View Full Version : License clarification questions...

November 9th, 2006, 21:00
It seems there are a few of these going around but I just want to be clear.

If I bought a license within the scope of the EULA it appears that the license would be only for me and the PC I bought it on. So if I add a laptop I would have to have a whole separate license to run it there even though I wasn't running it on both computers concurrently. True?

Also the EULA says that the license isn't transferable between systems. Does that mean I couldn't buy a new computer and move my license to the new computer? Or does it mean I can't use a PC license on an Apple or Linux computer? (FYI I do know there isn't currently a port to these platforms).

Thanks for your patience.

- Bidi

November 9th, 2006, 21:34
I think I found half of my answer in the FAQ. The way it is worded it sounds like while it would be against the EULA to use the same license on two different computers but the software wouldn't restrict me from doing so. I would be breaking the EULA in doing so though even though I wasn't using both concurrently.

Just a comment to the authors. Expanding the license to allow non concurrent use across systems would make the software more appealing to users. My intent is to eventually get a laptop and use it in an offline mode as a quest manager when I am at the table top. This won't be any time soon because I'd need a cheap laptop first.

Anyway, that aside, what about my second question? Can I upgrade to a new PC without breaking the EULA?

Thanks in advance,

- Bidi

November 9th, 2006, 21:54
Yes, that about sums it up. You shouldn't but you can.

I can't say for sure, but I'm pretty sure you can reinstall if you need to. I think the devs have even helpled with SN's in such cases.


November 9th, 2006, 22:21
In the real world I'm sure there would be no objections for the same person using the software on two different computers that he owned. The same for a re-installation.

At least I hope not.


November 10th, 2006, 06:12
Just a comment to the authors. Expanding the license to allow non concurrent use across systems would make the software more appealing to users. My intent is to eventually get a laptop and use it in an offline mode as a quest manager when I am at the table top. This won't be any time soon because I'd need a cheap laptop first.
Thanks for the comments! The EULA will be expanded along these lines for the next version. Also the definition of "You" as in the EULA will be somewhat expanded to allow, per the EULA, more flexible dirstribution of bundled licenses.

Anyway, that aside, what about my second question? Can I upgrade to a new PC without breaking the EULA?
Not right now. Our legal department is, however, currently working on the new license agreement and therefore it is likely that right now they'll turn their blind eye on someone who's trying to upgrade a computer ;)

November 10th, 2006, 07:00
This is great to hear. It means allot to me that this is being addressed. By next version I assume you mean 2.0 or do you mean sooner?

Regardless I think I'll be going ahead and getting a license. I've finally tested it with my firewall and things should work fine.

I did have a couple crashes though. My buddy crashed when trying to attach to me before I had the firewall setup then we both crashed the first time he connected before we ever typed a word. I did have a map open at the time and I was placing pins when he connected so that may have had something to do with it.

On the whole, FG seems to be the best product out there for d20 games.

Thanks for the reply.