View Full Version : Just Subbed

August 24th, 2019, 17:53
Ok so i was thining that a sub would give me access to the source books but i guess i was wrong. What does the sub give u cause i cant find anything that changes in there from free.

August 24th, 2019, 17:55
That changes your host license which then affects clients connecting to your hosted games. It adds no DLC.

https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/faq.php?faq=license_and_purchasing_issues#faq_subs criptionexplaination

August 24th, 2019, 17:57
well that was a wasted 4 dollars.... could have gotten a new miniture :D
Wander why they don't do that i mean they could make a killing off of it cause most of us dont want to spend that kinda money on a digital material. why not just let those monthly payments cover the source books.

August 24th, 2019, 18:01

The subscription is to the licence to use FG. As such, here's what it gives you:

Ability to build a campaign
Ability to join ANY game (not just one hosted by an ultimate subscriber)
Host games (ie be a GM)
Tokens and battlemaps
Data libraries (such as the D&D SRD)

Hope this helps. The sourcebooks (in my opinion) are pretty cheap compared to other places you can buy online, and they all go on sale from time to time.
Remember if this doesn't suit you, then Smiteworks offer a 30 day money back guarantee if you aren't happy.

Good luck, and I hope you enjoy FG :)


August 24th, 2019, 18:02
well that was a wasted 4 dollars.... could have gotten a new miniture :D
Wander why they don't do that i mean they could make a killing off of it cause most of us dont want to spend that kinda money on a digital material. why not just let those monthly payments cover the source books.

Licensing - the companies that license the sourcebooks to them don't want their stuff given away for free.


August 24th, 2019, 18:44
If you need more information on Subscriptions, right at the top of the store there is a link at the beginning of the "Subscriptions" section.
That link (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/faq.php?faq=license_and_purchasing_issues#faq_subs criptionexplaination)has a bunch of details on subscriptions.

If you have more questions on what is and is not a function/capability of a subscription, please let us know.

August 24th, 2019, 20:47
well that was a wasted 4 dollars.... could have gotten a new miniture :D
Wander why they don't do that i mean they could make a killing off of it cause most of us dont want to spend that kinda money on a digital material. why not just let those monthly payments cover the source books.

It would bankrupt the company if they gave away $100s with a $4 subscription because they'd be bleeding money to pay the IP holders.

August 24th, 2019, 22:26
well that was a wasted 4 dollars.... could have gotten a new miniture :D

If you don't like the sub, try contacting [email protected] and they may be able to refund the purchase of the subscription (30-day return). Granted, you lose any remaining time left on the sub, but if you find that it was not what you thought..