View Full Version : help for module creation needed

November 23rd, 2006, 15:58
I am writing a module and I would like to create links between story pages.
I found a tutorial on the way to link images or maps to story pages using shortcuts.
But How can I connect 2 links on 2 different story pages together?

November 23rd, 2006, 16:33
I am writing a module and I would like to create links between story pages.
I found a tutorial on the way to link images or maps to story pages using shortcuts.
But How can I connect 2 links on 2 different story pages together?

- Create the story pages
- Open both of them
- Enter edit mode on the one you want the link in
- Right-click, select paragraph type, select link
- Drag the story page you want linked by the circle in the upper left corner onto the square.


November 23rd, 2006, 16:40
thanks, I try that at once