View Full Version : Cleaning Up a Module Mess

August 9th, 2019, 06:06

I've worked myself into a corner with some work I did on making a module for myself, and I'm not quite sure how to get out. Here's my situation:

I made myself a campaign for a one-shot adventure I was running with friends, and hastily built story entries and encounters from the Vault of the Dracolich PDF I'd bought myself a long time ago.
A few months later, I had an occasion to run another one shot and figured I'd re-use some of my work. In the time between games I did a fair bit more reading about building modules and figured I could improve upon my original.
I exported the original campaign and then set up a new campaign, and pulled in the exported module. Here's where I got in trouble: I started modifying all of the story entries, and added a bunch of new ones to better organize the game.
Now I have a pretty nicely set up campaign with this adventure built into it, but it's an unholy amalgamation of campaign data and module data.
I've tried to export the new campaign as something else to pull into another new campaign, but can't seem to find my newly-named exported module, even after restarting FG

Am I SOL here, or is there a way to make the data into one big happy module?

August 9th, 2019, 06:30
You will need to manually combine them.
First see Lord Entrails module building tips/guide.

Second - the best way to do this will probably be to open the original campaign.
Load the newly exported module as a module.
Copy the new entries from the module into the campaign.
Export to a new name...

Something like that..

August 9th, 2019, 07:02
Oh man. I made this 100x worse.

So. When exporting to manually combine as you suggested, I changed the file name, but didn't change the adventure name....so I think I just overwrote all of the campaign-modified bits of the module.

Tried restoring one of the older db.session123xxx.xml files in the campaign folder but i realized that just has the stuff I built fresh.

Shame on me for not having a backup set up on my gaming rig where I'd been doing most of the work, but...any way to see past versions of campaign-specific edits to a module?

August 9th, 2019, 14:25
You should stil have the different files in your "modules" folder. You can go into it and move one of the duplicate adventure named files elsewhere. You can probably go into the xml and rename it as well so they both show up in your module list.

August 9th, 2019, 19:35
Also you now know the reason why we say back up your campaign data. :)

August 9th, 2019, 20:11
Also you now know the reason why we say back up your campaign data. :)


I’m used to life on my Mac where there’s always a TimeMachine backup job running, but I have been doing more FG stuff on my gaming rig because I have a 4K monitor with lots of room to spread out....but no backup set up.

Lesson learned!