View Full Version : Dragonlance 3.5 War of the Lance campaign

November 1st, 2006, 03:55
I am starting a 3.5 Dragonlance Campaign Setting, classic War of the Lance campaign and looking for 5 more players (have one already playing a Silvanesti Wizard). The campaign will use FG and Skype for voice chat. More detailed system and rule set specs are below.

How to get involved:
Send me a note with your email address as well as what times work best for you and your intended character, and I'll send a word doc with the full campaign background and character creation details. We'll be using player generated 1st level characters rather than the classic pre-generated PCs.

Open to group suggestions. Weekly sessions on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday work best for me, 7:00 to 11:00 PM Eastern (GMT -5). If everyone agrees we should also schedule a one hour session for character creation questions and hammering out the details of the connections.

System Specifications

Fantasy Grounds 1.05
Skype 2.5 (shareware) requires speakers and microphone
High-speed internet connection

Rule Sets


D&D Core Rules
Dragonlance Campaign Setting


War of the Lance Sourcebook
Towers of High Sorcery Sourcebook
Holy Order of the Stars Sourcebook


This campaign is intended for adults (18 & over) with a moderate to high degree of familiarity with the 3.5 core rules. The campaign is tough, and an understanding of tactical coordination (use of rules for cover, flanking, concealment, special attack actions, etc.) will be beneficial. In addition, it is recommended that players coordinate character creation in such a way that character class abilities and skills are varied and well covered. The general tone of the adventures will be somewhat serious, emphasizing the heroic struggle over crazy Kender antics. Players are still encouraged to have fun however :)

November 3rd, 2006, 00:51
We have 3 players interested so far - a wizard, a fighter, and an undecided. Play will be on either Mondays or Tuesdays. I'm looking for another 5 players (which I am expecting will keep the average play sessions at around 6).

Those of you have responded and offered suggestions - thank you for the interest!

November 4th, 2006, 02:49
I'd like to join. I can play a Ranger / Rogue, and be eyes and ears for the group.

November 6th, 2006, 18:10
We have 5 signed up so far - a wizard, a fighter, a rogue (or ranger), and 2 undecideds. Sessions will be on Mondays.

1st session will be Monday 11/13.

We'll probably spend an hour troubleshooting any connection issues with Skype or FG and going then over some of the FG shortcuts for any new users. We can also answer any character creation questions. And then we'll get a couple hours of play time in :)

November 7th, 2006, 22:00
I would like to join what looks to be a very promising compaign. I have applied through the calendar to your campaign, but you can always send me a PM on here.


November 9th, 2006, 00:44
Foo, can you give us the rules for character creation, or do you want us to do that on monday?

November 9th, 2006, 02:35
I would also be interested in this (I applied on the calendar) but I just realized that from January to March I would be unavailable Monday nights.

Have they released a 3.5 version of DL? I must have missed it. However I do not have any references for DL (I stayed away from buying as I always wanted to play; I always get stuck DMing)... Enough rambling which sourcebook should I get for DL assuming you are still looking for players?

November 10th, 2006, 19:58
Thank you all for the interest and response! By now you should have all received character creation details from me via email - if there was some sort of disconnect there send me message on FG and we'll figure out how to get them to you.

Our first session is Monday 11/13 at 7 PM - 11 PM - Eastern

Thinks to do before hand:

Test out Skype if you are new to it, i.e. make the test call and make sure we will be able to hear you on your microphone
Create your character

You might want to login about 20 minutes before, as the file share on the first connection might take longer (I have some shared tokens for us). Agenda for Monday as follows:

7-8 PM - Introductions, resolving any connection issues and FG refresher for any new users
8-9 PM - Answer any character creation questions, allow group to customize skills, spells etc. in a group forum
9-11 PM Play time :)

Looking forward to meeting you all!

November 13th, 2006, 01:26
If some players in this campaign are aware of what characters they will be playing I'd love to hear some of it.

November 13th, 2006, 01:57
I will be playing a Kagonesti Ranger; although fooman has suggested that we coordinate our skills in the first session.

November 14th, 2006, 16:24
Sessions are moving to Wednesdays. Next session is Wednesday 11/22

Visions. A call. Many were beckoned, a noble few answered. Koram, proud warrior of the highland barbarian people; Shatril, craftsman and hunter of the Kagonesti; Milfthe, delver of arcane arts, bitter emissary of the graceful Silvanesti; Vestrial, the mirthful kender, light of finger and foot. A disturbance is felt in the land, a disturbance in nature and magic. Whispers of doom travel the roadways, faster than horses, and the peoples of Krynn have sent their emissaries. All of them driven by dreams, fleeting glimpses of a future half-realized. Drawn, further from their homelands, ever more strongly to a crossroads and an innocuous boulder. They meet on the road. The pulling is stronger, and they barely talk, merely nod and accept this common destiny.

They find the small tree-top town of Solace overrun by hobgoblins and Seeker guards looking for a blue crystal staff. Triumphing over a small force of hobgoblins, they pawn their loot to Theros, the local blacksmith. At the Inn of the Last Home, they encounter a pair of plainsfolk, bearing said staff and escort them to safety in a running battle with Seeker guards. Tika, the fiery haired serving wench, takes a liking to Koram, and aids their escape and directs them to hide out at her house.

November 27th, 2006, 19:41
Next session Wednesday, 11/29. Still have slots for 2 more players if anyone is interested in joining.

Fleeing Solace the adventurers make their way stealthily towards Haven, avoiding a potential ambush on the road as well as a group of strange robed clerics. Heading into the farmlands north of Haven they encounter many signs of battle, abandoned farmsteads and strange tracks. Following the trail they came to an encampment and discovered human remains, and find the warrior bracer of a Que-shu tribesman - Riverwind falls into a dark mood over this. Further south refugees fleeing "demon armies" in the North pack the gates of Haven.

In Haven, Goldmoon boldly presents the Blue Crystal Staff, and gains admittance to the Seeker High Council. Locar, a High Seeker, attempts to wrestle the staff away, but is struck by its power. Chaos ensues, but the wise Council Leader, Elistan, meliorates the council, and instructs the party to take the staff back whence it came, the ancient ruins of Xak Tsaroth.

Returning back up the Haven road, the party again encounters the strange robed group of clerics - this time they are spotted. They are questioned anxiously about the staff. Shatril recognizes that their tracks are similar to those found in the campsite and quietly readies his comrades for battle.

December 1st, 2006, 17:50
I am starting a 3.5 Dragonlance Campaign Setting, classic War of the Lance campaign and looking for 5 more players (have one already playing a Silvanesti Wizard). The campaign will use FG and Skype for voice chat. More detailed system and rule set specs are below.

How to get involved:
Send me a note with your email address as well as what times work best for you and your intended character, and I'll send a word doc with the full campaign background and character creation details. We'll be using player generated 1st level characters rather than the classic pre-generated PCs.

Open to group suggestions. Weekly sessions on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday work best for me, 7:00 to 11:00 PM Eastern (GMT -5). If everyone agrees we should also schedule a one hour session for character creation questions and hammering out the details of the connections.

System Specifications

Fantasy Grounds 1.05
Skype 2.5 (shareware) requires speakers and microphone
High-speed internet connection

Rule Sets


D&D Core Rules
Dragonlance Campaign Setting


War of the Lance Sourcebook
Towers of High Sorcery Sourcebook
Holy Order of the Stars Sourcebook


This campaign is intended for adults (18 & over) with a moderate to high degree of familiarity with the 3.5 core rules. The campaign is tough, and an understanding of tactical coordination (use of rules for cover, flanking, concealment, special attack actions, etc.) will be beneficial. In addition, it is recommended that players coordinate character creation in such a way that character class abilities and skills are varied and well covered. The general tone of the adventures will be somewhat serious, emphasizing the heroic struggle over crazy Kender antics. Players are still encouraged to have fun however :)
I'Ve played Dand Dfor many years and have read Plenty of the Dragon Lance chronicles from the legend of Huma to the the twins Caramon and Raistlin i have to learn the rule sets,but I have no problem being the one to start the fireworks and usually when i play i Have many characters pre rolled because while i care about the lives of my pc's I have no problem dying for the cause. That is why my character of choice is mostly: lawful good strategic paladins with a reckless side, Solomnic Paladin Maybe or an elvin theif for my angry daysif its my choice paladin is key because every party needs a healer, but if its your discretion choose away my email is Bhaley1983@yahoo. com. I am an east coasterand the best time for me is the afternoon before 4:00pm if my time table doesn't suit your game please direct me to somewhere it is accepted.

December 3rd, 2006, 01:26
Id like to join if I could.What classes do you have so far ??

December 6th, 2006, 20:40
The ensuing dialogue turns ugly, and finally the leader of the group of robed clerics screams the attack order. Discarding their robes the creatures reveal themselves - hideous, lizard-like demons, with leathery wings draw wicked longswords and attack. The battle is epic - one of the creatures blast a long peal on a horn and an answering clarion returns from down the road. Koram is temporarily disarmed as the falling creatures turn to stone as they are slain and his great axe remains imbedded in the falling form. Finishing the adversaries in front of them, the heroes make quick work of another group returning to aid their comrades.

Heading east the party spends the night in the small town of Gateway, before heading into the plains. All about them they see signs of a mighty force that has passed this way. The plainsman village of Que-teh has been hastily abandoned and the village of Que-shu is in ruins. Goldmoon and Riverwind lament the plight of their people.

As their journey continues, they encounter a lone plainsman, fleeing across the plains, four of the dragonmen in pursuit. Coming to his rescue, they hear his sad tale. The once proud plainsfolk have been scattered to the winds - captured or hiding in the mountains.

The heroes enter the pass through the mountains, a feeling of dread hanging over the party.

December 11th, 2006, 21:01
The next session is Wednesday 13th, 7 PM EST.

Things go badly for the party as they traverse the pass and enter into the uncharted Cursed Lands. When Koram disappears on a hunting expedition, Goldmoon is nearly slain and the rest of the group suffers heavy injuries from two owlbears fighting over an elk carcass. Limping to safety at the other end of the pass, they soon find themselves in a festering swamp with signs of dragonman patrols everywhere.

Crossing a fallen tree between one of the many swamp islands, the heroes are ambushed by a new form of dragonmen - a more sophisticated variety with exceptional spellcasting skills. In a magical duel, the two groups incapacitate each other with webs, but a demonstration of the dragonmen's lightning bolt spells quickly cows the party into surrender. Disarmed and bound, they are escorted into the dragonman camp, and are placed in a bamboo cage under the authority of the dragonman priest.

As night falls, the dragonman cavort around a bonfire and a gigantic wicker dragon idol, feasting on the flesh of Shatril's hapless dog Sentinel. As their guard sleeps Vestrial slips from the cage and gathers the parties weapons, allowing Riverwind the opportunity to silently slay their sole guard. Slipping into the night, the become lost in the dark swamp. Sighting signs of the ruined city, they attempt to swim across the fetid waters, and are soon in mortal combat with barely glimpsed, black serpentine swamp denizans that assail them from beneath. Weilding the glowing staff, Goldmoon calls forth a blast of holy power on one of the assailants, while the rest of the group aids Riverwind in dispatching the others. Exhausted, they drag themselves to shore on the outskirts of ruined Xak Tsaroth...

January 3rd, 2007, 18:01
I'm interested in joining if you're still looking for players. I've read and collected Dragonlance books for 15 years. I have the 3.5 campaign book.

I posted on the calendar, please let me know if I might join your game.