View Full Version : Update store organization

September 2nd, 2019, 03:29
If possible I would like to see the store updated to be better organized. It is very hard to search through to find anything at all. I basically need to know the exact name of the book I want, and it seems if I don't type it in correctly it won't be found. It also makes browsing for specific rulesets rather difficult as well.

September 2nd, 2019, 03:43
Welcome to the forums :)

Have you tried using the filter? Just pull down the filter window (as shown) then select the ruleset you want. You can combine that with the other filters as well.

September 2nd, 2019, 04:37
I have, but the filter doesn't work so great.

September 2nd, 2019, 07:10
I've mentioned it before and I think someone said that they were aware of the issues, but they were somewhat stuck with the setup for such and such reason, for the time being, but it might be looked at, at some point. It's been a year ago when I asked about it, so I don't remember the details, but it was something along the lines of that if I remember correctly. But the store organization is poor and not intuitive. With practice, and patience, it can be overcome, for the most part.

More so, the details of the items isn't ideal. Like in CnC, it is hard to tell which adventure belongs as part of a group of adventure path or in what world. Like it might be the second adventure of a three part adventure path set in the world of X, for levels 3-5, but finding any of that information is difficult, and mostly have to search the internet. So if I own the world Z and are looking for adventures set in that world, I have to research the internet before going to the shop. If I want to get the second part of an adventure path, I need to search other places, because its hard to tell from the shop information. Some are edited better than others.

Still, its not something that can't be overcome.

September 2nd, 2019, 07:33
The issue is this, more or less;
SmiteWorks is a small team, therefore they have to prioritize what they work on. They have prioritized for the last several years that all major efforts are towards their architecture change to a new platform/engine. (i.e. Unity). That this change is paramount to their growth and sustainability. Since FG Unity is scheduled for release this December, it is pretty easy to deduce that no changes to the Store will be forthcoming until 2020, at the earliest.

September 2nd, 2019, 07:43
For a small team, you guys sure put out the work. Thanks!

September 2nd, 2019, 13:47
What is an example of something specifically that you had a hard time finding? Perhaps we can suggest a way to locate it more easily in the future.

September 3rd, 2019, 01:32
I'm not sure who you are directing that too. Probably not me... If not directed at me, then let me add a helpful suggestion:

My suggestion is to do the research outside the store list, and then when you know exactly what you want, look and try to find it in the store.

It might take some tweaking and patience, but if its there, you should be able to find it without too much trouble. And a look in the bundles where they are grouped together might be helpful too. It might not be a good browse and see whats available type store, but it works well enough for purchases.

For an example of current functionality: Put in CnC filter, Adventure filter with no other limiters. You would expect a list of CnC adventures. Of the first seven suggestions, 2 are adventures, the other things are worlds, towns, spells and other additions (which might have an adventure in them somewhere, but that isn't what they are). But it works well enough for people to purchase obviously, and that is the biggest thing.

What I like about the store is its history page, showing what you have purchased, when you purchased it, the Key for things that use key's are shown in your purchases. I like that... a lot.


September 3rd, 2019, 09:35
I agree, even when you know exactly what you're looking for, if you don't type it in search just right, doesn't work at all. The search bar is pretty broken.

September 3rd, 2019, 13:43
I agree, even when you know exactly what you're looking for, if you don't type it in search just right, doesn't work at all. The search bar is pretty broken.

If you folks can provide several examples (one or two each) then I might be able to make some changes to improve that.

September 3rd, 2019, 13:53
1. Was searching for Pathfinder 2e Core Rules. I tried Pathfinder 2e, nothing. Pathfinder Second Edition, nothing. Pathfinder 2nd Edition, nothing. Only Pathfinder 2 works. I personally ALWAYS default to calling it PF 2e or 2nd Editon. NEVER Pathfinder 2. It's not a sequel it's a Second Edition lol. Do you really have 5e listed as Dungeons & Dragons 5? Never checked cause I don't play that game.

So maybe add some more search tags to it so that it's not so stringent on a single search term.

September 3rd, 2019, 13:59
For that, you can use any of these methods:

Result: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/?sys=24&pub=-1&typ=-1&search=&sort=1

1. Click the Pathfinder 2 banner on the home page
2. Click the dropdown to open the filter and select Pathfinder 2.0 on the filter for game system
3. Click the hyperlink for any Pathfinder 2.0 content that shows up to filter to show only those results

If you just type into the search bar, it currently looks for that text within the name and description fields only. It doesn't check game system, publisher or product type unless you use the advanced filters for those.

September 3rd, 2019, 14:03
In the process maybe you can do something about the steam front? I swear it takes me like 50 clicks to event get to the DLC to event be able to search for anything.

September 3rd, 2019, 14:09
Last suggestion, could you move the Pathfinder Playtest stuff to its own category? When I'm searching for 2e I don't want the playtest stuff that doesn't even work too well with the final release unless you go in and manually convert the numbers. I personally only want the final release stuff.

September 3rd, 2019, 15:17
In the process maybe you can do something about the steam front? I swear it takes me like 50 clicks to event get to the DLC to event be able to search for anything.

With Fantasy Grounds selected in Steam, click the DLC menu option on the right hand side of the screen. One click.

September 3rd, 2019, 15:26
I have hidden the Playtest adventures (but not the flip-mat) since we intended to remove these from the store for new sales once the official version launched.

For the Steam store, there is also the Browse All DLC option which takes you to the much easier to navigate store. Unfortunately, we are fairly limited on what else we can do on Steam for the main store interface. It should look like this once you get there:

You can add your own tags to products within Steam to help others, but the tagging system has some limitations on what you can choose.

September 14th, 2019, 14:31
i'm forever trying to find adventures that are suitable for a group.

The search criteria I would like to see:
- Game System: 5E
- Product Type: Adventure
- Group size: 1 - 6
- Ave. Group Level: 1 - 20

Or something along those lines would save me having to look at the description of all the adventures that come up.
I do try adding "levels 3" or something similar to the "Contains the words" box but it doesn't work very well and misses anything that says "level 3" or "level 2 or 3", etc.

September 14th, 2019, 18:35
i'm forever trying to find adventures that are suitable for a group.

The search criteria I would like to see:
- Game System: 5E
- Product Type: Adventure
- Group size: 1 - 6
- Ave. Group Level: 1 - 20

Or something along those lines would save me having to look at the description of all the adventures that come up.
I do try adding "levels 3" or something similar to the "Contains the words" box but it doesn't work very well and misses anything that says "level 3" or "level 2 or 3", etc.
Part of the problem is that I don't think that metadata exists for most of those adventures. i.e. group size and level are something that would have to be looked up for each item. Not that it wouldn't be useful...

September 14th, 2019, 18:51
Yeah, having levels/challenge/experience information for adventures would be a nice addition.

September 15th, 2019, 01:03
i'm forever trying to find adventures that are suitable for a group.

The search criteria I would like to see:
- Game System: 5E
- Product Type: Adventure
- Group size: 1 - 6
- Ave. Group Level: 1 - 20

Or something along those lines would save me having to look at the description of all the adventures that come up.
I do try adding "levels 3" or something similar to the "Contains the words" box but it doesn't work very well and misses anything that says "level 3" or "level 2 or 3", etc.

This isn't specific to Fantasy Grounds, but I find Adventure Lookup (https://adventurelookup.com/adventures/) very useful for this kind of search. If you find an adventure you like there, then search for it specifically in the FG store or the other usual places like the DMs Guild. Even if you don't find a pre-made FG module, you can always convert it yourself.

November 4th, 2019, 15:38
The Adventure Lookup site you mention has a very good set of filters - just what we need here, in fact. I'd also like the filters to be persistent so I could modify my criteria.

November 4th, 2019, 16:16
More so, the details of the items isn't ideal. Like in CnC, it is hard to tell which adventure belongs as part of a group of adventure path or in what world. Like it might be the second adventure of a three part adventure path set in the world of X, for levels 3-5, but finding any of that information is difficult, and mostly have to search the internet. So if I own the world Z and are looking for adventures set in that world, I have to research the internet before going to the shop. If I want to get the second part of an adventure path, I need to search other places, because its hard to tell from the shop information. Some are edited better than others.

Still, its not something that can't be overcome.

This isn't specific to Fantasy Grounds, but I find Adventure Lookup (https://adventurelookup.com/adventures/) very useful for this kind of search. If you find an adventure you like there, then search for it specifically in the FG store or the other usual places like the DMs Guild. Even if you don't find a pre-made FG module, you can always convert it yourself.

That's what I said. The best way to "solve" the issue is look other places than the FG Store, and find out what you want. Then look for it specifically, as best you can, in the FG store. If you know exactly what you want, you can usually find work arounds that allow you to find it in the FG Store. The only way to fix it to be better, rather than something to overcome, is to add the details of each item. Adventure? Check, CnC? Check, Levels 6-8? Check... etc.

July 1st, 2020, 16:16
Can we maybe NOT show things that are already OWNED in the store? Or at least give us the option to not show them? It's just extra clutter and you already know we own it (because you mark it as owned).....should be relatively simple to do since you have all the info.

July 1st, 2020, 16:48
Having spent hundreds on fg store purchases over time...i really dont think the interface is that bad. I just use the filter and scroll to my selection. A context sensitive search would be cool. But I personally dont think it justifies developer time even remotely as a priority over unity and its releated features.

What im saying ...could the search be better...yes. but is the current one terrible..no.

So you scroll a little after you filter....big deal.

July 1st, 2020, 16:59
We also have to be able to test... so hiding owned products would have John and I with nothing showing in the stores whenever we were logged on. :)

July 1st, 2020, 17:27
We also have to be able to test... so hiding owned products would have John and I with nothing showing in the stores whenever we were logged on. :)

Sounds like a developer-only problem...and why would you "Test" with your super user / admin account? Bad dev practice.

July 1st, 2020, 17:28
Having spent hundreds on fg store purchases over time...i really dont think the interface is that bad. I just use the filter and scroll to my selection. A context sensitive search would be cool. But I personally dont think it justifies developer time even remotely as a priority over unity and its releated features.

What im saying ...could the search be better...yes. but is the current one terrible..no.

So you scroll a little after you filter....big deal.

Spent a couple pennies more than hundreds. It may be no "big deal" to you. Your opinion. Doesn't change mine. Thanks and have a great day

July 1st, 2020, 19:59
It's not likely to change. Sorry.