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View Full Version : LFP (1-2) - 5e Forgotten Realms Campaign: Birth of the Netherese Empire

September 2nd, 2019, 18:23
Hi there, we have 1 or 2 slots open in our fledgling Netherese empire game. Details below (make note of race and class restrictions). Below that is our campaign background. SEND ME A PM with your RL name, experience with 5e and character concept if you would like to be considered. Thanks!

FG License: DM has Ultimate - players don't need license
Game System: D&D 5e

Time Zone: Mountain
Day of week and time: Monday evenings, 5:30PM MTN (GMT-7) start time.
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-4 hours weekly
Term: Long term, open ended campaign

Text or Voice: Must use voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: More roleplay than combat (good mix of both though)
Number of Players in game & needed: 3 in game, need 1 or 2 more
Character starting level & equipment: 2nd level, standard equipment
Character restrictions: Humans only (Variant allowed). Classes: Barbarian, Ranger, Fighter. Subclasses subject to approval.

Current party - Druid, Cleric, Rogue (Dwarf).


Details of scenario:

Our campaign begins over five millennia in the past, at the cusp of the Founding Time. This era signals the rise of all the humanoid civilizations, in a time when the many dragons and giants were long overthrown and the elf wars no longer loomed over everyone as a threat. The elf realms of Evereska and Evermeet grow by colonization along with other realms, from the human Unther and Coramshan to the dwarf realms of High Shanatar and Oghrann.

More specifically, we start at what will be known as the First Age of the Netheril civilization. Menzoberra the Kinless has just founded the city of Menzoberranzan, the dwarf realm of Delzoun has just been established, and the Eaerlanni elves have yet to introduce The Art to humans.

I've always been fascinated by the Netherese empire. I feel like Netherese history is robust, but has always regretfully been on the peripheral of my Forgotten Realms knowledge. During previous campaigns I've run, I have been prompted to fill in my gaps of lore as necessary when adventurers inevitably explore a long-forgotten tomb, or someone asks, "Where do Ioun stones come from?", or "Why does the Anauroch Desert exist?", or "Why do spell levels stop at 9th?".

So, this epic campaign is really my convenient excuse to discover the Netherese empire and devour its secrets! We will explore its humble beginnings as a unification of fishing villages along the Narrow Sea, to the literal height of its arcane decadency within the mythallar-fueled floating cities, to their inevitable collapse as the empire buckles under the weight of its own hubris and ambition.

Yes, the history of the Netherese is rich and lengthy. How will we carry a party through millennia of story? I don't know exactly...yet. What I do know is that the process will be fun, epic, and, will take methodical, story-rich baby steps. So, for now, your journey begins here...

...the year is -3858 DR, but your tribe has no use for such measurements. You were born to a clan of the Gers tribe, in largest of a cluster of small fishing villages that hug cold waters of the abundant Narrow Sea. Nether, a powerful, young and charismatic shaman has just risen to power and claimed Gers as his ward. He is justifiably uncontested, but his ambitions for dominance will not stop at the pallisades of Gers. Orcs and goblins often flood down from the icy mountains in the north to pillaging the villages. For decades, they have been minimally successful; however, recently, ogres have joined their raids and have tilted the balance in their favor. Recent battles are hard-won, leaving some of the villages crippled and vulnerable. Nether is determined to unite the villages, but the some of the other leaders chafe under his authority. Heeding the pleas of the villages of Nauseef and Janick, Nether assembles a group of Gers warriors to relieve their neighbors against the orcish onslaught.

If interested, please PM me with your name and a character concept. Thanks!

September 2nd, 2019, 19:02
Sent you a PM! Thanks!

September 2nd, 2019, 21:37
I also sent a PM

September 5th, 2019, 00:25
Hi everyone! Our DM is reviewing your applications right now and I will notify everyone by Friday. Thanks so much for the interest!

September 7th, 2019, 00:20
Hello once again! It was difficult to choose just two players. However, we have made our selections. If I did not notify you with a PM, then unfortunately we cannot fit you into our campaign at this time.

Should slots open up in the future, I will repost here.

Thanks as always for all the interest!