View Full Version : Looking for D&D Players Friday Night 8 PM PST (GMT-8)

November 11th, 2006, 02:01
It's is a sad thing but "real life" has grabbed a player or two of mine by the neck and jerked them out of my Friday Night D&D game. :( I would like to add one or two new players.

Currently there are four players in the group and I like a group of at least five and I don't mind six. The characters are 6th and 7th level and the core group has been run up from 1st. We normally play very consistently every Friday and I am looking for a mature player(s) who will show up and contribute. You need to be comfortable playing 7th level characters and higher. I am currently planning on taking this campaign up to the mid teens. While there is usually a lot of combat, sometimes the party doesn’t fight at all some sessions.

We are playing D&D 3.5 mostly core rules only (I do allow the general and metamagic feats from the PH2 – but nothing else). The campaign is set in the original heavily modified Judge's Guild World. The area the characters are in is mostly wilderness. No knowledge of the setting is required. All characters must be good. The new character would start with xp and equipment similar to the rest of the group.

The current party PC’s are two Fighters, a Rogue and Wizard. The party could most use a cleric. There is one NPC in the party a cleric. I would like to drop running the cleric.

I use voice so you will also need a working mic and headphones or a headset in addition to Fantasy Grounds.

November 17th, 2006, 07:26
Just a bump. I'm still looking for a player or two for the Friday Night game.

November 17th, 2006, 18:49
Hmm, perhapse I should mention this campaign is not very like my Rappan Athuk one. Roleplaying and combat are about 50/50 and the players set the pace of the game.

November 17th, 2006, 22:07
How long do the sessions normally run? I am an East coaster so that would be starting at 11 PM or so for me.

November 17th, 2006, 23:47
Games usually run from 8PM to normally somewhere between 12:30 and 1 AM. So, typically 4 and 1/2 hours.

November 18th, 2006, 00:08
What gods? Standard PHB? I am supposed to play in a Savage Tide but it may not get off the ground... So I may be tentatively interested, I am awaiting news today on the status of the game.

November 18th, 2006, 00:18
I use a different pantheon, mostly Celthic, Finnish and Norse. Here's a quick list of them and who replaced the PH ones:

Deities & Domains


Abbathor, NE (D&D variant). Great Master of Greed. Worshipers are evil rogues and those greedy for wealth at the expense of others. Domains are Evil, Greed, Trickery. Symbol is Jeweled Dagger. Favored weapon is Short Sword or Rapier.

Berronar, LG (D&D variant). Mother of Safety, Truth and Home. Worshipers are any good dwarf. Domains are Community, Good, Healing, Law. Symbol is Two Rings. Favored weapon is Heavy Mace.

Clanggedin Silverbeard, LN (D&D variant). The Father of Battle. God of War. Worshipers are dwarven warriors. Domains are Courage, Law, War. Symbol is Two Crossed Dwarven Waraxes. Favored weapon is Dwarven Waraxe.

Dumathoin, N (D&D variant). Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain. Patron of Miners, Jewelers and Goldsmiths. Domains are Craft, Earth, Fire. Symbol is Gem inside a Mountain. Favored weapon is War Hammer.

Moradin, LG (similar to PH). Soul Forger, Dwarffather, All-Father. Main dwarven god. Domains are Dwarf, Earth, Good, Law, Protection. Symbol is War Hammer in front of an Anvil. Favored weapon is a War Hammer or Dwaven Waraxe.

Vergadain, NG (D&D variant). God of Wealth and Luck. Patron of non-evil rogues and Merchants. Domains are Good, Luck, Travel, Wealth. Symbol is Gold Piece. Favored weapon is Dwaven Waraxe.


Aerdrie Faenya, CG (D&D variant). Goddess of Air, Weather, Birds. Worshipers are elves desiring certain weather conditions and those who posses flying mounts. Domains are Air, Chaos, Good, Weather. Symbol is a Cloud with a Bird Silhouette. Favored weapon is a Longbow.

Corellon Larethian, CG (similar to PH). High God of the Elves, Protector, Creator, Preserver of Life. Main elven god. Worshiped by elves, half elves, some bards. Domains are Chaos, Elf, Good, Protection, War. Favored weapon is the Longsword.

Erevan Ilesere, CN (D&D variant). God of Mischief and Change. Patron of Elven Rogues. Domains are Chaos, Trickery, Luck. Symbol is Nova Star with Asemetrical Rays. Favored weapon is a Longsword.

Hanali Celanil, CG (D&D variant). Goddess of Love, Beauty. Patron of Elvish Art. Domains are Chaos, Charm, Good, Family. Symbol is Heart of Gold. No favored weapon.

Labelas Enoreth, CG (D&D variant). Diety of Longevity, Fate. Domains are Chaos, Fate, Good, Time. Symbol is the Setting Sun. Favored weapon is a Dagger.

Solonor Thelandira, CG (D&D variant). God of Archery and Hunting. Patron of Elven Rangers. Domains are Chaos, Good, Travel. Symbol is a Silver Arrow with Green Fletching. Favored weapon is a Longbow.


Garl Glittergold, NG (as PH).


Arvoreen, LG (D&D variant). The Defender. Patron of non-evil halfling fighters and rangers. Domains are Law, Good, Vigalance. Symbol is a Short Short and Shield. Favored weapon is a short sword.

Brandobaris, N (D&D variant). Master of Stealth. Worshipers are rogues and halflings who go adventuring. His adventurers and misadventures are legion. He roams the Prime Material Plane. Domains are Luck, Travel, Trickery. Symbol is a Halfling Footprint. Favored weapon is Short Sword.

Cyrrollalee, LG (D&D variant). The Faithful, Goddess of Friendship and Trust. Domains are Community, Law, Good. Symbol is an Open Door. No favored weapon.

Sheela Peryroyl, NG (D&D variant). The Wise. Halfling goddess of the Weather, Agriculture and Nature. Domains are Animal, Good, Plant, Weather. Symbol is a Daisy. Favored weapon is a sickle.

Yondalla, LG (similar to PH). Halfling Protector and Provider. Main halfling goddess. Domains are Good, Halfling, Law, Protection. Symbol is a Shield. Favored weapon is a Short Sword.


Baccob, N (as PH).

Brigit, N (D&D variant). Goddess of Poetry, Fire, Song and Travel. Patron of Bards, Travelers and Merchants. Domains are Music, Trade, Travel, Fire. Symbol is Female Form Bathed in Fire. Favored weapon is Quarterstaff.

Ehlonna, NG (Replaced by Mielikki).

Erythnul, CE (Replaced by Hiisi).

Fharlanghn, N (Replaced by Brigit).

Freya, NG (D&D variant). Goddess of Life, Fertility, Agriculture. Domains are Good, Healing, Sun, Weather. Symbol is Falcon. Favored weapon is Heavy Mace.

Heironeous, LG (replaced by Torm).

Hel, NE (D&D variant). Goddess of Death, the Underworld, Magic. Patron of those who seek the greatest evil for their own enjoyment or gain. Domains are Death, Evil, Magic, Underworld. Symbol is a Female Face Half Black, Half White. Favored weapon is Dagger or Long Sword.

Hextor, LE (as PH, replaces Set) except his "half brother" is considered to be Torm.

Hiisi, CE (D&D variant). God of Evil, Slaughter. Patron of Evil Deeds. Domains are Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Trickery. Symbol is a Lighting Bolt in the Night Sky. Favored weapon is a Morning Star.

Korn, CG (Replaced by Thor).

Loviatar, LE (D&D variant). Goddess of Hurt, Pain. Patron of Torturers. Loviatar's domains are Evil, Law, Suffering, Pain. Symbol is a White Dagger or Cat of Nine Tails (Whip). Favored weapon is Whip or Flail.

Manannan Mac Lir, CN (D&D variant). God of the Sea, Wind. Partron of those who use the sea. Domains are Air, Sea, Travel, Water. Symbol is A wave of white water on a green background. Favored weapon is Trident.

Mielikki, NG (D&D variant). Mistress of the Forest, Goddess of Nature, Patron of Rangers and Dryads. Mielikki watches over all good people who live in the forest, love the woodlands or make their livelihood there. She is pictured as a Human, Elf or Dryad. She is worshiped by humans, elves, gnomes, halflings, half-elves, dryads, rangers and some druids. Mielikki's domains are Animal, Good, Plant, Sun. Symbol is Evergreen, Unicorn or White Star on a Green Leaf. Favored Weapon is the Bow.

Nerull, NE (Replaced by Hel).

Obad-Hai, N (replaced by Silvanus).

Olidammara, CN (as PH).

Pelor, NG (replaced by aspects of Freya, Thor).

Set, LE (D&D variant), replaced by Hextor.

Silvanus, N (D&D variant). God of Nature. Domains are Animal, Plant, Weather. Symbol is a Summer Oak Tree. Favored weapon is the Quarterstaff.

St. Cuthbert, LN (replaced by aspects of Hextor, Ukko, Thor).

Thor, CG (D&D variant). God of Thunder, Warriors, Strength. He is a particular friend to mankind and will often alert his followers to incursions of evil. Thor's domains are Chaos, Good, Storm, Strength. Symbol is a Hammer. Favored weapon is the Warhammer.

Torm, LG, (as FR) Torn is the god of Duty, Loyalty, Obedience, and those who face danger to further the cause of good. His domains are Good, Law, Protection, War. Symbol is a Metal Gauntlet. His favored weapon is the long sword and he is worshiped by paladins, good fighters and good monks. Torn supports Ukko and many of his followers act as the war-arm of Ukko. Torn’s archenemy is Hextor, his “half-brother”.

Ukko, LG (D&D variant). God of Justice, Law, Air. Patron of good heroes. Ukko's domains are Air, Good, Inquisition, Law. Symbol is a Flaming or Freezing Sword. Favored weapon is a Long Sword.

Vecna, NE (replaced by aspects of Boccab, Hel).

Wee Jas, LN (replaced by aspects of Boccab, Hel).

November 18th, 2006, 00:37
Hmm I was going to add this but went over the post limit so -

Bits of the pathons may seem strange without the following background:

World Overview
In the beginning of the First Age the world and it's creatures were created by the Gods. The various human, demi-human and humanoid races started off isolated from each other. Over thousands of years the expanding populations gradually came into contact with each other. In some cases there was friendship and trade, in others there was strife and war. Great civilizations rose and fell, contracted and expanded. Spells and magics greater than any known to today's mortals were used for weal and woe. The First Age lasted an unknown amount of millenniums and it ended in a war on a scale never seen before or after.

It was a war unlike previous wars because sides were determined by alignment, by Good and Evil, instead of race or territory. Good Goblins and Elves fought Evil Dwarves and Humans. This war lasted and grew until most of the world was in conflict and finally one day when the followers of one God were about to be extinguished; that God directly intervened in the war to save its followers. This brought other Gods into the conflict and finally, in the final week of the First Age the Gods themselves fought. The land was sundered, altered, and changed. Most of the world's remaining population died that week. In the waning hours of the First Age it was realized that this final battle was a fulfillment of a prophecy of the ultimate destruction of the world and all the Gods in a great battle between good and evil. The First Age ended with Ragnarok.

However, even the Gods' prophecies can be wrong - because the world and some Gods survived. Why the Gods stopped fighting is not known. All that is known is that on the seventh day in the seventh hour the fighting stopped. Some scholars speculate about the intervention of an “Overgod”, or that the remaining Gods realized that there would be no winner other than Death. Regardless, they did stop and it is said they made a pact to never again directly intervene in the world against each other. The First Age ended with eight out of every ten creatures dead, with Mountains, Plains and Seas so changed and rearranged that world's surface is unrecognizable from the prior age.

And so began the Second Age with a world full of empty ruins, of shattered cities, of destroyed civilizations, of lost knowledge, buried treasures and forgotten magic. Many of the older ruins above and below the ground are filled with remnants and treasures from the First Age. Many are also filled with creatures and horrors attracted by the treasure. Slowly, the populations of the races that didn't become extinct recovered. But not all races grow at the same speed and a millennium and a half into the Second Age the Human and Demi-Human races face a common struggle to survive and avoid being overrun by the Humanoid races. Thus far, the greater numbers of the Humanoids have been offset by the greater number of exceptional individuals, or heroes, from the Human and Demi-Human races. But the humanoids have their own heroes, and as the numbers of humanoids continue to ever increase, it is not at all clear how long this balance will continue.

November 18th, 2006, 01:03
The background sounds cool, and I always did like the orginal Judge's Guild world. If the Savage Tide is not a go I would definitely be interested in this one. I'll ask some specfic type questions which I would think any prospective player would need to know.

What voice software are you using?
What character creation system?
How do you determine gear and gold for the new player?

November 18th, 2006, 02:01
I use Teamspeak because I have a player who is sometimes on dialup and I can adjust the codex on the fly.

Player's roll 4d6 drop one for stats.

Gear is done by me eyeballing my current characters and giving the incoming character enough gold to be at the same amount of gear. I want incoming characters to be at the same power level as far as items. Restrictions on what you can buy are like the buying of items in my Rappan Athuk campaign (I cut and pasted from my normal campaign for those rules).

November 18th, 2006, 02:04
Hit point generation? Is it random or set per level?

November 18th, 2006, 02:20
Hmm, perhapse I should mention this campaign is not very like my Rappan Athuk one. Roleplaying and combat are about 50/50 and the players set the pace of the game.

Not like Rappan Athuk!?! We spend most of our sessions debating how to get the dwarves to climb down a rope/well or out of the pits they've fallen into. Combat?????


November 18th, 2006, 02:30
LOL, well let us say that there is more roleplaying with people not in the party and at the shrine. ;)

Yeah, I know all you Rappan Athuk players are all pacifistic at heart and only reluctantly fight stuff - it's not your fault that when you try to turn the other cheek your weapons just attack on their own. :D

And yes, it is becoming apparent that the characters in that game are coming to believe the real bane of good is gravity ;) - that and those fricken flying statues. :p Come to think of it maybe gravity has something to do with those too...

November 18th, 2006, 02:43
Griogre, what character classes are you short in your campaign?


November 18th, 2006, 03:59
Griogre, I would very much be interested in joining this campaign!

I am always willing to play any class and adjust my roleplaying effectively, and you are using a dice rolling system for stats, which I love.

Let me know via PM or on here if you still need someone, or want another extra.. I am very reliable!

That's that,

November 18th, 2006, 04:00
Hit point generation? Is it random or set per level? Random after max at first.

November 18th, 2006, 04:04
Griogre, what character classes are you short in your campaign?

Mostly they need a cleric. They have 2 Fighters, 1 Wiz, 1 Rog and the NPC (former PC) cleric.

November 18th, 2006, 19:51
I've got my RA game in a bit. I'll reply more in depht later. If Joshuha and Elf want to commit PM me. I may be running late for Joshuha and Elf has another game. I'll take the rest in order posted - I am probably only going to take two players.

translucent worlf: a druid would be a good choice especially if someone else plays a cleric. There is great synergism between the two as they allow each to do best at what they do and give backup to each other. However because in this campaign stats are random rolled usually I will advise players to put off a final choice on class until they generate their rolls.

November 18th, 2006, 21:14
I'd be interested in joining. How about a human druid 7?

That was exactly what I was thinking, except I may have been an elven druid. I am still not sure what is happening with my other game at this time... So many games not enough time...

November 25th, 2006, 18:56
Sorry, the game is filled. Thanks for the reponses.