View Full Version : Swashbucklers of Sasserine (D&D, Sundays, 7-9pm EST, GMT-5)

October 21st, 2006, 19:48
Swashbucklers of Sasserine Adventures: Player Wanted

Intrigue swirls in a tropical port city finding its feet after a century of oppressive rule...

You are members of the Night Watch in the city of Sasserine. As city guards, your mission is above all to keep the peace and to keep to your place. Each of you owes your position to connections with powers in the city. Your mission: do what you can to protect the city's people while staying alive within this lawless city's intrigues.

The bustling Merchant District, Sasserine’s heart and soul, is your beat. The city’s wealth and life comes from trade, so your work is vital to the city’s future. Minor crimes, however, are often ignored…

Game: Pen and Paper D&D 3.5 via Fantasy Grounds and Ventrilo voice chat.

Setting: Greyhawk (generic fantasy), Tropical Port City & Swashbuckling Sea Setting

Play Style: City/Ocean Adventure. Roleplay, Exploration, Investigation, and Action.

Adventures: Published adventures from Dungeon Magazine and other sources.

Committment: Each adventure is relatively short, two to three sessions in length, though together the story builds into a campaign. Try one, stay for more if you like.

Desired Group Size: Four to Five Players.

Time: 7-9pm EST (GMT-4) Sundays.

Characters: Start at level one. Motives compatible with good and neutral alignments preferred. Classes and Prestige Classes from Player’s Handbook and Dungeon Master’s Guide only.

Application Process: Send Diana a PM with a brief character description and one notable recent event in the character’s life that marked him/her as an adventurer.

Our current party consists of a bard, a ranger, a sorcerer, and a fighter. We are seeking one new player.

For more information, please see the campaign forum: https://www.roguepenguin.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=53

Game Calendar Entry.

November 7th, 2006, 00:07
I am very interested in joining this campaign if there are still openings. I don't have a specific character prepared, thinking instead that I would get an idea as to what skills are already present in the group, and what might be needed. It doesn't appear that there is a cleric yet, so I would likely lean that way if accepted.
I can be contacted at any of the following addresses in addition to a PM through the FantasyGrounds site:
email: [email protected]
AOL IM: aim Keven (space between words)
MSN: [email protected]
Yahoo IM: KevenSimmons

PS - I have sent this same message to Arawen, but have not yet had a reply.

November 7th, 2006, 02:50
Thanks for the post. I've replied.

My regular nick here on the FG boards is Diana, though I use Arawen on the campaign forums for the Sasserine game. I've edited the post to clarify.

January 3rd, 2007, 15:41
Hi Diana,

I'm interested in joining your group if you have the room. Please let me know. I've had quite a bit of RP experience but this is the first time I've tried the FG tool.


January 15th, 2007, 11:24
Hey Diana, I was wondering if you still have room in your campagne for a player. Judging by your current party you need some healing power! (If you havnt filled the possition yet) If its still open I'll send the relevant details, but either way, could you tell me!


January 16th, 2007, 00:23
i wanna play your campaing, i very interensting
can i play with you? :pirate:

January 21st, 2007, 15:15
Since Diana hasn't responded to this thread and since I was one of the players I'll pass on that she has discontinued this campaign.