View Full Version : Damage not registered when increassing number of dices on imported characters

November 1st, 2019, 21:48
I imported some characters to test combat, and noticed two things:

1. Guiding bolt damage was registered wrong. It should be 4d6, but it rolls 1d6
2. When increassing the magic level (drag the damage dice, and right click mouse button) the number of dices are correctly rolled, but the damage is not registered in the enemy HP. if I just click on the damage button, it's registered correctly.

I tried to add the guiding bolt spell manually to my characters, and the damage is correct and increassing the damage also register correctly. So, I suppose this is a problem only when importing characters.

November 2nd, 2019, 00:58
Can you post the xml of the character(s)? And I assume this if for 5E?

November 2nd, 2019, 02:16
Here it is. Hope it helps.

November 2nd, 2019, 04:51
Yep, Interesting. This is definitely a problem for SMiteWorks to look into.

Moon Wizard,
Looking at the xml charactersheet, the spell is defined as (bold mine, to show issue);

<atktype type="string">ranged</atktype>
<order type="number">1</order>
<type type="string">cast</type>
<bonus type="number">0</bonus>
<dice type="dice">d6,d6,d6,d6</dice>
<type type="string">radiant</type>
<order type="number">2</order>
<type type="string">damage</type>
<apply type="string">roll</apply>
<durmod type="number">1</durmod>
<label type="string">GRANTADVATK</label>
<order type="number">3</order>
<type type="string">effect</type>
<cast type="number">0</cast>
<castingtime type="string">1 action</castingtime>
<components type="string">V, S</components>
<description type="formattedtext">
<p>A flash of light streaks toward a creature of your choice within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 radiant damage, and the next attack roll made against this target before the end of your next turn has advantage, thanks to the mystical dim light glittering on the target until then.</p>
<p><b>At Higher Levels. </b>When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by</p>
<p>1d6 for each slot level above 1st.</p>
<duration type="string">1 round</duration>
<group type="string">Spells</group>
<level type="number">1</level>
<locked type="number">1</locked>
<name type="string">Guiding Bolt</name>
<prepared type="number">0</prepared>
<range type="string">120 feet</range>
<ritual type="number">0</ritual>
<school type="string">Evocation</school>
<source type="string">Cleric</source>

This is being imported as 1d6 rather than 4d6. Not sure if the export is wrong or if the importer can't handle more than one die in a damage string. Below is the spell in the FGU character sheet;

Moon Wizard
November 4th, 2019, 06:17
Incorrect dice field import
Filed as FGU-653.

Increasing dice while right-clicking prevents damage from applying
I haven't tried to recreate yet, so I may be back with questions. For now, I've filed as FGU-654.
