View Full Version : Alternatives to Syrinscape for FG?

September 26th, 2019, 23:52

I really really love FG. Its an amazing program that gets better each time I open it up. Folks here and on FGC have referred me to use Syrinscape to bring sounds/music into FG. My issue is, >( I am cheap bastaad). I pay for Pandora which I use for 2 to 3 hours everyday. I love it.

I just cant bring myself to pay for a sub on something I am not going to need but 2x a month. FG on the other hand I am more than happy as I open it nearly every day and write up a story or an encounter for later use.

I was looking at > Tabletop Audio. Will this work with FG? I am not opposed to paying for a product. If Syrinscape had a flat one time price even if it was 100 bux, Id get it but not for an ongoing sub.

Anyone have some suggestions?

September 27th, 2019, 00:05
I don't think we'll have many "new" options until after FGU has been out a while. They've not said it will have direct audio support but I suspect at some point it will.

I'm with you on the cheap bastard bit but I still use Syrinscape because it's the only one that I can trigger based on text without a lot of work.

One thing you can do if you just want ambient sound with some manually triggered sounds is use VLC and Cleanfeed.net. Push the VLC audio out a specific virtual sound cable and play that on Cleanfeed.net stream to the players. The latency is really good and the quality is much better than using discord.

September 27th, 2019, 00:17
Moved to the Tavern forum, from the Pathfinder 2.0 forum, as this topic is generic to FG.

There’s lots of options to play music/SFX for your games - they just aren’t integrated into Fantasy Grounds, Which, if truth be told, neither is Syrinscape really.

Some info in this thread; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?21761-Playing-Aids

September 27th, 2019, 16:56
You can use whatever audio program you wish with FG. There are limitations on which of those you can use with the DOE Sound Extension, namely it has to be able to be triggered with URIs. But outside of using the DOE extension, you can use whatever audio source you want.

September 27th, 2019, 17:07
If you have collected your own audio assets, you can use pretty much any player. I have a few I have collected and I use the VLC media player to play them. There is additional setup if you are wanting to stream, but thats no different then syrinscape.

September 30th, 2019, 12:44

I really really love FG. Its an amazing program that gets better each time I open it up. Folks here and on FGC have referred me to use Syrinscape to bring sounds/music into FG. My issue is, >( I am cheap bastaad). I pay for Pandora which I use for 2 to 3 hours everyday. I love it.

I just cant bring myself to pay for a sub on something I am not going to need but 2x a month. FG on the other hand I am more than happy as I open it nearly every day and write up a story or an encounter for later use.

I was looking at > Tabletop Audio. Will this work with FG? I am not opposed to paying for a product. If Syrinscape had a flat one time price even if it was 100 bux, Id get it but not for an ongoing sub.

Anyone have some suggestions?

I feel your pain, I pay the sub and it pains me dearly everytime I do, as there's no alternative for automated sounds. Also It doesn't come cheap, more than 20$ bi-monthly if you want to use your own sounds. Highway robbery...

October 3rd, 2019, 19:34
*Warning: joking response, you have been warned*

Or you can do it the way i do it on my table, just start making the sounds yourself and make your players worry about your mental health.
