View Full Version : LFP 1 more Pathfinder 2E Thursdays 7-11 PM Eastern US Age of Ashes AP

November 17th, 2019, 02:52
FG License: GM has Ultimate so players can use free
Game System: Pathfinder 2E

Time Zone: Eastern US
Day of week and time: Thursdays at 7 PM
Planned Duration & Frequency: 4 hour sessions weekly
Term: Long term. We are planning on finishing the Age of Ashes adventure path and may go to another or start a home brew after.

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: Have 3 players, need 1 more
Character starting level & equipment: 7th level
Character restrictions: Core and Lost Omens books

We currently have a thief rogue, an evocation wizard and a cloistered cleric (who is interested in playing a melee fighter if you would rather play a caster/ranged)

November 18th, 2019, 11:37
I am interested, there might be some weeks I cannot make it, especially in December, will that be an issue?

November 18th, 2019, 11:45
Unfortunately the first accepted player had to withdraw from the game. I am opening recruiting again.

November 24th, 2019, 03:18
Bump, the edit didn't do it.

November 24th, 2019, 05:13
I sent you an email as requested, did you not get it?

November 24th, 2019, 14:50
I didn't get it. Let me PM my email to you again in case I had a typo.

November 24th, 2019, 17:45
@rickyhunt, sent you pm.

Aack Aack
November 25th, 2019, 01:24
Are you still looking for a player for your Thursday evening group?

November 26th, 2019, 02:47
Recruiting is closed.