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View Full Version : Fantasy Grounds running at a snail's pace.

September 9th, 2019, 01:01
-My Graphics card is the AMD Radeon R9 200 series. It's updated to the most recent software.
-My CPU runs at 2-11%, Memory runs at a steady 24%, Disk normally runs at 3% while I'm in Fantasy Grounds.
-Programs open while running fantasy grounds do not effect the speed of Fantasy Grounds.
-Number of players does not affect the speed of the Fantasy Grounds.
-Reseting the computer does not make the program run faster.
(If there's any more information I can provide that can help feel free to ask)

The exact issue that I'm having is if I'm in a session the game moves incredibly slowly.For example: When I click and drag the dice onto the chat it takes a second and then displays the dice value (There is no animation for Rolling Dice), then there are 2 frames of the dice dissolving into the chat. Another example is when I try to drag a menu (Like a Character Sheet) to another place It does not show me "holding" the menu as it won't move with my mouse, after I release my left click to "let go" of the menu I wait for about half a second and then it will display the menu in the new location that I released.

One strange thing that I've noticed is that if another player/gm rolls a dice it actually displays the animation very smoothly however if I roll the dice it is very slow and choppy.

Any information to help make the program run smoother and faster would be greatly appreciated.

September 9th, 2019, 01:37
Welcome to the forums :) Sorry you are having problems :(

Do you have any other programs running when you are using FG? Of particular concern are any program that is an "overlay" such as the Steam overlay or various 'performance' or frame rate monitoring programs. I don't know if this includes Windows Aero applets, but I suspect it might.

Try turning down or disabling the advanced options on your graphics card driver. This like fog effects, anti-aliasing, 3D effects, etc.

FG currently uses an old version of Direct X (9) and as such often has performance problems with high-end graphics cards. Start there.

September 9th, 2019, 02:48
Thank you for replying so quickly.
I run Fantasy Grounds from the program I downloaded from this website and do not install it from Steam. I also am unfamiliar with any Windows Aero applets however just to be safe I checked my computer for any such programs to which it had no result.
I don't know of any advanced options for graphics card driver but I will look up ways to disable and reduce effects of those settings via the internet and get back to you when I do.

One more thing that I forgot to mention is that I'm running Windows 8.1. I don't know if that could be a cause but the more information I share with you the quicker this will be to resolve.

Booker Grimm
September 9th, 2019, 09:52
Take a look at my FG Slowing down thread. I had a bit of success with installing Direct x 9c. It at least made the dice animation smoother with no story or CT windows open.

September 9th, 2019, 18:55
Take a look at my FG Slowing down thread. I had a bit of success with installing Direct x 9c. It at least made the dice animation smoother with no story or CT windows open.
A link would be helpful to people.

Also, hopefully you don't have tons of shared tokens, etc. that you are loading into memory every time. What's the memory usage (from Task Manager) for Fantasy Grounds?

September 9th, 2019, 18:57
His "Slowing Down" post: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50773-FG-slowing-down

September 9th, 2019, 19:27
I second/third the dx9 suggestions. There's a dx9 redistributable file you can download and run, sorry don't have the link anymore.

September 9th, 2019, 19:32
I'd also recommend looking a tuning down some of the settings in your Graphics card setup/config application - many issues can be caused with FG by running more advanced/recent 3D settings.

Booker Grimm
September 9th, 2019, 21:50
It's a shame. The software really should be better optimised than this. FG has been around for long enough and these systems are more than the minimum requirements.

I really hope Unity is not going to be the x same.

September 9th, 2019, 22:11
It's a shame. The software really should be better optimised than this. FG has been around for long enough and these systems are more than the minimum requirements.

I really hope Unity is not going to be the x same.
As was mentioned in your thread regarding your issues, this is a remnant of the old software - which uses some very old libraries. Now, FG could spend a lot of time trying to optimize/convert those libraries, for an old 32-bit architecture to address the occasional issue that some individuals have with specific hardware combinations. Or they could spend their limited development resources on FG Unity - which will be 64-bit, will use modern graphics libraries and an underlying software base that is compatible with the latest hardware platforms.

I get it, you're frustrated with not having a great experience with Fantasy Grounds classic on your super-dooper computer, but please understand why that is happening and why FG has not spent lots of development resources trying to band-aid an old technology for every graphical issue that can possibly occur (which probably isn't even possible), but spend their time working with the most up-to-date architecture for the next release, to allow users to run FG efficiently now and into the future...

Booker Grimm
September 10th, 2019, 03:12
I don't mean to rock the boat, FG is a great product and I've had loads of fun with it and spent a fortune on modules, but given the rather steep price for the ultimate edition or the subscription fee, I think it's not too much to expect it to run better.

I hope Unity won't have these issues.

September 10th, 2019, 04:38
Meh, runs great on my rig...YMMV

September 10th, 2019, 04:55
You could always downgrade your computer and have less problems.... Just sayin'. The guys who most frequently have this bitch are those running supercharged systems (because there are so few users that the drivers and so on actually receive LESS support for older technology because they are focused on getting HALF-LIFE END OF THE WORLD to run at 600fps, on 3 15K monitors).

The other half with the complaints are ones with laptops with mid-to-high grade intel graphics cards - sometimes switching to on-board graphics cures the problems and sometimes ensuring on-board graphics STAY OFF fixes the problems - go figure.

September 10th, 2019, 05:05
As I've mentioned, most users have found that some fine tuning of their graphics card advanced features provides some level of improvement. Some graphics cards/drivers need this to make it play better with DirectX 9.