View Full Version : A token discovery!

August 9th, 2019, 15:57
So again I am really clueless about some things. I had made quite a few purchases of Devin Nights Tokens over on Roll 20 last year. I figured they were lost since I want to use FG.

He was very kind and replied with a message about one of his big packs I asked about, and mentioned that all the packs I got there > (roll20) are still mine and I can DL them and use them for FG. This fact literally made my Friday today!

He also mentioned that FG prefers lower res tokens (100 x 100) and (200 x 200) for medium. The ones I am going to use are 400 x 400. Is the lower res preference because of the 32 bit limitation?

I have Gimp and I think I can 'resize' these tokens down to the preferred size, if anyone has advice on how to do this please let me know.

Will FG Unity be able to handle the larger token pixel sizes and also larger maps?

One a side note not related > I would love to upload a complete hi rez map of Rappan or a similar big dungeon or the entire map of Golarian in hi rez, and have all of it masked and allow the players to explore it without having to reload map pieces. Hey memory is cheap right now (finally) right?

August 9th, 2019, 16:16
I have Gimp and I think I can 'resize' these tokens down to the preferred size, if anyone has advice on how to do this please let me know.

GIMP can do this with this addon: https://alessandrofrancesconi.it/projects/bimp/

August 9th, 2019, 16:43
He also mentioned that FG prefers lower res tokens (100 x 100) and (200 x 200) for medium. The ones I am going to use are 400 x 400. Is the lower res preference because of the 32 bit limitation?
Yes. It's also, imo, just makes more sense. I mean how close do you zoom into a token? 400 pixels is more than 1/3 the height of my screen, I don't zoom in that close during combat so I would never see that resolution. Others may use different resolution screens and might zoom in that close, but I don't :)

August 9th, 2019, 16:43
It's primarily memory, but it's also processing. Just having lots of memory, and a 64-bit app, doesn't suddenly allow you to open massive high-resolution maps immediately and use them without impact to your system - the more pixels there are to process, the more load the computer will be put under. Which will be intensified if using masking, line of sight, etc..

For token sizes, the usual Fantasy Grounds standard is 100x100 for medium sized creatures, 200x200 for large, 300x300 for above large. This makes it easier to resize all tokens together when using a map without a grid, or not using the auto token sizing when using a grid. It also keeps the memory impact at an acceptable level.

If you are converting Devin Night tokens I'd recommend reducing them to a size around the above guidelines and also put them in a token module, so that you can access them only when you need them and not load them every time you open any campaign (impacting campaign load time and memory).

August 9th, 2019, 16:45
Ooo Trenloe thank you. Is there a video on how to create the module?

August 9th, 2019, 16:52
Ooo Trenloe thank you. Is there a video on how to create the module?
I don't know about a video, but there are plenty of threads discussing it. Click "Site Search" at the top of the page and enter create token module to see the main ones.

August 9th, 2019, 18:06
Ooo Trenloe thank you. Is there a video on how to create the module?

Of course there's a video on how to make a token module :) https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?43011-How-to-make-a-Token-Module&p=382389#post382389

August 9th, 2019, 20:23
Of course there's a video on how to make a token module :) https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?43011-How-to-make-a-Token-Module&p=382389#post382389
Yeah, top of the list if the search I mentioned is used.

Seek and ye shall find...

August 10th, 2019, 00:41
I recommend a freeware program called XNViewMP (https://www.xnview.com/en/xnviewmp/) for resizing lots of images. If you set it up right, you could scale all your tokens at once with a few button clicks. I use it for scaling Roll20 map assets (140 px/square) up to the correct size for Dungeon Painter Studio (200 px/square) and it takes me about 2 minutes to do ~400 assets. Most of that is CPU time; it takes about 20 seconds to start the process.

August 10th, 2019, 00:50
Dark Soul, Thank you. I was going to use the plug in for Gimp but your suggestion seems to be a bit easier. I would like to rescale them all down in batches. I am going to keep a folder for the originals and another for 'FG scaled tokens'.

From there Ill figure out how to make a module and then unpak them as needed. i did not realize i had bought so many packs..heh.

August 10th, 2019, 00:54
I feel your pain. I got the Devin Night token bundle addon for my kickstarter pledge; it's something like 105 of his token packs.

August 10th, 2019, 01:01
I've always found 100x100 to be to small, makes the tokens unclear and blurry when you look at them. Particularly if you zoom into the map a little.
So I tend to used 256x256, similar to what roll20 uses for medium tokens.

August 11th, 2019, 16:29
You can use XnConvert to resize or transform multiple images at the same time. In otherwords drag all files image from a single folder and drop then into XnConvert and you can set a ru;e up to resize all images to 100x100px. Saves open each file up, resizing and then saving one by one.

Best thing about XnConvert is that its free!
