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View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF EST US Time Zone (Done by 11 PM) Starfinder

July 20th, 2019, 20:13
FG License: I've just subscribed for an ultimate license because I may try DMing here in the future. Right now, just looking to play to get used to the software!

Time Zone: EST (New York)

Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I'm regularly available Monday through Thursday, starting around 7 PM EST and ending by 11 PM EST. I'd also be available for bi-weekly games on the weekend. I'd need to be done by 11 PM on Sunday.

Term: Any term is fine. I prefer to play in campaigns, but one shots would help me learn FG.

Voice: I prefer groups that use voice and video. I have a good mic and camera.

Game System Experience: I'm most experienced with D&D 5E, but I've been doing a lot of research on Starfinder. My friends and I play a Starfinder campaign where I DM, but I'm not super familiar with the rules. We usually just revert to 5E when we don't know a rule lol.

Fantasy Grounds Experience: Very unfamiliar, but currently watching some YouTube guides and doing other research.

Character Type Preferred: I usually prefer to play support characters. I'm most interested in Technomancer and Mystic, but I honestly think I'd enjoy any class. Willing to make my class fit the group (I usually fall in love with a character concept instead of a class). I'm also very fond of Shirren!

My current running character concept is a Shirren Technomancer, Envoy or Mystic named Dr. Krr'chk'thk (kur-chick-thick, or Dr. Kurt to most Common-speakers). He'd be a xenoseeker, field/combat medic, and potentially chaplain type for the ship. He'd primarily focus on augmenting allies and debuffing enemies. Alternatively, if the group was already heavy on support, he could run the sniper Technomancer build to frontload decent damage. Dr. Kurt would absolutely revel in any exercise of free will ranging from choosing a peanut butter sandwhich to deciding which corridor to explore first. He would also have some sort of pet that he loved choosing to buy and name. :)

About me: I am a very easy-going player who actively tries to ensure everyone is having a good time. I prefer to shift focus away from myself to the other players when the narrative calls for it. I'm not the type of player who thinks my 8 Charisma character should try to be the party face! I love designing characters with a comedic element to them (particularly overt, doesn't know social etiquette, clumsy, etc.) because I think that adds an element of fun to the game. If your group were to pick me up, I'd aim to make you all happy with that decision! I've been really interested in Starfinder and would love the opportunity to play!