View Full Version : PFS2 #1-01: The Absalom Initiation SUN August 18th @ 5 PM GMT

August 15th, 2019, 14:42
Please schedule around 4 1/2 hours for the game (more if we have a full table). We are all pretty new to the system, so it's likely we'll have to look up some rules.

To clarify: This scenario uses the new PF2 rules and will be run as a Pathfinder Society scenario.

Character creation (https://www.organizedplayfoundation.org/encyclopedia/pfs2edplayer-basics/#character-creation) and character options (https://www.organizedplayfoundation.org/encyclopedia/pathfinder-2-0-character-options/) for PFS.

If this is your first PFS2 game on this particular character, I will need to know your Paizo Organized Play #, your character #, your faction and your current gold (after character creation). You can either put it in the notes tab or send it to me some other way (see below).

If you already played this character, please send me your last chroncle sheet so I know the information mentioned above as well as chronicle #, reputation, XP and fame.

I can have the server up for you to build your character either GMT weeknight evening or before the game.

If you need a pregen please notify me in advance!

If you can, please try to send me your character 24 hours before the game so I can review any relevant rules.

About the scenario:

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–4 (Subtiers 1–2 and 3–4).

A new era is beginning for the Pathfinder Society, with new recruits and new factions all excited to build connections and embark on grand adventures. The PCs are among these recruits invited to attend a welcoming party where they can meet both the old guard as well as the up-and-coming leaders. But the party's not all talk; the PCs learn of four exciting escapades in Absalom, through which they can kick off their adventuring careers!

This adventure's individual missions include numerous variations that make each play-through exciting and different.

Written by Lyz Liddell.

Scenario Tags: Repeatable

Technical details:

We will use Fantasy Grounds (I have an Ultimate license) and Teamspeak.

Steps before the game:

Make sure to both apply here as well as in the game calendar (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=3577), stating which character you'd like to play (including level and class).

Please make sure your Fantasy Grounds is updated.

FG alias, Teamspeak server and contact details can be found under GM announcements in the game calendar.

Edit: Currently all spots filled.

August 15th, 2019, 15:58
I would like to participate with my level 1 fighter (archer) Selúviel.

August 15th, 2019, 16:34
I'd like to join :)

August 15th, 2019, 16:37
Alright, thanks.

With that five spots filled, one still open.

(the reason I ask players to apply here as well as on the calendar is that 1. they get updates that way and 2. it's easier to determine who applied first should it matter)

August 15th, 2019, 20:26
I just installed TeamSpeak and tried to connect to try it out, but could not find the channel listed on the calendar page (there was a "playtest" channel there but not a "PFS2" one).

Will the channel be created later or is the information on the calendar page incorrect?

August 15th, 2019, 20:30
That's because I hadn't set it up yet, thanks for the reminder.

Should now be created.

August 16th, 2019, 00:22
ID:157889-2001 PFS(2ed)
Hello fellow adventurers, my name is Lokeyah, and I guess you can say that I come from a pretty different background for a gnome. I come from a small village, and I travelled fequently with my parents to trade with a nearby Elven city inside a huge forest. I would spend time amoung tall and magestical elven youth and even picked up Sylvan along the way. Oh the stories I would hear from the youth of brave adventuring done by their parents, and of strange and interesting things that the world had to offer. I especially loved playing "hide and find" with the youth of the village. With my smaller size I had an unfair advantage over the big elves, and I even picked up a trick or two. I mean who would have ever thought to climb a tall tree to hide in when there is so much shrubbery and bramble to hide in down below. I can tell you that I fell out of more than a few tall trees during those days, and it must have knocked some sense out of me. You see, with time, my village grew to seem smaller and smaller, and eventually I just had to get up to see if I could create a story for myslef, similar but different to those I have heard told by the great Elves of the forest. So shall we enjoy each others' company for a while as long as our paths are leading in the same direction? I grow tired of travelling alone, and of telling myself the same stories over and over again. I look forward to hearing some of yours as well as creating new stories to tell others I may happen upon during my travels...

August 16th, 2019, 07:07
Alright, with that all spots filled.

August 18th, 2019, 06:37
If anyone drops out I'd like to step in. :-)

August 18th, 2019, 07:18
Alright, noted.

August 18th, 2019, 17:07
The server is up. I'll be afk but if you need something, just contact me in the chat window.

August 18th, 2019, 22:38
Thanks for a great game everyone. Stephan I really enjoyed your GMing, thank you for hosting. I really appreciate it! <3

August 18th, 2019, 23:24

August 18th, 2019, 23:37
Good to to know,thanks! Glad you had fun.

Saul's chronicle draft attached.

Edit: All chronicle drafts should have been sent.

August 19th, 2019, 12:12
Two rule clarifications: It does seem like the Treat Wounds/Battle Medicine cooldown also triggers on a fail. Aid only provides a +1 on a regular success.

The other rule calls seem to have been mostly correct (aid takes an action to prepare, crossbows take one action to reload, ...).

Persistant damage does indeed happen at the end of the round.

If you discover any other rules we missed, I'd appreciate it if you could point me towards them.

August 30th, 2019, 10:33
Interest check: Are there 3+ people interested in PFS #1-02: The Mosquito Witch MON September 2nd @ 5.30 PM GMT?

Carog the Fat
August 30th, 2019, 23:04
I would be interested in PFS #1-02: The Mosquito Witch MON September 2nd @ 5.30 PM GMT.