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View Full Version : LFP for Fall of Plaguestone ( Pathfinder 2e ) Challenge Mode ( RAW )

Lord Stark
October 5th, 2019, 04:29
There is still room for one more person. This is your chance to sign up if interested

FG License: I have the Standard license ( you need Standard license to play )
Game System: Pathfinder 2nd Edition

Time Zone: EST
Day of week and time: Tuesdays @ 8:00 pm EST
If new game, planned start date: Tuesday October 15th
Planned Duration & Frequency: Each session is going to be around 3 and half hours
Term: This campaign is going to take you to level 3 or 4. ( I am also planning to start a Age of Ashes Adventure Path after finishing with this campaign)

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed?: NO

Roleplay & Combat mix: As presented in the book
Number of Players in game & needed: 5 Players Maximum, 4 Minimum
Character starting level & equipment: Everyone starts at level 1. You start with 15 GP which you can use to buy your equipment
Character restrictions: Core Ancestries only. NO MULTI-CLASSING ALLOWED (due to balance and also story reasons)

Details of your scenario: This campaign is intended to be challenging. I plan to run this campaign as it is written in the book. Enemies will use their abilities as intended, acting according to their nature, goals and personality. Combat is extremely fun in this campaign and in Pathfinder 2e. in general. In addition, failing Skill checks or social encounters have consequences that will drive the story in different directions. There are also going to be restrictions on what you can buy as suggested in the book.

Calendar Link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=3640

The campaign is going to be played following the rules as written in the Core Books.

The campaign is the same length as one adventure path volume. It is one of the best designed campaigns I have seen. The enemies are very well designed, with fantastic abilities and personalities that will make each fight feel unique.

October 5th, 2019, 21:41
I am interested if there is room.

Lord Stark
October 5th, 2019, 21:48
Hello Arkaerial, i sent you a PM with the invite to the Discord channel

October 5th, 2019, 23:58
Is there a calendar entry where we can sign up? I'm totally interested.

Lord Stark
October 6th, 2019, 05:47
Hey, goodmanje. I will send you an invite to the Discord channel

October 6th, 2019, 07:24
Interested please. Applied to calendar link as well.

Lord Stark
October 6th, 2019, 14:15
i will send you the Discord invite now

October 6th, 2019, 21:17
If there is still room would be interested in joining as well.

Have heard good things about PF2 and would like to try it.

Lord Stark
October 6th, 2019, 23:25
Hey Hendell, I sent you a PM with the invite to Discord

Lord Stark
October 8th, 2019, 01:20
There is still room for one more person. This is your chance to sign up if interested

October 9th, 2019, 06:00
I'm interested if there's still a spot.

October 9th, 2019, 06:21
If ever a spot opens up, I'm willing to join ya >.>

Although will have to bear with me as I get familiarized with the system again.