View Full Version : (New IF operator) New and much better version of Save versus tags

August 3rd, 2019, 21:14
This is for FG classic! See the link in my signature for FG Unity :)
Now only part of the full overlay packages :)

StrainInjury: A combined version of that with StrainInjury can be found in https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...695#post445695 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50121-StrainInjury-packages&p=445695#post445695)
Normal version: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...ea-from-Ken-L) (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50143-Save-overlay-extension-(idea-from-Ken-L)).

Hi :)

This extension will be a replacement for my save versus tags extension, https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?49163-(Beta)-Extension-Save-versus-school-types-poison-sleep-and-other-arbitrary-tags :) (an explanation of the extension will be also here in this thread)

Why the rewrite?
There were performance problems; the CUSTOM effect is a performance-eating code in FG and too many of them could cause performance problems because this created some sort of "loop" (which is not really a loop but the code had to take a long path). For this I have developed a new operator similar to IF and IFT, its name is IFTAG. It works very similar to the previous IF: CUSTOM(..) of the previous extension, but its performance is now a lot better due to a different code in its background (different to CUSTOM and IF). This needed a rewrite of the effect code in FG, so please tell me when you see errors :)

What does it do?
Before I explain the IFTAG in detail let me shortly explain the main properties: (EDIT: New features and updates are listed below. @FutureKelrugem: You certainly need to rewrite this mess)

There is the effect SIMMUNE for immunity against spells/actions. You trigger that effect only by pressing on the cast button. When the target has SIMMUNE then you see in the chat message of the cast message, the star icon of the cast message changes in a cancelled star and the target will be removed according to your choice in the options for Remove on Miss.
There is the effect SR for an effect for spell resistance. It is of the form 'SR: (N) '. This adds the number N as spell resistance and it does not stack with the existing value of spell resistance in the sheets since spell resistance works like that as far as I know. But, due to the mechanic of effects in FG, several different SR effects might stack when there is not a suitable bonus type, [I]i.e. 'SR: 13; SR: 2' would result into 'SR: 15'. Hence, rather use a generic bonus type like 'SR: 13 enhancement; SR: 2 enhancement' to avoid that stacking although there is not any bonus type for magical effects for SR in the core rules. There is also not any information about the effect bonus in the chat message to avoid that players can estimate the SR of their target :) (but the effect seemingly works, trust me or play a bit with it :P). SR can also have a target.
The IFTAG operator can be used for triggering SIMMUNE, SR and SAVE and all other effects affecting spells/actions only for specific type of actions and effects. So, with that extension it is possible to have saves and immunity against specific type of actions :) See below for details.
For this, there is a new automatic parsing of spells such that you do not have to do too much.
More features mentioned in the Updates section at the bottom :)

How does it work? (if not already explained)
See the attached picture (that is now old stuff), that is the new save configuration box of your spells. You see that there is a new box for the school and type of your action. At the moment the standard school types (and "None") are supported and for types: None, spell and spelllike.
When you want to modify your actions a bit more with additional traits like paralysis, stun etc. then there is a new line at the bottom. Type in any tag you need for describing that spell action. Everything will work for the IFTAG (explanation for that still incoming :P), also apple, pie whatever :D But: separate them by a comma or semicolon or space, FG will know that words separated like that are different tags (and the code uses spaces and semicolons for the parser). Therefore do not use "magic missile" as one tag, rather write e.g. "magicmissile" and do not use special signs like -. Therefore spelllike, not spell-like. mindaffecting, not mind-affecting. languagedependent, not language-dependent. The parser of FG does not like that :D (and/or I didn't find out how to treat these signs well enough)
You will realize that the spell parser already adds a lot of tags when you add a new spell (from a module coming from FG directly) or when you reparse them: The type is then always spell, the school depends on the string in the school entry and all remaining descriptors are automatically parsed in the bottom line :)

To use the tags: Simply use IFTAG, e.g. save bonusses or immunity against specific types are written like in the following examples

IFTAG: spell; SAVE: 2 racial (+2 racial bonus against spells)
IFTAG: spelllike; SAVE: 2 racial (+2 racial bonus against spell-like effects, remember to not use the -)
IFTAG: poison; SAVE: 10 insight (+10 insight bonus on saves against poisons, poisons are not automatically parsed in the tag lines. You have to add them on their own such that FG will know which action corresponds to a poison)
IFTAG: spell; IFTAG: evocation; SIMMUNE (immunity versus spells of the school evocation)
IFTAG: spell, illusion; SAVE: 3 enhancement, will (+3 will enhancement bonus against spells in general and against illusions in general, so also spell-like illusions would be affected by that or anything else with the tag illusion, not only illusion spells. The comma between tags is like a logical (inclusive) OR :) )

You see, after IFTAG you type in the tags which are needed to get the bonus or spell immunity (write the type (spell, spelllike) and the schools small); FG then compares these tags with the tags of the action/spell (saved in the save configuration box as explained above) to see if a save bonus or immunity has to be applied :) Always put these effects in new lines of effects in the combat tracker; the IFTAG works like IF and IFT, so, when the tags are not met then everything after the IFTAG will be ignored, therefore do not combine them with other effects like AC and so on, put them in different lines (or at the very end of another line without any IF and IFT,this is how FG works in general). When you want that to tags/conditions/traits (whatever) are met for a bonus, then put several IFTAGs next to each other as in the fourth effect. The fourth effect only grants SIMMUNE when the action of the attack is a spell of the school evocation, spell-like effects of evocation would not be affected by this for example.
Instead, when you want that just at least one tag is needed for some bonus or immunity then use the structure of the last example. The last effect grants an enhancement bonus of +3 to will saves when the action is of type spell or illusion (so spell-like illusions would be affected by that effect). This allows you to put several effects of the same type (SAVE, SR or SIMMUNE) for different tags into one line. That is an exception of the rule above about putting these effects into new lines in the CT. I've implemented this to keep the CT effect entry small enough :) The spell and poison resistance of dwarves can then be written like: IFTAG: spell, spelllike, poison; SAVE: 2 racial

Combinations with other extensions:
StrainInjury (by darrenan) and all other things: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50121-StrainInjury-packages
Overlays, AoO tracker (with incorporated automated flat-footed by mr900rr) and advanced effects (with incorporated keen effect by darrenan): https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50143-Save-overlay-extension-(idea-from-Ken-L)
It is compatible with advanced effects and AoO (and with the extension where advanced effects and AoO are combined), so the combinations are only needed when you also want StrainInjury from darrenan and/or the overlays :)

Have fun :)


Both, [B]evasion and improved evasion, can now also be combined with IFTAG.
DC effect for improving the difficulty class, works also with IFTAG. DC: (N), where N ist an arbitrary number and bonus types should be supported here. Basically spell focus feats can now be done with that and IFTAG, too, when you do not want to go through all of your spells :) E.g. IFTAG: spell; IFTAG: enchantment; DC: 1
[STR], [DEX] etc. are now respecting STR-, DEX- etc. effects (conditions and so on, too), they do not only take the modifier from the sheet anymore :) This does not hold for [BAB], [LVL] and [CL] since there are no effects for them, thence they work as usual.
There is now dice support for the effect parsing! Simply type [NdM+K] where M is a positive number while N and K can be both, positive and negative (or zero for K). I.e. strength damage can be now parsed without rolling manually (although there is no physical dice, so not "physical/real randomness"), e.g. STR: [-2d6+1]. This die in the bracket will be rolled (in sense of a random table) and its result will be parsed into the CT, for example STR: -2 then. dF is also supported

Update 2+ in the next post :)

August 4th, 2019, 01:08
I've now made it compatible again with all the other extensions, see the provided links at the end of the first post :)

Sorry for that many changes. I always think "This is it now for some while" and then I already have a new idea. Then holidays.. that happens then :P

By the way, the IFTAG code is coded very general such that I could easily combine it with any other effect (here SAVE and SIMMUNE at the time of this posting). Thence due to its more general design now I can think about combining tags with other effects. But depends on usage :)


There is now automatic parsing of the spell level depending on in which spell level you drop the spell. The numbers will be parsed as words, thus, one, two, three... :) With that you can code globe of invulnerabilities, e.g. the lesser globe would be (when I am not mistaken the lesser globe blocks up to level three spells) IFTAG: zero, one, two, three; SIMMUNE :) (this was already possible before, but now you do not have to add the numbers manually in the tags line)
(Improved) evasion will now be ignored when the PC or NPC has one of the following conditions as an effect: helpless, paralyzed, sleeping, unconscious, petrified, bound
There are now negated versions for IF, IFT and IFTAG: NIF, NIFT and NIFTAG, respectively. W.r.t. coding they work exactly as the ones with the N but the remainder of the effect is ignored when the conditions are met. This means that you can now e.g. code true seeing: Give the person who has true seeing e.g. the effect true (or anything else) and then the invisible persons get NIFT: CUSTOM(true); invisible :) Beware that they work also roughly as the operators without N when it is about performance, so don't overdo it :) Only use that when you need that for the combat (or test it before). But in 3.3.9 the performance of effects will be improved and therefore I didn't see any issues yet (for normal usages) :) And remember that only effects which can be targeted (having the (T) in the wiki) are affected by IFT and remember which effects can be combined with IFTAG because the same holds for NIFT and NIFTAG (but the bonus will always be applied, also without having a target or tag information, so the negation also takes this into account :) E.g. NIFT: healthy; ATK: -2 will always apply the -2, also without having a target, except when there is a target which has no wounds. I found this to be the most intuitive way to implement these operators).
For the previous point: invisible, CA and GRANTCA now also work in combination with IFT (and so also with NIFT). This was not possible before, the (T) did not imply that (so an exception in the wiki), it was only targetable. This means that you can combine them with IFT as in IFT: CUSTOM(test); GRANTCA. (IFT: invisible; [...] etc. should have been possible already before)
The spell save view window is now a bit increased such that one can see the (H) when the damage is halved (at least it is better, couldn't increase this too much due to the the position of the magnifying glass when the character sheet has minimum width).
There are now new entries in the options for the cast action, these should be self-explaining (see the image below): The ability box defines the attribute taken for the DC calculation. Its standard value will be given by the one defined in the spell class. But you can click on this new cycle button to change the ability just for that one spell :) At the bottom there is now a cycle button to change the behaviour about when the counter for Use/day will be resetted, after a long or short rest, or you define it as a consumable (no reset after any rest). The standard value for the reset button will be of course "Long Rest" :) (there is a "four" in the tags line because I dropped acid arrow in the fourth spell level :) )


SR, SIMMUNE now are targetable, too :)
With keladvantage and keldisadvantage you apply advantage and disadvantage to rolls, respectively :) Except for an edge case of damage rolls this should hopefully work, but still some sort of prototype, so please test it a bit first! :) When damage types are not important, then it works also for damage rolls, otherwise treat damage rolls manually. See also: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50297-(New-IF-operator)-New-and-much-better-version-of-Save-versus-tags&p=490890&viewfull=1#post490890
All the cycle buttons with CL, even CL and odd CL (or more) now also have CL/3 which simply uses CL/3 (rounded down and minimum 1) as a number :) Needed for some spells at least in 3.5e :)
Should work for FGU, too, hopefully :)
IFTAG can now be combined with CLC

Update 3: New stuff!

This condition can be used in (N)IF(T) statements to check whether one has lost their Dex modifier to AC: When the (opposing) actor has an effect which leads to a loss of Dex mod to AC then this condition will return true. Hence, one can e.g. code sneak attack with IFT: nodex; DMG: 3d6 precision. The only exception is CA, that can’t be measured and has still to be treated manually or with other effects (e.g. having an CA effect would not apply the mentioned sneak attack effect). Similarly, IF: nodex will not work when the opposing actor has an CA effect, and so on... CA is difficult to treat, FG has major problems to check that, it basically always gave me the error "F***, that is too much, leave me alone with so many calculations!" :D Maybe FG has problems with that type of complexity, or I did it wrong
Will not work as a single condition.

ROLLON: [same as for /rollon]
Rolls on the table at the beginning of turn, formatting is as for the macro /rollon. When the name starts with a separated number then do not use a 0 as the first digit (but something like 0A would work, but not 01, 0 A etc.)

Now compatible with some stuff of rmilmine's advanced effects extension; but sadly the IFTAG operators still won't work with rmilmine's extension :( I spent now many hours updating etc., such that I do not really have time anymore to delve into rmilmine's extension. It is very big extension, and I am not sure whether I can fix it on my side. I turn back to it when I have time for that again (which can really take a while now; I already lost too many hours now :D)
The parser now automatically parses the tag disbelief and it finally also parses tags for spell modules with custom actions! :) And the parser will do it intelligent: It won't overwrite anything (except the school entry), so, it checks first whether some tag already exists before it may add it, and custom tags will not be overwritten by that, also the spell box stays on spelllike or none when it was saved like that. But still make a sanity check, the automatic parser of the spell level could lead to two numbers in the tag line when you drop it into another spell level than the one it was saved with (so, save spells maybe without the spell level; or I may automate that later, i.e. such that it deletes the previous number tag). Possible new tags will then be added at the end of all the tags, separated with a space (the semicolon approach looked strange in general); that is just something visual, separating with a space is also okay when it is about automation. The semicolon was just legacy
IF(T): [condition] effects were returning true in the native code, when there was an effect of precisely that searched condition which was on "Skip". Now this behaviour is fixed, and "Skip" condition effects will be ignored like turned-off effects (but they will not automatically turn to on "when they would have been triggered" as usual, simply due to the the ambiguity of when such conditions would be triggered, especially outside of combat), but they do not do this even in the native code, seemingly also not so easy to code

Update 4: See post #4 :)

August 4th, 2019, 03:12
Kelrugem, you are doing great work, man. I wish I could use it, but for right now, my group wants to move to PF2. I have some mixed thoughts about that.

August 4th, 2019, 03:47
Kelrugem, you are doing great work, man. I wish I could use it, but for right now, my group wants to move to PF2. I have some mixed thoughts about that.

Thank you :)

Ah, I understand the mixed feelings, I would also not be sure if I should switch (and I didn't even switch to Pathfinder) :) Too many books I still have to work through in 3.5e :D

Update 4: New effects:

Caster level; dice evaluated as random table (since not important)

Concentration check, PF1 only; use SKILL for 3.5e

CL can be combined with IFTAG :) (its effect will not yet been shown in the chat message text, but the different number of dice, results etc are shown of course)
The following is a test (but it should already work well): IFTAG can now be also combined with keen, all conditions, STR, DEX, ..., CMB, ATK, NLVL, AC, ACCC, CMD, SCOVER, COVER, PCOVER, CONC, TCONC, VCONC, TVCONC, ghost touch (for 3.5e), CC, DMG, DMGS, DMGTYPE, DMGSTYPE, TDMG, IMMUNE, FORTIF, RESIST, HRESIST, VULN, DR, and HEAL. Or: Basically all effects which can affect spells/actions. Of course, there must be the information about tags somewhere (coming from the actor of the action/spell, so, defenders/targets use the info about tags of course for AC etc., too, as it already happens for SAVE), so, ATK combined with IFTAG won't be triggered when just doing a weapon attack. The information about tags comes from the first cast button the code finds when you roll for damage or heal (the upper one, I think), so, when you have a spell with two cast buttons you may want to test that first, or align the tag infos in both cast buttons
A word about the CL effect for the PF1 users: It won't update the concentration check, please use the COC effect separetely then :) I decided to do so because then it is for you easy to decide whether or not bonusses to CL and concentration stack by choosing bonus types in the COC effects :) Otherwise I would need to add some code which checks for all COC and CL effects, and which then checks the stacking, when you roll concentration (FG's code does not check stacking of different effects of course) :D (and another problem is that the concentration does not know about tags due to that it is not spell-specific. In that way the CL is always compatible with IFTAG)

Update 5: Thanks to DCrumb for the motivation:

d X {other tag}

X ∈ {1,...,9} (if none, it will assume X = 1). The other tag will get divided by X.

For example ATK: [d4STR]; additional attack mod given by the strength mod divided by 4

{other tag} X
X any non-negative total number (also more than one digit possible). The other tag cannot be bigger than X then; this operation is after all multiplications but before a sign change

One can also now combine numbers with the letter tags like in [H3STR]; first the letter, then the number, as for the new d tag from above.

For example: [-d5STR2] divides the STR mod first by 5, then takes the smaller of this result and 2, and then it changes the sign https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.png

August 4th, 2019, 11:12
Awesome! Can't wait to test this when 3.3.8 drops.
Gonna be used for quite a while since my group really doesn't like 2E, and switching in the middle of the 2 APs I'm running isn't feasibe anyway

August 5th, 2019, 09:51
There were the following update for 3.3.8:

Thanks, guys. I generalized what you were doing to apply to all the dice/number expression processing I found with a quick scan, across all the rulesets I support directly.


[DEV][CoreRPG+] Decimal points supported in dice/number expressions (/die commands, table/template expressions, effect number parsing)


Therefore I updated the save versus tags extension (and the combined extension packages with save versus tags :) ) since my extension would overwrite this change. But you do not need to update as long as you do not use decimal points in your effect actions :)

August 7th, 2019, 07:28
I have some new and nice updates :)

Both, evasion and improved evasion, can now also be combined with IFTAG.
SR can also now be combined with IFTAG. (just because I was able to do it :P the general code for IFTAG allows me to extend it very easily to any effect). This effect can by the way also assigned with a target (for completeness I wanted to mention that).
DC effect for improving the difficulty class, works also with IFTAG. DC: (N), where N ist an arbitrary number and bonus types should be supported here. Basically spell focus feats can now be done with that and IFTAG, too, when you do not want to go through all of your spells :) E.g. IFTAG: spell; IFTAG: enchantment; DC: 1
[STR], [DEX] etc. are now respecting STR-, DEX- etc. effects (conditions and so on, too), they do not only take the modifier from the sheet anymore :) This does not hold for [BAB], [LVL] and [CL] since there are no effects for them, thence they work as usual.
There is now dice support for the effect parsing! Simply type [NdM+K] where M is a positive number while N and K can be both, positive and negative (or zero for K). I.e. strength damage can be now parsed without rolling manually (although there is no physical dice, so not "physical/real randomness"), e.g. STR: [-2d6+1]. This die in the bracket will be rolled (in sense of a random table) and its result will be parsed into the CT, for example STR: -2 then when -2 is the result of -2d6+1. dF is also supported

I personally also like the first point because now I can finally fully automate the 3.5e version of fire shield :D I've started coding for FG because I wanted to automate my fire shield spell (therefore one of my first effects was HRESIST in the advanced effects extension. I didn't know that the fire shield will lead me to such extensions :D)
I also cleaned the code a lot. If some other developer is interested to understand IFTAG then manager_effect_35E.lua should now look better. I merged my own functions with the original ones.

I will upload the other updated packages with Save versus tags now :)

August 7th, 2019, 16:49
Oh, and what I forgot to mention in the initial post: write the tags for spell types and schools always small for your effects, so evocation and not Evocation. At the moment the parser/code in the background sees them as different words. I may change this at some point :)

August 9th, 2019, 19:22
I'm having trouble with this one... It always uses the linked effect even without it being there. I mean, tried to set it on a character as "IFTAG: necromancy; SAVE: -2" (big bad Necrotic Cyst :°D). That -2 is *always* on no matter the tag. Necromancy? -2. Conjuration? -2. Even random saves (prompted by a double click on the Saving Throw number) generates a result -2. Did I set it wrong?

August 9th, 2019, 19:34
See the attached image, for me it is working :) Did you put it up like I did? Which other extensions are you running? :)

EDIT: Test spell 2 is the abjuration spell while Test spell is necromancy. You can see that the penalty is only applied to the necromancy spell :) (though it should not matter whether it is a spell; when it only applies to spell then write IFTAG: necromancy; IFTAG: spell; SAVE: -2

Make sure you wrote necromancy small and correct; I often have a typo with words like necromancy :D

EDIT2: Also make sure that the school is correct in spell save description. The school is only automatically parsed for newly added spells into your action tab while the extension is active (or when you reparse a spell after right-clicking on it) :) But I doubt that all your spells are suddenly necromancy only :D

August 9th, 2019, 20:18
Literally (copy/pasted) it's
IFTAG: necromancy; SAVE: -2
I also set a dwarf with IFTAG: spell; IFTAG; spellike; IFTAG: poison; SAVE: 2 racial and it works, but it keeps adding +2 to every save
An elf with IFTAG: enchantment; SAVE: 2 racial which adds +2 to every save.

In the image each effect has a name tag ("nanità" for the dwarf or "Elf" for the elf, and of course I tried removing those but it still doesn't work)

As for what extensions are running... I run a 3.5 game so I use
- 3.5e flat-footed on combat start
- 5e - change initiative, update effects (it works in 3.5 too)
- Basic Card Deck Tables
- Calendar Export
- Combat Timer
- Customized Item Generator
- DOE: Alignment/Base/Locations/Organizations/weather extensions
- Drop Lowest
- Fantasy Languate Fonts
- Formation Graphics
- Full OverlayPackage 3.5e (I had the previous "save vs effect tag" on and working, but as I updated to 3.3.8 and upgraded to this, it keeps adding the bonuses no matter what. And the previous extension doesn't work well anymore)
- Masks custom Desktop decals
- Message of the day
- Moon Tracker
- Remove Effect Tag
- Theme - Dungeon



August 9th, 2019, 20:35
Literally (copy/pasted) it's
IFTAG: necromancy; SAVE: -2
I also set a dwarf with IFTAG: spell; IFTAG; spellike; IFTAG: poison; SAVE: 2 racial and it works, but it keeps adding +2 to every save
An elf with IFTAG: enchantment; SAVE: 2 racial which adds +2 to every save.

In the image each effect has a name tag ("nanità" for the dwarf or "Elf" for the elf, and of course I tried removing those but it still doesn't work)

As for what extensions are running... I run a 3.5 game so I use
- 3.5e flat-footed on combat start
- 5e - change initiative, update effects (it works in 3.5 too)
- Basic Card Deck Tables
- Calendar Export
- Combat Timer
- Customized Item Generator
- DOE: Alignment/Base/Locations/Organizations/weather extensions
- Drop Lowest
- Fantasy Languate Fonts
- Formation Graphics
- Full OverlayPackage 3.5e (I had the previous "save vs effect tag" on and working, but as I updated to 3.3.8 and upgraded to this, it keeps adding the bonuses no matter what. And the previous extension doesn't work well anymore)
- Masks custom Desktop decals
- Message of the day
- Moon Tracker
- Remove Effect Tag
- Theme - Dungeon


thanks :) It is surely due to incompatibilities with extensions since the full Overlay package works for me, too:

1. The flatfooted one should not affect save versus tags but it surely affects the Full OverlayPackage (though my full Overlay package should overwrite it). Better turn it off, sadly the files, which are affected by the 3.3.8 update, are changed by the flatfooted extension again. So, that extension already may affect some of the new things in 3.3.8. You could write in that thread in the hope for an update for this :) But it is still incompatible with my extensions, I may try to insert the flat-footed extension in my extensions at some point :)

2. Could you try to download the Full Overlay Package again? Maybe you've gotten an older version :) When it still doesn't work, then please try it without any other extension loaded (especially without the flatfooted one)

3. The resistance effect for dwarves should be btw IFTAG: spell, spelllike, poison; SAVE: 2 racial :) When the extension starts to work for you, then your way of the effect would only work against spells which are also spelllike and poison at the same time :D Writing these tags next to each other with just a comma results then into an effect which starts to work when at least one of these tags is there

August 9th, 2019, 20:41
Ok i re-downloaded the file and noticed something... the "new" file is 1,5 Mb or so, while the one I had was 248 kb somehow... it works now (I tried pretty much everything except a re-download... aww)
Thank you!!

August 9th, 2019, 20:44
Ok i re-downloaded the file and noticed something... the "new" file is 1,5 Mb or so, while the one I had was 248 kb somehow... it works now (I tried pretty much everything except a re-download... aww)
Thank you!!

Hehe, you're welcome :) Seemingly the download was disrupted because the file of the Overlay Package was never that small at some point :D

But I am really not sure if the flat-footed extension still fully works and/or affects other extensions as well :) So whenever you see another error then it might be still due to that :)

October 9th, 2019, 08:56
Hi all :)

With the 3.3.9 update I want to push some other new features in this extension, too, like automation of true seeing and some other things (see the attached image for a teaser :D).


My long term goal is to extend the settings of spell actions in such a way that maneuvers of all possible sorts can be configured, too, like feint or the ones in tome of battle. For this I now implemented a configuration button when things should reset (after long rest or already after a short rest like many maneuvers in tome of battle or never as for consumables) and one can also change the ability stat for the DC individually for each spell/action (since many maneuvers in tome of battle use different stats, that's not given by the "maneuver class"), but only when needed. This button will always automatically take the standard attribute when not changed. These things will be released with 3.3.9

The reason why I already write is the other thing in the picture about skills and optional opposed skill rolls (or general rolls). This is not yet automated (and you will not see these fields in the next release) but the aim for these fields is of course an automation of forcing specific skill or ability rolls from your target which may also be useful for some spells and not only for maneuvers. (I may also implement the opposed roll for the save roll such that one can configure some of the bard spells like countersong) The question is now if there is any further automation needed for such things like one has for saves (evasion etc.)? Before I start coding that I wanted to make sure what one can/should automate besides the physical dice such that I can start to write the code in such a way that further automation can easily be implemented later on. Personally, I do not know if there is any other important automation for these rolls besides having automated dice because the outcome of failures and successes depends strongly on the maneuver, I didn't see (yet) any often upcoming result :)

But I thought I could ask here before, so when someone can think of specific automation for forced skill rolls for maneuvers then let me know :) (but no guarantee of implementation :P )

Have a nice week :)

October 10th, 2019, 05:15
Intimidate would be nice.

Intimidate skill vs 10+hd+wisdom modifier

Opposed charisma check would be nice (charm person etc)

October 10th, 2019, 06:37
Intimidate would be nice.

Intimidate skill vs 10+hd+wisdom modifier

Opposed charisma check would be nice (charm person etc)

yes, that's exactly the idea, so I want to allow that any skill and ability roll can be typed into these two fields :) But your idea about using the hd for DCs is nice and I didn't think about that :) Thanks, I try to keep this in mind :)

October 16th, 2019, 02:40
Hi :)

In this post is now the version for 3.3.9 (EDIT: Nope, it is now in the main post :D). Do not use it until 3.3.9 came out and rather wait for this FG update since I may reupload it, depending on whether there are updates in the 3.3.9 patch itself which also affect this extension :) The new version will be only in this post here, I will add it in my extension thread and in the main post here after 3.3.9 came out to avoid that people download the new version already while still being in 3.3.8. My combined packages with this extension are not updated yet, too. I mainly write this post to save already the description of the following new changes before I forget what I've added :D New features:

There is now automatic parsing of the spell level depending on in which spell level you drop the spell. The numbers will be parsed as words, thus, one, two, three... :) With that you can code globe of invulnerabilities, e.g. the lesser globe would be (when I am not mistaken the lesser globe blocks up to level three spells) IFTAG: one, two, three; SIMMUNE :) (this was already possible before, but now you do not have to add the numbers manually in the tags line)
(Improved) evasion will now be ignored when the PC or NPC has one of the following conditions as an effect: helpless, paralyzed, sleeping, unconscious, petrified, bound
There are now negated versions for IF, IFT and IFTAG: NIF, NIFT and NIFTAG, respectively. W.r.t. coding they work exactly as the ones with the N but the remainder of the effect is ignored when the conditions are met. This means that you can now e.g. code true seeing: Give the person who has true seeing e.g. the effect true (or anything else) and then the invisible persons get NIFT: CUSTOM(true); invisible :) Beware that they work also roughly as the operators without N when it is about performance, so don't overdo it :) Only use that when you need that for the combat (or test it before). But in 3.3.9 the performance of effects will be improved and therefore I didn't see any issues yet (for normal usages) :) And remember that only effects which can be targeted (having the (T) in the wiki) are affected by IFT and remember which effects can be combined with IFTAG because the same holds for NIFT and NIFTAG (but the bonus will always be applied, also without having a target or tag information, so the negation also takes this into account :) E.g. NIFT: healthy; ATK: -2 will always apply the -2, also without having a target, except when there is a target which has no wounds. I found this to be the most intuitive way to implement these operators).
The spell save view window is now a bit increased such that one can see the (H) when the damage is halved.
There are now new entries in the options for the cast action: 29414 These should be self-explaining: The ability box defines the attribute taken for the DC calculation. Its standard value will be given by the one defined in the spell class. But you can click on this new cycle button to change the ability just for that one spell :) (I am bad in the graphics editing, so this cycle box is now under "ON SAVE" instead in "SAVE". I try to change that later) At the bottom there is now a cycle button to change the behaviour about when the counter for Use/day will be resetted, after a long or short rest, or you define it as a consumable (no reset after any rest). The standard value for the reset button will be of course "Long Rest" :) (there is a "four" in the tags line because I dropped acid arrow in the fourth spell level :) )

Have fun :)

October 16th, 2019, 21:30
There are now negated versions for IF, IFT and IFTAG: NIF, NIFT and NIFTAG, respectively. W.r.t. coding they work exactly as the ones with the N but the remainder of the effect is ignored when the conditions are met. This means that you can now e.g. code true seeing: Give the person who has true seeing e.g. the effect true (or anything else) and then the invisible persons get NIFT: CUSTOM(true); invisible Beware that they work also roughly as the operators without N when it is about performance, so don't overdo it Only use that when you need that for the combat (or test it before). But in 3.3.9 the performance of effects will be improved and therefore I didn't see any issues yet (for normal usages) And remember that only effects which can be targeted (having the (T) in the wiki) are affected by IFT and remember which effects can be combined with IFTAG because the same holds for NIFT and NIFTAG (but the bonus will always be applied, also without having a target or tag information, so the negation also takes this into account E.g. NIFT: healthy; ATK: -2 will always apply the -2, also without having a target, except when there is a target which has no wounds. I found this to be the most intuitive way to implement these operators).

And with this you have made me your loyal slave O_O

October 16th, 2019, 21:34
And with this you have made me your loyal slave O_O

you're welcome ;)

October 17th, 2019, 18:55
This is just brilliant. I have on several occasions been frustrated that there are no not if operators, but I have forgot to mention it to you.

Thank you for all of this, you must have spent a lot of time on these. These extensions of yours are so great that they should be adobted in native fantasy grounds

October 17th, 2019, 19:02
This is just brilliant. I have on several occasions been frustrated that there are no not if operators, but I have forgot to mention it to you.

Thank you for all of this, you must have spent a lot of time on these. These extensions of yours are so great that they should be adobted in native fantasy grounds

thanks for the words :)

October 18th, 2019, 02:26
Oh, what I forgot to mention: One new feature is that invisible, GRANTCA and CA can now be used with IFT (and so also with NIFT) :) Though of the (T) in the wiki they normally do not work with IFT I have realized :) (all conditions with a (T) do not work with IFT, so inverted behaviour than usual, in my new version they'll do :) ) This was necessary to automate true seeing :)

October 18th, 2019, 15:01
And so now I'm pondering marriage O_O
Basically I log in the forum wondering "maybe I should ask if somebody scripted a function like that" and read that you just did exactly what I was about to ask... XD

October 19th, 2019, 08:17
hehe :P

I just hope that I can finish) everything before 3.3.9 get released (I mean the other extensions and then the packages) :) A little bit much at the moment :D

October 24th, 2019, 08:22
hehe :P

I just hope that I can finish) everything before 3.3.9 get released (I mean the other extensions and then the packages) :) A little bit much at the moment :D

One more thing to add to your potential ti do.

Spell like black tentacles use caster level + random number as grapple/cmb.
There are other spells also that has its own cmb/grapple/trip. Is it possible to add a own custom made cmb/grapple check for that spell?

This would also be helpfull for some maneuvers if I remember correctly.

October 24th, 2019, 08:37
One more thing to add to your potential ti do.

Spell like black tentacles use caster level + random number as grapple/cmb.
There are other spells also that has its own cmb/grapple/trip. Is it possible to add a own custom made cmb/grapple check for that spell?

This would also be helpfull for some maneuvers if I remember correctly.

Thanks :) Right, at the moment I would have replaced the "CL+[...]" with the option of the opposed roll check, but you're right, this opposed roll check needs sometimes the CL information, so I have to add a separate option box as a switch for opposed roll checks :) (but the opposed roll checks will not be there yet for the 3.3.9 release, these will need more time sadly :) )

November 10th, 2019, 02:40
I now added the 3.3.9 version into the main post since 3.3.9 comes next week, think about to update it :) This weekend I also update the other extensions and packages :) In the following now again the new features, the two last points are newer :) (Asgurgolas, since you seemingly use my advantage extension: It is incorporated now, you should not load that anymore :) Loading it should not cause any issues but it is not necessary anymore :) )


There is now automatic parsing of the spell level depending on in which spell level you drop the spell. The numbers will be parsed as words, thus, one, two, three... :) With that you can code globe of invulnerabilities, e.g. the lesser globe would be (when I am not mistaken the lesser globe blocks up to level three spells) IFTAG: zero, one, two, three; SIMMUNE :) (this was already possible before, but now you do not have to add the numbers manually in the tags line)
(Improved) evasion will now be ignored when the PC or NPC has one of the following conditions as an effect: helpless, paralyzed, sleeping, unconscious, petrified, bound
There are now negated versions for IF, IFT and IFTAG: NIF, NIFT and NIFTAG, respectively. W.r.t. coding they work exactly as the ones with the N but the remainder of the effect is ignored when the conditions are met. This means that you can now e.g. code true seeing: Give the person who has true seeing e.g. the effect true (or anything else) and then the invisible persons get NIFT: CUSTOM(true); invisible :) Beware that they work also roughly as the operators without N when it is about performance, so don't overdo it :) Only use that when you need that for the combat (or test it before). But in 3.3.9 the performance of effects will be improved and therefore I didn't see any issues yet (for normal usages) :) And remember that only effects which can be targeted (having the (T) in the wiki) are affected by IFT and remember which effects can be combined with IFTAG because the same holds for NIFT and NIFTAG (but the bonus will always be applied, also without having a target or tag information, so the negation also takes this into account :) E.g. NIFT: healthy; ATK: -2 will always apply the -2, also without having a target, except when there is a target which has no wounds. I found this to be the most intuitive way to implement these operators).
For the previous point: invisible, CA and GRANTCA now also work with IFT (and so also with NIFT). This was not possible before, the (T) did not imply that (so an exception in the wiki), it was only targetable. This means that you can combine them with IFT as in IFT: CUSTOM(test); GRANTCA. (IFT: invisible; [...] etc. should have been possible already before)
The spell save view window is now a bit increased such that one can see the (H) when the damage is halved (at least it is better, couldn't increase this too much due to the the position of the magnifying glass when the character sheet has minimum width).
There are now new entries in the options for the cast action: 30046 These should be self-explaining: The ability box defines the attribute taken for the DC calculation. Its standard value will be given by the one defined in the spell class. But you can click on this new cycle button to change the ability just for that one spell :) (I am bad in the graphics editing, so this cycle box is now under "ON SAVE" instead in "SAVE". I try to change that later) At the bottom there is now a cycle button to change the behaviour about when the counter for Use/day will be resetted, after a long or short rest, or you define it as a consumable (no reset after any rest). The standard value for the reset button will be of course "Long Rest" :) (there is a "four" in the tags line because I dropped acid arrow in the fourth spell level :) )
SR, SIMMUNE now are targetable, too :)
I've incorporated my advantage extension, https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?51299-(Prototype)-Extension-for-(dis)advantage (without automatic removal; use [ROLL] etc. instead as usual). It is a prototype, so, when you want to use that, beware some issues mentioned in that thread. No worries, when you do not use the effect for (dis)advantage then nothing changes for you, the extension then behaves as this would never have been implemented and so no issues :) When you want to use it: Beware issues with the cast, save and damage roll (against targets). I want to fix these issues and for compatibility it is better to implement it in this extension (first) :) Short explanation: With keladvantage and keldisadvantage you apply advantage and disadvantage to rolls, respectively :) I already incorporated it due to possible compatibility issues with this extension :)

November 10th, 2019, 04:37
I will now reupload it again because I shortly added a new feature:

All the cycle buttons with CL, even CL and odd CL (or more) now also have CL/3 which simply uses CL/3 (rounded down and minimum 1) as a number :) Needed for some spells at least in 3.5e :)
The replace ability box is now at the correct position in the definition box of the cast button
Should work for FGU, too, hopefully :)

November 13th, 2019, 08:41
I need to love you more O_O

November 14th, 2019, 21:41
A short reupload here :) There was some little issue, should be fixed now :)

November 16th, 2019, 09:34
I added a new feature therefore a new version there for a download :)

1. As discovered here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?52203-Bug-CLC-and-NLVL-not-working-when-pressing-the-cast-button, there is a bug with the CLC and NLVL in the native FG code (I mean, also a problem without my extension). When you want to have this fixed then with this extension it is fixed :) But this is not a fix due to me: As you see Moon Wizard answered in the linked thread and shortly afterwards I realized that the new FGU update only updated 3.5e and so I wondered if the code there already has the fix for that (FGU runs basically on the test server, so 3.3.10 now). And guess what, the fix was there! :D So, I simply copied the fix over to this extension :) But it is not a fix coming from me, it comes from Moon Wizard :) Thanks Moon Wizard for the fast fix :D
2. IFTAG can now be combined with CLC :)

November 16th, 2019, 15:00
Hell yeah!

November 17th, 2019, 07:59
Hi :)

I am sorry to bother you again. I have reuploaded save versus tags and its packages because there was a very minor issue: The DC for saves did not immediately account the modifier coming from the ability when adding a new spell until you clicked on the magnifying glass next to the save, then it was correctly updated. (therefore rather minor issue, but still something needed to be fixed) This should now be fixed, so the DC is now correctly updated when added to the spell list and not after the magnifying glass :)

Sorry for the reupload again, as usual for very recent releases, now everything should work again :) Thanks for your patience :)

(Ah, some extension updater would be useful for such things then I would not need to spam my extension threads https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/images/smilies/biggrin.png)

Have fun :)

December 14th, 2019, 05:36
Reupload :)

There was a small bug that the save DC did not update after the corresponding ability score changed in the main tab of the character sheet when the DC was not calculated by using the base ability of the spell class (the base ability worked as usual, so no bug when the replace ability in the save definition was on base). It was only updated when the cast/save-definition window was opened later :) This is fixed now :)

December 19th, 2019, 22:11
Would it be possible to have the extension parse for certain kinds of saves? Such as Disbelief?

December 19th, 2019, 22:20
Would it be possible to have the extension parse for certain kinds of saves? Such as Disbelief?

You mean the automatic parser instead of adding it manually to the tag line? I guess so, taking a short glimpse over various illusion spells in 3.5e there stands often "Will disbelief (if interacted with)" instead of "Will partial/negates" or something similar, so, disbelief seems to be mentioned extra and this information can be used by the parser to automatically add disbelief as a tag :)

I am just about going into holidays though, so I can probably not add it in the next time (but I have my laptop with me and can try it when I find time) :) Thanks for the nice suggestion :)

April 5th, 2020, 06:54
New version :)

The (dis)advantage effects are much better improved now :) Now they should work as intended for every roll (hopefully; please still test and view that as a sort of prototype. When you feel unsure about their use then rather do not use these effects :) )

Summary of these effect:

1. Apply keladvantage and keldisadvantage for advantage and disadvantage, respectively :) Damage rolls should now work, too, except: when the damage has to be split amongst different damage types then the damage values are sometimes incorrectly distributed when this damage roll had (dis)advantage :) But when damage types are for that roll not important everything should work fin
2. I added stacking to these effects, i.e. it checks first how many of these effects are and applies only the more dominant one or nothing when both effects can cancel each other by equal numbers

Oh, @Jwguy, I completely forgot your request, I try to add these tags soon :) I sadly have not so much time at the moment and the effects above already stole too much of my time, so, I have to do this later; hopefully I do not forget it again :) (due to my lack of time I could not finish yet my opposed skill check project)

May 11th, 2020, 23:50
So if an NPC has a +2 on enchantment saves racial, it will be

IFTAG: enchantment; SAVE: +2 racial

Kelrugem, would you please give an example of SIMMUNE?


May 11th, 2020, 23:56
So if an NPC has a +2 on enchantment saves racial, it will be

IFTAG: enchantment; SAVE: +2 racial

Kelrugem, would you please give an example of SIMMUNE?


Sure, IFTAG: poison; SIMMUNE (for poison immunity, but there is no automatic parsing of the tag poison, you have to add that tag to each poison action :) ) or IFTAG: zero, one, two, three; IFTAG: spell; SIMMUNE (for immunity against spells up to level three as in the lesser globe of invulnerability; these tags are normally added automatically :) ). IFTAG: spell; IFTAG: enchantment; SIMMUNE for immunity against enchantment spells or just IFTAG: enchantment; SIMMUNE when immune against all enchantment effects :) And so on :)

May 12th, 2020, 02:13
Sure, IFTAG: poison; SIMMUNE (for poison immunity, but there is no automatic parsing of the tag poison, you have to add that tag to each poison action :) ) or IFTAG: zero, one, two, three; IFTAG: spell; SIMMUNE (for immunity against spells up to level three as in the lesser globe of invulnerability; these tags are normally added automatically :) ). IFTAG: spell; IFTAG: enchantment; SIMMUNE for immunity against enchantment spells or just IFTAG: enchantment; SIMMUNE when immune against all enchantment effects :) And so on :)

Kelrugem, thank you!

May 12th, 2020, 02:57
Kelrugem, thank you!

You're welcome :)

May 13th, 2020, 02:26
Please redownload the extension :) I accidentally made a bad copy&paste in the last patch and broke IF and NIF effects, that should be fixed now :)

June 25th, 2020, 15:51
Intimidate would be nice.

Intimidate skill vs 10+hd+wisdom modifier

Opposed charisma check would be nice (charm person etc)

Does anyone allow "Bravery+5" lets say to increase the DC by 5?

July 22nd, 2020, 07:48
Please update for 3.3.11 :) Also new things, especially the parser is better (@darrenan, finally I did it :D)

Update 3: New stuff!

This condition can be used in (N)IF(T) statements to check whether one has lost their Dex modifier to AC: When the (opposing) actor has an effect which leads to a loss of Dex mod to AC then this condition will return true. Hence, one can e.g. code sneak attack with IFT: nodex; DMG: 3d6 precision. The only exception is CA, that can’t be measured and has still to be treated manually or with other effects (e.g. having an CA effect would not apply the mentioned sneak attack effect). Similarly, IF: nodex will not work when the opposing actor has an CA effect, and so on... CA is difficult to treat, FG has major problems to check that, it basically always gave me the error "F***, that is too much, leave me alone with so many calculations!" :D Maybe FG has problems with that type of complexity, or I did it wrong
Will not work as a single condition.

ROLLON: [same as for /rollon]
Rolls on the table at the beginning of turn, formatting is as for the macro /rollon. When the name starts with a separated number then do not use a 0 as the first digit (but something like 0A would work, but not 01, 0 A etc.)

Now compatible with some stuff of rmilmine's advanced effects extension; but sadly the IFTAG operators still won't work with rmilmine's extension :( I spent now many hours updating etc., such that I do not really have time anymore to delve into rmilmine's extension. It is very big extension, and I am not sure whether I can fix it on my side. I turn back to it when I have time for that again (which can really take a while now; I already lost too many hours now :D)
The parser now automatically parses the tag disbelief, and it finally also parses tags for spell modules with custom actions! :) And the parser will do it intelligent: It won't overwrite anything (except the school entry), so, it checks first whether some tag already exists before it may add it, and custom tags will not be overwritten by that, also the spell box stays on spelllike or none when it was saved like that. But still make a sanity check, the automatic parser of the spell level could lead to two numbers in the tag line when you drop it into another spell level than the one it was saved with (so, save spells maybe without the spell level; or I may automate that later, i.e. such that it deletes the previous number tag). Possible new tags will then be added at the end of all the tags, separated with a space (the semicolon approach looked strange in general); that is just something visual, separating with a space is also okay when it is about automation. The semicolon was just legacy
IF(T): [condition] effects were returning true in the native code, when there was an effect of precisely that searched condition which was on "Skip". Now this behaviour is fixed, and "Skip" condition effects will be ignored like turned-off effects (but they will not automatically turn to on "when they would have been triggered" as usual, simply due to the the ambiguity of when such conditions would be triggered, especially outside of combat), but they do not do this even in the native code, seemingly also not so easy to code

August 8th, 2020, 23:25
Hi, your extension is great !! thanks!
But I have a bug...
I created the following effect : MyEffect;IFTAG: spell;DC:2;ATK:2

It is for the Robe Of Runes effect when recalling spells : While worn, it grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and allows the wearer to recall, as a free action, up to four levels of spells per day that he had prepared and then cast. Each time a spell is recalled and prepared again in this manner, the sudden rush of magical energy infuses the wearer with power. For 1 round after recalling a spell, the wearer's spell save DCs and attack rolls made with spells gain a +2 enhancement bonus.

DC Bonus works fine but ATK Bonus doesn't...

Thanks in advance for the future help ^^

August 8th, 2020, 23:38
Hi, your extension is great !! thanks!
But I have a bug...
I created the following effect : MyEffect;IFTAG: spell;DC:2;ATK:2

It is for the Robe Of Runes effect when recalling spells : While worn, it grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and allows the wearer to recall, as a free action, up to four levels of spells per day that he had prepared and then cast. Each time a spell is recalled and prepared again in this manner, the sudden rush of magical energy infuses the wearer with power. For 1 round after recalling a spell, the wearer's spell save DCs and attack rolls made with spells gain a +2 enhancement bonus.

DC Bonus works fine but ATK Bonus doesn't...

Thanks in advance for the future help ^^

Hi :)

ATK is not one of the effects supported for the IFTAG operator :) Only the following work with IFTAG: SIMMUNE, SR, SAVE, (improved) evasion, DC and CLC :) But it shouldn't be too hard to add DMG and ATK to that list, too, I think :) I try to add these in the next update (but could take some while) :)

August 9th, 2020, 00:07
Hi :)

ATK is not one of the effects supported for the IFTAG operator :) Only the following work with IFTAG: SIMMUNE, SR, SAVE, (improved) evasion, DC and CLC :) But it shouldn't be too hard to add DMG and ATK to that list, too, I think :) I try to add these in the next update (but could take some while) :)

would be great !! Thanks;)

November 6th, 2020, 02:17
would be great !! Thanks;)

Keep an eye at the overlay thread, your wish may have come true :D

Updated to FGU and 3.3.12. This extension is now only part of the full overlay packages, together with all the other things :) Please download one of the overlay packages and think about turning on that extension :) (there are now options to turn off overlays if you do not need it)

(I am just about uploading all these new things, so, when you read this right after I posted it, then please wait a bit :) )

https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?50121-StrainInjury-packages (for strainInjury)

November 8th, 2020, 13:48
There's a problem with your tag creation code.
I dragged in Mind Thrust and it appears to be missing the dividers between tags.

November 8th, 2020, 13:58
Great, I will try this when I get some time to :)

Thank for the news and notification ;)

November 8th, 2020, 14:23
There's a problem with your tag creation code.
I dragged in Mind Thrust and it appears to be missing the dividers between tags.

That is normal, that is part of the creation for spells which come from modules, spaces are also used as dividers :) So, you can separate tags with semicolons, colons, spaces and probably other things :) The semicolon was just standard due to legacy of a very early save versus tags code :)

The reason is the following: When the parser parses tags of spells from modules, then I need to add some divider at the beginning because there could be already tags :) But it could also be that there are no tags yet, and then the space is the best neutral option, to avoid having a semicolon at the beginning :D (I could let the code check whether or not that thing is empty if that is confusing :) )

November 8th, 2020, 14:36
That is normal, that is part of the creation for spells which come from modules, spaces are also used as dividers :) So, you can separate tags with semicolons, colons, spaces and probably other things :) The semicolon was just standard due to legacy of a very early save versus tags code :)

The reason is the following: When the parser parses tags of spells from modules, then I need to add some divider at the beginning because there could be already tags :) But it could also be that there are no tags yet, and then the space is the best neutral option, to avoid having a semicolon at the beginning :D (I could let the code check whether or not that thing is empty if that is confusing :) )It's a little confusing, but not a big deal if it's working as intended :)
Thanks for the clarification.

November 8th, 2020, 14:53
Great, I will try this when I get some time to :)

Thank for the news and notification ;)

Hehe, you are welcome :D

It's a little confusing, but not a big deal if it's working as intended :)
Thanks for the clarification.

Ah oki, yeah, since I now have basically just one extension to manage, I can now easier push such small updates :) So, when I do not forget it, then I try to change that in the next time :)

November 14th, 2020, 15:19
In PF1e:

The creature is also treated as one level lower for the purpose of level-dependent variables (such as spellcasting) for each negative level possessed. Spellcasters do not lose any prepared spells or slots as a result of negative levels.
Not sure about 3.5E, but now you can automate NLVL fully thanks to the new update :)
NLVL: 1: CL: -1; CLC: -1

November 14th, 2020, 15:44
In PF1e:

Not sure about 3.5E, but now you can automate NLVL fully thanks to the new update :)
NLVL: 1: CL: -1; CLC: -1

Cool :) Though I think you just need NVL: 1; CL: -1, since the CL also contributes to the CLC, or that is something PF1 specific I overlook :D

November 14th, 2020, 16:03
Cool :) Though I think you just need NVL: 1; CL: -1, since the CL also contributes to the CLC, or that is something PF1 specific I overlook :DOh, I was remembering how it was when I had worked on it. Glad you have simplified there :)

Zygmunt Molotch
November 16th, 2020, 09:22
uhm, of course I could be missing something, and just jumping in between the two of you :D

this intrigued me, as it came up when I was messing around but have CL: -1 doesnt seem to be working for concentration checks

ie : the CC check


"When you make a concentration check, you roll d20 and add your caster level and the ability score modifier used to determine bonus"

this character has a WIS: 14

CL: 3

and NLVL: 1

his concentration check should be: 1d20 + 4, after effects, and in the attachment, it is not

I think what you really need to represent a negative level in pf1e is

negative level effect; NLVL: 1; CL: -1; COC: -1

.. let me know if i'm wrong :D

November 16th, 2020, 15:43
uhm, of course I could be missing something, and just jumping in between the two of you :D

this intrigued me, as it came up when I was messing around but have CL: -1 doesnt seem to be working for concentration checks

ie : the CC check


"When you make a concentration check, you roll d20 and add your caster level and the ability score modifier used to determine bonus"

this character has a WIS: 14

CL: 3

and NLVL: 1

his concentration check should be: 1d20 + 4, after effects, and in the attachment, it is not

I think what you really need to represent a negative level is

.. let me know if i'm wrong :D

Yes, the concentration check in PF1 is not affected :) I mentioned this in the last update notes:

A word about the CL effect for the PF1 users: It won't update the concentration check, please use the COC effect separetely then :) I decided to do so because then it is for you easy to decide whether or not bonusses to CL and concentration stack by choosing bonus types in the COC effects :) Otherwise I would need to add some code which checks for all COC and CL effects, and which then checks the stacking, when you roll concentration (FG's code does not check stacking of different type of effects of course) :D (and another problem is that the concentration does not know about tags due to that it is not spell-specific. In that way the CL is always compatible with IFTAG)
So, yes, for PF1 one needs to add COC, for 3.5e one does not need to add anything :) (in my answer to bmos I did not think about that it was about PF1 :D)

Zygmunt Molotch
November 16th, 2020, 16:32
perfect :)

good explanation!

November 22nd, 2020, 21:44
does this:

IFTAG: evocation; DC: 1

work with type... so, can it be like this?

IFTAG: evocation, cold, air, electricity, sonic; DC: 3

November 22nd, 2020, 21:47
does this:

IFTAG: evocation; DC: 1

work with type... so, can it be like this?

IFTAG: evocation, cold, air, electricity, sonic; DC: 3

Yes, IFTAG can be combined with DC :) the second effect would then mean, that the DC is increased by three for all spells having at least one of the tags (not necessarily all, which is what you want, I think) :) When you want that all tags are in the spell, then you'd need to put them into an IFTAG chain (but I doubt that you want that, at least that would be a fancy spell :D)

November 22nd, 2020, 22:05
tested the type string and it works! cool.

now... review image with my set up... cl works, but dc does not?


November 22nd, 2020, 22:11
tested the type string and it works! cool.

now... review image with my set up... cl works, but dc does not?


Hm, I just tested, for me that works fine :) (and, just in case, DC and CL will stack for DC calculation (if it contributes) once it works for you)

Strange, can you turn off any other extension (or start a test campaign with only this extension)? Then test it there please, maybe an incompatibility with something :)

November 22nd, 2020, 22:49
Also maybe make sure that you have not any unpacked rulesets and extensions in your folders :) (FG prioritizes unpacked things, which can cause to overwriting my code)

November 22nd, 2020, 23:36
a couple of things:

1) it works now (which is frickin' awesome!) with systematic extensions compatibility tests. however, it's not conflicting with any of them anymore X-D

2) what could be the problem (don't ask me why exactly) was an unpacked extension as you mentioned... i tried that first: there was one that was not packed (creaturegen), so i packed it and removed the directory (now 'creaturegen.ext'). with no unpacked items in the extensions directory, the iftag works with all my previous extensions turned back on.

so [thumbsup] -- thx!

November 22nd, 2020, 23:40
a couple of things:

1) it works now (which is frickin' awesome!) with systematic extensions compatibility tests. however, it's not conflicting with any of them anymore X-D

2) what could be the problem (don't ask me why exactly) was an unpacked extension as you mentioned... i tried that first: there was one that was not packed (creaturegen), so i packed it and removed the directory (now 'creaturegen.ext'). with no unpacked items in the extensions directory, the iftag works with all my previous extensions turned back on.

so [thumbsup] -- thx!

Cool, you are welcome :)

November 22nd, 2020, 23:49
final scripts:

Arcane Reservoir; IFTAG: spell; DC: 2; CL: 2;

Air Mastery; IFTAG: spell; IFTAG: evocation, cold, air, electricity, sonic; DC: 1; CL: 2;

since both dc and cl stack as you mentioned, this allows toggling on/off as needed.

November 25th, 2020, 21:08

i wonder if you could test this for me and see if this extension is affecting it or fg itself... it's not working for me:

Focused Shot; DMG: [STR];

November 25th, 2020, 21:46

i wonder if you could test this for me and see if this extension is affecting it or fg itself... it's not working for me:

Focused Shot; DMG: [STR];

Yes, it works for me, also with all my extensions loaded :) Do you apply it from an actions tab? What do you see? Make sure that you actually have a STR modifier in case you do not see any number :)

November 27th, 2020, 13:58
Yes, it works for me... Make sure that you actually have a STR modifier in case you do not see any number

haha! it's always the obvious -- there is no mod (str 10)! i had just assumed if the npc has the feat, it would have the str score to make it relevant.

once in a while i get things like this... paizo writers overlook certain details X-D

November 27th, 2020, 14:28
haha! it's always the obvious -- there is no mod (str 10)! i had just assumed if the npc has the feat, it would have the str score to make it relevant.

once in a while i get things like this... paizo writers overlook certain details X-D

hehe :D Glad, that the reason was just a STR 10 :D

December 3rd, 2020, 02:40
Hey Kelrugem, I am really excited about this extension but I am having the same problem as the guy in post #12 unfortunately. It will apply the bonus to all saves rather than just the ones it is supposed to.

For example, for the Elven racial +2 save against enchantment, I do IFTAG: enchantment; SAVE: 2 racial and it will apply the bonus to all saves I roll.

Also having a problem trying to apply IFTAG: fear; SAVE: -1 same issue, it applies -1 to all saves. Unfortunately the fix that seemed to work for him is not working for me. I don't use the flat-footed extension, and I re-downloaded your extension. Has to be a incompatibility unfortunately I am a complete noob and have no idea how to tell what is compatible with what, so I'm hoping you can help. I am using the following extensions:

Advanced Character Inventory Manager for 3.5e and pathfinder
Advanced Effects for 3.5e and pathfinder
Big Fonts
CoreRPG-Better Menus (NO SIDEBAR)
CoreRPG-Has Initiative Indicator
Customized Item Generator
Full Overlay Package with other Icons
Hero Points for CoreRPG
PFRPG-Enhanced Items v4.21
Spell Failure
Theme: Wood
Window Saver

December 3rd, 2020, 02:57
Hey Kelrugem, I am really excited about this extension but I am having the same problem as the guy in post #12 unfortunately. It will apply the bonus to all saves rather than just the ones it is supposed to.

For example, for the Elven racial +2 save against enchantment, I do IFTAG: enchantment; SAVE: 2 racial and it will apply the bonus to all saves I roll.

Also having a problem trying to apply IFTAG: fear; SAVE: -1 same issue, it applies -1 to all saves. Unfortunately the fix that seemed to work for him is not working for me. I don't use the flat-footed extension, and I re-downloaded your extension. Has to be a incompatibility unfortunately I am a complete noob and have no idea how to tell what is compatible with what, so I'm hoping you can help. I am using the following extensions:

Advanced Character Inventory Manager for 3.5e and pathfinder
Advanced Effects for 3.5e and pathfinder
Big Fonts
CoreRPG-Better Menus (NO SIDEBAR)
CoreRPG-Has Initiative Indicator
Customized Item Generator
Full Overlay Package with other Icons
Hero Points for CoreRPG
PFRPG-Enhanced Items v4.21
Spell Failure
Theme: Wood
Window Saver

it's sure an incompatibliity, something bugs out the iftag parameter so it gets ignored by fg and it only reads the effects linked (saves, for example).

The advanced effect... is that the one that allows you to put effects onto items? (If it's the one, then that's the cause). If that's not it, either try running FG without any other extensiona and test it. Then run it again with one extension up, and test it. Then, proceed to add one extension (and test it) every time

You use so few extensions it's more feasible than when I did (with something like 37 extensions loaded) :D

By doing so, you should easily figure out which extension bugs it out

December 3rd, 2020, 02:58
Hey Kelrugem, I am really excited about this extension but I am having the same problem as the guy in post #12 unfortunately. It will apply the bonus to all saves rather than just the ones it is supposed to.

For example, for the Elven racial +2 save against enchantment, I do IFTAG: enchantment; SAVE: 2 racial and it will apply the bonus to all saves I roll.

Also having a problem trying to apply IFTAG: fear; SAVE: -1 same issue, it applies -1 to all saves. Unfortunately the fix that seemed to work for him is not working for me. I don't use the flat-footed extension, and I re-downloaded your extension. Has to be a incompatibility unfortunately I am a complete noob and have no idea how to tell what is compatible with what, so I'm hoping you can help. I am using the following extensions:

Advanced Character Inventory Manager for 3.5e and pathfinder
Advanced Effects for 3.5e and pathfinder
Big Fonts
CoreRPG-Better Menus (NO SIDEBAR)
CoreRPG-Has Initiative Indicator
Customized Item Generator
Full Overlay Package with other Icons
Hero Points for CoreRPG
PFRPG-Enhanced Items v4.21
Spell Failure
Theme: Wood
Window Saver

Hi :)

Thanks for the list of extensions: Can you try turning off Advanced Effect for 3.5e and pathfinder and then try again? Sadly, my extension is not compatible with rmilmine's extension, and I think I remember that it was precisely causing that the IFTAG operator is then ignored when one has this extension activated.

In the long run I want to incorporate rmilmine's extension to solve that, but that will take some months until my thesis is done and I finally know what comes after my PhD :D Sorry for the problems :)

December 3rd, 2020, 03:00
it's sure an incompatibliity, something bugs out the iftag parameter so it gets ignored by fg and it only reads the effects linked (saves, for example).

The advanced effect... is that the one that allows you to put effects onto items? (If it's the one, then that's the cause). If that's not it, either try running FG without any other extensiona and test it. Then run it again with one extension up, and test it. Then, proceed to add one extension (and test it) every time

You use so few extensions it's more feasible than when I did (with something like 37 extensions loaded) :D

By doing so, you should easily figure out which extension bugs it out

Oops, Asgurgolas was quicker than me :D Thanks, I also suspect rmilmine's extension :)

December 3rd, 2020, 15:17
Unfortunately, you are correct. Makes me sad, I love both of these extensions. Thank you for your help.

December 3rd, 2020, 16:25
Unfortunately, you are correct. Makes me sad, I love both of these extensions. Thank you for your help.

I feel that, that's why I'm looking forward for the day those extensions will become compatible with each other.. (since I totally suck at scripting & programming)

December 3rd, 2020, 18:52
As an intermediate solution I can try to implement a tag line for PC weapons at some point; then one can use IFTAG with weapon attacks and damages to attach effects just to certain weapons :) That would at least cover one of the major advantages of rmilmine's extension :)

December 4th, 2020, 02:24
it was very useful for NPCs too, having to set up certain effects only once on their NPC entries, that would automatically be applied every time it was put on the tracker... for example setting some undead with "IFT: CUSTOM (Necrotic Cyst); DMG: 1d6 melee" or all those monsters that have passive effects always on (and I can't be bothered to click on each entry in the CT to activate for each one). But for now, focus on your thesis and we'll abduct you for extensions once you're set with your PhD :P

December 4th, 2020, 02:37
it was very useful for NPCs too, having to set up certain effects only once on their NPC entries, that would automatically be applied every time it was put on the tracker... for example setting some undead with "IFT: CUSTOM (Necrotic Cyst); DMG: 1d6 melee" or all those monsters that have passive effects always on (and I can't be bothered to click on each entry in the CT to activate for each one). But for now, focus on your thesis and we'll abduct you for extensions once you're set with your PhD :P

Yeah, I know, but that takes a bit more time to integrate, I think :D (With the tag approach I can avoid overwriting the EffectManager as rmilmine did for "effects bound to weapons", such that I would just need to add some extra field to NPCs, items etc. which is automatically parsed as an effect to the CT :) Still a lot to do, but more straightforward then such that it is a bit sooner than later :D)

December 4th, 2020, 19:00
Just work on your thesis, that's more important :D After that you can brainstorm as much as you want :P

December 4th, 2020, 20:02
Just work on your thesis, that's more important :D After that you can brainstorm as much as you want :P

hehe :D

December 5th, 2020, 19:44
Kelrugem, maybe add this to your list if it is not to hard.

It was awsome that you added dice support to effects, but a step further is to add full support for ray of enfeeblement (and other spells)
Ray of enfeeblement: Strenght reduced by 1d6 + half caster level (max 1d6+5)

The effect should look like
Ray of enfeeblement; STR: [-1d6]; STR: [-HCL], CAP 5
What we are lacking is this CAP 5 or any other tricks to make the HCL cap at 5

December 5th, 2020, 20:19
Kelrugem, maybe add this to your list if it is not to hard.

It was awsome that you added dice support to effects, but a step further is to add full support for ray of enfeeblement (and other spells)
Ray of enfeeblement: Strenght reduced by 1d6 + half caster level (max 1d6+5)

The effect should look like
Ray of enfeeblement; STR: [-1d6]; STR: [-HCL], CAP 5
What we are lacking is this CAP 5 or any other tricks to make the HCL cap at 5

Thanks for the suggestion :)

Yeah, there is certainly some room for better PC tags, I can see what I can do :)

December 5th, 2020, 22:35
And also ways to check for opposed rolls (and possibly, an elf maid to help bathe)

January 2nd, 2021, 04:16
Hi I have a question does this addon support Tags on weapons.
so in my setting I have an enchantment that makes armor more effective vs firearms. Basically giving a portion of the armors score to touch for that purpose.
So looking at this addon I thought I could make it work but the version of it does not have tags for weapons. the idea of my solution to my problem was to have an iftag statement that checked for the firearm tag and give a dodge bonus to compensate.

January 2nd, 2021, 04:18
Hi I have a question does this addon support Tags on weapons.
so in my setting I have an enchantment that makes armor more effective vs firearms. Basically giving a portion of the armors score to touch for that purpose.
So looking at this addon I thought I could make it work but the version of it does not have tags for weapons. the idea of my solution to my problem was to have an iftag statement that checked for the firearm tag and give a dodge bonus to compensate.

Hi :)

At the moment weapon tags are not supported yet, the plan is to implement them in the future, but right now you would need to set up such attacks as an action of a "spellclass" instead :)

January 2nd, 2021, 04:34
Well thanks for the reply sad that its not their yet but its good to know it is being worked on.

January 22nd, 2021, 14:06
It seems like something is not as intended when combining different damage rolls and keldisadvantage.
So one of my players have a kineticist, and he has set up one damage roll as.
1d6 even caster level +half con +12 bludgeoning
1d6 odd caster level +half con +12 electricity

They where on a plane where they had keldisadvantage on them all the time (insert evil laugh here)
When we looked into how much damage came from electricity and bludgeoning we noticed something strange.
Damage was xd6 - number bludgeoning and xd6 + number for electricity.
The bludgeoning did way less damage, and the static damage value from bludgeoning varied.

The total was ok, but I suspect that with keldisadvantage it counted how much less it rolled because of disadvantage and substracted that from the first damage type (which was bludgeoning).

I hope this makes sense, I have not access to my computer to screenshot this now.

January 22nd, 2021, 14:56
It seems like something is not as intended when combining different damage rolls and keldisadvantage.
So one of my players have a kineticist, and he has set up one damage roll as.
1d6 even caster level +half con +12 bludgeoning
1d6 odd caster level +half con +12 electricity

They where on a plane where they had keldisadvantage on them all the time (insert evil laugh here)
When we looked into how much damage came from electricity and bludgeoning we noticed something strange.
Damage was xd6 - number bludgeoning and xd6 + number for electricity.
The bludgeoning did way less damage, and the static damage value from bludgeoning varied.

The total was ok, but I suspect that with keldisadvantage it counted how much less it rolled because of disadvantage and substracted that from the first damage type (which was bludgeoning).

I hope this makes sense, I have not access to my computer to screenshot this now.

Hi :)

Thanks for the report :) Yes, I may have forgotten to emphasize this problem (but I think I mention it in the cheat sheet pdf). Indeed, the (dis)advantage effects do not work well with damage types, which is why one should only use them for damage rolls when damage types do not matter :) The distribution of those damage types among all the damage dice is a strange and complicated code and I could not yet wrap my head around it; there is actually a similar problem in 5e regarding this, which is why I hope that it get fixed there, because I can then take a glimpse at how it got solved there :D

PS: Very evil plane your players are on! :D

January 22nd, 2021, 20:08
Ah, that explains it. Thank you. It came up when the kineticits blasted his way through a wall of stone that seperated the party.
It will happen very very rarely, so lets see if the 5e gets a fix :)

Ah yes, I they went to a homebrew "cthulhu plane", so I had to make them something weird. And it was a perfect opportunity to try out the keldisadvantage effect. One of my players met Cthulhu and got mythic powers from him that the other ones does not know about :)

January 23rd, 2021, 06:41
Ah, that explains it. Thank you. It came up when the kineticits blasted his way through a wall of stone that seperated the party.
It will happen very very rarely, so lets see if the 5e gets a fix :)

Ah yes, I they went to a homebrew "cthulhu plane", so I had to make them something weird. And it was a perfect opportunity to try out the keldisadvantage effect. One of my players met Cthulhu and got mythic powers from him that the other ones does not know about :)

Cool, the Cthulhu plane sounds like fun, and a nice way to introduce mythic powers :D

April 25th, 2021, 22:52
This extension got now finally updated :) nodex will now ignore grappled in PF1, and I was asked to incorporate DCrumb's stuff from here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?67836-3-5E-PFRPG-Min-Max-effect-modifier&highlight=, but I did it in my own way:

D X {other tag}
X ∈ {1,...,9} (if none, it will assume X = 1). The
other tag will get divided by X.
For example ATK: [D4STR]; additional attack mod
given by the strength mod divided by 4

{other tag} X
X any non-negative total number (also more than one
digit possible). The other tag cannot be bigger than
X then; this operation is after all multiplications but before a sign change

One can also now combine numbers with the letter tags like in [H3STR]; first the letter, then the number, as for the new D tag from above. In that way we do not need a letter for every possible number with which we want to divide :D

For example: [-D5STR2] divides the STR mod first by 5, then takes the smaller of this result and 2, and then it changes the sign :)

DCrumb also had a minimum number; as you see I only added a maximum number. This is simply due to that in my opinion the minimum number of spells is usually just the initial value (using typical formulas) of a caster at the earliest possible time they get that spell. So, it should normally not be needed to check for a minimal value. (otherwise the caster may not have any progression in that spell, even if there is a progress by the given formula; spell are normally not designed like that. Thence, I omitted that) But if you have any example for where you really need the minimum, then let me know :) (okay, there are penalties for example, but the minimal value is normally just for CL stuff; and if the CL is too low, then you can't cast the spell anyway :D)

April 26th, 2021, 00:08
Would it be possible to have a maximum value? Like in several spells where it goes up with the CL then caps at a certain value. ex: barkskin or divine favor.

April 26th, 2021, 00:12
Would it be possible to have a maximum value? Like in several spells where it goes up with the CL then caps at a certain value. ex: barkskin or divine favor.

yes, that is the second feature listed above :) Normally all the UI elements of FG allow setting a maximum; so, the feature from above is for the maximum of effect tags :) So, for example AC: [CL5] would give an AC bonus equals the CL but with maximum 5 :)

May 16th, 2021, 03:47
This does not appear to work if their is any text after the calculation.

'Barkskin;AC:[D3CL]' works correctly. It calculates the AC modifier and applies it to the Combat Tracker.
'Barkskin;AC:[D3CL] natural' does not work. It does not calculate the modifier. It posts the effect text to the Combat tracker


May 16th, 2021, 12:28
This does not appear to work if their is any text after the calculation.

'Barkskin;AC:[D3CL]' works correctly. It calculates the AC modifier and applies it to the Combat Tracker.
'Barkskin;AC:[D3CL] natural' does not work. It does not calculate the modifier. It posts the effect text to the Combat tracker


You need to make a comma before the natural as in [D3CL], natural :) I think this is always the case actually also for [HCL] etc., also without my extension :) (that is why I normally use commas even if the standard effects work without; just to get used to it :) )

EDIT: Oh, and also use a lower d, not an upper one; I changed that recently, so [d3CL] (maybe then it already works, and I remember the stuff with the comma wrongly :D) Though if the first one was the same without natural, then you should update the extension :) the upper D was conflicting with DEX

EDIT2: I just tested and the missing comma is the culprit :) So, the first edit is just a notice for you that you may have an old version :D

May 16th, 2021, 17:09
You need to make a comma before the natural as in [D3CL], natural :) I think this is always the case actually also for [HCL] etc., also without my extension :) (that is why I normally use commas even if the standard effects work without; just to get used to it :) )

EDIT: Oh, and also use a lower d, not an upper one; I changed that recently, so [d3CL] (maybe then it already works, and I remember the stuff with the comma wrongly :D) Though if the first one was the same without natural, then you should update the extension :) the upper D was conflicting with DEX

EDIT2: I just tested and the missing comma is the culprit :) So, the first edit is just a notice for you that you may have an old version :D

Oh boy. I am batting negative 1000 today. Thank you Kelrugem.

May 16th, 2021, 17:13
Oh boy. I am batting negative 1000 today. Thank you Kelrugem.

hehe, no worries :) You're welcome :)

June 27th, 2021, 08:57
To confirm, this extension is now incorperated into the full overlay package, correct? I'm running into the issue where the keldisadvantage is being processed twice and I think the solution is to just not use the save vs tags.


Thank you again for all your hard work! :D

June 27th, 2021, 10:38
To confirm, this extension is now incorperated into the full overlay package, correct? I'm running into the issue where the keldisadvantage is being processed twice and I think the solution is to just not use the save vs tags.


Thank you again for all your hard work! :D

Yup, the save versus tags version is implemented in the full overlayPackage :D Didn't know that there are still people having a version of save versus tags :D Maybe it becomes rare enough that you can sell it to some collector :P :D

and thanks for the words :)

June 27th, 2021, 21:01
:D I simply didn't delete it I don't think. I shall print out the source code and frame it for all time. :D

January 7th, 2022, 16:45
I want to make an item that when equipped it gives a 5E type advantage roll on any Attack roll until the item is unequipped. so with the auto remove turned off in options for keladvantage, this is the IFTAG I am wanting to use:

IFTAG: attack; keladvantage

so any attack done while the item is equipped is at an advantage. is it possible?

January 7th, 2022, 16:51
I want to make an item that when equipped it gives a 5E type advantage roll on any Attack roll until the item is unequipped. so with the auto remove turned off in options for keladvantage, this is the IFTAG I am wanting to use:

IFTAG: attack; keladvantage

so any attack done while the item is equipped is at an advantage. is it possible?

Right now, this is not possible; but the next update will contain (dis)advantage effects for attacks similar to the 5E effects :)

June 26th, 2022, 00:08
I am working on adding the Elder Mythos Scholar (https://aonprd.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Wizard%20Elder%20M ythos%20Scholar)'s Eldritch Grimoire and Eldritch Infusion abilities to my wizard's character sheet. I'll start out by saying I am assuming the logic has not been implemented so my questions are 1, am I approaching this problem correctly? 2, if there isn't currently a solution, is there one planned?

The second solution also requires a separate plug-in, bmos' spell failure plugin (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/20/view). I wasn't sure if it would be appropriate to include here or not so I am going ahead and keeping it in case someone has a similar question (not about Elder Mythos - no one else is dumb enough to use that archetype :eek:

I created a custom effect, "Talisman" that can be applied to targets that are included in the Talisman of Revealing and created the effect below to apply to self for the Eldritch Grimoire.

Eldritch Grimoire; IFT: CUSTOM(Talisman); DC: 1; CL: 2

I verified IFT: CUSTOM(Talisman) is working correctly by using IFT: CUSTOM(Talisman); ATK: 10 and making an attack roll. DC: 10 also worked, so again, I'm assuming the logic just is not included. On a side note, I believe I saw on the first page that CL is not currently working. When I double click the CL number, it won't even roll it for me anymore. Has this functionality been removed?

The code below is to address the Eldritch Infusion (again, also leveraging the spell failure plugin).

Eldritch Infusion; INT: 4 alchemical; CON: -2; WIS: -2; SF: 20; IFT: CUSTOM(Talisman); NSF; SKILL: [HCL] perception

Everything works up to the IFT line. I know the skill check bonus won't work with the IFT logic, but wanted to leave that in there as a reminder - seems like pretty common practice.

June 26th, 2022, 04:18
I am working on adding the Elder Mythos Scholar (https://aonprd.com/ArchetypeDisplay.aspx?FixedName=Wizard%20Elder%20M ythos%20Scholar)'s Eldritch Grimoire and Eldritch Infusion abilities to my wizard's character sheet. I'll start out by saying I am assuming the logic has not been implemented so my questions are 1, am I approaching this problem correctly? 2, if there isn't currently a solution, is there one planned?

The second solution also requires a separate plug-in, bmos' spell failure plugin (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/20/view). I wasn't sure if it would be appropriate to include here or not so I am going ahead and keeping it in case someone has a similar question (not about Elder Mythos - no one else is dumb enough to use that archetype :eek:

I created a custom effect, "Talisman" that can be applied to targets that are included in the Talisman of Revealing and created the effect below to apply to self for the Eldritch Grimoire.

Eldritch Grimoire; IFT: CUSTOM(Talisman); DC: 1; CL: 2

I verified IFT: CUSTOM(Talisman) is working correctly by using IFT: CUSTOM(Talisman); ATK: 10 and making an attack roll. DC: 10 also worked, so again, I'm assuming the logic just is not included. On a side note, I believe I saw on the first page that CL is not currently working. When I double click the CL number, it won't even roll it for me anymore. Has this functionality been removed?

The code below is to address the Eldritch Infusion (again, also leveraging the spell failure plugin).

Eldritch Infusion; INT: 4 alchemical; CON: -2; WIS: -2; SF: 20; IFT: CUSTOM(Talisman); NSF; SKILL: [HCL] perception

Everything works up to the IFT line. I know the skill check bonus won't work with the IFT logic, but wanted to leave that in there as a reminder - seems like pretty common practice.

About CL: CL is the effect for caster level, so everything affected by your caster level except concentration :) (for concentration there is a separate effect for PF1, COC) In your case you need caster level checks, this is the effect CLC :) But even if you use CL: CL is not a targetable effect; you can recognize targetable effects in the wiki or on my forge page by (T) in their description :) Only the ones with this (T) will work combined with IFT as you did :) I think CLC actually is targetable; so if I am right in that you actually need CLC as effect, then it may work what you try to do by replacing CL with CLC :)

The same problem with your second effect: SKILL is not targetable (it has no (T) in their description). The skill rolls in FG do not know anything about your targets, especially their code won't check for your Talisman effect :) Hence, same problem in that regard

So, in total: Only the effects with (T) in their info can be put after an IFT clause :) I am not sure if it will be easy for me to change the code if CL so that it becomes a targetable effect, but I try it :)

I hope I answered everything? :)

June 26th, 2022, 14:34
Thanks for your reply. It sounds like at this point it would be best to leave off the IFT tag and reduce it to
Eldritch Grimoire; DC: 1; CLC: 2 and for the Eldritch Infusion,
Eldritch Infusion; INT: 4 alchemical; CON: -2; WIS: -2; SF: 20 with a duration of 10 min/CL and
Eldritch Infusion Talisman; SF:-20; SKILL: [HCL] perception with a duration of 1 roll. This all seems to work as intended.

June 26th, 2022, 16:17
Thanks for your reply. It sounds like at this point it would be best to leave off the IFT tag and reduce it to
Eldritch Grimoire; DC: 1; CLC: 2 and for the Eldritch Infusion,
Eldritch Infusion; INT: 4 alchemical; CON: -2; WIS: -2; SF: 20 with a duration of 10 min/CL and
Eldritch Infusion Talisman; SF:-20; SKILL: [HCL] perception with a duration of 1 roll. This all seems to work as intended.

Sounds good :) Though I think for the first effect (since you now use CLC) the IFT one should work, CLC should be targetable :) (if I recall correctly :D)

August 14th, 2023, 16:05
Did anything changed/broke with IFTAG? It does not seem to be working for me anymore

August 15th, 2023, 00:05
so are you asking IFTAG: CUSTOM(Change); Broken;
I do not know. but regardless i hope it is not.

August 15th, 2023, 12:56
Which effects are you trying? Do you have an example? :)

Did you also test it with just the extended automation extension loaded? :)

August 15th, 2023, 14:19
My apologies. It turns out that, somehow, this extension was causing the problem :

Gotta look into that

For some reason I had an old version of ExtraStatToSaves. Forge updater leaves a lot to be desired - had to delete it manually and re-download. Sorry for confusion guys :(

August 15th, 2023, 15:49
The Forge will only update products installed from the Forge.
Anything you manually installed has to be manually updated or manually removed.

August 15th, 2023, 16:36
Yeah the thing is this extension was installed from the Forge. :D
Oh well, not the first time it happened and probably not the last one. Perhaps the Forge does not recognize "update" when the new filename is the same as the old one? Or some stupid other coding issue. God knows I did many of those in my job :D

August 16th, 2023, 00:13
hehe, I see :) Good that it works for you now again :)