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August 16th, 2019, 03:08
No extensions loaded

BUG/5e: Mood Lighting does not appear to work
BUG/5e: /day and /night do nothing
BUG/5e: When NPC rolls a save from a spell being cast on it, save die appears to roll off the bottom of the screen on the client, but not host
BUG/5e: When client rolls damage against NPC, dice appear to be stuck on top of the chat window for the host
BUG/5e: When more than 1 dice of damage is indicated on a weapon, the chat windows still shows just 1 dice as the text string (e.g. 1d6+4 instead of 2d6+4)
BUG/5e: Applied Critical and Max to a 2d6+5 weapon damage roll. Correctly showed 4 dice with 6 as the result, text read 1d6+1g6+5 instead of 2d6+2g6+5, the total shown came to 23 instead of 29. Damage applied was 29 (correct)

SUGGESTION/5e: Options window does not have the ability to resize, would be useful (low priority)

OTHER/5e: Client response is very lagged. Host and Client are on same PC, network lag is bad. Public game.

Starfinders Ruleset Testing
No Extensions loaded
[8/15/2019 11:15:12 PM] [NOTICE] Launcher scene starting.
[8/15/2019 11:15:44 PM] [NOTICE] Spawning private server.
[8/15/2019 11:15:45 PM] [NOTICE] Connected to game server.
[8/15/2019 11:15:45 PM] [NOTICE] Launcher scene exiting.
[8/15/2019 11:15:45 PM] [NOTICE] Tabletop scene starting.
[8/15/2019 11:15:50 PM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF tag for asset (sheetlabel-white) in ruleset (SFRPG) (graphics/graphics_fonts.xml)
[8/15/2019 11:15:50 PM] [WARNING] font: Could not find TTF tag for asset (sheettext-white) in ruleset (SFRPG) (graphics/graphics_fonts.xml)
[8/15/2019 11:15:53 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Error loading ruleset XML file (SFRPG) (campaign/record_char_main.xml): An XML comment cannot contain '--', and '-' cannot be the last character. Line 1275, position 42.
[8/15/2019 11:15:53 PM] [NOTICE] Tabletop scene exiting.
[8/15/2019 11:15:53 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
[8/15/2019 11:15:53 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
[8/15/2019 11:15:53 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
[8/15/2019 11:15:53 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
[8/15/2019 11:15:53 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
[8/15/2019 11:15:53 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
[8/15/2019 11:15:53 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
[8/15/2019 11:15:53 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
[8/15/2019 11:15:53 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
[8/15/2019 11:15:53 PM] [<color="red">ERROR</color>] Object (customdie) deleted without cleaning up attached Lua object.
[8/15/2019 11:15:53 PM] [NOTICE] Launcher scene starting.

August 16th, 2019, 04:09
EDIT: Misunderstanding, mood lighting was meant :) ignore my post

BUG/5e: Lighting does not appear to work

You can turn them on, there is some button on the right hand side in the editing mode :) (play mode, there is some "eye button")

August 16th, 2019, 04:10
You can turn them on, there is some button on the right hand side in the editing mode :) (play mode, there is some "eye button")

I'm referring to the mood lighting...not map lighting

August 16th, 2019, 04:11
I'm referring to the mood lighting...not map lighting

Ah, sorry, was not thinking about "mood lighting" :)

Moon Wizard
August 16th, 2019, 06:56
Thanks for your feedback.

Mood Lighting
Mood lighting is not implemented in FGU. Currently, we are not planning any implementation, though we may revisit after launch. Added to Known Differences thread.

Dice Issues
I've filed tasks to investigate these:
FGU-342 = [5E] NPC save roll appears to roll off bottom of screen on client
FGU-343 = [5E] Client damage roll appears stuck on host
FGU-344 = [5E] Weapon damage rolls of more than 1 die shows incorrect dice in chat dice expression

SFRPG was not part of FGU update system, so I assume you copied over. If you are using the same data directory for both current FG and FGU, I suggest you change back to defaults to avoid issues. I've loaded a version of SFRPG into the FGU update system that does not get that XML error. You'll need to adjust data directory (if the same as FGC), then run a new FGU update, in order to get the latest version without that error.

Options Window Resize
For options window resize, please add to wish list in my sig, since that is not FGU specific.

Laggy Performance on Cloud Server
When running a cloud server, you will see lag between GM and player clients, because the communications is making round trip to remote server and back.
However, we want to make sure it doesn't impact game play.
If you want to test connected clients more, please try to document exact steps taken on both GM and client in order for us to track down items. We're mostly focused on local GM side and basic feature finalization at this point.

Some questions:
What are your ping times to lobby.fantasygrounds.com?
Can you try again with local server to see if you see similar lag?
Was this before/after dice rolls?


August 16th, 2019, 14:24
FGU-343 = [5E] Client damage roll appears stuck on host

This also appears to happen on the client when the host rolls as well..

SFRPG was not part of FGU update system, so I assume you copied over. If you are using the same data directory for both current FG and FGU, I suggest you change back to defaults to avoid issues. I've loaded a version of SFRPG into the FGU update system that does not get that XML error. You'll need to adjust data directory (if the same as FGC), then run a new FGU update, in order to get the latest version without that error.

Yes, I copied it into my ruleset folder. The only change I had from a default install was I chose the D: drive and kept the paths the same. I think that the data directory defaults to the smiteworks/fantasy grounds folder under %appdata%, and I kept that the same.

Options Window Resize
For options window resize, please add to wish list in my sig, since that is not FGU specific.


Laggy Performance on Cloud Server
When running a cloud server, you will see lag between GM and player clients, because the communications is making round trip to remote server and back.
However, we want to make sure it doesn't impact game play.
If you want to test connected clients more, please try to document exact steps taken on both GM and client in order for us to track down items. We're mostly focused on local GM side and basic feature finalization at this point.

Okay, will try to remember to document exact steps in future.

Some questions:
What are your ping times to lobby.fantasygrounds.com?

Will check tonight and see

Can you try again with local server to see if you see similar lag?

Will do

Was this before/after dice rolls?

After dice rolls. Those were VERY VERY laggy if you had any quick rolls.

August 17th, 2019, 04:00
Can we no longer specify the user that we want to join the campaign as when we join the campaign, or am I just missing it?

August 17th, 2019, 04:16
BUG?/5e (LMoP): Added PCs to Cragmaw Castle, shared map, PCs were visible to client. Unshared map, reshared map, PCs were no longer visible no matter if I added or removed and re-added them.

August 17th, 2019, 04:22
BUG/5e: Rolling dice fairly quickly on locally hosted game. Still quite a bit of lag on results to client. Residual dice (d20 attack rolls) remain on client chat window. At some point a blank blurry window pops up on the host and disappears after a time.

To JPG's earlier question. Yes, it is still quite laggy to get the results on the client when rolling dice on locally hosted private game. I would have thought such a small message package would have to go across from host to client that it would be very fast. Doesn't appear to be network latency causing the issue (btw, I am on google fiber and running about 949Mbs up and down, so I wouldn't have thought it would be an issue anyway...)

August 17th, 2019, 04:28
Ping times to lobby: Minimum = 17ms, Maximum = 19ms, Average = 17ms
Tracert: 9 hops

August 17th, 2019, 04:37
Ping times to lobby: Minimum = 17ms, Maximum = 19ms, Average = 17ms
Tracert: 9 hops

Not sure what IPv6 address is showing up for the lobby, but I don't think it is the correct one...could be A reason for lag???

IPv6 validation for https://lobby.fantasygrounds.com

Tested on

Sat, 17 Aug 2019 03:36:09 GMT

AAAA DNS record

no AAAA record

IPv6 web server

IPv6 DNS server

August 18th, 2019, 05:33
SFRPG was not part of FGU update system, so I assume you copied over. If you are using the same data directory for both current FG and FGU, I suggest you change back to defaults to avoid issues. I've loaded a version of SFRPG into the FGU update system that does not get that XML error. You'll need to adjust data directory (if the same as FGC), then run a new FGU update, in order to get the latest version without that error.

Replacing the two <fgffile> definitions with <ttf> definitions allowed it to startup without issue.

Moon Wizard
August 19th, 2019, 22:09
Specifying User Names Per Game
Your FG user name is now the same for the web site as well as the application. An FG user name is also now required to be configured in the Settings to join a game.

Tokens Not Visible to Players on Reshare
Filed as task FGU-386.

Multiple networked dice rolls potentially causing lag
Filed as FGU-387 to investigate.


August 20th, 2019, 02:49
Specifying User Names Per Game
Your FG user name is now the same for the web site as well as the application. An FG user name is also now required to be configured in the Settings to join a game.

That's going to be a major pain in the *** for people that like to name their username to something meaningful for the campaign that they are joining (such as the character name, or campaign name or, most of the time, their Discord (or whatever other voice software they are using) name.

August 20th, 2019, 04:40
Might we ask the reason for this decision? I might have missed some posts?

Moon Wizard
August 20th, 2019, 23:29
This allows us to uniquely identify users for providing cloud services, which is a requirement to avoid collisions.

The user name is rarely seen in actual play; except for:

GM-only chat announcement when the player first logs in
GM campaign lists to indicate sharing/ownership of records
OOC chat

Other than those situations, the character name is used for all other cases that I can think of.


August 21st, 2019, 00:09
Just wanted to give a HUGE thanks to you!!! 20 + 0 on d100 gives 20, not 30...just like real life rolls!!!!


BUG(5e): /die 1d100l5e96 rolled a 99....no exploding happened....no console error...

Checked other combinations.

Explode low works as expected: 1d100l50 -> 41-84-34 = -76
Explode high works as expected: 1d100e51 -> 73+69+89+46 = 277

Seems we cannot explode low and high. Dice text even comes back 1d100l5 instead of 1d100l5e96

Moon Wizard
August 21st, 2019, 00:47
Percentile Dice
We added a new built in die type called d01, which is a 0-9 die; which is separate from d10, which is a 1-10 die. Also, the client automatically handles d100 by adding and combining the result of a d01 die, without the ruleset having to do anything. In general, we're trying to add more native support for common dice use cases without having the ruleset have to do everything.

Explode Low and High
I know that I considered this as I was building dice system, but don't remember offhand if that's the correct format. It seems right, so I'll need to investigate. Added as task FGU-411.


August 22nd, 2019, 01:58
BUG/5e: Applied Critical and Max to a 2d6+5 weapon damage roll. Correctly showed 4 dice with 6 as the result, text read 1d6+1g6+5 instead of 2d6+2g6+5, the total shown came to 23 instead of 29. Damage applied was 29 (correct)

This appears to have gotten worse with most recent updates.


August 22nd, 2019, 02:02
BUG/5e: CRITICAL, MAX, and HALF applied to 2d6+5 damage shows wrong as well. Instead of 2d6+2g6+5, it shows 1d6+1g6+5, dice show all 6s, total says 15. Correct damage of 14 was taken by recipient.


Moon Wizard
August 22nd, 2019, 18:31
That's the same issue of multiple dice not being shown correctly in chat window. I haven't had time to investigate yet, between interviews, support and managing the alpha. Currently, most fixes are being done on image stuff which is what Carl is working one. Fixing the dice expression display/totals is first on my list once I get the time to investigate.


August 24th, 2019, 04:34
Current Update

General impression: things are loading a lot slower when you host the default 5e campaign

BUG/5e: Critical Max damage with multiple damage types/dice (e.g. Greatsword with 1d8 fire and 1d4 lightning damage, additional +4 ability) going up against someone with lightning resistance (lightning damage should be halved). Results in 47 instead of 48 points (rounding error?) 4d6 (24)+ 2d8 (16) + 2d4 (8) +4 = 52 (correctly indicated). The 2d4 should be halved, so 4 should be dropped from the total, therefore 48. I believe the same error is applying to Critical Max Half...resulting in 23 instead of 24.


August 24th, 2019, 04:40
In your image one d4 maxed is for whatever reason a 6 (somewhere in the middle of your image: lightning (1d4 = 6), that might be the problem such that then the total is 10 and halved a 5 instead of 4. So, probably not a rounding error but for whatever reason one lightning die is increased by 2 damage points

EDIT: also the other maxed numbers do not really makes sense sometimes (like 2d6=16 instead of 12). The total is correct but the single chat outputs are confusing, the subresults deviate such that they are above or below the maxed number (exactly in such a way that the total is unaffected but the halving is affected :D )

August 24th, 2019, 04:44
In your image one d4 maxed is for whatever reason a 6 (somewhere in the middle of your image: lightning (1d4 = 6), that might be the problem such that then the total is 10 and halved a 5 instead of 4. So, probably not a rounding error but for whatever reason one lightning die is increased by 2 damage points

EDIT: also the other maxed numbers do not really makes sense sometimes (like 2d6=16 instead of 12)

yeah the numbers up there don't seem right (maxed d8 = 6, maxed d4 = 6, maxed d8 critical = 4, etc.). My screen resolution is too high to see those tiny numbers in the chat until we get UIScaling...

Moon Wizard
August 25th, 2019, 02:54
Thanks for the sleuthing. Filed as task FGU-452.


August 30th, 2019, 05:12
Tried setting the 'Dice: Manual entry' to 'On' and made a high enough attack roll to hit the AC of an invisible hostile. The percentile dice manual entry comes up (see below). It has a d100 and a d10 listed (maybe a hold-over from the % dice?) Leaving them as 0 and 0, results in 0. Entering 10 and 0 results in 10. Entering 100 and 10, results in 110, Entering 100 and 0, results in 2 dice showing up (a 100 and a 0), totaling 100. /die 1d100 only shows 1 dice (100 for a perfect roll)...

Also, the Manual Dice Entry window stays open (and blank)

August 30th, 2019, 05:37
Another issue to think about...I know this isn't the host->client phase...but it came up while testing an extension in FGU. SFRPG ruleset (yes, I know I had to change the graphics_font.xml to get it to load). Loads just fine for the local private host, but the client had the following error. Logfile and screenshot of cache contents included


August 30th, 2019, 05:43
Tried setting the 'Dice: Manual entry' to 'On' and made a high enough attack roll to hit the AC of an invisible hostile. The percentile dice manual entry comes up (see below). It has a d100 and a d10 listed (maybe a hold-over from the % dice?) Leaving them as 0 and 0, results in 0. Entering 10 and 0 results in 10. Entering 100 and 10, results in 110, Entering 100 and 0, results in 2 dice showing up (a 100 and a 0), totaling 100. /die 1d100 only shows 1 dice (100 for a perfect roll)...

Also, the Manual Dice Entry window stays open (and blank)

Without manual die entry turned on and rolled the miss chance, it rolls 3d10 [1d100 and 2d10], shows 2 in the result, combining the results of the d100 and the d10 as say 60 and 3 = 63 on the d100 die and 5 on the d10 = 68.

I am clearly confused as to what is going on here... :)

Moon Wizard
August 31st, 2019, 05:22
Thanks for the additional reports.

Manual Dice Window Staying Open
This is by design in the rulesets currently, so this is how it works in the current FG version.

Percentile Rolls Showing Up as 2 dice
Each ruleset needs to be updated to work with FGU with regards to percentiles. In FGC, the rulesets had to manage percentile rolls manually, but it's automatic in FGU. The following rulesets have already been checked and/or updated: CoreRPG, 3.5E, 4E, 5E, PFRPG. I've added task FGU-471 to update the rulesets installed automatically. Any other rulesets will need to be handled on a case by case basis.

Player File Cache Deletion Error
Previously filed as FGU-397.


October 26th, 2020, 20:52
Moon Wizard, did you ever make any further progress on issue FGU-411?

October 26th, 2020, 22:25
The ticket is still currently open