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October 7th, 2019, 20:46
As the monsters just list their first attack action in their stat blocks
You need to adjust their Second and Third attack actions by -5,10 respectively

Ive found the easiest way to do this is to use the modifier stack in the shortcuts
You can use the effects place upon the monsters but this requires the removing and adding of different effects as they
make their attacks.

Enter -5 (for second action) in the modifier window then drag it down to the F2 shortcut. Edit the F2 shortcut and write "2nd Attack Action"

Enter -10 (for Third action) in the modifier window then drag it down to the F3 shortcut. Edit the F3 shortcut and write "3rd Attack Action"

First the creature takes its first attack action, resolve...
NOW before the creature takes it's 2nd attack action TAP F2. Its attack will now be at -5; Make the attack
On Third Attack Action TAP F3 This attack will be at -10; Make the attack

Ive found this to be alot easier than messing around with shuffling effects in/out, or adding a bunch of effects to the monsters before the fight and switching them on/off

You can of course set up AGILE actions in the same way for F4 and F5 using -4 and -8 instead

October 7th, 2019, 21:17
I find the easiest way is to use the two multi-attack buttons in the modifier window itself. This will take the agile trait into effect automatically. But, go with what you're more comfortable with...

October 7th, 2019, 23:11
As an follow up - I'm looking at enabling dragging of the modifier buttons to the hotkey bar.

October 8th, 2019, 00:10
This was more for the NPC/ Monsters when the DM is attacking with them, Players are set as you say :)

October 8th, 2019, 00:20
This was more for the NPC/ Monsters when the DM is attacking with them, Players are set as you say :)
The modifier buttons read the agile trait from the NPC attack line too. Easy for the GM to have the modifier window open and click the relevant multi-attack button as needed.


And even easier when I release the ruleset version that has hotkey dragable modifier buttons...

October 8th, 2019, 00:41
AH yes cool, I just like the idea of taping a keyboard button :) (also one less window taking up realestate :) )

October 8th, 2019, 00:58
AH yes cool, I just like the idea of taping a keyboard button :) (also one less window taking up realestate :) )
Wait for hotkey dragable modifier buttons... :)

October 8th, 2019, 14:36
I've been using the modifiers window... it's amazing

October 8th, 2019, 18:42
And you can now drag the buttons to the HotKey bar - as of release 6 today.


October 9th, 2019, 14:59
Nice! Thank you.

October 9th, 2019, 19:01
And you can now drag the buttons to the HotKey bar - as of release 6 today.


Awesome! Thanks, Trenloe.

October 15th, 2019, 22:27
I have been using the modifer buttons since P2 came out (I just kept that window open during combat). Thanks for making it so i can drag them to hotkeys!