View Full Version : CoS interest check, DM LFP's, Sundays, beginning late afternoons PST

November 26th, 2019, 19:59
I have not used FG for a while now and I am interested in DM'g CoS.

I will be seeking 5 players to round out a solid party to take on the role of our PC's.

I am not ultimate so cannot handle demo users. Games will be weekly with the understanding that some Sundays will be off through the course of the adventure. I am hoping to kick off by of before 12/22/19.

I live in the L.A. area so seeking players that live close enough to handle our time frames without restrictions.

Please add your name and PC idea for consideration. Also note where you are located and any other pertinent details.


November 26th, 2019, 22:03
I am interested. I'm also new to fg but have standard licence.
I am west coast so time is good. I'm an old rper starting back with first edition D&D and am lookin to get back into playing again. As for PC's I am open. 5ed offers some intriguing combos. My old standbys were rogue and cleric. I like to RP much as a good hack and slash so whatever the table likes is fine by me.

November 28th, 2019, 07:25
nice to meet you, i am interested, can you message me a discord invite so we can become acquainted?

I would love to play a wizard or paladin.

edit: i am also a DM for FG so if you need any help making macros/setting stuff up or just have questions in general. I'd be happy to lend a hand.

November 28th, 2019, 16:37
Just sent you both invites to the campaign discord server.

Seeking 2-3 more

November 29th, 2019, 16:20
By the way, this campaign will begin at 3rd level

Jared H
November 29th, 2019, 17:46
I am a brand new player for FG and have no experience with it as of now, so I understand if you want to pass me up, used roll 20 for the past 2 years and find it frustrating so decided to give FG a good try, I have the standard account.
My name is Jared, I'm 28, I live in the CST (central) time zone and im readily available for the foreseeable future on Sunday during the afternoon, but evenings I have a different group I play with.

short character ideas:
Levy Dunner- human variant, or half-elf rogue swashbuckler, lawful neutral if the alignment is needed. Levy is a tax collector working for the Impost reclamations services (IRS) in Zarovich, He is part of the actual reclamations department which requires agents to track down, convince people to pay their taxes or to foreclose and take material possessions of roughly equal amount from tax dodging citizens. this has required Levy to learn how to fight, disarm traps, find hidden doors and various other things creative tax dodgers have tried to do over the years. As large bureaucratic institutions do they perform an audit every once in a while to assess the kingdoms financial situation and they discover that the small county called Barovia has not been paying its taxes for nearly 500 years further investigation has shown the reason to be that this county was involved in a planer shift. As many bureaucratic institutions they would not let this go ignored when taxes were needed to be collected so they got a court mage to send one of their better reclamation officers to the land of Barovia with the intent to optionally free Barovia so the taxes could be collected or to collect them himself with an allocation of up to 30% of the tax revenue owed could be used in a retrieval or as an an additional bonus for a job well done. personality: think of that father figure that embarrasses the hell out of his kids because he brags about them all the time no matter how unimportant the thing he brags about is, has two kids and carries a jumbo wallet with miniature paintings of his kids in them which he shows off to everyone all the time.

another idea

Corvus Mellori- human or kenku, grave cleric, lawful neutral if needed. a kid that grew up near the woods with his father who is the closest thing to a doctor their nearby village has, his dad gets sick from a patient and is interim so Corvus goes into the woods to hunt/collect medical herbs to care for his father, he gets lost and falls through the top of a burial mound dedicated to servants of the raven queen. After nearly dying from dehydration he throws himself to an altar and prays to whoever will or would save him. his prayers are answered as the flutter of black wings envelope him and race him from the hole in the roof he fell through and dropped him into a nearby creek where he drank and passed out. A soft-spoken voice told him to go out into the world and keep the balance and pray, he made it back to his home to find his dad gone from the world and a bereaved mother. Since then he has held to his calling to pursue and preserve the balance of life and death, he taught himself medicine from his father's books and wears a plague doctors mask and travels from town to town healing who he can and making those he cant comfortable, always following the direction his god point him. He is a short, just above the height of a dwarf is sensitive to this so he has a penchant for hats because he thinks they make him taller. personality: Eeyore from Winnie the pooh but makes black humor jokes, after all the death he has seen as a plague doctor his humor has been warped.

sorry if I got something wrong, first time posting here.

November 29th, 2019, 18:30
Hi Jared;

Thanks for your interest. We will like play from 4pm to 8pm West Coast so I am not sure that will work for you if you have an evening game.

Jared H
November 29th, 2019, 18:35
yes the evening game I play starts 6:00 pm pst, thank you for the info

November 30th, 2019, 02:21
what day of the week would we be playing? i Live in LA County so the times zone is good, but i am only able to play on Mondays and Tuesdays regrettably. let me know though. i am an experienced FG player, and an experienced D&D player. thanks

November 30th, 2019, 05:41
Would be interested in a Sunday game. Have standard FG and live in cst.

November 30th, 2019, 06:20
Cant, I work 12 hour days every sunday. Unfortunately

November 30th, 2019, 12:02
Sorry, it's a Sunday game

what day of the week would we be playing? i Live in LA County so the times zone is good, but i am only able to play on Mondays and Tuesdays regrettably. let me know though. i am an experienced FG player, and an experienced D&D player. thanks

December 1st, 2019, 16:59
We are full.
