View Full Version : LFP: Pathfinder 2E Conversion Last 3 Chapters of Rise of the Runelords

September 11th, 2019, 22:16
10/19 Campaign began 10/2, next game 10/30. Seeking 1-2 additional players.

I've run Rise of the Runelords close to a dozen times, and for each of those times, the campaign has ended by the beginning of Chapter 4, Fortress of the Stone Giants, due to varied reasons.

On its skin, the second edition of Pathfinder seems to have better high level balance, hopefully resulting in less swingy combat situations/ PC disparity of abilities.

I want to skip all the low level story I've ran so many times and jump into the deep end, starting the campaign at the beginning of Fortress of the Stone Giants. To that end, I am looking for 4-6 players for a game of PF2.

FG License: Ultimate
Game System: Pathhfinder, Second Edition
Sourcebooks Allowed: Core Rulebook, Lost Omens World Guide

Time Zone: EST That's GMT-4
Day of week and time: Wednesday 7:30pm-10(:30?)pm
If new game, planned start date: October 2
Planned Frequency: Bi-weekly
Term: long term, probably take about 6-9 months????

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord

Roleplay & Combat mix: strive for 5 by 5
Number of Players in game & needed: 4-6
Character starting level & equipment: 11th level, see page 511
Character restrictions: Characters must be Good aligned, motivated towards heroics. Goblin characters must have been raised by Father Zanthus in Sandpoint after being rescued by the heroes of Sandpoint. Additionally, several pregens will be available to choose from for those wanting such. I'll be posting those here eventually.

Details of your scenario:
A few years ago, in the sleepy coastal town of Sandpoint in Varisia, a group of young heroes saved the town from an invasion of goblins. Their adventures are being commemorated with the unveiling of a new sculpture during the annual Swallowtail Festival. The town is about to face a second invasion, this time by a much more dangerous set of enemies. The PCs are in town for the festival, and a new defense must be mounted.

Players who have played part (or even all) of the Rise of The Runelords AP are welcome to make their character backgrounds include the events of that the earlier adventures. PCs of other players should have reasons for being in and wanting to protect Sandpoint and te rest of Varisia from the dangers lurking ahead.

September 12th, 2019, 18:18
I would like to try out pathfinder so if you don't mind me learning on the job I think I could fit in well. I'm mostly very familiar with 5e.

September 12th, 2019, 19:30
I would like to try out pathfinder so if you don't mind me learning on the job I think I could fit in well. I'm mostly very familiar with 5e.

I enjoy teaching, and don't mind at all. With the new edition, it's a good time to start learning(in a sense, everyone is learning the system now). I should have some of the pre-made characters posted over the weekend, but also can find some time to help you work out your own if you'd rather.

September 13th, 2019, 04:41
i am interested in this game if still have room.. I have never played pathfinder so would be a change..

September 13th, 2019, 06:32

September 13th, 2019, 07:37
I might want to try, too. New to pathfinder as well, though have experience in other systems.

September 13th, 2019, 12:59

September 13th, 2019, 17:04
I'd like an add as well. I'm GMing my own 2E game on Fantasy Grounds still at level 2. As a forever GM I have lots of ideas for different characters. I'm weaker on Golarian Lore so whatever comes up in the AP will be exciting and new for me. Let me know if you still have space.

September 13th, 2019, 23:07
Looks like we have 5 interested people. I sent out a PM to all of you for the discord channel. Let me know if it times out (even though I set it to permanent, it happens).

We still have potential room for 1 more.

Pregens coming up over weekend.

September 14th, 2019, 00:16
If I'm accepted I would play anything that doesn't use divine magic, because I'm doing a Cleric for PFS2.

My preferred role will be as a fighter. I'll likely be "multiclassing" into the Runescarred archetype if you allow that one and allow having a background hailing from old Thassilon (Thassilonian Traveler). I don't know if that one in very appropriate or not appropriate at all. If it's the latter I'll do something else and no problem. :)

Although Runescarred archetype is thematically appropriate and perfectly acceptable, Thassilonian Traveler is neither. This adventure definitely takes place before the rise of New Thassilon or the return of Xin-Edasseril (which takes place at the end of the second sequel to Rise of the Runelord-->Return of the Runelords.)

September 14th, 2019, 04:47
Eladris, elven green dragon bloodline sorcerer, version one

September 14th, 2019, 04:48
Milva, half-orc thief rogue, version one

September 14th, 2019, 04:50
Jermani, halfling flurry ranger, version one

September 14th, 2019, 22:29
Yalmaris, gnome switch hitting figter, version 1

September 15th, 2019, 01:24
Savrose Delmonico. human monk0cleric of Irori, version 1

September 15th, 2019, 03:05
Drongar Krulgan, dwarf giant instinct barbarian, version one

September 15th, 2019, 17:29
We still have room for players. Drop a post or send a PM if interested.

September 16th, 2019, 19:36
Hi, I'm interested...new to FG and online play in general but veteran of ttrpg, PF in particular...

September 17th, 2019, 20:03
I'm very interested in your game. I'm currently running Rise of the Runelords for my home group. My players are just about to head towards Thistletop. I've read through the Sinsaw Murders but no further. Unfortunately Wednesday afternoon is one of the days that I'm unavailable. Is that day fixed or would you possibly consider running on Tuesday or Thursday?

September 17th, 2019, 23:39
Thanks for the interest, but Wednesday is set.

September 18th, 2019, 19:58
Sorry DMReckless, I miscalculated time zones so I won't be able to participate after all...Hope you find a replacement quick. Good Gaming.

September 19th, 2019, 00:19
i play and run pathfinder 1E on saturdays, i want to play and learn some pathfinder 2E, if theres room i can play any class needed, i like barbarian, sorcerer or cleric
on fantasy grounds discord im evion

September 23rd, 2019, 16:47
Reminder, room still exists for players willing to dive in deep end (don't worry, floaters provided.)

September 27th, 2019, 16:54
Hello! Are you still looking for one more? I've always heard good things about Paizo APs but never had a chance to play through any of the bigger ones. Combined with using 2e, this sounds really fun, and the time lines up perfectly with my schedule.

If there is still space, what is the current party composition in terms of classes and roles? I'm happy to try out anything in the new system, and I'd like to avoid stepping on anyone's toes.

September 27th, 2019, 17:58
Looks like we have 5 interested people. I sent out a PM to all of you for the discord channel. Let me know if it times out (even though I set it to permanent, it happens).

We still have potential room for 1 more.

Pregens coming up over weekend.

Would like to join in on this. Have some pf2 experience been looking for a nice long campaign.

October 9th, 2019, 02:18
UPDATE: We began game last week, but 2 players didn't show, leaving room for up to 2 more.

Current party is 2 Druids, a Rogue, and a Champion.

Sandpoint is under attack by Giants, plenty of space for other heroes to ride up.

Next game is 10/16.

October 20th, 2019, 01:38
Still looking, if you want to try PF2 with high level character or pre-made (by me) PM me.

October 21st, 2019, 04:41
I am looking for a PF2 game and have scrolled across this several times but Wednesday just don’t work for me so if in the future you have anything else or for some reason y’all change nights I would be interested, thank you.

Mooncat Bob
October 21st, 2019, 23:02
I would be happy to play