View Full Version : 3.5 PH, DMG, and MM?

November 28th, 2019, 23:22
Hey all!

I am completely new to FG and looking to use it to run a 3.5 campaign for friends. I have looked all over for the official books for 3.5 but cant seem to find them.... are the players handbook and dungeon masters guide just combined together for the included 3.5 ruleset that comes preloaded? Does anyone have a module for the Expanded Psionics Handbook? What other modules or extensions would you guys deem absolutely vital for a 3.5/pathfinder campaign?

November 28th, 2019, 23:27
No license for 3.5 was ever granted, so you will not find them. Their are OGL/SRD sources only that you can find.

That said, PF does have a license, so you will be able to find some of the PF books in the FG Store. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/?sys=9&pub=-1&typ=-1&search=&sort=1

November 29th, 2019, 03:37
Back in the day, there was a series of modules by Digital Adventures which had most if not all the main SRD content for 3.5. No idea when or where I got it, but I have been carrying it around in my data folder for years now. But it does have Psionics, Monsters, Spells, Epic Rules, Divine Rules, Magic Items, and the Basic Rules all converted. If you can find them some place, they are a good start to what you are looking for. And before you ask, I cannot release them as they were not created by me and if memory serves, they were a paid for product.


Dug through my purchase history and found when I bought it. Turns out it was back in 2012. I didn't seem to find it in the store, but, using my history, here is the link (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=DGA044) to what I am talking about.

November 29th, 2019, 04:01
Back in the day, there was a series of modules by Digital Adventures which had most if not all the main SRD content for 3.5. No idea when or where I got it, but I have been carrying it around in my data folder for years now. But it does have Psionics, Monsters, Spells, Epic Rules, Divine Rules, Magic Items, and the Basic Rules all converted. If you can find them some place, they are a good start to what you are looking for. And before you ask, I cannot release them as they were not created by me and if memory serves, they were a paid for product.


Dug through my purchase history and found when I bought it. Turns out it was back in 2012. I didn't seem to find it in the store, but, using my history, here is the link (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=DGA044) to what I am talking about.

If nothing else at least this will give my players the access to Psionic classes! Thanks so much for the link.

November 29th, 2019, 09:33
If nothing else at least this will give my players the access to Psionic classes! Thanks so much for the link.

Just be aware of that this is a very old module :) This means there is not much drag&drop ability, the classes for example are pure library information, you have to create the classes on your own still when you want to use automation (or you adjust the character sheet manually) :) But the module is nice for having all the rules information in the library which you can then drag&drop into hotkeys for example :)

ah, and welcome :D

November 29th, 2019, 18:51
Just be aware of that this is a very old module :) This means there is not much drag&drop ability, the classes for example are pure library information, you have to create the classes on your own still when you want to use automation (or you adjust the character sheet manually) :) But the module is nice for having all the rules information in the library which you can then drag&drop into hotkeys for example :)

ah, and welcome :D

I have hardbacks of all the books. If I enter the class information manually it will have drag and drop capability? If so I might just add the 10 or so psionic classes that way

November 29th, 2019, 19:03
I have hardbacks of all the books. If I enter the class information manually it will have drag and drop capability? If so I might just add the 10 or so psionic classes that way

Yes, FG has a parser, it can understand basic sentences to automate some things :) There is sadly no thread about that for 3.5e/PF1 but when you keep the wording as in the books you are on the safe side to automate as much as possible. Here is some image about a class I typed into FG:


You see there is some "Other" tab for classes on the right side (the right window is the class definition) and that's where you have to look at for automation of drag&drop. At the top you can define basic things like the saves, skills etc., they are completely automated by your data :) Below is a list about all the features and at which level you get these features :) I clicked on one feature and you see its description in the left window. I used the standard formulation such that FG askes me everytime when this feature gets added to the sheet which spell class I want to level :) (though for this specific feature FG already knows what to do by the header, I believe)

When someone levels then that person will see in that chat what happens and what is automated. The rest has to be done manually :) (many features just get added under class abilities, their consequences often have to be done manually then)

EDIT: Any purchasable module basically "only" gives you things which you could also type in on your own but they help you of course in sense of that you do not have to put so much time into that and for that these modules are extremely great and useful :) For 3.5e there are sadly no other purchasable modules, but the ruleset of 3.5e, so also the automation, you already have, everything is "just" data which could be purchased separately :) There is also the 3.5e SRD data which you also already got, this automates also a lot :) (and is in that point much better than the linked complete SRD purchasable module; that module is sadly too old and does not take usage of all automation. It is, as said, only nice for the references to rules inside of FG)

November 29th, 2019, 19:46
Yes, FG has a parser, it can understand basic sentences to automate some things :) There is sadly no thread about that for 3.5e/PF1 but when you keep the wording as in the books you are on the safe side to automate as much as possible. Here is some image about a class I typed into FG:


You see there is some "Other" tab for classes on the right side (the right window is the class definition) and that's where you have to look at for automation of drag&drop. At the top you can define basic things like the saves, skills etc., they are completely automated by your data :) Below is a list about all the features and at which level you get these features :) I clicked on one feature and you see its description in the left window. I used the standard formulation such that FG askes me everytime when this feature gets added to the sheet which spell class I want to level :) (though for this specific feature FG already knows what to do by the header, I believe)

Thanks so much for all the information! Currently I am using the included 3.5 material as well as some of the pathfinder materials that give extra races and classes. Small issue im seeing however is small differences in the core races for pathfinder and the same races in 3.5. Example: 3.5 humans get and extra feat while core pathfinder humans get +2 to one stat of their choice. Is there a way to just hide the core races while keeping the extra ones since they come from the same module?

November 29th, 2019, 19:48
No, there isn't an option to do that.

November 29th, 2019, 19:50
Thanks so much for all the information! Currently I am using the included 3.5 material as well as some of the pathfinder materials that give extra races and classes. Small issue im seeing however is small differences in the core races for pathfinder and the same races in 3.5. Example: 3.5 humans get and extra feat while core pathfinder humans get +2 to one stat of their choice. Is there a way to just hide the core races while keeping the extra ones since they come from the same module?

sadly not, when you load a module then everything is loaded but it is sorted by groups, so you can see next to each entry where it comes from and clicking on that filters the entries by the corresponding group, too (e.g. only showing races from the 3.5e SRD and so on) :)

November 29th, 2019, 19:56
sadly not, when you load a module then everything is loaded but it is sorted by groups, so you can see next to each entry where it comes from and clicking on that filters the entries by the corresponding group, too (e.g. only showing races from the 3.5e SRD and so on) :)

Meh. Easy enough to ask players to ignore the core group while selecting their race. Again I appreciate all the info. I spent 2 days getting a theme set up and making tokens. Im ready to start making battlemaps for the campaign now. I run a starfinder campaign IRL thats all based around the Rovagug lore and can't wait to jump into this 3.5 campaign that will be based around events prior to my pathfinder story arc. Do you guys have a recommendation on software to use for map making? I was kind of thinking of using RPG maker to design the maps and just import them over

November 29th, 2019, 19:59
Meh. Easy enough to ask players to ignore the core group while selecting their race. Again I appreciate all the info. I spent 2 days getting a theme set up and making tokens. Im ready to start making battlemaps for the campaign now. I run a starfinder campaign IRL thats all based around the Rovagug lore and can't wait to jump into this 3.5 campaign that will be based around events prior to my pathfinder story arc. Do you guys have a recommendation on software to use for map making? I was kind of thinking of using RPG maker to design the maps and just import them over

For map making there is some sticky thread with a summary of some programs in a tabel: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20879-Map-Making-Software-summary :) I only used CC3+ so far, therefore I can not really make any good comparison :D (but you might want to ask in the linked thread, there surely will someone read this knowing more than me :) )

EDIT: and yes, your players will surely be able to ignore the wrong races :D

November 29th, 2019, 20:11
CC3+ is a pricey but awesome option. Both Inkarnate and Wonderdraft are much less expensive options that are pretty good. Map Forge is decent but does have its drawbacks (its a 32-bit app that doesn't play well with a 64-bit OS in my experience), Dungeon Painter Studio (via Steam) is a pretty nice tool as well. I have also played around with AutoRealm from NBOS, but haven't used it in a long time.

November 29th, 2019, 21:56
CC3+ is a pricey but awesome option. Both Inkarnate and Wonderdraft are much less expensive options that are pretty good. Map Forge is decent but does have its drawbacks (its a 32-bit app that doesn't play well with a 64-bit OS in my experience), Dungeon Painter Studio (via Steam) is a pretty nice tool as well. I have also played around with AutoRealm from NBOS, but haven't used it in a long time.

CC3+ looks great and I think I will pick it up. Whats the best dimensions to use per map? What fits perfectly in the default window for maps and images on FG?

November 29th, 2019, 22:10
The recommended size is 2048x2048 pixels as a JPG, and less than 1MB in size, although since SmiteWorks changed the way the client handles images there are people that have made larger ones. Most people use 50px to a 5 foot square.

Don't export the map with a grid, put a 50px grey square in one corner to let you line up FG's grid with that square.

Take a look at these maps by Lord Entrails to see what I am referring to. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?38853-Lord-Entrail-s-Maps

I should add, as well the viewing area depends a lot on the user's screen resolution.

November 30th, 2019, 00:28
CC3+ looks great and I think I will pick it up. Whats the best dimensions to use per map? What fits perfectly in the default window for maps and images on FG?
CC3 is a vector based CAD program. Meaning if you want a hallway to be 10 feet wide, then you draw it 10 feet wide. If you want a regional map to be 200 miles wide, then you draw it 200 miles wide.

When you export it, then you decide how many pixels you want it to be exported as. The typical suggestion for FGC is 5 ft squares should be 50 pixels. That means for a battlemap that is 200 feet wide, you export it as 2000 pixels wide.

November 30th, 2019, 00:51
This blog post might come in handy. I forgot all about it till I saw LE's reply.
