View Full Version : LF1 Player: Tomb of Annihilation Levels 5-9 Chapters 3 and 4

November 24th, 2019, 07:12
Tomb of Annihilation
When: Bi-weekly Sundays, start 5:00, end 10:30 - 11:00 Central (20 minute Brake at 8:00 Central)
Session 0: December 1st
# of Players Needed: 1
Software required: Free Fantasy Grounds
Version (DM has Ultimate Version)
Player Experience: new to FG or D&D are welcome.
Campaign Level: 5th - 9th (About 6 months of play)
Level Progression: Mile Stones
Setting: Chult (Forgotten Realms)
Voice: Discord Required
Character Creation:
Attribute: Point Buy.
Classes: All classes and subclasses from PHP, SCAG and XANA are ok. (No multiclassing)
Backgrounds: All backgrounds from PHP and SCAG are ok in addition to the following - Anthropologist, Archaeologist and Haunted One
Races: PHP Races, SCAG sub-races and MToF sub-races.
Starting Equipment: Max Class Gold + 750 Gold, You may buy anything from the PHB or any magic items from DMG or XANA you can afford. If you have questions about
the price of magic items let me know.
No Evil Alignment.

About the DM: I'm a methodical, world simulator type of DM. I like to take my time in each scene and go through the content with a magnifier glass. I enjoy worldbuilding and getting personal with the environment. I like to pay attention to the minutia of things such as what items you are carrying and were in your person you keep them. I'm not a numbers DM, I don't enjoy combat devoid of roleplaying, in fact, I encourage players to find creative ways to circumvent combat. If you are looking to "farm" goblins and get "loot" I'm not the DM for you. If you are looking to roleplay (and I don't mean just doing voices) and build a narrative together, give me a try. If you are new to D&D, join me by the campfire and lets tell a story together. I bet you will love dungeons and dragons

Auron Starglider
November 24th, 2019, 12:57
Are we starting at level 5, or at level 1?

November 24th, 2019, 16:33
i would be very interested in playing if you could send me a message and let me know what you need from me