View Full Version : LFG 3 players [Online] 5e GMT+1 Monday-Wednesday 6pm onwards FG(And others)

Welsh Pete
October 23rd, 2019, 23:03

I'm Pete, a slightly new to DnD guy, looking for a DM/Group with also a slightly new gal and

an experienced guy (Since 2006) to play after work hours Monday Tuesday or Wednesday hopefully

once a week.

We want something long-term with a good plot, preferably a fantasy setting

and a respectful balance between RP and Combat.

The two of us that are new have picked it up fairly quickly.

The experienced player enjoys unlocking narrative opportunities for players and GMs.

If you’re interested and need a few players, drop us your discord

or your plot and we’ll arrange a call to find our more.

Contact me on Discord:

Welsh Pete#8571