View Full Version : Bug - No global images folder

November 2nd, 2019, 01:18
Most current version installed.
Problem occurs in campaign created by me, and in the 5e sample campaign provided.
My campaign isn't a cloud game, the 5e campaign is.
No extensions installed, using base 5e theme, and the Wood theme for my campaign.
My campaign is 3.5e.

I noticed while manually importing mapping assets into FG that there's no global images folder in C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\SmiteWorks\Fantasy Grounds. There's a tokens folder, and a portraits folder, but no images. I ended up putting my assets in the images folder for my 3.5 campaign. Now, in the images menu I have a "campaign" bag, which contains the assets folder.

Furthermore, in the assets menu, if you click on the "images" button at the top, and then the "folder" button at the bottom, it opens the tokens folder. The tokens > folder button opens the same folder.

I would prefer to have a global images folder for mapping assets or other items that are used across multiple campaigns. I assume there was supposed to be one at some point, because I don't think two buttons opening the same folder was intended.

November 2nd, 2019, 01:19
you can create a folder named images in the FGU data folder. It isn't created automatically but if you make the folder and put images inside, FGU will pick them up and make them available.


November 2nd, 2019, 01:23
Good to know. Thanks for the tip!