common in most other software?

- CTRL/CMD-W to close the currently active window.

- CTRL/CMD-TAB to switch between windows, especially needed when they are on top of each other.

- CTRL/CMD-+/- to zoom in and out.

- F11 to maximize/restore a window.

Thanks and regards.

Hi :)

When I've understood it correctly then no, there is in FG not really something like an "active window" because they're technically not windows, more templates for something and so on :) This would probably need a lot of code rewrite. I may be wrong now with that explanation (I only try to remember what Moon Wizard wrote somewhere, my memory may be wrong) but I am mostly sure that these hotkeys do not exist in FGU :)

Moon Wizard
December 5th, 2019, 03:53
We will not be adding any additional window management features before release. We will prioritize window management improvements along with all other requested features after release.


December 5th, 2019, 04:49
Ideas such as these should be added to the Wishlist if they are not already there. See the link in Moon Wizard's signature for the wishlist.