View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF M,T,Th,F, or S about 10:00 AM MT US, Multiple Systems

November 29th, 2019, 15:44
FG License: Free (I'm fairly new to FG)
Time Zone: MT US
Day(s) of week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday
Frequency: Prefer weekly
Time: 10:00 AM +/- 2 hours
Term: Long-term player, looking for a campaign (I really like character development). Willing to do one-shots, especially to try new systems I'm less familiar with to determine if it's playable (see below).
Voice: Have Discord can dl other functional voice software

Game System Preferred: I'm most familiar with D&D 5e and Universe the RPG (multiple years playing both)
Willing to try: Pathfinder 1 and 2, World of Darkness (really interested in Mage the Awakening), Cypher Systems (Numenera, etc.), Fate, Savage Worlds (I really want to try Rifts Savage World), Palladium (I love the concept for Rifts, but the execution seems... flawed), Star Wars, Star Trek, Traveller (maybe?), Mouseguard.

Game System Experience: I have played about 15 years of Universe the RPG and 5+ years of D&D 5e. I currently DM 5e for a group of kids (ages 6-12). I have tried building Palladium characters but after 2 hours into character creation with ever changing stats because of relational changes, I gave up. Though, I was able to create characters for TMNT. I have also looked through character creation in Pathfinder 1 and 2. With PF1, I got a little lost with the feats, but loved the ability to create what I wanted. PF2, seemed like a breeze in comparison. I've read through character creation in some other systems like Numenera and WoD and I'm interested in trying them out.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I dabbled in it a while ago, and might need some guidance. I've mainly used that other one, the software that shall not be named. But I'm willing to change my ways. I am a quick learner, though, and it shouldn't take me long to figure things out.

Character Type Preferred: I'll break this down by genre. Fantasy: I like to play with some magic/psionics. I'm generally not the wizard, but more of the warlock, the bard, the druid, or the cleric. Sometimes I get to play the tank. Sci-Fi: It depends on what is available. If psionics is available, I generally want to play with it. If not, then it depends on the system. In my last sci-fi game, I played a clinical psychologist with limited weapons training stationed on a planet with a hostile military and alien presence. I loved that character.

About me: I like to have a significant amount of roleplay involved in my games (65%+). Combat can be fun, but it's not always the best option and, in some cases, can be entirely lethal or have long-term, detrimental repercussions that impact the party. I'm not averse to combat. I've played the blaster, but I prefer to try and do battlefield control and utility to help the party shine. The last character I played in 5e was a bard who basically stayed out of the fight except for giving advantage and extra rolls to the party while mocking the enemy. That type of stuff allowed the party to defeat several very lethal encounters with very few problems.

I enjoy collaborative storytelling, which is what rpgs really are. I enjoy the story and how the characters develop and progress. And that's why I enjoy long-term campaigns: character development. That's usually not something you get in one-shots. But that doesn't mean one-shots can't be fun.

I'm fairly laid back. Not a rules lawyer, but more of a "rule of cool" type of person. DMing for the group of kids has especially taught me to just roll with what they throw at me and see what happens from there.

Thanks for taking some time to read this post.