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September 10th, 2019, 00:25
You can find this extension, and others, on the Forge :) https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/crafter/2/view-profile

If you are a dev and want to contribute to our code, then see my Github profile: https://github.com/Kelrugem

Hi :)

This support thread is about my extensions, mainly for 3.5e/PF1, and in the following I will usually list the latest major update(s) of my extensions :) If you want a full description, then see the forge descriptions of the corresponding extension :) You can report bugs and wish requests here :) (or anything else :D)

Latest (as of 27 August 2024) updates to my extensions, considering the extended automation and overlay ones:

Compatibility with the newest patch of August 2024
The AoO chat message for NPCs about exceeding and reaching the number of AoOs is now hidden if the GM's rolls are hidden :)

Furthermore: The alternative icon extensions will now also be downloaded, when you subscribe to the non-alternative version. The forge page for the alternative icons is still there, but I would appreciate if you switch, so that I can take down the alternative forge page :) So, no worries, everything still there, it would just be easier for me to maintain two instead of four overlay package forge pages :D Thus, you will now download two extensions, and then just select the one with your desired overlays :)
I.e., subscribe to https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/1/view instead of https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/29/view
For StrainInjury: Subscribe to https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/31/view instead of https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/24/view

Thanks for your patience :)

September 10th, 2019, 00:26
If you use FGC then see these threads:


But beware, FGC does not get any new updates, hence, my FGC versions are not maintained anymore (so, they are stable, but you cannot expect new features) :)

September 10th, 2019, 00:27
Future extensions (not sure if I will ever be able to do that):

New "spell class" for maneuvers as grapple things or the ones in the tome of battle, especially with the ability to force skill checks of targets. Basically: Skill Actions!
Correct reach underlays but it seems that the code for that is encrypted, so not sure if I am able to do that :)
New effect stuff! :D Negation ! and (C) as in 5e and effect for ignoring effects of targets (like CONC coming from lightning effects, though that effect can have targets; but depending on the numbers of actors in the CT an "ignore target" function could be useful, like an inversed targeting function) and so on (EDIT: somehow partially done now with the negated IF operators)
Making HP calculation customizable
Automatic adding of tags of psi, psi-like
Disease and poison automation (done by Bmos :) )
Time "pusher" (especially for hours etc. and then adding the possibility that hours duration are tracked properly in the CT) (also done by Bmos :D)
Encumbrance of weight automated (armor check penalty and max DEX due to weight not just armor) (I think also already done by Bmos?! :D)
Negative damage types: For erasing a damage type
Ability damage using the damage fields for attributes. Necessary: Ability damage boxes for NPCs
IFT: X,Y, Z,...; working as for IFTAG.
Aligning NPC parsing to my additional effects (i.e. parsing for IFTAG:.. and so on)
Automated ammunition toggle (One word: Bmos :D)
Protection from energy automation; and stoneskin
precision damage ignored when sight "concealed" in some sense
Carrying over 4e effect stuff (trigger of automatic saves, expiring at end or beginning of turn etc.)
Allowing to drag&drop numbers on the ability damage boxes (works already, but it is not additive)
Advantage/disadvantage for certain effects only (not just the generic one); fixing damage types bug related to that (Partially done)
More mathematics for effect tags like [STR] (partially done, but there is always more to do)
Height label should vanish when token added to a new map. Overlays should be more persistent
Diehard (especially PF1) automation with respect to the death overlays
Better PC tags (also quarter of CL etc., see bmos suggestion), maybe also persistent tags which automatically updates the effect (i.e., it does not parse the mod, but looks in the sheet each time the effect is called). By Svandal: Options for a maximum bonus in these tags (partially done)
automation for incorporeal stuff (ghost AC revived? etc)
Increasing performance for effect systems: Idea, using different databases for that to distribute stuff, like the property fields of weapons or having multiple different windows for effects (global effects, offensive, defensive, tags (used for CUSTOM etc) and so on)
Aesthetics: Adding small icons for spells etc; maybe to the hotkeys, too (which requires a persistent link to the sheet then)
With the new distance API, see https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?65246-Experimental-APIs-for-FGU, adding automation regarding distance, including my height extension
FORTIF versus multiple damage types at the same type (like just against critical slashing types)
Negative DR effect
Svandal request: [D4 5STR] for example (5/4 times STR) (see also Khoredran's request about similar things)
TEMPO as effect (? Pull request by bmos already exists, just need to think about nasty stacking rules)

For next update to-do-list (thanks to all contributors): https://github.com/users/Kelrugem/projects/1

Have fun :) I hope this thread is okay :)


LICENSE: You can use and change it however you want, integrate it in your code and reupload it etc., so you can do everything what you want with these extensions but do not commercialize it :) You do not need to ask me for this :) But mentioning me as original author or so would be nice :) (Smiteworks is allowed to integrate the code if they want, hehe :D) That only holds for my additions to the code, there are images included in the full overlay package and there I attached the licenses of the images :)

September 10th, 2019, 00:28
[Reserved for future #1, just in case]

September 10th, 2019, 00:28
[Reserved for future #2, just in case :) ]

September 10th, 2019, 11:59
Thanks for all your hard work Kel!
My group really appreciate both your AoO tracker and the leather theme.

September 10th, 2019, 13:34
Thanks for your words :)

September 10th, 2019, 16:15
With respect to compatibility with other extensions: As I said I made a lot of combined packages but I just realized that my extensions may not be compatible with the mirror image extension of darrenan. Sorry, didn't realize that (since it's only for PF1 and so I do not use it in my 3.5e games). I try to make a combined package with that extension in the future when I find time for it :)

September 17th, 2019, 04:20
The anti-magic field extensions would be enough, the simplicity outside the box approach, Kelrugem than you very much.

I made some screenshots.
The "ANTI" approach seems to work best for me, effects may be easily added to account for the magic used. In this case I added the effect for the magic whip anti-magic effect for attack and damage
This is the result when one toggles the individual On/Off on the combat tracker.

Simply awesome!!!!

Kelrugem thanks again!

September 17th, 2019, 15:19
The anti-magic field extensions would be enough, the simplicity outside the box approach, Kelrugem than you very much.

I made some screenshots.
The "ANTI" approach seems to work best for me, effects may be easily added to account for the magic used. In this case I added the effect for the magic whip anti-magic effect for attack and damage
This is the result when one toggles the individual On/Off on the combat tracker.

Simply awesome!!!!

Kelrugem thanks again!

Thanks for the words :) I am glad that someone else can use the antimagic extension, too :)

September 17th, 2019, 20:03
I have added a new extension to the list: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?51005-Extension-Height-label&p=453610#post453610 :) For height labels :)

September 21st, 2019, 17:05
Do the advanced effects work with the mirror image handler? I ask because that one also integrates keen and doesn't work if both keen and it are loaded - making me leery of trying that - using your other ones though - the height one is AWESOME.

September 21st, 2019, 17:09
Do the advanced effects work with the mirror image handler? I ask because that one also integrates keen and doesn't work if both keen and it are loaded - making me leery of trying that - using your other ones though - the height one is AWESOME.

Thank you :)

sadly, they will probably not work together. Some things might work, some others not. But I wanted to look at that at some time :) When it's easy then I may have a fix hopefully soon :) I would upload here or in some separate thread some packages then :)

October 29th, 2019, 06:03
If you already test FGU: My extensions may or may not work. I will update a few bits when I update everything to 3.3.9 but at the moment the percentile die of fortification will not work for FGU (and everything else using percentile dice when overwritten by my extensions) and all image things, i.e. the height extension and the overlay stuff will completely not work on FGU :)

November 12th, 2019, 01:14
Hi :)

All extensions are now updated to 3.3.9 and all new features are now included :) Please remember updating your extensions tomorrow after 3.3.9 is released (I assume it is tomorrow) and do not ignore the big red text at the beginning :D (The names of some extensions changed, so you have to delete the old ones)

Please report any error in the corresponding threads or here :) My life is very very rough at the moment and so I do not have so much time (still, the updating nearly costed me three full days :D No worries, I have fun doing that :) ), thence, there might be errors and/or I merged the extensions wrongly and so on. I am very active here, so when you report an error, then I try to fix it as soon as possible :)

Have fun :)

EDIT: I attached my prototype extension for (dis)advantage here, too :)

November 12th, 2019, 02:08
Oh, and all extensions need to be updated, except antimagic (though I reuploaded it, too) and the theme :)

November 13th, 2019, 08:49
Just to know, is it possible to set a "weight" to the coin slots in 3.5? (got to manage some greedy characters lately, which "unknowingly" carried around 20,000 coins in the non-magical pockets of a 8 str wizard)

November 13th, 2019, 17:52
Just to know, is it possible to set a "weight" to the coin slots in 3.5? (got to manage some greedy characters lately, which "unknowingly" carried around 20,000 coins in the non-magical pockets of a 8 str wizard)

yes, I have some prototype extension for that :D (EDIT: it works already but there is no automatic update for the weight as for items yet, one has to force an update. That's the reason why I didn't upload it yet, but I already know how to do it. And it would give every treasure item a weight of 0.02 and that may be not good depending on how people use that window, I may have to define weight fields there, too.. Hm :D) But I didn't finish it yet because I then focused on other features, I try to finish that in the next time maybe then. As a Workaround: Create coin items in the inventory with weight 0.02 :) You can drag&drop the coin number of the treasure window into the quantity field of the coin items to overwrite the old quantity every time when their money changes :)

November 14th, 2019, 04:53
Wonderful! And yeah, I already use the coin item thing so far :P

November 14th, 2019, 05:01
Wonderful! And yeah, I already use the coin item thing so far :P

ah, good, but seemingly your wizard forgot (or "forgot" ;)) that :D

EDIT: And, actually, you would also need a volume calculator because 20000 gp are a lot of single coins, I guess the volume is more of a problem than the weight :D

November 14th, 2019, 13:31
True but I suck at math >.> I remember something back in 2e (perhaps) where a standard coin pouch could fit around 50-60 coins. They're nagging me for bags of holding and the like lately :P

November 14th, 2019, 19:14
True but I suck at math >.> I remember something back in 2e (perhaps) where a standard coin pouch could fit around 50-60 coins. They're nagging me for bags of holding and the like lately :P

oh, 50 to 60 coins is not much but would be a way to force them to use bag of holdings :D

November 14th, 2019, 20:33
Their last bag of holding had an... accident, when they flaunted it to the BBEG "with this we can loot even your granny" and he just shot a crossbow bolt at it, destroying it

November 14th, 2019, 20:41
Their last bag of holding had an... accident, when they flaunted it to the BBEG "with this we can loot even your granny" and he just shot a crossbow bolt at it, destroying it

:D okay, that's a cool idea :D but no wonder when they are now a bit reluctant to take another bag of holding :D

November 14th, 2019, 20:57
I just updated and tried out the new and upgraded extension. I tried the "IFT: GRANTCA; DMG: 2d6" for a sneak attack but it just splats the 2d6 every single time on every single target: Did I mistype something?

November 14th, 2019, 21:03
I just updated and tried out the new and upgraded extension. I tried the "IFT: GRANTCA; DMG: 2d6" for a sneak attack but it just splats the 2d6 every single time on every single target: Did I mistype something?

Ah, this will not work, you have to write: IFT: CUSTOM(GRANTCA); DMG: 2d6 (or you use flatfooted) :) I see, I was not clear what I meant that GRANTCA etc. now work with IFT, I meant that something like IFT: CUSTOM(test); GRANTCA works now, so GRANTCA can now come after an IFT condition :) (the latter did not fully work before, especially for invisible)

November 14th, 2019, 21:06
Ah, got it sorry ^^; then it's back to manually adding those pesky sneak attack dice :P

November 14th, 2019, 21:08
Ah, got it sorry ^^; then it's back to manually adding those pesky sneak attack dice :P

but thanks, did not know that IFT: GRANTCA doesn't work, too :D But why not using the CUSTOM way then? It should exactly do what you want :)

November 14th, 2019, 21:13
mostly because I should script a line for every possibility...
IFT: flat-footed
IFT: stunned
IFT: helpless
IFT: paralyzed

and if a target has more than one keyed effect, the sneak attack gets multiplied... if a target results both flat-footed and stunned for example... that'd come up with double sneak attack dice.

The 3.5 effects have built-in "GRANTCA" on some of them (such as climbing, squeezing, blinded and so on, at least reading on the wiki) so I was hoping for an effect to trigger on that but I guess it's not the case

November 14th, 2019, 21:16
mostly because I should script a line for every possibility...
IFT: flat-footed
IFT: stunned
IFT: helpless
IFT: paralyzed

and if a target has more than one keyed effect, the sneak attack gets multiplied... if a target results both flat-footed and stunned for example... that'd come up with double sneak attack dice.

The 3.5 effects have built-in "GRANTCA" on some of them (such as climbing, squeezing, blinded and so on, at least reading on the wiki) so I was hoping for an effect to trigger on that but I guess it's not the case

aaah, okay, hmmm. Now you gave me a new idea for one of the next features :D But not sure if doable, but one way would be to add/define a new separate effect for sneak attack in the code which is only triggered when one of these things are on the target :)

Sorry that I created wrong hope about one of the new things, I didn't know that it will be interpreted like this (now I feel a bit bad ^^)

November 14th, 2019, 21:20
It's not your fault, english isn't my main language anyway so don't worry about that :P

I'm now playing with the "N" addon *.*

November 14th, 2019, 21:22
It's not your fault, english isn't my main language anyway so don't worry about that :P

I'm now playing with the "N" addon *.*

Oki, have fun :D Let me know when there are any issues (at release this is more than likely :D)

November 14th, 2019, 21:28
Oki, I found a very small bug when one is rolling a natural 1 on an attack roll with save versus tags. I shortly push a new update for that :) (and for the Overlaypackage where save versus tags is, too)

November 14th, 2019, 21:40
So, I reuploaded every extension/package with save versus tags :) Please redownload :)

Thanks, Asgurgolas, due to our discussion I looked at my code again and find a very little bug :D (My addition of NIFT etc. caused an issue for automatic misses, this should now be away)

November 16th, 2019, 09:48
New versions for all extensions and packages with save versus tags incorporated, due to new little features in Save versus tags, see here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post463256 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50297-(New-IF-operator)-New-and-much-better-version-of-Save-versus-tags&p=463256&viewfull=1#post463256)


November 17th, 2019, 08:01
Hi :)

I am sorry to bother you again. I have reuploaded save versus tags and its packages because there was a very minor issue: The DC for saves did not immediately account the modifier coming from the ability when adding a new spell until you clicked on the magnifying glass next to the save, then it was correctly updated. (therefore rather minor issue, but still something needed to be fixed) This should now be fixed, so the DC is now correctly updated when added to the spell list and not after the magnifying glass :)

Sorry for the reupload again, as usual for very recent releases, now everything should work again :) Thanks for your patience :)

(Ah, some extension updater would be useful for such things then I would not need to spam my extension threads :D)

Have fun :)

November 18th, 2019, 05:06
Ain't no thing, Kelrugem. We are just grateful for the extensions!

November 18th, 2019, 05:17
Ain't no thing, Kelrugem. We are just grateful for the extensions!

Thanks for the words :o

November 22nd, 2019, 15:48
I reuploaded all extensions with save versus tags for a compatibility update with the hero points extension of damned :) When you use damned's extension, too, then redownload and the hero point field should be back now :) When you do not use damned's extension and you do not have to redownload :)

November 22nd, 2019, 15:53
Thank you very much! Just tested and works perfectly again :D

November 22nd, 2019, 15:55
Thank you very much! Just tested and works perfectly again :D

Cool :D

December 14th, 2019, 05:41
New update due to a small bug fix in save versus tags and its packages (about the new option to let the DC of an individual spell be calculated by another ability than the base ability of the spell class) :) See the save versus tags thread for more information :)

By the way, I finished the first chapter/book of my three-years-old campaign and I am doing now some break of DMing :) I still will update these extensions of course but it may be a bit slower than usual because I am not using the extensions on my own at the moment :) (but later of course again after my break/preparation of the next chapter :D)

December 14th, 2019, 19:11
Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss ;d

February 8th, 2020, 20:30
Due to some bug fix of darrenan for the mirror image handler (thanks Darrenan :) See here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?46971-Mirror-Image-Handler-extension&p=475227&viewfull=1#post475227 ) I have updated the following extensions:

Advanced 3.5e and Pathfinder
Advanced 3.5e and Pathfinder with AoO
Full OverlayPackage
StrainInjury with advanced 3.5e and Pathfinder
StrainInjury with Full Package
StrainInjury with Full OverlayPackage

Please update when you use one of these together with the mirror image handler :)

March 1st, 2020, 05:35
The following extensions had to be updated to 3.3.10, please redownload them after FG 3.3.10 (next week probably) got released:

Advanced effects
Advanced effects with AoO
Full OverlayPackage
Everything with StrainInjury

Sorry for the minor updates in the last time, due to the finishing of my PhD end of this year (probably) I do sadly not have so much time at the moment; at the moment I only maintain the extensions :)

But the following projects are been done (slowly) at the moment, at latest next year I have at least one finished :D

Opposed skill rolls
CL effect
(Very slowly) the advanced effects extension of Celestian for 3.5e

Have fun :)

March 1st, 2020, 19:18
Another small update for the height token, see here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?51005-Extension-Height-label&p=478195&viewfull=1#post478195 :)

Thanks to Blackfoot for making me aware of that function :)

March 2nd, 2020, 15:56
just wanted to say thank you for your contribution to the community!

March 2nd, 2020, 16:47
just wanted to say thank you for your contribution to the community!

thank you very much for the words :) I am happy when the extensions are useful for others, too :)

March 9th, 2020, 01:37
Hi :)

Thanks to garrion_sw (he tested a bit) I now know that the overlay packages are probably incompatible with the Naval Combat Extension that comes with the Skulls & Shackles AP. When I found out how to solve this without the need to purchase the AP then I will let you know :)

March 22nd, 2020, 22:26
Hi :)

I made everything with advanced effects and the strainInjury extensions compatible with https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?26775-Expanded-Fantasy-Language-Fonts-(FG-v3-1-3-) :)

You can redownload these extensions if you also want to use this other extension (you still have to load them separately) :)

EDIT: The compatibility issue with the naval combat extension from Shackless Seas AP (or something like that) will take a bit longer; it seems that it is incompatible with most of my extensions and it is not a small extension. When I have more time I will do my best :)

April 5th, 2020, 07:16
All extensions with save versus tags (and the (dis)advantage extension) and advanced 3.5e/PF1 got an update :) See here, https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50297-(New-IF-operator)-New-and-much-better-version-of-Save-versus-tags&p=490890&viewfull=1#post490890 and https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?48977-Advanced-3-5e-and-Pathfinder-effects&p=490886&viewfull=1#post490886 :)

April 5th, 2020, 17:10
EDIT: Some users asked me for some instructions about the effects (how they're used and so on), therefore I made this effect cheat sheet about all my effects from all possible extensions :) (so, when some effect is not working then it is somewhere in another extension :) )

Sometimes you will see an effect which is already in the wiki; I listed them again because I extended their configuration :) (Like the (T) in DMGTYPE) The style follows the style of the effects wiki


See this post (post #3 of this thread) :) I added some pdf about all the effects already coded :) Even I already had problems to remember all their definitions and therefore I hope this pdf helps :) I try to keep it updated when new effects are implemented (but it is only about the effects; stuff added besides them I did not summarize again)

April 6th, 2020, 02:06

See this post (post #3 of this thread) :) I added some pdf about all the effects already coded :) Even I already had problems to remember all their definitions and therefore I hope this pdf helps :) I try to keep it updated when new effects are implemented (but it is only about the effects; stuff added besides them I did not summarize again)

you're awesome. thx for this pdf

April 6th, 2020, 15:53

you're awesome. thx for this pdf

you're welcome :)

April 6th, 2020, 22:27
I recently started using fantasy grounds, and started looking at the scripting for it.
I found your extension, I live it very much. Since I had difficulty figuring out how to get one working, I added something to yours and it's working.
I added a new ACCC effect. It's similar to AC but it only gives a bonus to AC during the critical confirmation roll.
I'm unsure if I've caught all possible situations, but it does appear to be working.
I was wondering if you could add something like this to yours, that way when you next update yours I don't need to figuring out again where to add it.


April 6th, 2020, 22:49
I recently started using fantasy grounds, and started looking at the scripting for it.
I found your extension, I live it very much. Since I had difficulty figuring out how to get one working, I added something to yours and it's working.
I added a new ACCC effect. It's similar to AC but it only gives a bonus to AC during the critical confirmation roll.
I'm unsure if I've caught all possible situations, but it does appear to be working.
I was wondering if you could add something like this to yours, that way when you next update yours I don't need to figuring out again where to add it.


Ah, nice idea :) Yes, when I do not forget it then I will add such an effect the next time, too :)

April 18th, 2020, 22:58
Well, this has gotten rather complex. Complexity isn't bad, but requires more attention than I have properly paid in order to either fully understand, or fully use, the various combinations of extensions...

Having said that, I pulled out all the various Kelrugem extensions that I had previously included (since I was getting an error), and then followed the advice on page one of this thread to use the 'combo' extensions. With that in mind, I have enabled the "Full OverlayPackage.ext".

I am still getting the error I alluded to:

Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_actor2.lua"]:97. attempt to call field 'setDeathOverlay' (a nil value)

Any thoughts on this?


- s.west

p.s. Thanks for all the great work. I just need to get it all straight!

April 18th, 2020, 23:05
Well, this has gotten rather complex. Complexity isn't bad, but requires more attention than I have properly paid in order to either fully understand, or fully use, the various combinations of extensions...

Having said that, I pulled out all the various Kelrugem extensions that I had previously included (since I was getting an error), and then followed the advice on page one of this thread to use the 'combo' extensions. With that in mind, I have enabled the "Full OverlayPackage.ext".

I am still getting the error I alluded to:

Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_actor2.lua"]:97. attempt to call field 'setDeathOverlay' (a nil value)

Any thoughts on this?


- s.west

p.s. Thanks for all the great work. I just need to get it all straight!

Thanks for testing :)

I just tried my full overlayPackage and can't replicate that issue :) What exactly are you doing to get this error? Which other extensions are you running?

April 18th, 2020, 23:05
and important: FGC or FGU? My extensions are not updated for FGU yet :)

April 19th, 2020, 07:51
Greetings Kelrugem,

Thanks for your response.

My apologies for throwing out that error, and then not providing what I knew you would need, i.e. the other extensions I'm running. I did so just in case I got lucky and it was something about which you already knew.

Anyway, the reason I couldn't take the time to give you some context was that I was running up against our game's scheduled start time, and needed to get moving. So I disabled several items that I thought I could do without, and got things going.

However, it's so late now (we just finished our game a few minutes ago) that I'll have to put off properly answering the question until tomorrow.

So... Thanks again, and I'll get back to ya! : - )

- s.west

April 19th, 2020, 07:52
Oops... Forgot to answer the easy question: FGC.

April 19th, 2020, 14:13
Greetings Kelrugem,

Thanks for your response.

My apologies for throwing out that error, and then not providing what I knew you would need, i.e. the other extensions I'm running. I did so just in case I got lucky and it was something about which you already knew.

Anyway, the reason I couldn't take the time to give you some context was that I was running up against our game's scheduled start time, and needed to get moving. So I disabled several items that I thought I could do without, and got things going.

However, it's so late now (we just finished our game a few minutes ago) that I'll have to put off properly answering the question until tomorrow.

So... Thanks again, and I'll get back to ya! : - )

- s.west

No worries, I hope you had a good game :)

EDIT: Ah okay, FGC should normally work; then some other extension is overwriting my TokenManager2 changes which would explain the error message you get :) Do you use by any chance the naval ship combat extension? My extensions are certainly not compatible with that extension (if not, a list of your extensions is needed then :) Or turn off all other but overlay extension and test whether you still get the error. One user had once that error because the first download of the extension didn't completely work due to its size, and he had to download again, that could also help :) )

April 19th, 2020, 19:22
I reuploaded the full OverlayPackage with new overlays :) There is a separate version in the overlay thread (or StrainInjury thread when you combine it with that extension) with a different set of overlay icons :)

See here for more informations: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post498537 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50143-Save-overlay-extension-(idea-from-Ken-L)&p=498537&viewfull=1#post498537)

or https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...l=1#post445881 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50143-Save-overlay-extension-(idea-from-Ken-L)&p=445881&viewfull=1#post445881) under Update3 to see the new overlays

Thanks to tahl_liadon :)

April 19th, 2020, 20:09
I finally got back to my office to figure out what was going on. There is a conflict with Markjan's, "PFRPG - Icones Effets.ext" (pardon my french), see his thread at https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?38817-Comprehensive-Effects-Icon-extension

He made a post in 2018 that it was broken for 3.3.5, and doesn't look like he's been able to update it lately. The last time I used it would have been in 2017. So I'll leave it off for the time being.

Thanks, again!

- s.west

April 19th, 2020, 20:13
I finally got back to my office to figure out what was going on. There is a conflict with Markjan's, "PFRPG - Icones Effets.ext" (pardon my french), see his thread at https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?38817-Comprehensive-Effects-Icon-extension

He made a post in 2018 that it was broken for 3.3.5, and doesn't look like he's been able to update it lately. The last time I used it would have been in 2017. So I'll leave it off for the time being.

Thanks, again!

- s.west

aaah, yeah, that extension is sadly too old; I think in 3.3.8 or so, the tokenManager2 changed, and at latest since then this extension will not work anymore :)

Thanks for taking the time to figure out what was causing your problem :)

April 19th, 2020, 20:15
But... and please forgive me for being so dense, but is "Full OverlayPackage with alternative icons.ext" probably the one I want?

April 19th, 2020, 20:19
But... and please forgive me for being so dense, but is "Full OverlayPackage with alternative icons.ext" probably the one I want?

Look at this post here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50143-Save-overlay-extension-(idea-from-Ken-L)&p=445881&viewfull=1#post445881

Scroll down to update3 and you will see two sets of overlays :) The alternative version uses the second sets of overlays :) So, choose one of both extensions whose overlays you prefer :)

April 20th, 2020, 18:40
@all users who also use the mirror image handler of darrenan:

Please redownload all extensions where the advanced effects and/or the AoO tracker are included :) There was seemingly still some incompatibility issue with mirror image handler, this is now fixed :)

When you do not use the extension about the mirror image handler: You do not have to do anything, just ignore this message :)

April 23rd, 2020, 03:12
I just updated the pdf with some extra informations for the (dis)advantage effects :) such that you do not have to look in the save versus tags thread (since that effect is still somewhat in a test mode) :) I also increased the font size of the pdf to 11pt to make it a bit more readable :)

April 29th, 2020, 00:06
I recently started using fantasy grounds, and started looking at the scripting for it.
I found your extension, I live it very much. Since I had difficulty figuring out how to get one working, I added something to yours and it's working.
I added a new ACCC effect. It's similar to AC but it only gives a bonus to AC during the critical confirmation roll.
I'm unsure if I've caught all possible situations, but it does appear to be working.
I was wondering if you could add something like this to yours, that way when you next update yours I don't need to figuring out again where to add it.


Oh, I just realized that I forgot to add that in my last reupload :) I wrote it now on some list for the next upload (together with other things like the bypass damage types), so, hopefully I won't forget that in the next time :D Sorry :)

April 29th, 2020, 19:27
Oh, I just realized that I forgot to add that in my last reupload :) I wrote it now on some list for the next upload (together with other things like the bypass damage types), so, hopefully I won't forget that in the next time :D Sorry :)

The way I did it was as follows: I added the following code to manager_action_attack.lua around line 514.

elseif nDefenseVal then
-- The following was added or changed to allow for a defenders AC to be increased for any crit confirmation roll.
local nACCCMod, nACCCCount = EffectManager35E.getEffectsBonus(rTarget, {"ACCC"}, true, aAttackFilter, rSource);
if nACCCMod == nil then
nACCCMod = 0
if (rRoll.sType ~= "critconfirm" and rAction.nTotal >= nDefenseVal) or (rRoll.sType == "critconfirm" and rAction.nTotal >= nDefenseVal + nACCCMod) then

I'm sure there is a better way to do it, such as pull the ACCC mod out earlier, but not really sure where best to put it in the code.

April 29th, 2020, 19:49
The way I did it was as follows: I added the following code to manager_action_attack.lua around line 514.

elseif nDefenseVal then
-- The following was added or changed to allow for a defenders AC to be increased for any crit confirmation roll.
local nACCCMod, nACCCCount = EffectManager35E.getEffectsBonus(rTarget, {"ACCC"}, true, aAttackFilter, rSource);
if nACCCMod == nil then
nACCCMod = 0
if (rRoll.sType ~= "critconfirm" and rAction.nTotal >= nDefenseVal) or (rRoll.sType == "critconfirm" and rAction.nTotal >= nDefenseVal + nACCCMod) then

I'm sure there is a better way to do it, such as pull the ACCC mod out earlier, but not really sure where best to put it in the code.

thanks :) Yes, that I would also have suggested, but I will adjust it a bit because right now it would stack with AC bonus even when the bonus types would not stack :)

April 29th, 2020, 20:05
There would be circumstances where it would stack though.


The Resilience of Steel ability from above doesn't give any stacking type and so would stack with everything.
This of course is why I made it as I'm playing an armored hulk. lol

April 29th, 2020, 20:53
There would be circumstances where it would stack though.


The Resilience of Steel ability from above doesn't give any stacking type and so would stack with everything.
This of course is why I made it as I'm playing an armored hulk. lol

:D Oki, this is a untyped bonus, then it doesn't matter, indeed :D But who knows, there is maybe some typed bonus running around (though such effects like ACCC are rare :D)

April 29th, 2020, 21:04
:D Oki, this is a untyped bonus, then it doesn't matter, indeed :D But who knows, there is maybe some typed bonus running around (though such effects like ACCC are rare :D)

Always better with more options. Never know when you might need them. lol
If it isn't broke it doesn't have enough options. :)

April 29th, 2020, 21:24
Always better with more options. Never know when you might need them. lol
If it isn't broke it doesn't have enough options. :)

hehe :D

Thanks again for the code, whenever I have time again (also for adding some other requests) then I will add and adjust it a bit, and I will name you and your name gets added to the extensions then, too :)

April 30th, 2020, 00:11
No worries about naming me. I have a question though. Is there a way to denote on a weapon that the damage is for crits only? That is to say the damage only happens if a critical is scored.
I'm thinking it would be nice to be able to add items with like flaming burst directly to the weapon instead of as an effect.

April 30th, 2020, 00:23
No worries about naming me. I have a question though. Is there a way to denote on a weapon that the damage is for crits only? That is to say the damage only happens if a critical is scored.
I'm thinking it would be nice to be able to add items with like flaming burst directly to the weapon instead of as an effect.

yup, the damage type critical is doing that, but only works in effects as far as I know :) when you just add an additonal damage die in the weapon entry with that damage type then it will be always rolled; but DMG effects with that damage type will only be triggered on crits then :) Like DMG: d10 fire, critical; I want to convert the advanced effects extension of Celestian (5e), there it is possible to add effects which only work with a specific weapon to avoid that such effects have to be turned off for other weapons :)

And of course I will name you :D

April 30th, 2020, 00:57
yup, the damage type critical is doing that, but only works in effects as far as I know :) when you just add an additonal damage die in the weapon entry with that damage type then it will be always rolled; but DMG effects with that damage type will only be triggered on crits then :) Like DMG: d10 fire, critical; I want to convert the advanced effects extension of Celestian (5e), there it is possible to add effects which only work with a specific weapon to avoid that such effects have to be turned off for other weapons :)

And of course I will name you :D

I actually have a semi working version of his code. The basics work as does the interface. The code for dynamically applying effects doesn't work yet.

April 30th, 2020, 01:26
I actually have a semi working version of his code. The basics work as does the interface. The code for dynamically applying effects doesn't work yet.

Nice :) Yeah, many things of that directly work, but the effects stuff has to be exchanged due to that the effects manager are different, and it might be incompatible with my extensions, such that I will probably only upload a very big extension of that and my extensions (at some point in the far future; I sadly have no time to mess with such big projects now :D)

April 30th, 2020, 03:43
The Corona virus has given me too much time on my hands.
It accesses some of the attack and damage functions and they appear to be differently named than the ones in 3.5E/PF, which is probably why it still works with your code because none of that is working as intended.
I'm currently working on something to modify the way items propagate from character inventory to the action tab.
I'm hoping to make items that including flaming, etc autmagically.
I'm also hoping to include potions and wands in the spells section.

April 30th, 2020, 03:55
The Corona virus has given me too much time on my hands.
It accesses some of the attack and damage functions and they appear to be differently named than the ones in 3.5E/PF, which is probably why it still works with your code because none of that is working as intended.
I'm currently working on something to modify the way items propagate from character inventory to the action tab.
I'm hoping to make items that including flaming, etc autmagically.
I'm also hoping to include potions and wands in the spells section.

Cool, sounds like nice ideas :) (potions and wands are already possible, but you probably mean automatic population of their spells etc. there? In my save versus tags extension I added the ability to define whether some usage resets after a short/long rest or is a consumable like a potion (i.e. the uses there never reset after a rest); just in case you want to combine your extensions with the things added in some other extensions :D)

Looking forward to what you code :)

April 30th, 2020, 04:42
Cool, sounds like nice ideas :) (potions and wands are already possible, but you probably mean automatic population of their spells etc. there? In my save versus tags extension I added the ability to define whether some usage resets after a short/long rest or is a consumable like a potion (i.e. the uses there never reset after a rest); just in case you want to combine your extensions with the things added in some other extensions :D)

Looking forward to what you code :)

I've not seen potions make an any item automagically in the actions tab. Is it supposed to do so somewhere?
The idea I had was if you add a potion to your characters inventory it would search the name for anything between () and go looking for a spell for that name. if it finds one it will add it or increase an already existing item in with the potion as its name. something like that in any case. Same thing with wands.

April 30th, 2020, 05:03
I've not seen potions make an any item automagically in the actions tab. Is it supposed to do so somewhere?
The idea I had was if you add a potion to your characters inventory it would search the name for anything between () and go looking for a spell for that name. if it finds one it will add it or increase an already existing item in with the potion as its name. something like that in any case. Same thing with wands.

ah, no, not any automatic population of actions :) (I meant that you can set up actions manually for that; but automatic population would be nice of course :) )

May 2nd, 2020, 14:53
How would I use your save versus tags extension to define an item in the action tab as not resetting after a rest?

May 2nd, 2020, 15:55
Its under cast option for a spell.... if it has a cast option already its on the bottom when you use the magnifying glass to expand the cast. otherwise right click... add spell action... add cast... then use the glass to expand go to the bottom and toggle until its on consumable

May 2nd, 2020, 16:13
Found it thanks. Now I just need to figure out how to access it programmatically.

May 3rd, 2020, 01:22
Well I got it working. Thanks. Just have 1 bug to fix and I'll post it.

May 6th, 2020, 22:38
I have an odd bug and I'm not sure where the bug is coming from.
If you have the following 2 effects
DMG: 1d6 fire
DMG: 1d10 fire, critical

The only time these two effects will be applied is when a critical is rolled. The 1d6 should be applied all the time and the 1d10 should only be applied on critical.
I've tried testing this with no extensions and it has the same result. If I remove critical it applies both dice all the time, with critical the only time it does is when critical is rolled.
I'm guessing there is a bug in fs somewhere that isn't taking in to account the possibility that there might be a situation where you have two effects with similar but not exact damage types.
I wonder if there is a fix for this?

May 8th, 2020, 19:37
I have an odd bug and I'm not sure where the bug is coming from.
If you have the following 2 effects
DMG: 1d6 fire
DMG: 1d10 fire, critical

The only time these two effects will be applied is when a critical is rolled. The 1d6 should be applied all the time and the 1d10 should only be applied on critical.
I've tried testing this with no extensions and it has the same result. If I remove critical it applies both dice all the time, with critical the only time it does is when critical is rolled.
I'm guessing there is a bug in fs somewhere that isn't taking in to account the possibility that there might be a situation where you have two effects with similar but not exact damage types.
I wonder if there is a fix for this?

There is a thread where Kelrugem found this - I confirmed it - you will also have that bug if you do manual dice rolling and force a critical.

The "workaround" at this time - is do the weapon with one of the two effects - and just add the 2nd effect to the character in the combat tracker. That does produce the correct result.

May 8th, 2020, 19:50
The situation I was looking at is rare, but can't be done as a weapon.
I'm working on porting the 5E advanced effects extension to 3.5e and pathfinder.
It's basically done.
I setup arrows to have flaming burst, which is at least 2 effects. 1 for the 1d6 and 1 for the crit 2d10 the bow has corrosive burst for 1 effect for the crit and the 1d6 is in the weapon.
This is an extreme example, but it works except for this particular bug. I'm guessing it's fixable, I just don't know enough about what happens where. I'm learning through trial and error. The documentation for this sucks.
If someone can point me to the file that has the code for determining what gets rolled when I'll have a look at it. That's if it's accessible.

May 11th, 2020, 02:18
The situation I was looking at is rare, but can't be done as a weapon.
I'm working on porting the 5E advanced effects extension to 3.5e and pathfinder.
It's basically done.
I setup arrows to have flaming burst, which is at least 2 effects. 1 for the 1d6 and 1 for the crit 2d10 the bow has corrosive burst for 1 effect for the crit and the 1d6 is in the weapon.
This is an extreme example, but it works except for this particular bug. I'm guessing it's fixable, I just don't know enough about what happens where. I'm learning through trial and error. The documentation for this sucks.
If someone can point me to the file that has the code for determining what gets rolled when I'll have a look at it. That's if it's accessible.

What Ckorik meant is that you should add the non-crit as a separate damage die in the weapon damage entry and not as effect, then it should work. I believe that it is related to that the "critical" damage type is a special damage type, it gets added to other damage types (DMG: 1d6 critical would add a separate d6 which carries also the weapon damage types of the actor weapon; I think this property fails here, but the code of the damage type clauses has some bugs (also in 5e btw) and it is difficult to follow its code. I personally just wait for a fix at the moment rather than messing with its code since these are rare edge cases :) ). That is not a bug related to the extensions but of the native FG, therefore Moon Wizard probably knows more about it, but the devs are now full into FGU of course :)

And sorry also here for my late response, was gone some time

May 11th, 2020, 09:32
What Ckorik meant is that you should add the non-crit as a separate damage die in the weapon damage entry and not as effect, then it should work. I believe that it is related to that the "critical" damage type is a special damage type, it gets added to other damage types (DMG: 1d6 critical would add a separate d6 which carries also the weapon damage types of the actor weapon; I think this property fails here, but the code of the damage type clauses has some bugs (also in 5e btw) and it is difficult to follow its code. I personally just wait for a fix at the moment rather than messing with its code since these are rare edge cases :) ). That is not a bug related to the extensions but of the native FG, therefore Moon Wizard probably knows more about it, but the devs are now full into FGU of course :)

And sorry also here for my late response, was gone some time

I did actually. The problem is that as follows. I have arrows with flaming burst and I have a bow with corrosive burst. I can't put the 1d6 for flaming burst in the arrows as the acting weapon is the bow not the arrows. So the arrows create 2 effects. 1 for the 1d6 fire and 1 for the 1d10 fire crit. The bow itself being a base weapon has the 1d6 acid built into it's damage list while the 1d10 acid crit is an effect. This is really the only way to do this. It's an extreme case so I'm not too worried about it.
Just as an exercise of learning the code any suggestions on what lua file it's in or what function to start with in a file I'd like to have a look but I've no idea where to start.

May 11th, 2020, 15:38
I did actually. The problem is that as follows. I have arrows with flaming burst and I have a bow with corrosive burst. I can't put the 1d6 for flaming burst in the arrows as the acting weapon is the bow not the arrows. So the arrows create 2 effects. 1 for the 1d6 fire and 1 for the 1d10 fire crit. The bow itself being a base weapon has the 1d6 acid built into it's damage list while the 1d10 acid crit is an effect. This is really the only way to do this. It's an extreme case so I'm not too worried about it.
Just as an exercise of learning the code any suggestions on what lua file it's in or what function to start with in a file I'd like to have a look but I've no idea where to start.

Ah, I see, I didn't read carefully :) Well, one could add a separate weapon entry for the same bow but with that arrow; of course a bit tedious maybe :)

May 13th, 2020, 02:24
Please redownload save versus tags and all the extension which contain save versus tags :) I accidentally made a bad copy&paste in the last patch and broke IF and NIF effects, that should be fixed now :)

I know that some people now wrote extensions to make them compatible with mine, therefore I feel very sorry that reuploaded it :) (I only changed manager_actions.lua, simply copy over that file then you do not have to redo your stuff)

I sadly had no time yet to look at your extensions, I am having a lot of health issues right now and my thesis is very stressful at the moment such that I only had time to write this hotfix :)

Thanks for your contributions :)

EDIT: I wonder why noone yet saw this error, some error message pops up when that happened; but probably because IF and NIF effects are the less used ones :D

May 15th, 2020, 15:32
Hi :)

About the FGU usage: Since the last patch of FGU my extensions will not work anymore with FGU, only for FGC :) I am sorry to say that I will update my extensions when FGU is nearer to release otherwise I will have to update my extensions too often sadly :/ (as an example: My height label extension sometimes works with FGU, sometimes not, it changes all the time, and I would need to update that extension very often)

Since FGU changes very frequently and since I do sadly not have that much time at the moment to update my extensions that often, I have to wait until FGU is more stable. FGU basically also runs in 3.3.11 mode which means that FGU basically runs with the next patch and so ruleset-specific things and extensions can break in FGU while they work in FGC; my extensions sadly already need a lot of maintenance, having two different versions would just add a lot to that maintenance

I hope you can understand :) In FGC they work :p (hopefully :D)

June 19th, 2020, 22:43
Hi :)

About the FGU usage: Since the last patch of FGU my extensions will not work anymore with FGU, only for FGC :) I am sorry to say that I will update my extensions when FGU is nearer to release otherwise I will have to update my extensions too often sadly :/ (as an example: My height label extension sometimes works with FGU, sometimes not, it changes all the time, and I would need to update that extension very often)

Since FGU changes very frequently and since I do sadly not have that much time at the moment to update my extensions that often, I have to wait until FGU is more stable. FGU basically also runs in 3.3.11 mode which means that FGU basically runs with the next patch and so ruleset-specific things and extensions can break in FGU while they work in FGC; my extensions sadly already need a lot of maintenance, having two different versions would just add a lot to that maintenance

I hope you can understand :) In FGC they work :p (hopefully :D)

Hi again!

As with the other extension, i'm using this one in FGU and kept finding this error
[<color="red">ERROR</color>] Script execution error: [string "ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua"]:114: attempt to index global 'windowlist' (a nil value)
After a few test I found out that it was because of this extension and managed to go around it.

If any one is having the same problem, the problem lies in the file specified in the error (ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua). Changing this (on line 114):

-- Update list information (global subsection toggles)

for this:

-- Update list information (global subsection toggles)
if windowlist ~= nil then
solves it as far as I know (yet it might break something else ;))

Once again, thank you very much Kelrugem for this amazing work. I've tried to read some documentation on the scripting language here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/refdoc/windowlist.xcp, but I cannot find what 'onVisibilityToggle()' and 'onEntrySectionToggle()' do. Do you know where I can find it?

See you guys,

June 19th, 2020, 23:47
Hi again!

As with the other extension, i'm using this one in FGU and kept finding this error
After a few test I found out that it was because of this extension and managed to go around it.

If any one is having the same problem, the problem lies in the file specified in the error (ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua). Changing this (on line 114):

-- Update list information (global subsection toggles)

for this:

-- Update list information (global subsection toggles)
if windowlist ~= nil then
solves it as far as I know (yet it might break something else ;))

Once again, thank you very much Kelrugem for this amazing work. I've tried to read some documentation on the scripting language here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/refdoc/windowlist.xcp, but I cannot find what 'onVisibilityToggle()' and 'onEntrySectionToggle()' do. Do you know where I can find it?

See you guys,

Hi :)

thanks for the informations :) Yes, the extensions won't work in FGU yet, too many things are changing there and I need to port it later :) This part you have found is handled differently in FGU seemingly (I compared the FGC ct_entry.lua and the one of FGU for 3.5e/PF1 and they handle this stuff differently, windowlist.onEntrySectionToggle() does not even get used in FGU seemingly (so, your fix might indeed cause something; you could test it by deleting an NPC from the CT maybe :D))

I also couldn't find any information about these functions, by their names it seems to be about the visibility and faction toggle, maybe it is about getting rid of its token on the map if any? Not sure :) (this is something of the native code, not something I have added :) )

June 20th, 2020, 14:56
As always Kelrugem, just amazing! Thank you for making the incredible Overlay Extension for PF1!


June 21st, 2020, 02:53
As always Kelrugem, just amazing! Thank you for making the incredible Overlay Extension for PF1!


you're welcome :) I am glad when people are happy about it :)

June 21st, 2020, 18:27
Hi again!

As with the other extension, i'm using this one in FGU and kept finding this error
After a few test I found out that it was because of this extension and managed to go around it.

If any one is having the same problem, the problem lies in the file specified in the error (ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua). Changing this (on line 114):

-- Update list information (global subsection toggles)

for this:

-- Update list information (global subsection toggles)
if windowlist ~= nil then
solves it as far as I know (yet it might break something else ;))

Once again, thank you very much Kelrugem for this amazing work. I've tried to read some documentation on the scripting language here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/refdoc/windowlist.xcp, but I cannot find what 'onVisibilityToggle()' and 'onEntrySectionToggle()' do. Do you know where I can find it?

See you guys,

As a follow-up: You can find these two functions in ct.lua :)

July 3rd, 2020, 14:54
So I'm trying to wrap my head around the mechanics of IFTAG.
When I'm trying to apply an Action that has an effect, the tag IFTAG is looking for would be a tag on the target of the Action, correct?
So, would a saving throw, by default, target the actor making the save, thus the tag would have to be on whoever is making the save, not what they are saving against?
Also, is there someplace you can see all the tags associated with a character?

I ask because I was trying to make an effect that bumped a characters save when saving vs. enchantment, but it seemed to apply the bonus regardless. I am suspecting that that tag somehow already exists on the character making the save.

Am I making any sense?

July 3rd, 2020, 15:19
So I'm trying to wrap my head around the mechanics of IFTAG.
When I'm trying to apply an Action that has an effect, the tag IFTAG is looking for would be a tag on the target of the Action, correct?
So, would a saving throw, by default, target the actor making the save, thus the tag would have to be on whoever is making the save, not what they are saving against?
Also, is there someplace you can see all the tags associated with a character?

I ask because I was trying to make an effect that bumped a characters save when saving vs. enchantment, but it seemed to apply the bonus regardless. I am suspecting that that tag somehow already exists on the character making the save.

Am I making any sense?I'm sure Kel wil chime in with more complete information, but (from my experience with this extension) the tag needs to go on the creature making the save.
Here is how I would write an effect like that:
Name of Effect; IFTAG: enchantment; SAVE: 2 luck

EDIT: I meant effect, not tag, in the first sentence.

July 3rd, 2020, 15:30
So I'm trying to wrap my head around the mechanics of IFTAG.
When I'm trying to apply an Action that has an effect, the tag IFTAG is looking for would be a tag on the target of the Action, correct?
So, would a saving throw, by default, target the actor making the save, thus the tag would have to be on whoever is making the save, not what they are saving against?
Also, is there someplace you can see all the tags associated with a character?

I ask because I was trying to make an effect that bumped a characters save when saving vs. enchantment, but it seemed to apply the bonus regardless. I am suspecting that that tag somehow already exists on the character making the save.

Am I making any sense?

Tags are not associated to any character but are defined in the spell or action :) (click the magnifying glass next to the cast button) The IFTAG operator works like IF and IFT, so, IFTAG checks whether the tags are met in the spell/action and if not then the effect will not be read further (such that everything on the right next to IFTAG will not be accounted) :) That means also that the person who should get the effect should also get it in the CT. Hence, give all dwarves e.g. the effect IFTAG: spell, spelllike; SAVE: 2 racial :)

About your example: Can you send a screenshot? It should be IFTAG: enchantment; SAVE: ... (when against all enchantment effects) :)

EDIT: It is not only the target of the spell who gets checked, it is the spell/action which gets checked which tags it has :) For example, DC can be combined with IFTAG, so, here it is about an effect supporting the caster. But when combining with SAVE then the target gets supported by the effect (when the tags are met) :) Thence, here it has no fixed source actor/target structure. The spell itself is gonna be checked for the tags because it carries the informations about these :) and when its tags are suitable the effects of its caster and targets are triggered :)

July 3rd, 2020, 15:41
Ok...here's what I am trying to do: Elven Immunity: +2 to saves vs. enchantment spells or spell like effects.
So, I built an effect "IFTAG: enchantment; SAVE: 2".
When I have the effect turned off and just roll a manual save, in this case, Reflex, it looks correct:

When I turn the effect on and do the same, it applies the bonus, even though there should be no "enchantment" tag present:

What am I doing wrong?

July 3rd, 2020, 15:50
Ok...here's what I am trying to do: Elven Immunity: +2 to saves vs. enchantment spells or spell like effects.
So, I built an effect "IFTAG: enchantment; SAVE: 2".
When I have the effect turned off and just roll a manual save, in this case, Reflex, it looks correct:

When I turn the effect on and do the same, it applies the bonus, even though there should be no "enchantment" tag present:

What am I doing wrong?

ttritten and I are discussing that on Discord at the moment, and we found the culprit: It was an incompatibility with some other extension :) With just my extension loaded it works; ttritten tries now to find out which other extension messes that up :)

July 3rd, 2020, 15:55
The incompatibility came from the advanced effects .5e and PF1 of rmilmine (the one which let you attach effects on items etc., similar to Celestian's advanced effects extension for 5e), so, I try to make them compatible soon :) (hopefully I have time soon, right now I am writing on an application :D)

July 4th, 2020, 00:31
The incompatibility came from the advanced effects .5e and PF1 of rmilmine (the one which let you attach effects on items etc., similar to Celestian's advanced effects extension for 5e), so, I try to make them compatible soon :) (hopefully I have time soon, right now I am writing on an application :D)

I'd marry you if you managed to O__O (ok no I wouldn't but you know what I mean)

July 6th, 2020, 02:58
I'd marry you if you managed to O__O (ok no I wouldn't but you know what I mean)

Hehe, I am happy about every proposal, even if it is a fake :D

Finally, with the release of 3.3.11 in one or two weeks I try to make my extensions compatible with the new extensions which were released by others in the last weeks, that is

- Compatibility with Rmilmine's advanced effects extension (since it turns off the IFTAG code and maybe more)
- Compatibility with Bmos's spell failure roll
- Including Phixation's damage types for overcoming things like resistance
- Including an ACCC effect (AC against criticals; though I am not sure if I will be able to implement that since I need to beware compatibility with existing effects with respect to stacking); that was a user request of someone who added that already in their own campaign
- Raust has observed an FGU error for strainInjury. But that may be related to 3.3.11 since FGU is running on 3.3.11, even on the live servers. So, it might be fixed by updating to 3.3.11
- Compatibility of the height label with hex grids
- Anything extra when time is left like the extra parsing tags requested in the save versus tags thread (the tag disbelief when I remember it correctly)
- Adding automatic parsing for custom modules

I can't promise that I succeed with everything though 3.3.11 compatibility has highest priority such that you can update without issues :)

Did I miss something? Then please let me know :)

July 6th, 2020, 17:39
I am starting to ask all community developers to consider making an explicit licensing statement on their work. It helps future community developers honor your wishes in regards to your work. Their is a discussion and some suggested licensing statements here; On Licensing & Distributing Community Content (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?53781-On-Licensing-Distribution-of-Community-Content). Thanks for your contribution and for considering adding a licensing statement to your original post(s) :)

July 6th, 2020, 18:50
I am starting to ask all community developers to consider making an explicit licensing statement on their work. It helps future community developers honor your wishes in regards to your work. Their is a discussion and some suggested licensing statements here; On Licensing & Distributing Community Content (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?53781-On-Licensing-Distribution-of-Community-Content). Thanks for your contribution and for considering adding a licensing statement to your original post(s) :)

Done :D Added:

LICENSE: CC-BY-NC, i.e. you can use and change it however you want, integrate it in your code and reupload it etc., so you can do everything what you want with these extensions but do not commercialize it :) (But Smiteworks is allowed to integrate the code if they want, hehe :D) That only holds for my code, there are images included in the full overlay package and there I attached the licenses of the images :)

July 6th, 2020, 21:49
I was going to look into making an new extension that allowed multiple effects to be created from a single effects button (something like how a paladin's smite does extra damage on the first attack if against particular types of creatures, or how charge is good for one attack roll but the penalty lasts until your next turn), but thought it might be more within the scope of what you're doing here.
Is this something of interest or should I look into it on my own?

Also, I have done some limited testing and the IFTAG seems to be working while also using rmilmine's effects extension on my computer. Not saying it isn't incompatible, just that it's possibly more complicated than the explanation that it's fully blocking IFTAG.

July 6th, 2020, 22:00
Here's the specific effect that I am having issues with: SAVE: 1 will; IFTAG: divination; SAVE: 1 will
Basically, it is only supposed to apply the second +1 to will if there is a divination tag present. So, +1 to Will, unless against divination and then it's +2.
If I have rmilmine's extension enable it seems to ignore the IFTAG conditional and just applies the +2 regardless. If I don't the effect works as written.
Don't know if that helps or not.

July 6th, 2020, 22:50
Here's the specific effect that I am having issues with: SAVE: 1 will; IFTAG: divination; SAVE: 1 will
Basically, it is only supposed to apply the second +1 to will if there is a divination tag present. So, +1 to Will, unless against divination and then it's +2.
If I have rmilmine's extension enable it seems to ignore the IFTAG conditional and just applies the +2 regardless. If I don't the effect works as written.
Don't know if that helps or not.That's awfully strange. I enabled just save versus tags and rmilmine's advanced effects extension, copied/pasted your effect, and changed divination to necromancy.
I tested with PVP and NPC casting against a PC. Each time it did as it should.

EDIT: just tried divination in case it's school specific and that worked too.

If I find anything likely to help tracking it down I'll report back.

July 6th, 2020, 22:51
Ok...I'm using the Full Overlay Package extension....lemme try it with just the Save Vs. extension and see what happens....stay tuned.

July 6th, 2020, 22:58
I was going to look into making an new extension that allowed multiple effects to be created from a single effects button (something like how a paladin's smite does extra damage on the first attack if against particular types of creatures, or how charge is good for one attack roll but the penalty lasts until your next turn), but thought it might be more within the scope of what you're doing here.
Is this something of interest or should I look into it on my own?

What do you mean? :) Is this not already possible (like by choosing the option of that something expires on the next roll (and not action to avoid that it affects all attacks of a full attack) etc.), or do you just mean a group button of applying effects? (like the cast button which triggers some other buttons at once)

Also, I have done some limited testing and the IFTAG seems to be working while also using rmilmine's effects extension on my computer. Not saying it isn't incompatible, just that it's possibly more complicated than the explanation that it's fully blocking IFTAG.

In my own testing it looked like that IFTAG got ignored completely, as ttritten mentioned, everything after the IFTAG got always applied, so, to see that you need to test that effect with a spell which does not meet the conditions (normally the effect(s) after IFTAG should not be applied then). But with rmilmine's extension activated the effects after IFTAG got applied :) But I didn't test all constellations, so, it might be a complicated issue :) Gladly, Rmilmine has sent me a suggestion of code to fix that :) I hope that this will work then because I do not know whether I have the time to go through the whole code :D

July 6th, 2020, 23:06
OK...Here's what I have enabled:

Here is the effect:

Here is a Will save with it not enabled:

Here is a Will save with it enabled:

If I'm just making a generic Will save, the divination tag should not be detected and so the Will bump should only be +1 instead of +2.

So, if I go in and only enable the Save Vs. extension, the IFTAG gets applied and I only get the +1 I should:

Does this help?

July 6th, 2020, 23:09
OK...Here's what I have enabled:

Here is the effect:

Here is a Will save with it not enabled:

Here is a Will save with it enabled:

If I'm just making a generic Will save, the divination tag should not be detected and so the Will bump should only be +1 instead of +2.

So, if I go in and only enable the Save Vs. extension, the IFTAG gets applied and I only get the +1 I should:

Does this help?

Yes, I can observe that, too :) I will certainly look at making it compatible with rmilmine's extension such that the IFTAG operator works also with this extension :) (since rmilmine's extension is pretty cool :) )

(though it was first a bit confusing in your screenshots that you have some other effect bonus of +2 running around, too :D)

EDIT: And I think you answered bmos? My question "What do you mean?" was directed to bmos by the way :D I know what you mean since our discussion on Discord :)

EDIT2: Ah, now I see that you answered to bmos, too much going on here, so, I seemingly forgot to check everything :D

July 6th, 2020, 23:18
What do you mean? :) Is this not already possible (like by choosing the option of that something expires on the next roll (and not action to avoid that it affects all attacks of a full attack) etc.), or do you just mean a group button of applying effects? (like the cast button which triggers some other buttons at once)A group button would be one approach, although it would get complicated as sometimes there are different effects on different creatures. I was envisioning a "countdown" effect that could remove itself and whatever followed after x number of rounds, which is why I thought of your extensions.

July 6th, 2020, 23:26
A group button would be one approach, although it would get complicated as sometimes there are different effects on different creatures. I was envisioning a "countdown" effect that could remove itself and whatever followed after x number of rounds, which is why I thought of your extensions.

But the effects support a duration after which the expire automatically? (I believe I misread your posts somewhere :D) What I wanted to add at some point is stuff which already exists in the FG ruleset of 4e, like expiring after a successful save with the option that an effect gets replaced with another effect depending on whether the save was a success or failure (the operators FAIL and AFTER) :) Did you maybe mean stuff like that? But I have to write my thesis at the moment (particle physics and gauge theory etc.), so, I have nearly no time, thence, when I can't find an immediate solution of implying such things when I update to 3.3.11 then I am always happy when someone else wants to add such things to the code :)

July 6th, 2020, 23:34
But the effects support a duration after which the expire automatically? (I believe I misread your posts somewhere :D) What I wanted to add at some point is stuff which already exists in the FG ruleset of 4e, like expiring after a successful save with the option that an effect gets replaced with another effect depending on whether the save was a success or failure (the operators FAIL and AFTER) :) Did you maybe mean stuff like that? But I have to write my thesis at the moment (particle physics and gauge theory etc.), so, I have nearly no time, thence, when I can't find an immediate solution of implying such things when I update to 3.3.11 then I am always happy when someone else wants to add such things to the code :)I'll take a look. :D
I'll give it one more shot to explain, too: One effect, part of which expires before the rest.

July 6th, 2020, 23:39
I'll take a look. :D
I'll give it one more shot to explain, too: One effect, part of which expires before the rest.

aaah, okay, now I understood, thanks :) So basically combining effects in one line but treating separate strings differently for expiration etc. :) Yeah, that is somehow similar to the operators FAIL and AFTER (but not completely, it goes into a similar direction) :) Yeah, that should be certainly possible :) I am happy when you can offer some code for that, or I try it while adding these other operators when I find time :)

July 7th, 2020, 02:47
Hehe, I am happy about every proposal, even if it is a fake https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/images/smilies/biggrin.png

Finally, with the release of 3.3.11 in one or two weeks I try to make my extensions compatible with the new extensions which were released by others in the last weeks, that is

- Compatibility with Rmilmine's advanced effects extension (since it turns off the IFTAG code and maybe more)
- Compatibility with Bmos's spell failure roll
- Including Phixation's damage types for overcoming things like resistance
- Including an ACCC effect (AC against criticals; though I am not sure if I will be able to implement that since I need to beware compatibility with existing effects with respect to stacking); that was a user request of someone who added that already in their own campaign
- Raust has observed an FGU error for strainInjury. But that may be related to 3.3.11 since FGU is running on 3.3.11, even on the live servers. So, it might be fixed by updating to 3.3.11
- Compatibility of the height label with hex grids
- Anything extra when time is left like the extra parsing tags requested in the save versus tags thread (the tag disbelief when I remember it correctly)

I can't promise that I succeed with everything though 3.3.11 compatibility has highest priority such that you can update without issues https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.png

Did I miss something? Then please let me know https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.png

Another feature I try to do: Adding automatic parsing for custom modules :)

July 7th, 2020, 14:19
Another feature I try to do: Adding automatic parsing for custom modules :)

If you could also set an extension to brew coffee whenever the DM is getting tired.... :°D

July 7th, 2020, 20:09
If you could also set an extension to brew coffee whenever the DM is getting tired.... :°D

:D that's a good idea :D

July 21st, 2020, 19:27
Just a warning: 3.3.11 got releases today :) I need to update now, but it can take a while :) In some hours I am hopefully done

July 22nd, 2020, 00:19
*waiting impatiently*

July 22nd, 2020, 07:03
*waiting impatiently*


I just finished it, in the next minutes I am uploading it and will present the new shiny features! :D

July 22nd, 2020, 08:31
I have updated to 3.3.11:

Advanced 3.5e and Pathfinder
Save versus tags
(Dis) advantage (included in save vs tags)

and every package where these are contained (so, nearly everything :D) The cheat sheet got updated, too :) Please let me know of any problem etc., it is likely that I may have done some mistake, sat around 13 hours on all of that, really need sleep now :D

See here for more infos: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?48977-Advanced-3-5e-and-Pathfinder-effects&p=528289&viewfull=1#post528289 and https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50297-(New-IF-operator)-New-and-much-better-version-of-Save-versus-tags&p=528291&viewfull=1#post528291

July 22nd, 2020, 08:39
I was checking the updates there, and in the save versus tag I just noticed you talk about a "ROLLON" effect... I think I totally missed it so far: what does it do?

July 22nd, 2020, 08:46
I was checking the updates there, and in the save versus tag I just noticed you talk about a "ROLLON" effect... I think I totally missed it so far: what does it do?

It automatically rolls on a table at the beginning of someone's turn :)

So, e.g. when you have the effect ROLLON: confusion and some table with the name confusion, then it will automatically roll on that table at the beginning of that person's turn :) (it has the same options as the /rollon macro :) )

July 22nd, 2020, 14:04
Awesome :O

July 25th, 2020, 20:00
I need to do some survey:

Would it be okay when I would just offer the FullOverlay Package (plus a version for StrainInury and StrainInury with the Overlays) instead of separate versions for just Save versus Tags and advanced 3.5e/PF1 and their packages/combinations? I would add an option in the FullOverlay extension with which you can define whether you get overlays or not (maybe with some granularity whether just wounds overlays, or just save overlays, or both for example) :)

The reason why I am asking is that maintaining the extensions is immense already and that is probably due to all the packages. Either I need to ask an IT professional how they do such things or I just offer the "product with everything" for reducing the time for maintenance :) (The extensions reached a complexity which makes it impossible to just "copy&paste" into the packages :D For example, advanced 3.5e/PF1 completely rewrites the damage script as you probably know, and that I can't simply copy&paste into StrainInjury for example due to the different hitpoint system there :) ) I have seen that when someone uses my extensions, then at least save versus tags and the advanced 3.5e/PF1 and not just one of both. But not everyone wants to have the overlays, which is the reason why I would add an option in the overlay extension then :)

I would keep the subthreads for listing the features but it may be easier for me that I only need to change two/three extensions when I add new features :) (antimagic, height etc. still stay separate, they are simple enough in that regard)

When I would do this then in some months probably, e.g. when 3.3.12 is released. I just do some brainstorming about how to treat my extensions (and then it is probably also easier for users to see what they need to download)

July 25th, 2020, 21:15
I'd be in for the whole package with the possibly to toggle the overlay parts :P
that full overlay package became my staple extension by now :°D

July 26th, 2020, 11:41
Sounds good to me. We use the full overlay + height extensions.

July 26th, 2020, 11:58
Same, although the if checks to disable that part should hopefully be placed in such a way to maximize compatibility.
I think the overlays part has more conflicts with other extensions?

I've been meaning to switch to FullOverlays anyway and just haven't had time to vet it for compatibility.

July 26th, 2020, 22:06
Thanks for the answers :)

Same, although the if checks to disable that part should hopefully be placed in such a way to maximize compatibility.
I think the overlays part has more conflicts with other extensions?

I've been meaning to switch to FullOverlays anyway and just haven't had time to vet it for compatibility.
Yeah, the overlay part is completely in ManagerToken2 :) But I do not need to overwrite that on a second sight. So, I will probably create a new ManagerToken3 for better compatibility and then there will be the if-check part whether the overlays are used :) That should be the best compatibility option :) (of course, the function to call and change the overlay depending on the result of a save etc. has to be in the corresponding script, that can in general cause incompatibilities; but these scripts are normally already overwritten by my extensions without the overlays :D)

I also intend to add every feature and its description into the cheat sheet. All the threads already become very unreadable such that the cheat sheet as a manual might be a good separate option :)

July 28th, 2020, 16:47
In my game on Sunday, I had an NPC with this ability:

Unusual Anatomy (Ex)
A denizen’s internal anatomy varies from individual to individual, and has a 50% chance to treat any critical hit or sneak attack against it as a normal hit.

For which I applied the "FORTIF: 50 all" effect. But it seemed to be applied incorrectly in this case, perhaps you can tell me why:

Raevik Sinnethar: [CAST] Mind Thrust VI [at Weiralai]
Weiralai: [SAVE] Will [SPELL] [DIVINATION] [EFFECTS -6] [DISADV] [1d20+11 = 14]
Save [14][vs. DC 24] -> [for Weiralai] [vs Raevik Sinnethar] [FAILURE]
Raevik Sinnethar: [CL CHECK] Mind Thrust VI [at Weiralai] [SUCCESS] [1d20+17 = 36]
Effect ['Exhausted; Stunned'] -> [to Weiralai] [by Raevik Sinnethar]
Raevik Sinnethar: [DAMAGE] Mind Thrust VI [TYPE: spell (13d8+13=66)] [13d8+13 = 66]
Raevik Sinnethar: [FORTIFICATION CHANCE 50][vs. spell][to Weiralai][ZERO DMG] [1d100 = 29]
Damage [0] -> [to Weiralai] [RESISTED]

Weiralai is a Denizen of Leng with some Cleric levels for reference.

July 28th, 2020, 16:59
In my game on Sunday, I had an NPC with this ability:
Unusual Anatomy (Ex)
A denizen’s internal anatomy varies from individual to individual, and has a 50% chance to treat any critical hit or sneak attack against it as a normal hit.

For which I applied the "FORTIF: 50 all" effect. But it seemed to be applied incorrectly in this case, perhaps you can tell me why:

Raevik Sinnethar: [CAST] Mind Thrust VI [at Weiralai]
Weiralai: [SAVE] Will [SPELL] [DIVINATION] [EFFECTS -6] [DISADV] [1d20+11 = 14]
Save [14][vs. DC 24] -> [for Weiralai] [vs Raevik Sinnethar] [FAILURE]
Raevik Sinnethar: [CL CHECK] Mind Thrust VI [at Weiralai] [SUCCESS] [1d20+17 = 36]
Effect ['Exhausted; Stunned'] -> [to Weiralai] [by Raevik Sinnethar]
Raevik Sinnethar: [DAMAGE] Mind Thrust VI [TYPE: spell (13d8+13=66)] [13d8+13 = 66]
Raevik Sinnethar: [FORTIFICATION CHANCE 50][vs. spell][to Weiralai][ZERO DMG] [1d100 = 29]
Damage [0] -> [to Weiralai] [RESISTED]

Weiralai is a Denizen of Leng with some Cleric levels for reference.

The fortification effect is very universally coded, that means that it technically allows every damage type :) So, the all-descriptor would tell FG that it does test fortification for every damage type and explains what you are seeing; the effect you need is: FORTIF: 50 critical; FORTIF: 50 precision :) Then it applies only to sneak and critical hits :) I didn't restrict the amount of available damage types for this effect because there was no need to, one can cover the standard definition of fortification, but one can define its usage to other damage types if one wants but it is optional of course (and if I remember correctly, some people needed something similar for weapon damage types) :)

July 28th, 2020, 17:03
Oh ok. I thought sneak attack and so forth were built into FORTIF. Where is the definitive documentation on that effect? In this thread at the top?

There is another case that can't be handled because there isn't a 'sneak attack' damage type that is separate from precision. There are some abilities, such as the Investigator's Studied Combat, that deal precision damage, but only for the purpose of not multiplying on a crit, they are otherwise not treated as sneak attacks and so should not be subject to the fortification effect of the ability above.

Can arbitrary damage types be used? For instance, could I use FORTIF: 50 sneak; FORTIF: 50 critical

July 28th, 2020, 17:11
Oh ok. I thought sneak attack and so forth were built into FORTIF. Where is the definitive documentation on that effect? In this thread at the top?

Ah, I see :) It works like RESIST etc., so, one needs to specifiy the specific damage type (but yes, in that case one could have a built-in integration of critical and precision when just following the standard rules). Yes, the documentation is either in the thread of advanced 3.5e and PF1, https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?48977-Advanced-3-5e-and-Pathfinder-effects, there I wrote (I shortly edited it, there was some strange not finished sentence seemingly :D)

1. To apply fortification use: 'FORTIF: (N) [damage type]' or 'FORTIF: (N) all' :) (N) is some arbitrary number describing the percentage and damage type is as usual. E.g. when you want light fortification, then your effect is 'FORTIF: 25 critical; FORTIF: 25 precision'. But you can use any other number and any other damage type if you have any house rules for different fortification rules :) When fortification is executed you will see a message in the chat showing you the roll result(s) and if it was a success or failure :) The applied damage is modified accordingly. Any combination of damage types should works as expected when one "naturally extends" the rules.
I also have a pdf here, https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50895-Kelrugem-s-extensions&p=452700&viewfull=1#post452700 (the bottom), there I list all my effects etc. as in the wiki, at least I try :) There it is on page 2:

[damage type], all

(T), fortification with percentage N against a specific damage type

I think the latter contains all informations of the effect :)

July 28th, 2020, 17:21
Will FORTIF respect damage types that aren't in the 'official' list i.e. arbitrary damage type strings? Or does it check against the damage types collection data_common.lua?

July 28th, 2020, 17:54
Will FORTIF respect damage types that aren't in the 'official' list i.e. arbitrary damage type strings? Or does it check against the damage types collection data_common.lua?

Only the ones in data_common.lua :) you need it against arbitrary strings?

July 28th, 2020, 23:50
Hi :)

There was some small hotfix today for 3.5e/PF1 (see https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?60427-Release-Updates-for-July-28th-2020&p=530176#post530176), and I needed to update everything containing save versus tags, please redownload packages with save versus tags (and/or save versus tags itself) :) But it is a small fix for some edge case of custom DCs, so, you do not necessarily need this. Also no worries about bad things going on, when you do not have that hotfix immediately :)

August 4th, 2020, 11:56
Switched to FullOverlays. Awesome stuff. Should have been using it sooner.

Thanks as always.

August 4th, 2020, 22:25
Switched to FullOverlays. Awesome stuff. Should have been using it sooner.

Thanks as always.

Thanks :)

August 9th, 2020, 03:35
I just noticed that additional tags in spells are getting populated with a missing delimiter. I'm pretty sure that logic is in your extensions right? Anyway, here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about:


Notice the missing semi-colon between mind-affecting and one. This is a spell I dragged from the "PFRPG - Spellbook" module. Please tell me I don't need to go back through all the NPCs I've prepped recently and fix them?

August 9th, 2020, 04:45
I just noticed that additional tags in spells are getting populated with a missing delimiter. I'm pretty sure that logic is in your extensions right? Anyway, here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about:


Notice the missing semi-colon between mind-affecting and one. This is a spell I dragged from the "PFRPG - Spellbook" module. Please tell me I don't need to go back through all the NPCs I've prepped recently and fix them?

No worries, that is fine :) You do not need a semi-colon, that was legacy of an old code where this was needed, but now a space for separating tags is fine, too :) This is due to the last update after which it is now possible that tags are also parsed when it is a custom spell with custom actions. (For some reason: An if-clause for checking, whether or not a semicolon should be added, did not work, therefore I decided to simply use a space :) But that is just something visual, it is still working as usual :) )

August 9th, 2020, 04:50
In the last update I also wrote it:

Possible new tags will then be added at the end of all the tags, separated with a space (the semicolon approach looked strange in general); that is just something visual, separating with a space is also okay when it is about automation. The semicolon was just legacy

It may be not visually appealing, but it works as expected :) (I just tested, tags separated by spaces are recognized as different tags, too :) )

August 9th, 2020, 16:06
ok, cool, thanks

August 16th, 2020, 08:28
Please redownload both Full OverlayPackages :) (when you use the StrainInjury version, then you do not need to redownload your version :) )

For whatever reason, these extensions were not always registrating the custom damage types. I zipped the extension again, and it still didn't work completely. Then I made a copy and zipped again, now it works... :D I literally just did a copy, I changed nothing, so, please do not ask me why this works, please let us all simply accept that this fixed it xD

August 16th, 2020, 17:50
Please redownload both Full OverlayPackages :) (when you use the StrainInjury version, then you do not need to redownload your version :) )

For whatever reason, these extensions were not always registrating the custom damage types. I zipped the extension again, and it still didn't work completely. Then I made a copy and zipped again, now it works... :D I literally just did a copy, I changed nothing, so, please do not ask me why this works, please let us all simply accept that this fixed it xD

Well, can't argue with results. Works perfectly now. Thanks!

August 16th, 2020, 19:31
Well, can't argue with results. Works perfectly now. Thanks!

cool, that is good that you can confirm it :) Not sure what was going wrong there before :)

August 23rd, 2020, 05:56
I've got another resulthandler compatibility patch for you :)

if DiseaseTracker then
ActionsManager.registerResultHandler("disease", ActionDiseaseSave.onRoll);
ActionsManager.registerResultHandler("diseasetimeroll", ActionDiseaseTimeRoll.onRoll);

EDIT: I added another handler that I now use in the disease extension also.

August 23rd, 2020, 06:32
I've got another resulthandler compatibility patch for you :)

if DiseaseTracker then
ActionsManager.registerResultHandler("disease", ActionDiseaseSave.onRoll);

Ah, thanks :) Where it should be placed in the best way? (to avoid that I need to update all of them? :) ) Sounds like save versus tags may be the best? :) (I mean its incompatibility is with save versus tags and not the advanced one, isn't it? :) )

August 23rd, 2020, 13:50
Ah, thanks :) Where it should be placed in the best way? (to avoid that I need to update all of them? :) ) Sounds like save versus tags may be the best? :) (I mean its incompatibility is with save versus tags and not the advanced one, isn't it? :) )I think it's advanced effects. It's the same issue as Spell Failure and Mirror Image (where your list of resulthandlers overrides any other extension's resulthandlers -- likely as a result of replacing ActionsManager).

Probably any that modify manager_action_attack.lua (where the patch I posted should be inserted).

August 23rd, 2020, 14:10
I think it's advanced effects. It's the same issue as Spell Failure and Mirror Image (where your list of resulthandlers overrides any other extension's resulthandlers -- likely as a result of replacing ActionsManager).

Probably any that modify manager_action_attack.lua

Ah, okay, thanks, I try that :) (still a strange issue overall :D)

August 24th, 2020, 03:20
The Full OverlayPackage is reuploaded :) I accidentally uploaded my backup extension where some old graphics were still stored which should not be contained anymore :)

September 1st, 2020, 07:59
I made the extensions now compatible with bmos's extensions :) Please redownload all extensions containing AoO and/or advanced 3.5e/PF1 :)

Gladly I waited until today such that I also added your other handler, @bmos :D By the way, I also thought about maybe changing the offset of the wound boxes etc.; do I still need to do that? When your loadorder is higher than mine then you probably already overwrote that part maybe? :) (just delete the script part and do not use merge=replace but merge=join :) then it will still use my script but your offset when both loaded, I think :) )

September 1st, 2020, 10:43
I made the extensions now compatible with bmos's extensions :) Please redownload all extensions containing AoO and/or advanced 3.5e/PF1 :)

Gladly I waited until today such that I also added your other handler, @bmos :D By the way, I also thought about maybe changing the offset of the wound boxes etc.; do I still need to do that? When your loadorder is higher than mine then you probably already overwrote that part maybe? :) (just delete the script part and do not use merge=replace but merge=join :) then it will still use my script but your offset when both loaded, I think :) )I switched my load order back to how it was, so the boxes would still be an improvement (in my opinion at least).
Nice timing on the update. It looks like I got very lucky; I had been planning to wait to release 1.7 until next week, but was really hoping that I could sneak in that final handler before you found time :D

If any users of Disease Tracker get errors on load, ensure that you have the latest versions of both that and whichever Kelrugem ext you use.

September 1st, 2020, 13:29
I switched my load order back to how it was, so the boxes would still be an improvement (in my opinion at least).
Nice timing on the update. It looks like I got very lucky; I had been planning to wait to release 1.7 until next week, but was really hoping that I could sneak in that final handler before you found time :D

If any users of Disease Tracker get errors on load, ensure that you have the latest versions of both that and whichever Kelrugem ext you use.

oki, then I will adjust the box offsets the next time (when I think about it :D)

October 4th, 2020, 04:44
I know you're probably not going to have time to do any more development this year, but I just wanted to let you know I've been getting this for a while:

Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00007.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00007.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00007.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00007.death)

I haven't fully tested it, but it seems to happen when npcs are killed (I haven't had a player death in a while so I don't know if that triggers it).
It's not a big deal because it's just a warning, but your FullOverlay package is the only one in my extensions folder that uses the 'death' node so it's either an issue with it or an incompatibility with something else I'm running.
I'll test it more thoroughly when I get a chance.

EDIT: I just tried testing it (with all the extensions I use) and couldn't get the warning to show up at all...
I don't see anywhere where Full OverlayPackage is using setValue on that node, either.
Maybe it's just a ruleset thing. I'll let you know I do come across something.

October 4th, 2020, 13:39
I know you're probably not going to have time to do any more development this year, but I just wanted to let you know I've been getting this for a while:

Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00007.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00007.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00004.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00007.death)
Script Warning: setValue: Database node not owned (combattracker.list.id-00007.death)

I haven't fully tested it, but it seems to happen when npcs are killed (I haven't had a player death in a while so I don't know if that triggers it).
It's not a big deal because it's just a warning, but your FullOverlay package is the only one in my extensions folder that uses the 'death' node so it's either an issue with it or an incompatibility with something else I'm running.
I'll test it more thoroughly when I get a chance.

EDIT: I just tried testing it (with all the extensions I use) and couldn't get the warning to show up at all...
I don't see anywhere where Full OverlayPackage is using setValue on that node, either.
Maybe it's just a ruleset thing. I'll let you know I do come across something.

Ah, thanks :) But it is not an aggressive console message, isn't it? So, one sees only these messages when the console is already open but it won't open itself?

The death overlay are the wounds overlays and the set-value basically happens in ActorManager2 (leading to a function in TokenManager2). My assumption is that this probably happened on the client side? When damage is applied to NPCs etc., then this is normally run on host side such that I do not use OOB messaging for this, but I could use this as an extra security to make sure that the code runs on the correct side :) I was not able to reproduce this either sadly, maybe also an issue just in FGU? But when the overlays are still applied then it might be one of the warnings who just warn about something which hopefully still works :)

October 4th, 2020, 13:52
Ah, thanks :) But it is not an aggressive console message, isn't it? So, one sees only these messages when the console is already open but it won't open itself?

The death overlay are the wounds overlays and the set-value basically happens in ActorManager2 (leading to a function in TokenManager2). My assumption is that this probably happened on the client side? When damage is applied to NPCs etc., then this is normally run on host side such that I do not use OOB messaging for this, but I could use this as an extra security to make sure that the code runs on the correct side :) I was not able to reproduce this either sadly, maybe also an issue just in FGU? But when the overlays are still applied then it might be one of the warnings who just warn about something which hopefully still works :)I actually am seeing this in Classic (the game I'm running now is pre-Unity and I haven't upgraded the campaign). You're correct that it is only on player's side and isn't really an issue (because it is just warning which is only visible if something else opens the console). The only issue with ignoring the warnings that I have found is that players who get a single "ERROR" (from something else) are more likely to think the sky is falling if it's accompanied by a big list of unrelated "WARNING"s (they can get flustered as they don't know they are not that important).
I had seen that your code does handle the setting of token overlays on client and host and thought that might why it comes up. I'm glad I'm not far off :)

October 4th, 2020, 13:59
I actually am seeing this in Classic (the game I'm running now is pre-Unity and I haven't upgraded the campaign). You're correct that it is only on player's side and isn't really an issue (because it is just warning which is only visible if something else opens the console). The only issue with ignoring the warnings that I have found is that players who get a single "ERROR" are more likely to think the sky is falling if it's accompanied by a big list of "WARNING"s (they can get flustered).
I had seen that your code does handle the setting of token overlays on client and host and thought that might why it comes up. I'm glad I'm not far off :)

ah oki, thanks :D Yeah, then it indeed means that the client tries to set an overlay, too, but fails; the overlays still work because the host is doing that, too :) Then I will add the OOB message next time to get rid of these warnings (or just a check whether it is the host when seemingly both sides are doing that) :D Thanks for testing :)

October 9th, 2020, 14:10
A heads up to anyone who is using these with Unity.
The FullOverlay Packages (and Height adjuster as Kelrugem mentioned in the Height thread) change some of the new token features.
It might just be visual, but it's important to know that it is changing some of that stuff behind the scenes.

EDIT: Nevermind! I had messed up one of my tests. Looks to be working great with no ill effects.

October 9th, 2020, 14:12
A heads up to anyone who is using these with Unity.
The FullOverlay Packages (and Height adjuster as Kelrugem mentioned in the Height thread) change some of the new token features.
It might just be visual, but it's important to know that it is changing some of that stuff behind the scenes.

Ah, I expected that FullOverlay may overwrite now something in unity, too, thanks for confirming :) Since I now know more about coding, I will make them a bit more compatible the next time I will update them :)

The save versus tags part may also overwrite the fix for the REGEN etc. bug in FGU, not sure :)

October 9th, 2020, 14:39
I just compared the latest copy of the ruleset with the one I had extracted from a week or so ago and it looks like you might already have had that fix implemented!
Just did a quick test of the latest Unity ruleset updates with FullOverlay enabled and it seems that you're free and clear, REGEN did heal a creature when I advanced the rounds counter. :)

October 9th, 2020, 14:44
I just compared the latest copy of the ruleset with the one I had extracted from a week or so ago and it looks like you might already have had that fix implemented!
Just did a quick test and it seems that you're free and clear, REGEN did heal a creature when I advanced the rounds counter. :)

Ah, good to know :D thanks :)

October 24th, 2020, 00:51
Hi :)

First of all: I wrote a very little extension for PF1 (as it is not needed for 3.5e): https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?62922-Extension-Effect-for-concentration-check

Second: By the Kickstarter and the 3.3.12 beta it looks like that FGU will be fully released in the first week of November. The problem: It really coincides with my busy scheduly of my PhD. I really try to support FGU's and 3.3.12's release for all my extensions but I cannot promise it yet; what I will do to reduce my work: All my extensions will be combined into two extensions in the future, StrainInjury with FullOverlayPackage, and FullOverlaypackage (plus the ones with alternative icons, but that is just about replacing graphics). Though the extensions which never came into conflicts with my other extensions still stay separate, like my Theme, height, (dis)advantage for CoreRPG and Antimagic. So, it is mainly about that Save versus tags, AoO and advanced 3.5e/PF1 are not separate anymore, along with all the possible packages

Most of my additions are just effects, so, you can easily ignore what you do not need in that combined extension; the only real "non-ignorable" thing are the overlays. Hence, I will add an option to the FullOverlayPackage in the settings which turns that feature on/off :)

When you have any complaint about that approach and/or you want to keep some of these extensions still separate, then please tell me now :) And please tell me whether I need to do something extra which I forgot :D (I recall that I need to make my fortification roll comaptible with other extensions adding physical dice, and bmos requested some slight position adjustment of the HP boxes :) And darrenan wrote once about a possible incompatibility with one of bmos's extensions, but that was fixed in one of the higher packages, so, that should be automatically be fixed then. EDIT: Oh, and the CL effect of bmos of course!)



November 1st, 2020, 11:47
Suggestion for a new feature o.ov

We already have "ongoing" effects (DMGO, for one) that deal damage each round. We also have effects with a set duration.

What about an effect that "delays" another effect? Dunno, "you touch your target and imprint him with your spell (say, shocking grasp), but the actual effect will only take effect 1d4 rounds later. Right now I'm working around with combining two effects:

One is "Delay Shocking Grasp" with a duration of 1d4 rounds.
The other is "Delayed Shocking grasp; NIFT: CUSTOM (Delayed Shocking Grasp); DMGSO: 5d6 electricity" set as "one use"

This suggestion is just lazyness on my part.

The other suggestion is effectively more useful for anyone, to allow ongoing damage to scale with time (and it would possibly include the previous one): Take the "heat metal" spell for example.
It deals no damage on round 1, some damage on round 2, some more on round 3 4 and 5 then a little less on 6 and stops doing damage altogether at round 7.
So far it's impossible to automate, one has to manually go with the appropriate damage each round. Is it possible to automate it? If I set it as "dmg: 1d4 fire; DMGO: 2d4 fire; DMGO: 2d4 fire; DMGO: 2d4 fire; DMGO: 1d4 fire", even if I set it as "only once per effect" it sets off ALL the "DMGO" at once, while I'd rather have'em to trigger one per round..

yes, I love complicating things XD

November 1st, 2020, 18:08
Suggestion for a new feature o.ov

We already have "ongoing" effects (DMGO, for one) that deal damage each round. We also have effects with a set duration.

What about an effect that "delays" another effect? Dunno, "you touch your target and imprint him with your spell (say, shocking grasp), but the actual effect will only take effect 1d4 rounds later. Right now I'm working around with combining two effects:

One is "Delay Shocking Grasp" with a duration of 1d4 rounds.
The other is "Delayed Shocking grasp; NIFT: CUSTOM (Delayed Shocking Grasp); DMGSO: 5d6 electricity" set as "one use"

This suggestion is just lazyness on my part.

The other suggestion is effectively more useful for anyone, to allow ongoing damage to scale with time (and it would possibly include the previous one): Take the "heat metal" spell for example.
It deals no damage on round 1, some damage on round 2, some more on round 3 4 and 5 then a little less on 6 and stops doing damage altogether at round 7.
So far it's impossible to automate, one has to manually go with the appropriate damage each round. Is it possible to automate it? If I set it as "dmg: 1d4 fire; DMGO: 2d4 fire; DMGO: 2d4 fire; DMGO: 2d4 fire; DMGO: 1d4 fire", even if I set it as "only once per effect" it sets off ALL the "DMGO" at once, while I'd rather have'em to trigger one per round..

yes, I love complicating things XD

Yeah, there are a lot of things which could still be done; I want to import a lot of the features of the 4e edition, and auras (together with height) and so on, but no time yet :D

November 3rd, 2020, 07:49
Yeah, there are a lot of things which could still be done; I want to import a lot of the features of the 4e edition, and auras (together with height) and so on, but no time yet :D

We also lack an effect for concealment against others. So we can have concealment on ourself, but if one person treat all others as they had concealment (like in dim light) we do not have an effect.
For total concealment we have blinded.

November 3rd, 2020, 11:45
We also lack an effect for concealment against others. So we can have concealment on ourself, but if one person treat all others as they had concealment (like in dim light) we do not have an effect.
For total concealment we have blinded.There is a button for this in modifiers, but I agree that an effect that applies a miss chance to attacks made by a character bearing the effect would be very useful.

November 3rd, 2020, 15:03
There are some workarounds when using effects for this, because concealment effects are targetable (I think), so, you could apply everyone a conc effect and just target that one person, or IFT: CUSTOM(dim); CONC to everyone, and the person with that disadvantage has then dim :) But yeah, a less cumbersome solution would be nice :D

November 3rd, 2020, 16:31
The code kobold was busy! :D

(there is now then also a CL effect and one can now combine nearly all effects with IFTAG :) )


Will be in the 3.3.12 version :)

November 5th, 2020, 18:27
I have not yet updated to 3.3.12, I am not sure yet when I have time for it :) Please be careful about any incompatibilities coming with 3.3.12 and my extensions; sadly I lost so much time in fixing some ownership stuff with my height label (and that is still not solved completely)

November 5th, 2020, 22:14
Now I have solved the major issues; new versions are hopefully uploaded in the next hours :)

November 6th, 2020, 03:02
New update for 3.3.12 and FGU compatibility :) Please update: Height, theme, and the full overlay packages :)

Beware, the following extensions are now deprecated: AoO, advanced 3.5e/PF1, save versus tags, strainInjury and CoC :) They are now all included in the full overlay packages (which now contains options to turn off the overlays), except StrainInjury, Strainjury has still its own full overlay packages of course. So, important: Think about to enable the new extension if you not already use one of the overlay packages :) (and better disable the old one(s))

To the overlay users: The option about turning on/off the overlays is "off" as default; so, think about turning it on in the settings right after you started the campaign :)

There are also new features listed here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50143-Save-overlay-extension-(idea-from-Ken-L)&p=554183&viewfull=1#post554183

(HEAL now targetable, CL, COC and TVCONC effect, and IFTAG can now be combined with nearly all effects)

The cheat sheet got updated with these effects :)

November 6th, 2020, 16:51
I am, almost surely, looking at the wrong thing, or picking the wrong package, or something, but now that FG upgraded itself to 3.3.12, I wanted to get myself up-to-date with your extensions.

So... I downloaded what I thought was the replacement for what I was previously running (since 8/8/2020).

Before: Full OverlayPackage.ext

Just downloaded: Full OverlayPackage with alternative icons.ext

But, when I went to remove and replace, I saw that Full OverlayPackage.ext occupied 1.448MB, while Full OverlayPackage with alternative icons.ext occupies only 180KB.

What do you think I'm doing wrong here?


- s.west

November 6th, 2020, 17:02
I am, almost surely, looking at the wrong thing, or picking the wrong package, or something, but now that FG upgraded itself to 3.3.12, I wanted to get myself up-to-date with your extensions.

So... I downloaded what I thought was the replacement for what I was previously running (since 8/8/2020).
Before: Full OverlayPackage.ext

Just downloaded: Full OverlayPackage with alternative icons.ext

But, when I went to remove and replace, I saw that Full OverlayPackage.ext occupied 1.448MB, while Full OverlayPackage with alternative icons.ext occupies only 180KB.

What do you think I'm doing wrong here?


- s.west

You do not need to switch, you only need to switch when you did not use the Full OverlayPackage :) So, you can still use the Full OverlayPackage and download its new version :)

But when it was about switching the graphics: Yes, the sizes are correct :) Tahl_liadon somehow was able to make his graphics very small :) Make sure though that you activate the new package (it has another name) :) (and deactivate the previous one of course)

November 6th, 2020, 17:34
Obviously, I'm missing something, because I didn't know that I was "switching". When I look at Post #1 of this thread, I see:

My extensions:

1. Advanced 3.5e/PF1, part of full overlay packages (called advanced effects in the following)
9. Full OverlayPackage with alternative icons.ext

In other words, I don't see a new: Full OverlayPackage.ext. I guess I assumed that the updated (for 3.3.12) Full OverlayPackage also included 'alternative icons', or something...

But, to put a fine point on it, here is what I guess I am going to need to have explicitly spelled out for me:

If I was previously using:

Full OverlayPackage.ext

which was downloaded on August 8th of this year, and I now want to update that extension so that it works for 3.3.12, what do I do?

I sincerely apologize for cluttering up your thread with my confusion. Since no one else has chimed in here, it's obviously something that I alone am misunderstanding.

Thanks for your help,

- s.west

November 6th, 2020, 17:37
D'Oh!! I have to go to its own thread!!!


Ok... Sorry for all my crap. I honestly am not trying to be this dimwitted.

I'm good now.

If you want to delete my posts, please do. (or if you want me to, just tell me.)

Thanks, and thanks for all the excellent work!

- s.west

November 6th, 2020, 17:45
D'Oh!! I have to go to its own thread!!!


Ok... Sorry for all my crap. I honestly am not trying to be this dimwitted.

I'm good now.

If you want to delete my posts, please do. (or if you want me to, just tell me.)

Thanks, and thanks for all the excellent work!

- s.west

hehe, no worries :D Yeah, I prefer tahl_liadon's overlays and, hence, I upload them here while just mentioning that the second type of overlay is in the other thread :D (and it also is way faster to upload tahl_liadon's overlays than the other ones :D)

@all: I will keep the threads of AoO, advanced 3.5e/PF1 and save versus tags updated with the infos about effects, too, just in case you are used to look there (but I prefer the pdf and would recommend that :) )

November 16th, 2020, 01:15
Height label extension got a compatibility update (now it also zooms while using wheel and hovering over the token, as it already does in FG natively) :) See here, too: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?51005-Extension-Height-label&p=556780&viewfull=1#post556780

November 17th, 2020, 22:27
There was a SmiteWorks' update for 3.5e today about some bug in FGU :) Please redownload the overlaypackages when you use on of them :) Zygmunt Moloch also provided compressed graphics for the blood overlays etc., making the file sizes smaller :) Thanks to Zygmunt :)

Last Post
November 18th, 2020, 17:24
Hey does anyone have any experience running this extension with the Enhanced Images extension?


While they do slightly different functions in FG they do seem like they would conflict somewhat in the nuts and bolts of the coding. That is coming from someone who knows nothing of such things though.

I used both of these a different times in the past but can't remember running them concurrently and just trying to remember why I stopped using either.

Will test on my own but don't want to run it in an in-game session if they might break stuff.


November 18th, 2020, 17:41
Hey does anyone have any experience running this extension with the Enhanced Images extension?


While they do slightly different functions in FG they do seem like they would conflict somewhat in the nuts and bolts of the coding. That is coming from someone who knows nothing of such things though.

I used both of these a different times in the past but can't remember running them concurrently and just trying to remember why I stopped using either.

Will test on my own but don't want to run it in an in-game session if they might break stuff.


Normally they should somewhat work together, Trenloe adjusted the loadorder of his extension to allow that, but I still would need to check his code etc. about whether there could be other issues :) But it is unlikely that I check that because FGU is released and it already offers natively layers (and arbitrarily many of them) :)

November 19th, 2020, 21:31
There is a new update for height: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?51005-Extension-Height-label&p=557868&viewfull=1#post557868

and a new extension: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?63788-Custom-Hotkeys&p=557859#post557859 :)

November 21st, 2020, 03:35
Random requests of the month.

There is a "half resist" effect. There also is a bypass effect Is there a way to make a "half-bypass" one? Such as for Flame Strike (saying "roll a handful dice, half of that total is fire damage and the other half is divine energy that can't be reduced")

November 21st, 2020, 08:32
Random requests of the month.

There is a "half resist" effect. There also is a bypass effect Is there a way to make a "half-bypass" one? Such as for Flame Strike (saying "roll a handful dice, half of that total is fire damage and the other half is divine energy that can't be reduced")

What I do for those spells is divide up the dice. D6 damage per even caster level( max 7) fire and d6 damage per odd caster level divine (max 8).
It is not strictly correct, but close enough. Halfbypass would be wrong, you would have to divide the damage instead.

On that note, in pathfinder there is a feat called penetrating strike which bypass 5 points of dr, unless the dr is against all (does not work against dr 5 /- ). Is it possible to implement this? Or is there a way now that I do not see?

November 21st, 2020, 10:52
On that note, in pathfinder there is a feat called penetrating strike which bypass 5 points of dr, unless the dr is against all (does not work against dr 5 /- ). Is it possible to implement this? Or is there a way now that I do not see?Not exactly, but you might be able to get close with IF: CUSTOM(DR); DMG: 5 bypass. Haven't tried this though, it might not detect DR for the purposes of the custom tag...
It also would be incorrect for DR of less than 5 :\

November 21st, 2020, 12:18
In manager_effect_35E.lua you can change this:

if sModifier == "H" then
if nAbility > 0 then
nAbility = math.floor(nAbility / 2);
nAbility = math.ceil(nAbility / 2);
elseif sModifier then
nAbility = nAbility * (tonumber(sModifier) or 1);
to this:

if nAbility and not IsDie then
if sSign == "-" then
nAbility = 0 - nAbility;
if sModifier == "H" then
if nAbility > 0 then
nAbility = math.floor(nAbility / 2);
nAbility = math.ceil(nAbility / 2);
elseif sModifier == "T" then
if nAbility > 0 then
nAbility = math.floor(nAbility / 3);
nAbility = math.ceil(nAbility / 3);
elseif sModifier == "Q" then
if nAbility > 0 then
nAbility = math.floor(nAbility / 4);
nAbility = math.ceil(nAbility / 4);
elseif sModifier then
nAbility = nAbility * (tonumber(sModifier) or 1);

to support 1/3 and 1/4 caster level effects (by [TCL] as 1/3 caster level and [QCL] as 1/4 caster level).

You also need to change the string.match (there are two) arguments from:

to this:


EDIT: I think this fully automates the Pathfinder 1e power attack progression!!
Power Attack (1-H); ATK: -1 [-QBAB] ,melee; CMB: -1 [-QBAB] ,melee; DMG: 1 [QBAB] ,melee; DMG: 1 [QBAB] ,melee
Power Attack (2-H); ATK: -1 [-QBAB] ,melee; CMB: -1 [-QBAB] ,melee; DMG: 1 [QBAB] ,melee; DMG: 1 [QBAB] ,melee; DMG: 1 [QBAB] ,melee

EDIT2: Also these
Combat Expertise; ATK: -1 [-QBAB] ,melee; CMB: -1 [-QBAB] ,melee; AC: 1 [QBAB] dodge
Deadly Aim; ATK: -1 [-QBAB] ,ranged; DMG: 1 [QBAB] ,ranged; DMG: 1 [QBAB] ,ranged

November 21st, 2020, 14:30
Not exactly, but you might be able to get close with IF: CUSTOM(DR); DMG: 5 bypass. Haven't tried this though, it might not detect DR for the purposes of the custom tag...
It also would be incorrect for DR of less than 5 :\

This does sadly not work :) (also when DR over 5; the bypass would not have been needed) But I look what I can do :)

Personally, I am not a fan of the bypass damage types because they clutter things up, I implemented them after Phixation did it and because it looked like that many people want them (seems to be a thing in PF1, cannot recall at the moment to have seen something like this in 3.5e; well, except the Flame Strike stuff :D). And I would like to avoid adding more and more damage types doing certain things; rather I would like to have an IGNORE feature/effect with which one can tell FG to ignore certain effects (by a certain amount) :) I think Savage Worlds has this :) So, in the long run I would like to add something like this, but also this has to wait for my thesis :D

To the CL stuff: Yeah, sure, that is straightforward to add, thanks for the code :) Interesting to know that Power attack works like this in PF1 :D (in 3.5e one can fully trade attack up to the BAB for damage and the amount of penalty (and so the bonus) is decided by the user)

November 21st, 2020, 15:19
in 3.5e one can fully trade attack up to the BAB for damage and the amount of penalty (and so the bonus) is decided by the userWow, that's a pretty cool mechanic! It does spoil the automation though ;)

November 21st, 2020, 16:16
Wow, that's a pretty cool mechanic! It does spoil the automation though ;)

hehe, yes, automation without manual input does sadly not work :D

November 21st, 2020, 21:08
yea sorry Kel. bypass is really only a pf1e thing.. mainly it was for paladins but if you use mythic rules...it calls for it ALL the time. im greatly appreciative of the work even tho i know you dont use it... my homebrew does and it helps ALOT.

honestly i need to work on my coding and straighten out what i want in my pathfinder rules. you (Kel) and bmos do such great jobs.

November 21st, 2020, 21:15
yea sorry Kel. bypass is really only a pf1e thing.. mainly it was for paladins but if you use mythic rules...it calls for it ALL the time. im greatly appreciative of the work even tho i know you dont use it... my homebrew does and it helps ALOT.

honestly i need to work on my coding and straighten out what i want in my pathfinder rules. you (Kel) and bmos do such great jobs.

hehe, no worries :D No need to apologize :) It was not difficult to add them :) And I am glad when I can make people happy with such things :) And when I ever have this IGNORE effect, then I hope the mythic rules are easier to use :D (but besides IGNORE I have so many other plans :D)

November 21st, 2020, 21:21
well keep up the good work! my group loves your extension(s)!

.....now if only i can figure out how bmos did the perm ability score changes... and apply that to weapons. lol i would love to be able to document how the fighter got to what weapon dmg or how he got his to-hit without having to redo the math every time i go "wait.. plus what to hit"

November 21st, 2020, 21:31
well keep up the good work! my group loves your extension(s)!

.....now if only i can figure out how bmos did the perm ability score changes... and apply that to weapons. lol i would love to be able to document how the fighter got to what weapon dmg or how he got his to-hit without having to redo the math every time i go "wait.. plus what to hit"

thank you :)

Hmm, you mean like a button to check for effects in the sheet, to show adjustments? My naive idea would be to check for all effects (maybe after a click on said button, "Calculate effects"-button), there are certain commands for that in the script and then you just need to return the effect mods :) But probably not so easy to do :D (and one may need to ignore effects which expire on the next action or are on "On Skip" because they change their state when you call them in the code) Bmos probably has better ideas how to do that because of the mentioned ability extension :D

November 22nd, 2020, 01:52
you (Kel) and bmos do such great jobs.Thank you C:

well keep up the good work! my group loves your extension(s)!

.....now if only i can figure out how bmos did the perm ability score changes... and apply that to weapons. lol i would love to be able to document how the fighter got to what weapon dmg or how he got his to-hit without having to redo the math every time i go "wait.. plus what to hit"You should see the starfinder ruleset, it has a log of changes!!
But yes, I agree that it is very hard to track where some bonuses come from.
Are they bonuses from effects or bonuses that have been added to the weapon on the actions tab?

November 22nd, 2020, 02:09
mostly from feats or class abilities..... like weapon focus or weapon specialization. would be nice to label them like i can in your perm ability score one.... :D

December 10th, 2020, 02:33
Hi :) Please redownload the overlay extensions :) It is mainly a bug fix:

1. FG got a stack overflow (a neverending code loop) when someone was at -1 to -9 HP (i.e. dying, probably different range in PF1) and had an IF: healthy (or bloodied, wounded) effect. Fixed now :)
2. IFTAG effects' effect icons are now determined by other effects in that entry (so, the IFTAG part is ignored by that, such that you do not get a lot of generic effect icons)

December 10th, 2020, 03:00
Because of the fix of point 1 I may now be able to code "nodex" in such a way that it also recognizes CA effects from the opposed actor :) I now understand why I got a stack overflow there, too, when I tried this the last time

But my general idea is to completely rewrite the effect manager at some point, precisely due to such things. The effects are really performance-eating, because every time something happens with respect to effects (already when creating effect icons for tokens) the whole effect list of that entry is checked, there is completely no context-sensitive code like "Only check offensive stuff when searching for Atk, do not care about defensive effects like AC and so on". When one is not careful in coding, then loops can easily be created because of that lack of context-sensitive reading of effects (which creates the stack overflow). My long-term idea is to create submenus of effects (global effects, offensive, defensive, spell, condition...), and every time when the code checks for a certain type of effect, then it only looks in the suitable submenu of effects (like "Look in the offensive list for ATK"). In other words, I want to add a bit more "intelligence" to that procedure. That should surely improve the performance for high level stuff when everyone has 1000000 effects :D One could also use the property line of weapons to search for certain effects instead of the effect list (like weapon-specific ones). Stuff like that :) Maybe even allowing permanent effects directly added in the sheet which do not needed to be parsed in the CT, then I tell the code: Look into the effect list of sheets for this and that, which may then also solve the problem with PF1's permanent bonus stuff and so on

Aaah, so many ideas, and I have completely no time! :D

December 10th, 2020, 17:36
In onAttack you have a typo.
FulLAttack instead of FullAttack

I just set up a linter in my text editor :D

December 10th, 2020, 18:06
In onAttack you have a typo.
FulLAttack instead of FullAttack

I just set up a linter in my text editor :D

Oh, thanks, I fix that :)

Funnily, it looks like that it does not need to be fixed, isn't it? The purpose for it is what I intend (that full attack does not remove target due to miss chance (depends also on the setting in the options)), and it does not cause any error. It looks like that FG has some sort of case-ignorance? :D

December 10th, 2020, 18:45
Ah, I know why it works with the typo; it is simply due to that only the other one really matters (the corresponding code is just triggered by the correctly typed variable below the wrong one; the other one simply leads to that the variable I wanted to overwrite stays an empty string which still does what I want :) But I will fix the typo nevertheless the next time when I update it :)

December 10th, 2020, 19:14
Hence, no bug currently, which is good :)

@bmos: I tried your code for the T and Q descriptors, but it sadly does not work :) I can look at it later again and mess with the string match pattern of LUA :) (maybe I just made some mistake while testing your code :) )

December 10th, 2020, 19:25
Hence, no bug currently, which is good :)

@bmos: I tried your code for the T and Q descriptors, but it sadly does not work :) I can look at it later again and mess with the string match pattern of LUA :) (maybe I just made some mistake while testing your code :) )

It definitely works, I use it all the time for Power Attack now.
I think you may have missed that there are two separate lines you need to copy that match code to?

Also I may have found another typo:
nDefenseVal, nAtkEffectsBonus, nDefEffectsBonus, nMissChance, nAdditionalDefenseForCC = ActorManager2.getDefenseValue(rSource, rTarget, rRoll);
introduces a new variable nAdditionalDefenseForCC which is not included before that if block so this variable is global.

December 10th, 2020, 21:21
It definitely works, I use it all the time for Power Attack now.
I think you may have missed that there are two separate lines you need to copy that match code to?

Also I may have found another typo:
nDefenseVal, nAtkEffectsBonus, nDefEffectsBonus, nMissChance, nAdditionalDefenseForCC = ActorManager2.getDefenseValue(rSource, rTarget, rRoll);
introduces a new variable nAdditionalDefenseForCC which is not included before that if block so this variable is global.

Ah, oki, thanks :) I try it again, and yes, that one variable is accidentally global; thanks for looking :) (the global effect is gladly always immediately used and overwritten; but who knows, ACCC might become buggy when spamming full attack, or having lots of attack rolls in general :D )

December 10th, 2020, 21:48
New upload of all the overlay packages :) Thanks to bmos:

1. Some cleaning up of the code
2. There are now T and Q descriptors; they are like H but take the third and quarter, respectively :)

I updated the pdf with the second point, and the versions of these overlay packages are now :)

December 11th, 2020, 05:17
Small reupload of the pdf; I forgot to thanks bmos for the T and Q descriptors there :D

December 11th, 2020, 06:25
is there a pdf? Where? :O

edit: nevermind, found it XD

December 11th, 2020, 21:22
...now T and Q descriptors...

sorry, didn't closely follow... but as in: e.g. TLVL or QBAB?


December 11th, 2020, 21:27
sorry, didn't closely follow... but as in: e.g. TLVL or QBAB?


Yup :D Bmos has added that, the main example is seemingly how Power Attack works in PF1 :)

December 12th, 2020, 20:47
Hi :)

I merged my extension with Celestian's Situational Awareness extension, https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?64386-5E-Extension-Situational-Awareness-(pre-load-encounter-tokens-on-maps) :)

Would someone like to try it out? Here is some test version of the extension, you only need to load that, it is both, Full OverlayPackage and Celestian's extension :)

Thanks, also to Celestian to allow me to do that :) When it works, then I will integrate that completely



PS: Please make a backup, just in case, this is a test extension :)

December 13th, 2020, 04:08
I'll give it a try on my Wednesday game.

December 13th, 2020, 04:31
I'll give it a try on my Wednesday game.

Thank you very much :)

One thing I observed (reported also in Celestian's thread): When you delete all foes for example, using the CT options, then it will also delete the ones not shown in the CT others :)

I just fixed that, and will reupload it in post #216 now :) So, deleting NPCs is okay now :)

EDIT: Another thing, there is a similar problem as with overlays sometimes: When you reload the campaign, while some NPCs where hidden in the CT but on a map, then the health bar ovelays and effet icons etc. may not immediately show again. One needs to show the NPC first in the CT again, and then e.g. reopen the map, or put it once to the background to activate an update of the overlays :) Not sure whether I can fix that, but should be not so much of a problem for the time being

December 13th, 2020, 04:44
and when I have time, I want to add some button to mass control the visibility of tokens (like all selected tokens are now mask-sensitive) :) And maybe some button in the CT to let show all NPCs which are hidden from the CT, for cleaning up in case one forgot some lonely NPC on some map :D

December 13th, 2020, 05:45
Ahh good to know. I rarely use the CT options to remove NPCs so I might never have discovered that.

December 13th, 2020, 06:14
It is Unity only, right?

December 13th, 2020, 06:21
It is Unity only, right?

For both, FGC and FGU :)

December 13th, 2020, 06:45
*rushes to download O_O*

December 14th, 2020, 03:05
Ooh, please redownload the extension; I accidentally commented out some code which made the save overlays incompatible with FGC :) (they would not erase anymore) I am sorry for this; for FGU users it seemingly still works, but better download again when you have time :) Thanks to Asgurgolas to make me aware of this FGC bug :) I also reuploaded the test version in https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50895-Kelrugem-s-extensions&p=564347&viewfull=1#post564347, this test version also now solves the previously mentioned effect icon problem in that test version (solved by Celestian) :)

(So, the effect stuff was just a problem in the test version which is now not there anymore :) )

December 21st, 2020, 20:36
Hi :)

I merged my extension with Celestian's Situational Awareness extension, https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?64386-5E-Extension-Situational-Awareness-(pre-load-encounter-tokens-on-maps) :)

Would someone like to try it out? Here is some test version of the extension, you only need to load that, it is both, Full OverlayPackage and Celestian's extension :)

Thanks, also to Celestian to allow me to do that :) When it works, then I will integrate that completely



PS: Please make a backup, just in case, this is a test extension :)

Some note about the prototype linked in the cited post (so, it is not about the "official" extension): I decided not to upload it yet, because some polishing is still needed (Celestian updated his extension with some), but there is also seemingly the problem that it might clutter up the CT unnoticable. When you delete tokens, then CT entries are not deleted as we know; but when the token's CT entry is actually hidden, then one may forget that. Thus, they clutter the CT and decrease performance over time, while one does not see those entries anymore. That is why I will not yet implement it in the actual extension :) I try to fix that, or Celestian probably does that and then I will look at his solution :)

But when you already want to use the prototype, then do only delete tokens on the map, when they're shown in the CT :)

EDIT: you can use the command /saclean all to delete really all CT entries (but also players then) :)

January 28th, 2021, 09:45
A short warning: There will be soon an update https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?65561-2020-02-Ruleset-Updates&p=574217&viewfull=1#post574217

This looks like a very big update, especially see the dev notes in the fourth post. This likely means that my extensions will break with this update, once it is pushed. The big problem: It is a very big change and I need to rewrite a lot of things, and I try to finish my thesis end of February, my life just exists of writing my thesis, searching a new flat (I may move to Japan or Taiwan for my next job), then the defense of my thesis comes and so on. Thence, I have a lot to do right now, which sadly implies that I need to deprecate the support of my extensions for some time which can even take months depending on how my job stuff will work out.

The good news: I will certainly write on my extensions again, but I am just afraid of that I will not be able to look at such big changes of the code right now, that will certainly take time. But if anyone wants to look at the code of my extensions to maintain it for some while, then feel free :) Smaller extensions like height I may be able to update in time

If you want you can make a copy of the CoreRPG.pak, 3.5E.pak and PFRPG.pak before you update (once it is pushed), then replace the new files with the old ones, that may keep my extensions compatible. (But they get replaced whenever you update again) :) @PF1 users: Important, you also need to make a copy of 3.5e, too. Or simply do not update when you rather want to use the extensions instead of the new changes :D

PS: If you want to see my first of three papers for my thesis, then e.g. look here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0393044021000024 :) (Yeah, I am very happy about it which is why I post it everywhere xD)

January 28th, 2021, 13:07
[pulls new 500mg advil bottle out from the medicine cabinet...]

January 28th, 2021, 13:23
[pulls new 500mg advil bottle out from the medicine cabinet...]

oh noes!

With some luck though, depending on when this patch comes and how well my thesis will work out in the next weeks, I may be able to look earlier onto it than I expect :) Maybe the patch does not affect my extensions as much as I think. So, put that bottle aside! :D

January 28th, 2021, 15:51
oh noes!... I may be able to look earlier onto it than I expect.

it is very nice of you to think about this. i appreciate it.

i would feel bad knowing that you would split your time, causing undue stress.

what you've mentioned going on with you right now sounds a lot more important. i wish you the best of luck and hope everything goes your way.

January 28th, 2021, 15:58
it is very nice of you to think about this. i appreciate it.

i would feel bad knowing that you would split your time, causing undue stress.

what you've mentioned going on with you right now sounds a lot more important. i wish you the best of luck and hope everything goes your way.

Thank you :) and I hope that I can look at the patch rather sooner than later :)

January 28th, 2021, 18:19
Hey Kelrugem, just a heads up that your messages are full.
I had suggestion about some of your code that you might implement when updating your extensions.
Might also have time to help soon (and more than a couple of mine will certainly need updates too).

January 28th, 2021, 18:22
Hey Kelrugem, just a heads up that your messages are full.
I had suggestion about some of your code that you might implement when updating your extensions.
Might also have time to help soon (and more than a couple of mine will certainly need updates too).

ah, thanks :) Now free space again :D Normally FG notifies me about a full inbox, I thought at least :D

(ah, now it notified me about that you tried to write something :) )

January 28th, 2021, 18:28
Hey Kelrugem, just a heads up that your messages are full.
I had suggestion about some of your code that you might implement when updating your extensions.
Might also have time to help soon (and more than a couple of mine will certainly need updates too).

and, yeah, help is very appreciated right now :) thanks :) Though I am not sure when I can actually really look at anything :)

January 29th, 2021, 11:57
I'm ready to cry a river then and hope the update will happen just at the right moment so you CAN handle it XD (I'm already warning my players to seal the "update" button and pretend it doesn't exist anymore for the time being :P)

January 29th, 2021, 16:30
To be fair, it should go up on the testnet early (if it hasn't already) which would give me a chance to get started.

January 29th, 2021, 16:43
To be fair, it should go up on the testnet early (if it hasn't already) which would give me a chance to get started.

It is on the dev server :) And as far as I understood there will be certain changes of the ruleset which are gated at the moment; but the relabelling of certain functions probably won't change anymore (but who knows :D). So, there is the danger that one might repeatedly needs to do certain things when one updates too early :)

(Just in case: I hope you do not feel obligated to update my extensions, in case you also spoke about them :) I will certainly update them at some point, but maybe not immediately, with an unknown delay instead :) My code is not the best-written in sense of comments, especially the damage manager is very confusing probably, I do not want that anyone needs to face that :D )

January 29th, 2021, 19:32
A short warning: There will be soon an update https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?65561-2020-02-Ruleset-Updates&p=574217&viewfull=1#post574217

This looks like a very big update, especially see the dev notes in the fourth post. This likely means that my extensions will break with this update, once it is pushed. The big problem: It is a very big change and I need to rewrite a lot of things, and I try to finish my thesis end of February, my life just exists of writing my thesis, searching a new flat (I may move to Japan or Taiwan for my next job), then the defense of my thesis comes and so on. Thence, I have a lot to do right now, which sadly implies that I need to deprecate the support of my extensions for some time which can even take months depending on how my job stuff will work out.

The good news: I will certainly write on my extensions again, but I am just afraid of that I will not be able to look at such big changes of the code right now, that will certainly take time. But if anyone wants to look at the code of my extensions to maintain it for some while, then feel free :) Smaller extensions like height I may be able to update in time

If you want you can make a copy of the CoreRPG.pak, 3.5E.pak and PFRPG.pak before you update (once it is pushed), then replace the new files with the old ones, that may keep my extensions compatible. (But they get replaced whenever you update again) :) @PF1 users: Important, you also need to make a copy of 3.5e, too. Or simply do not update when you rather want to use the extensions instead of the new changes :D

PS: If you want to see my first of three papers for my thesis, then e.g. look here: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1cRVp1PNYnGBTO :) (Leads to a free pdf, the link expires somewhen in March) Just in case someone is interested :D The link may not work in every browser (Chrome seems to fail to load it) (Yeah, I am very happy about it which is why I post it everywhere xD)

I guess your life, future job and thesis might be slightly more important than us not having to wait a couple of months before your extensions gets updated. Maybe....😃

I looked at your paper and I understood..... basically nothing. My masters degree in particle physics got me nowhere 😁. The paper from 2017 about existance of thin shell wormholes sounded cool though.

January 29th, 2021, 20:17
I guess your life, future job and thesis might be slightly more important than us not having to wait a couple of months before your extensions gets updated. Maybe....

I looked at your paper and I understood..... basically nothing. My masters degree in particle physics got me nowhere . The paper from 2017 about existance of thin shell wormholes sounded cool though.

I will certainly maintain the extensions again, hopefully sooner rather than later :D At latest when I can finally start to run my game again, or when I have at least some sort of free time again :D Just so many things to do right now :) (but exciting things, too)

Hehe, yeah, I work very mathematically, and especially gauge theory and particle physics can look very abstract from a mathematical point of view :D The other two papers I am going to publish related to my PhD thesis will even look more abstract/general :D Oh, and yes, the thin shell wormholes was over three years ago, my first approach for a paper; right now it is just a preprint, while the one about particle physics is published. I had not really any help back then when it was about how to write a paper, which is why I would now rewrite the thin shell wormholes. I learned a lot in the last years about publishing and papers :D (It is one thing to derive results, but publishing and presenting them is another; I realized that it can be very difficult to explain own results to other scientists :D) Due to my PhD I never had time anymore to see whether I can publish my wormhole stuff which was basically the subject of my master thesis; the results are correct, but as said I need to adjust the text and style a lot :) Maybe somewhen in the future :)

January 31st, 2021, 02:34
Is it a known issue that the CL effect doesn't work in an IFTAG statement? The cheat sheet says it works.
I have a player who has the transmuter trait (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/magic-traits/transmuter-magic/) and the effect "IFTAG: transmutation; CL: 1" doesn't seem to be functioning (at least it doesn't raise the DC which, if I remember correctly, it should).
I'll try to do some more specific testing with just your extension loaded (since I use so many).

January 31st, 2021, 07:29
Is it a known issue that the CL effect doesn't work in an IFTAG statement? The cheat sheet says it works.
I have a player who has the transmuter trait (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/magic-traits/transmuter-magic/) and the effect "IFTAG: transmutation; CL: 1" doesn't seem to be functioning (at least it doesn't raise the DC which, if I remember correctly, it should).
I'll try to do some more specific testing with just your extension loaded (since I use so many).

Normally it works, but I just read about it: PF1 seemingly increases the CL by caster level? :D Yeah, I did not know this, in 3.5e the base DC is independent of the CL and this is why it is unaffected by a CL effect :) So, indeed, the effect needs to be (Nope: EDIT: The effect will be IFTAG: transmutation; CL: 1; COC:1, so, everything as usual; no bug in this extension, see next post) I̶F̶T̶A̶G̶:̶ ̶t̶r̶a̶n̶s̶m̶u̶t̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶;̶ ̶C̶L̶:̶ ̶1̶;̶ ̶D̶C̶:̶ ̶1̶;̶ ̶C̶O̶C̶:̶ ̶1̶ :) (I think you once mentioned that one needs the DC part and I neglected it; it turns out to be one of those PF1 differences like with concentration :D) But when you use the CL/2 progression for the DC, then it is affected by CL effects :) I̶ ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶a̶d̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶C̶L̶ ̶c̶h̶e̶c̶k̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶b̶a̶s̶e̶ ̶D̶C̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶,̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶

Thanks :)

EDIT: So, right now, CL only affects the formulas where CL is explicitly called as in each CL, CL/2 etc. :) and not if hidden by "base DC" which links to something else depending on CL

January 31st, 2021, 07:48
aah, wait, so: PF1 basically uses the CL/2 progress, isn't it? (plus ability of course)

I just checked it in FG: The base DC approach is for both rulesets, 3.5e and PF1, similarly coded. So, ability plus spell level. You need to switch to the CL/2 approach for the spells, then you should get the correct progression and the CL effect will affect it correctly :)

Pheew, nothing to fix on my side :D

January 31st, 2021, 11:39
Hi Kelrugem. Thanks for your amazing work, I enjoy your extension a lot.

A few month ago you posted an extension for ongoing temporary hit point regen. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?56194-Extension-Ongoing-temporary-hitpoints&highlight=TEMPO

I cannot find a download for it. Is it still working?

Thanks and with kind regards.

January 31st, 2021, 11:45
Hi Kelrugem. Thanks for your amazing work, I enjoy your extension a lot.

A few month ago you posted an extension for ongoing temporary hit point regen. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?56194-Extension-Ongoing-temporary-hitpoints&highlight=TEMPO

I cannot find a download for it. Is it still working?

Thanks and with kind regards.

It is still there; you are probably in mobile mode of FG right now :) Scroll down and switch to Full Site Mode :) Then you should be able to see how the forum actually looks like, and the download should then be there :)

January 31st, 2021, 11:47
I love you :)

January 31st, 2021, 11:51
Just another question: I am using an extension for ongoing saves (spirit guardian for example). It seems to collide with your ongoing temp extension. Do you have any idea how I could make both mechanics work?


January 31st, 2021, 12:03
Just another question: I am using an extension for ongoing saves (spirit guardian for example). It seems to collide with your ongoing temp extension. Do you have any idea how I could make both mechanics work?


Hmm, no idea sadly because I cannot look into that extension since I'd need to purchase it first. You could ask Kent instead, hopefully Kent knows some way then to make them compatible :) (I also have a lot of time constraints right now which makes it a bit difficult for me to look into those things :) Hopefully in some time I have more time for these things :D)

January 31st, 2021, 12:07
Hmm, no idea sadly because I cannot look into that extension since I'd need to purchase it first. You could ask Kent instead, hopefully Kent knows some way then to make them compatible :) (I also have a lot of time constraints right now which makes it a bit difficult for me to look into those things :) Hopefully in some time I have more time for these things :D)

Thanks, I hoped, you already had an extension for ongoing saves. :) Have a nice day.

January 31st, 2021, 12:09
Thanks, I hoped, you already had an extension for ongoing saves. :) Have a nice day.

Ah, I see, sadly not since I do not run 5e :) I made some small extensions after some requests from community members, this is why those extensions exist in the first place :D

have a nice day, too :)

January 31st, 2021, 13:13
You need to switch to the CL/2 approach for the spells, then you should get the correct progression and the CL effect will affect it correctly :)Hm. His character is using that approach. I will do more testing and get back to you on this (and in the meantime can just add ";DC: 2")

January 31st, 2021, 13:14
Hm. His character is using that approach. I will do more testing and get back to you on this (and in the meantime can just add ";DC: 2")

oki, thanks :) I wonder what the problem might be then, maybe indeed in combination of some other extension?