View Full Version : Marble ReferenceBox (free)

October 17th, 2006, 22:29
I just finished my ruleset's referencebox as I felt the original not only didn't have the feel I was looking for, but it was way too small! It has a marble backing and a curved green stone 'frame'. I made it in PhotoShop v7.0 and would be happy to share it with anyone interested in using it for their own custom ruleset. I can send you the PhotoShop 7 original if you put: 'marble refbox' in the subject and email me (zakarius AT gmail DOT com). The bevelled out areas for the link nodes are just copy/paste from the marble, so these layers can be deleted without affecting the original marble layer.


(Please keep in mind that the purple-blue background is not part of the referencebox image.)

October 18th, 2006, 02:44
WOW!! Looks good, I like the way it curves.

October 18th, 2006, 16:38
Yes I agree, very nice and the curve is an excellent idea.