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View Full Version : Settings says my license is invalid, but it is updating and downloading my modules.

August 18th, 2019, 00:12

I'm trying get into the alpha, and when I try to launch, the app locks up after I try to host the 5e sample campaign. Going into settings shows "invalid license key" - even though I've copied my new ultimate key in (and confirmed it is right by copying it into notepad.

Any thoughts?



August 18th, 2019, 00:13
Also won't join the sample campaign, just times out - no error, the app just stops responding.

Moon Wizard
August 18th, 2019, 04:34
Invalid License Key in Updater
If your main application is not complaining about the license key, and only the Settings/Updater is; then it's a known issue right now. [FGU-356] Nothing to worry about unless the main application complains.

Sample Campaign Issues
For the sample campaign, I haven't heard that from anybody else yet, and I can't reproduce here.
* Can you run a new Check For Updates from the FGU launch screen before trying again?
* Can you try changing to Local server type for the 5E Sample Campaign, and then trying to load?
* Can you try deleting the modulestate.xml in the sample campaign directory, and trying to load again? (Folder button in upper right of launcher opens data folder.)
