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View Full Version : LFPs(6) - NEW 5e Curse of Strahd Campaign - 3rd Sunday/month, 2pm-8pm EDT

July 20th, 2019, 02:04
My name is Adam, I'm a long time DM, and I am announcing the start of a 5th Edition D&D Curse of Strahd Campaign to begin on Sunday, August 18th and continue through the end of the adventure.

The game will run with 6 players. It is free, and I have the Ultimate license so Demo versions of FG can play, but here are my expectations for anyone selected to play at the table:

#1. Adults only, age 18+ to play. I'm from NYC, I curse, it's our local culture. I try to minimize it, I don't intend to offend anyone with my language, but I do slip up from time to time, so understand that coming into this. We use F-bombs and 'G-D' like other people say 'hello'. It's our culture. (I literally never even knew 'G-D' was considered a curse at all until a Southern co-worker finally had enough of us Yanks and our 'filthy' mouths. It was a revelation to many in the workplace that it was even considered cursing at all. Honestly.)
#2. The game will be live streamed on Twitch and/or YouTube. By applying you consent to participating in this live stream without compensation or reserved rights to sharing your voice, character concept, images, etc. with the internet. You also understand that I am not charging you to play in the game, so if by some miracle we end up attracting a following and monetizing the livestream, you recognize by agreeing to play that all profits go to me as compensation for my time DMing. This is non-negotiable.
#3. Rules Lawyers work with me, not against me. I certainly appreciate those knowledgeable of the 5th edition rules and specifics. I've been DMing since the 80's when I was Will the Wise from Stranger Things S1 without the Upside Down abduction. I've seen every version except 4e which I skipped, and at my age it's hard to remember sometimes what the -current- rules state.
#4. DM is the final arbiter of the rules. Don't worry, I tend to play fair and try to be consistent, and I clearly list the House Rules in the 'Notes' panel with shared notes so the party can refer back there at any time, and so can I. But I reserve the right to veto or retcon if necessary any past decisions, though I prefer not to.
#5. Two strikes and you're out. Uncivil conduct to your party members or myself, absence with less than 48 hours notice, not being logged in or attempting to at the 2pm EDT start time without 24 hour prior notice, leaving early, refusing to actively participate, or disrupting the fun of the group is a strike. Once is a warning, twice and you lose your seat to someone else. We only play once a month, so please be courteous and mindful of the group's experience.
#6. This is a welcoming game. LGBTQ members welcome. All gender identities (including women, and I hate that I have to say that) welcome. No politics discussed in the game, but understand I'm from NYC and am proudly Liberal, so if that offends you, seek elsewhere. Racist, sexist, anti-LGBTQ insults or continued use of slang is grounds for losing your seat immediately, so don't do it. Get along, and keep it story focused, and we'll all have fun, which is the entire point.
#7. Be creative. Be engaged. Participate. Be patient with me and with each other, and we'll all have fun. Which is the entire point.
#8. ALL EXPERIENCE LEVELS WELCOME. If you've never played before, apply anyway. If you were there with Gygax from the beginning, apply. If you work for WOTC and just need to blow off steam... apply.

Still with me?
Because that's the heavy stuff and I like to get it out of the way in the beginning.

The Curse of Strahd is a vampire/magical Transylvania-esque setting and the adventure is designed to run from Level 1-10. I've never played in Ravenloft myself, just bought the FG expansion, so I'll be learning over the next month myself. Don't worry, that's plenty of time.

How to Apply
There are 6 seats around the virtual table. Applications will be open from now until August 2nd. There will be 6 players in the Starting Roster. I will announce the starting Roster on August 4th here on this topic.

Reply to this post with the following:
• Your mundane world name
• Your preferred pronouns/gender identity
• Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience - None, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert. Advanced and Experts are expected to help newer players come up to speed and make good character decisions/get into the swing of things more for everyone's enjoyment.
• Your level of FG experience, same ranks. Advanced and Experts will be asked to help with the mechanics of the VTT system.
• Your time zone/general region of the world you will be playing from
• Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process

You must also include:
• Your character concept. Race, class, future class specialization, name (but that can change), gender (also mutable), any plans on multiclassing and to what, preferred weapon(s) or spells, your background, etc.
• If you are new to D&D 5e, describe what kind of storybook character you would want to bring to life, a little of their style, if they fight, cast spells, heal, etc. If it helps, point to a character from a book or film you would like to be LIKE, but know that you will expect to (and realistically have to) develop your own unique character.

• A short bit about your character's history. It's okay if you don't have much in the way of details, just provide some idea of the kind of environment you grew up in. Try to list one major memory from your Childhood, one from your Adolescence, and one from your Apprenticeship. This means you need to make some choice about whether you were formally trained in a school, learned from individuals on your own as you went along, or if you ended up being trained by one mentor/master who taught you the ropes.

• IF you are experienced in D&D settings, decide please which world you come from. No one will start out coming from Ravenloft/Barovia. You can be from anywhere in the Sword Coast, canon Faerun from 5e times, the city-sprawling plane of Ravnica for those who know it, or, if you wish, a 'magical' version of Medieval or Low Renaissance earth if you wish it (this helps new players ground their experience in something more familiar).

I'll make the selection weighing both sections.


July 20th, 2019, 02:05
Setting Notes
The Curse of Strahd is a unique campaign because it is a Romantic Gothic Horror.

Not 'kissy kissy'/rom-com romance. Classical "Romantic". Think Dracula by Stoker, Frankenstein by Shelly, the poetry of Byron or Poe.

It's the original source for where we get the modern term 'goth' from. Original recipe emo, tortured souls, desperate heroes trying not to prevail but simply not to succumb to the forces of darkness. Twisted villains. Recent pop cultural reference would be the series "Penny Dreadful", as it combined much of the Gothic literary figures of note into one. Werewolves, vampires, revenants, tormented commoners, haggard witches, blood magic, etc.

This adventure is a little unique in that it can only end in a few ways. The second-easiest way is to defeat Strahd, the vampire lord of Castle Ravenloft. The ACTUAL easiest way to end the module is for everyone in the party to die. Normally I work as DM to ensure that the party works together from start to finish and builds a sense of camaraderie. In Strahd, it certainly is wisest for you to bond tightly and remain so, but as a DM, once you get past, say, 4th level, your fate as a party depends upon the choices you make as an individual. Strahd is himself an active foe within his realms, and he will certainly be looking to divide and conquer as best he can. (Remember... generally either Strahd dies, or the party dies. Your pick.)

The only 'forbidden' player alignment in this game is Chaotic Evil. Lawful Evil characters are possible. Neutral Evil characters are possible. Chaotic Neutral with Evil tendencies characters are possible. BUT... if you antagonize your fellow party members, don't be surprised if after 4th level they turn on you and deal with what they perceive to be the most immediate threat in their midst to the party success over Strahd.

Because of this, in your character description, do NOT list your intended alignment.

Changing your mind
There is opportunity to make revisions to character concept after gaining 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level.
At 2nd it can be a complete makeover - anything and everything, pending DM approval.
At 3rd you can adjust either class OR race but not both, specializations if you had one from 1st or 2nd level, skills/weapons/spells.
Upon earning 4th, you can change your Specialization if things aren't working out exactly, or skills/weapons. Then you're locked in.

If you have any questions, post them for me separate from your application. Once the Roster is chosen, I'll work with you back channel to adjust and refine things for the initial session. Again, no experience is necessary.

House Rule on Spells/Melee Attacks
Frequently, experienced gamers lapse into a kind of shorthand. They'll simply announce "My character casts 'magic missile'" and start rolling damage dice. Flat. Systematic. And yes, it's a convenient shorthand among experienced players. I ask that you put a little more into it than that. Same thing with melee attacks. Take a little time and decide just what it looks like to everyone around you when you swing your broadsword and miss, or hit, or crit. Feel free to use poetic names like in the Wheel of Time where battle stances were described with suggestive names. "'Heron wading in the rushes' pose meets 'Willow in a thunderstorm' with a clang of steel before Heron wading strikes home on the riposte, opening a gash in my foe's flesh for 6 points of slashing damage." Two spellcasters who cast the same spell will be trained from different styles of casting, and the special effects might look entirely different. "I mutter the arcane words of power which form writing in glowing blue runes in the air about me. The runes wheel about my head, once, twice, and on the third time form into arrows of blue energy that fly suddenly to my target as three darts of magic missiles, doing a total of 8 points of damage."

Spellcaster, healer, skulking rogue, martial artist, or martial weapons fighter, don't just say it... describe it. Characters who do so consistently earn Inspiration. Others do not. (That's a good thing, for newbies.)

Still with me all the way down here?
Great! I look forward to reading your applications!

Post away, and let your creativity be your application. Third Sundays of the month starting in August, from 2pm - 8pm Eastern (GMT -5). Live stream will be publicized when details are finalized.

Strahd can't wait to eat you. Er, meat you. I mean, meet you.

July 20th, 2019, 02:32
This sounds absolutely amazing.

Edit: Since you're streaming this, do you require players to have a webcam?

July 20th, 2019, 03:29
Personal / Experience Questions
Your mundane world name: Brandon
Your preferred pronouns/gender identity: He/Him/His
Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience: I'm somewhere between Intermediate and Advanced. Happy to help where I can!
Your level of FG experience: So far, very minimal. However, I'm actually watching some YouTube videos trying to figure it out because I might run some of my own games. This would help me get more familiar with the software.
Your time zone/general region of the world you will be playing from: I'm from New York (EST Timezone).
Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process: I'm an avid RPer and video gamer. I also enjoy dates with my wife, particularly those that include our two Shih Tzus!

D&D Questions
Your character concept. Race, class, future class specialization, name (but that can change), gender (also mutable), any plans on multiclassing and to what, preferred weapon(s) or spells, your background, etc.
I usually like to play a support style character with an interesting flaw. This would be my first experience running a module, and I'm not entirely sure what the setting of Strahd is other than dark. I'm presenting two character concepts because I'm not sure if monster races are acceptable in the setting. I'd also be willing to adapt based on group composition, if need be (I make character personalities that are fun, I'm not as tied to the class):

Male Kobold Land Druid named Slopp with no plans to multiclass. In his life, he had a chance encounter with some sort of Fey that inspired Slopp to strive toward good/noble causes. Slopp was cast out by his kin for actively looking to be selfless (at the expense of his brood). Since then, Slopp has traveled throughout the land trying to make a difference where he can. He's had a difficult time working toward this goal because most of the civilized races actively despise Kobolds. If any of the other players would be interested, I'd like to try to tie Slopp to them narratively so that they could potentially have a vested interested in integrating him into society. Slopp would have a low intelligence score, be illiterate and potentially talk in broken Common (e.g.: "It's okay! Slopp fix this!").

Male Human (not Variant because I personally dislike that option) War Wizard named Evander Everwind with no plans to multiclass. Evander is a round and clumsy oaf of a Wizard, born into nobility without any political prowess or noteworthy characteristics. His parents have "sent him on a spiritual journey" to get him away from their social circles. He fully believes he's pursuing his destiny, but is essentially entirely incompetent. With this character, I would flavor anything noteworthy as pure chance or an accident. For instance, if a monster attacks him and misses, I might roleplay that he stumbled back and fell, therefore dodging the attack. He might say something to the effect of, "Oh, oh oh! I know! I'll cast Fireball!" when I actually intend to cast Web. So mechanically, he'd be playing a well-rounded Wizard focusing on control, but comedically would never intend to do what he does. I chose War Magic for this because it's a generalist school, not for the flavor of him being tactical or calculated.

A short bit about your character's history.

Slopp: Slopp would have met some Fey creature when he was young. Perhaps this creature helped him fend of bullies or something to that effect. Regardless, the Fey creature would have left a lasting impression on Slopp and helped him learn about Druidic Magic. From there, if another player was interested, I'd love to have Slopp have nursed one of the other PCs back from the brink of death some point in their history. If nobody is interested in that, I can easily leave that part out. However, if another player IS interested in that, I'd like to work with them to come up with a few fun things our characters had done in the recent past that could potentially be eluded to during play (like those scenes from movies where the actors say something like, "Like that time in Vegas?").

Evander: Evander would have fond memories of growing up with his siblings. His little sister is near and dear to him because she was always kind to him even though his mother and father were not. Evander bounced around from tutor to tutor until finally being trained by a wise, but eccentric Gnome Wizard (name TBD). That tutor would have helped Evander get a general grasp on magic before Evander's parents sent him out into the world.

IF you are experienced in D&D settings, decide please which world you come from.
I'm not very experienced with the D&D worlds. I've always found Ravnica interesting, but I'd probably have both of my characters start out in a generic D&D world. I believe Faerun would fit the bill. I could do more research on that before the game, if needed!

July 20th, 2019, 05:05
Reply to this post with the following:
• Your mundane world name: Christy
• Your preferred pronouns/gender identity: Female Pronouns (Her/She)
• Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience - None, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert. Advanced and Experts are expected to help newer players come up to speed and make good character decisions/get into the swing of things more for everyone's enjoyment.: Probably intermediate? I'm happy to help wherever I can. :)
• Your level of FG experience, same ranks. Advanced and Experts will be asked to help with the mechanics of the VTT system.: Intermediate to Advanced - I've only played D&D using Fantasygrounds, so I'm very familiar with the program and happy to help.
• Your time zone/general region of the world you will be playing from: I hail from Nevada, so Pacific Timezone for me.
• Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process: I love roleplaying games and writing - I spend almost ALL of my free time doing both.

• Your character concept. Race, class, future class specialization, name (but that can change), gender (also mutable), any plans on multiclassing and to what, preferred weapon(s) or spells, your background, etc.:
I'm hoping to play a female half-drow bard(Lore) named Shynt'lara A'Daragon. No plans to multiclass (as I LOVE playing bards) - she focuses mainly on debuffing enemies (Bane is one of my favorite spells, followed closely by Dispel Magic) or buffing party members, but she'll take some AOE spells, just in case. She's a people-person and prefers trying to talk her way out of trouble rather than fight.

• A short bit about your character's history: Shynt'lara is a travelling bard and proud member of "Spellsong's Emporium of Exceptional Entertainers". She was born on the road and raised by this group of dramatic and eccentric individuals, leading her to be quite dramatic and eccentric herself. Her childhood memories are of travelling to different towns and cities along the Sword Coast and watching the amazing people around her perform amazing feats that she hoped to one day do herself and she came to believe that's how everyone lived. It wasn't until she was a bit older that she realized her lifestyle wasn't the norm, but rather than envying those who spent their lives setting down roots, she revelled in the life of a traveller and in her training as an entertainer. It was after a volatile exchange with the troupe's leader(and her "father" figure), Rhagor "Spellsong" Drachedandion that Shynt'lara basically ran away from her family, determined to prove herself a capable adventurer (as her family had been before retiring into the life of travelling performers).

• IF you are experienced in D&D settings, decide please which world you come from: Shynt'lara's family travelled along the Sword Coast, so she's visited many of the larger towns and cities. She separated from her family shortly after they arrived in Neverwinter.

Morbius Shade
July 21st, 2019, 00:51
• Your mundane world name: The super unique name of Chris, which is short for Christopher, meaning "bearer of Christ"...which sorta stinks, when it belongs to an Atheist.

• Your preferred pronouns/gender identity: Him/He

• Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience: Over 20 years of D&D both playing and running.

• Your level of FG experience, same ranks. Somewhat new to the online thing, but quick to learn.

• Your time zone/general region of the world you will be playing from: Atlantic Time Zone, 1 hour ahead of you.

• Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process: I love playing board games, started migrating towards ones with story and narrative. Realized that I longed for the days of old where I would use my fingers for calculating what I needed to hit.

You must also include:

• Your character concept. Race, class, future class specialization, name (but that can change), gender (also mutable), any plans on multiclassing and to what, preferred weapon(s) or spells, your background, etc.
Jerren Meadowbrook. Male Halfling Barbarian wielding a warhammer. Going into Zealot and perhaps multiclassing into Fighter. Jerren appears as a sturdy, average height Halfling. The spryness of youth has left him. Now middle aged, his dark brown curly hair shows streaks of silvery grey.

• A short bit about your character's history:
Jerren Meadowbrook had always been strong. At least for a Halfling. He had a comfortable and happy life as a traveling strongman in a circus caravan. The roads of Faerun provided much for him, his wife and young son. "Twice the strength, but half the man!" read his poster on the marquee. He paid it no mind. When he was younger, he recalled being called half a man, he took pause then, not to make a witty, chipper retort, but a pause of anger...Jerren was indeed different from his kind. Now approaching his middle years as an entertainer, the ridicule he faced was replaced with awe. One night, camped along the north road travelling from Yartar to Silverymoon, the caravan was set upon by a Drow raiding party. Jerren and his wife were taken. His son, too young and small to be of any value, was shot by a crossbow and killed in front of them. Jerren does not remember much that followed. Only a rage that took him, and the lifeless body of the Drow lying beneath him. He remembers being struck by a magical force, and being left for dead, but he defied death. In his dreams, he was approached by a beautiful woman bathed in light. She offered him life, and the revenge for the death of his son and the taking of of his wife. He accepted, and she pointed the way he was to go. When he awoke amongst the ruin, he found whoever was not taken, was killed. Near death, it was his will alone that moved him forward. One step at a time.

• IF you are experienced in D&D settings, decide please which world you come from. No one will start out coming from Ravenloft/Barovia. You can be from anywhere in the Sword Coast, canon Faerun from 5e times, the city-sprawling plane of Ravnica for those who know it, or, if you wish, a 'magical' version of Medieval or Low Renaissance earth if you wish it (this helps new players ground their experience in something more familiar). The winding roads of Faerûn.

July 21st, 2019, 02:17
Both of your characters seem really interesting! I’d love to see how you both get on in game since there is implicit conflict between the two!!

Morbius Shade
July 21st, 2019, 03:22
Oh, there will be fireworks I can imagine. His feelings towards Drowkind may prove...troublesome.

July 21st, 2019, 06:12
Reply to this post with the following:

• Your mundane world name

• Your preferred pronouns/gender identity]
not sure what that means. most people just call me dude

• Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience - None, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert. Advanced and Experts are expected to help newer players come up to speed and make good character decisions/get into the swing of things more for everyone's enjoyment.
That is also hard to say. I started playing P&P/table top games back in the 60s, and D&D original box, then got into vid games so only did P&P games every few years, got into BattleTECH, MechWARRIOR, Shadow run, and others off and on through out the 70s and 80s, Played a bunch of P&P lesser know games like WOT and Gerps, then got back into D&D, starfinder 4 years ago

• Your level of FG experience, same ranks. Advanced and Experts will be asked to help with the mechanics of the VTT system.
New to it, but am a fast learner

• Your time zone/general region of the world you will be playing from
MST -6 (the game would be noon, 12 pm for me)

• Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process
I like crafting. every thing from paper crafts (which is not origami) to leather working.

You must also include:
• Your character concept. Race, class, future class specialization, name (but that can change), gender (also mutable), any plans on multiclassing and to what, preferred weapon(s) or spells, your background, etc.
Revised ranger beastmaster, halfelf, Chance (Athren) Fatespinner, (I rng gender) Don't see the point of Multiclassing unless you are stock ranger then you would have to , to be useful. Longbow/long sword. My background or Chance/Athern's? Folk hero.

July 21st, 2019, 14:13
This sounds absolutely amazing.

Edit: Since you're streaming this, do you require players to have a webcam?

Nope. The stream will be mostly just the FG interface within a frame, and I'll turn on and off my webcam as necessary. Since I currently am restricted to only one monitor, I'll be using the hard copy of the book and notebooks to run the DM portion of things so y'all don't have to "look away" from the DM notes which would otherwise stream as well! ;) Good question.

Morbius Shade
July 21st, 2019, 14:21
Ahhh, I misunderstood. I thought we would all be seeing each other and interacting face to face. I guess I'm old fashioned that way. If that's not the case, I would like to remove myself from consideration.

July 21st, 2019, 14:22
You sound like an awesome DM, wish it wasn't 2am on Monday morning where I live! :) Good luck!

July 21st, 2019, 14:23

I don't have the Zealot class in the D&D source materials I have for Fantasy Grounds. I'm sorry, but you'll want to rework it because unless I have something that FG supports from a core mechanics point of view, it's not generally allowed in my games.

I have PHB, MM, DMG, SCAD, Volo's, the FG UA Module, Xanathar's, and Mordenkainens, plus the ElemEvil Player's set. No 'Zealot' there. Hate to do this, but please edit your post and concept, or come up with a new one. No zealots in the game, and from a quick scan of the web, many DM's actively dislike the Zealot class, which makes me think it's broken even before I do research.

For clarity, the UA materials allowed are not the 'tester' classes and races posted under the Unearthed Arcana article series on D&D's website. It's the stuff that gets "Canonized and coded" into the FG module. Currently, that means under UA, the things that are allowed are:

-Artificer, Cleric variant, Druid variant, Sidekick expert, Sidekick spellcaster, Sidekick warrior, Sorcerer variant, and Wizard variant for classes
-Centaur, Changeling, Dwarf variant, Elf variant, Gnome variant, Half-elf/human/half-orc Dragonmarked varieties, Halfling variant, Kalashtar, Minotaur, Shifter, Simic Hybrid, Vedalkin, Viashino, and Warforged.

Good catch. Apologies for the lack of clarity there. Cool concept, but I stick within what's coded for my VTT sessions only.


July 21st, 2019, 14:26
Ahhh, I misunderstood. I thought we would all be seeing each other and interacting face to face. I guess I'm old fashioned that way. If that's not the case, I would like to remove myself from consideration.

No worries, thanks for considering it. Sometime in the next 6 months or so I'll end up with multi-monitor setup, and we might go webcam for the crew as well. But currently the plan is just for Discord for VOIP and FG for the tabletop. While that might change, given the other ruling on the Zealot class, I'll just consider this app a withdraw for now. You can feel free to reapply with a different concept if you change your mind.


July 21st, 2019, 15:59
• Your mundane world name

• Your preferred pronouns/gender identity]
Cis-Male: Call me whatever you want :)

• Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience - None, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert. Advanced and Experts are expected to help newer players come up to speed and make good character decisions/get into the swing of things more for everyone's enjoyment.
I started playing in high school. I'm currently a senior in college. I think I have a good grasp of how the rules work. I've definitely try to do my homework and at least have an expert knowledge of how my character sheet works, even if I don't have that encyclopedic knowledge of what eve

• Your level of FG experience, same ranks. Advanced and Experts will be asked to help with the mechanics of the VTT system.
I think I'm advanced with FG. I know a good ammount of the FG code for class abilities like smite and rage that don't automatically work when you download the software.

• Your time zone/general region of the world you will be playing from
GMT. I understand this would commit me to play from 7 PM to 3 AM, and I'm fine with that.

• Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process
I'm pretty boring outside of schoolwork and D&D. I love the outdoors, and I'm a lifelong martial artist (1-0 amateur MMA)

You must also include:
• Your character concept. Race, class, future class specialization, name (but that can change), gender (also mutable), any plans on multiclassing and to what, preferred weapon(s) or spells, your background, etc.

I have two characters that I'd like to play in this campaign, and I can adapt/change them however you want.

Robert Taerwin: A human (variant) or wood elf assassin rogue. He grew up outside Baldur's Gate with an average childhood. His parents loved him and were able to provide a nice upbringing. This blandness drove him to move to the big city, and after failing to find good work as a craftsman, he set out with a merchant-ship. He was content for a while but after making the same voyage up and down the Sword Coast, the itch to explore came back, and he left to answer the question, "What's out there?" He's also motivated in part by gold because it funds his adventures and buys booze. He's not selfish, but he is self-regarding, kinda like Han Solo. His prefered weapons are his trusty rapier and daggers which he either throws or uses to finish off people he's already stuck with the rapier.

Bruun Stonehammer: A Stone Dwarf Paladin (Devotion) whose clan was driven from their ancestral home of KhunDrukar following the orc/troll invasion. His parents went down the river from Silverymoon to Waterdeep and settled as gem cutters, teaching him the importance of protecting what's yours. Bruun began training with the shield after watching an elf blademaster get shot in the face by a gnomish inventor during a disagreement over a basement card game. Bruun saw the influx of Refugees fleeing orcish violence further inland and set off to seek danger in the hopes that he may be able to save at least one person from powers they can't fight. His mission is mostly to protect, so he prefers to use his spellcasting to defend himself or others rather than dumping smites into people.

July 21st, 2019, 19:23
Nope. The stream will be mostly just the FG interface within a frame, and I'll turn on and off my webcam as necessary. Since I currently am restricted to only one monitor, I'll be using the hard copy of the book and notebooks to run the DM portion of things so y'all don't have to "look away" from the DM notes which would otherwise stream as well! ;) Good question.

Good to know. I'd love to apply but just realized you're in the same timezone as me so this overlaps by half an hour with an existing game I'm in.

I definitely hope to check this out once you start getting episodes up though.

July 22nd, 2019, 00:28
• Your mundane world name

• Your preferred pronouns/gender identity
Male, He/Him

• Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience - None, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert. Advanced and Experts are expected to help newer players come up to speed and make good character decisions/get into the swing of things more for everyone's enjoyment.
With 5e – Advanced, I know the basics and know a few classes well enough.

• Your level of FG experience, same ranks. Advanced and Experts will be asked to help with the mechanics of the VTT system.
Have used FG for several years. Am comfortable with the interface and know a few tricks. I can edit existing spells but am not practiced and writing new scripts.

• Your time zone/general region of the world you will be playing from
UTC -7/-8 depending on DST – US Pacific.

• Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process
City of Heroes, Path of Exile, Computers (build my own), science/tech news, reading

You must also include:
• Your character concept. Race, class, future class specialization, name (but that can change), gender (also mutable), any plans on multiclassing and to what, preferred weapon(s) or spells, your background, etc

All this darkness makes me want to go bright.

I really dont know the official campaign world. Have always played in home grown settings. I am thinking Sigil is a good home place though I dont know it very well.

Umlilo Omnyama a Fire Genasi, War Mage Wizard. (I have yet to play a Wizard in 5e and really should.)

Trying to find his father took a risky chance with a planar portal… BIG OOOPS!

Many people here look different - that's why I didnt know - mother hid it from me.

Mother is quite accomplished with fire spells. She holds the chair of fire at the wizard's guild She met father at the summon circle, she had always told me that. It wasn't until recently she told me she met father -in- the summoning circle. She made father sign a contract to father her child in order to be freed. Imagine find that out on your 21st birthday. When I asked her why she said look around you - who would you have preferred? I almost see her point.

I've learned enough magic to move out on my own even if mother thinks otherwise. I shall take a door I hear leads to the plain of fire near the City of Brass. Father is important there.

This doesn't look like the fire plain and you wouldn't wish to make mother angry with you....

Pampered and spoiled are the tried and true trope of starting wizards. Why mess with it. This one has a bit of a temper and has depths that will start to come out once free from his mothers apron strings.

If I do multi it would need to be int/dex based and I dont see it happening.

Big booms and bright flames

July 22nd, 2019, 13:03
• Your mundane world name: Stewart
• Your preferred pronouns/gender identity: Male (him, it, weirdo-in-the-corner, whatever works)
• Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience - RPG & DnD Experience: Intermediate/Advanced (20+ years of BG and NWN as well as freeform online role-playing (via forums and chat rooms). Tabletop / 5e experience: Beginner (never played an actual TT game, and most of my knowledge of DnD comes from 3.5e / OGL / PFRPG
• Your level of FG experience - Beginner / Intermediate (played around with the Standard Edition so am familiar with the UI and fundamentals of FG, but never played an actual game)
• Your time zone - GMT / BST
• Some interest or hobby - Avid gamer, and Technology experimentor (Active Directory network running from a Raspberry Pi, anyone). Also AV broadcasting and editing, so if there are streaming problems or you want the final videos to be edited together, I can help.

• Your character concept - M M Calahoun. 30-something Human Ranger from somewhere around Candlekeep. At first glance, you might mistake him for Faramir (from LOTR), but spend just a few minutes with him and you'll find that he really doesn't like you. He doesn't hate you, but he puts everyone in one of three categories: Family, Enemy, or everyone else. If he hasn't declared that you are family, and you're not trying to harm him or his family, then he honestly doesn't give a toss about you. He'd have no issues with putting an arrow in your back while you sleep, just to stop you snoring.
He was taught basic archery and swordcraft from a young age by his father, but left home as soon as he got the chance. Living on the road, he's self-taught basic survival skills and several languages from necessity, and honed his skills with bows and dual-wielding light swords (favourite combo is rapier/scimitar + longbow for range). When forced to visit a town, he prefers to find a quiet inn and a big book, rather than interact with people more than necessary.
He's basically a good person, but believes that Right and Wrong are fundamental universal truths, rather than a matter of fluid morality. Therefore he doesn't put much stock in worldly laws, and the only thing preventing him from breaking the law is the fact that they usually agree with his own personal moral code. Generally speaking, he considers the needs of the many to be paramount even above his own happiness. For this reason, he's willing to work with a party to accomplish a goal (such as saving the world), but isn't going to like them unless they truly earn it.

July 22nd, 2019, 15:48
Reply to this post with the following:
• Your mundane world name - Ryan
• Your preferred pronouns/gender identity -He/Him/cis
• Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience - Intermediate, about a good year of D&D5e
Your level of FG experience, same ranks. Intermediate, I can help with character creation, and I have paid for a pack that makes some automation for racials and feats easier. I also bought pretty much all of the available official 5e content.
• Your time zone/ -Central Midwest USA which I believe puts me at -5 UTC
• Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process, I like making a voice for my characters and getting to know them over time. I'm also a fan of Critical Role although I've been taking my time watching them.

You must also include:
• Your character concept. Grung, Rogue, future class specialization-Inquisitive, Gl'ul'p (but that can change), male (also mutable), any plans on multiclassing (none) and to what, preferred weapon(s) blow darts and darts,sling, your background, Noble.

• A noble of the Gl'ul'p tribe, he was captured by adventurers for a court wizard of some human land. Caged and used for his poison's ability to grant people the Grung language he was used as a simple tool to carry out secret conversations. He knew the common tongue so it was obvious to keep that secret. When the wizard was casting a spell for a teleportation circle he took his chances by changing a rune, and jumping in.

• Faerun from 5e times, probably or some similar world.

Grung are an unofficial player race, but were created by DnD personnel responsible for creating the Volo's guide entry for Grung.I've converted the race's abilities and stats exactly as they should be into a FG module, and can share that with anyone I game with so we can use the material in game. I believe its a great opportunity to give these guys a go, and I think the risks of a high stakes campaign to be a thrilling opportunity to play any of the odd ball options.

There are some things about how I will play that will be secretive about but Gl'ul'p is an aristocratic member of his tribe, a ruling caste Grung, and his color indicates that. He is lawful evil and will be trying to escape the realm and if that fails he wants to return to his cushy lifestyle...for grung standards.

Gl'ul'p will need an "in" to how the party joined so if he met someone willing to look over his poisonous frog nature, he might share that he can speak common with them, in hopes that they become a useful ally or at least a pawn in his scheme. Otherwise he uses his poisonous skin, to give him the ability to communicate and negotiate with others. This doesn't exactly make it easy to communicate with less trusting people, so he's become skilled in the way of charades.

July 22nd, 2019, 18:16

- Mundane world name: Isaac (the user name is just the same I use for everything, not as edgy as it might appear, hopefully).
- Preferred pronouns/gender identity: He/Him
- Level of D&D/Tabletop RPG experience: None, but looking for my first game to get started. Read a lot about mechanics, systems and the like so hopefully not a total blank slate.
- Level of FG experience: None.
- Time zone/general region of the world: GMT, UK
- Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process: Baker by trade and a Hockey fan, so relatively used to staying awake till early morning, playoffs can be pretty tough.

You must also include:
- Character concept: Pretty happy to play whatever would be most useful to the party, as this would be my first time playing but I like this idea;

Race - Minotaur
Class - Cleric
Domain - Light (or if it's allowed, maybe protection?)
Name - Kirryl Ironhoof (not sure on Minotaur names in general)
Gender - Male
Multiclassing - No plans, probably just look to play a class straight up for a first time.
Preferred Weapon/Spell - I like the idea of typically using his horns/natural weapons and Sacred flame.
Background - Far Traveller (If allowed), feel like the "All eyes on you" feature makes a lot of sense for a Minotaur generally, and add some potentially interesting backstory Eg. Traveling the world to preach Light in dark places sort of thing(/protecting the weak if using the domain of protection).

- A short bit about your character's history:
Not super clued up on D&D lore, but I don't think it would be a stretch to say that his family would have been regarded as dangerous by the society they tried to be a part of. So his childhood memory would be of spending a lot of time among his own kind due to parents being scared of their children being friends with a Minotaur. His family/clan are actively trying to better the opinion of Minotaurs in their community and as a part of this, they are regular worshippers of a deity of light to counter the association with dark labyrinths (if Light domain). Seeking to do his part, he joined the temple and learned the path to becoming a cleric and after some time in training became eager to see the wider world and thus set out on the path of adventuring, seeking to bring light to dark places.

• IF you are experienced in D&D settings, decide please which world you come from. No one will start out coming from Ravenloft/Barovia. You can be from anywhere in the Sword Coast, canon Faerun from 5e times, the city-sprawling plane of Ravnica for those who know it, or, if you wish, a 'magical' version of Medieval or Low Renaissance earth if you wish it (this helps new players ground their experience in something more familiar).
- As far as this goes, I understand Minotaurs are introduced as a playable race in the Ravnica content so I guess that would make sense, although would appreciate some guidance on this.

Thanks for reading!

July 23rd, 2019, 11:00

I don't have the Zealot class in the D&D source materials I have for Fantasy Grounds. I'm sorry, but you'll want to rework it because unless I have something that FG supports from a core mechanics point of view, it's not generally allowed in my games.

I have PHB, MM, DMG, SCAD, Volo's, the FG UA Module, Xanathar's, and Mordenkainens, plus the ElemEvil Player's set. No 'Zealot' there. Hate to do this, but please edit your post and concept, or come up with a new one. No zealots in the game, and from a quick scan of the web, many DM's actively dislike the Zealot class, which makes me think it's broken even before I do research.

For clarity, the UA materials allowed are not the 'tester' classes and races posted under the Unearthed Arcana article series on D&D's website. It's the stuff that gets "Canonized and coded" into the FG module. Currently, that means under UA, the things that are allowed are:

-Artificer, Cleric variant, Druid variant, Sidekick expert, Sidekick spellcaster, Sidekick warrior, Sorcerer variant, and Wizard variant for classes
-Centaur, Changeling, Dwarf variant, Elf variant, Gnome variant, Half-elf/human/half-orc Dragonmarked varieties, Halfling variant, Kalashtar, Minotaur, Shifter, Simic Hybrid, Vedalkin, Viashino, and Warforged.

Good catch. Apologies for the lack of clarity there. Cool concept, but I stick within what's coded for my VTT sessions only.


I believe he's referring to the Path of the Zealot, Barbarian subclass from Xanathar's.

July 23rd, 2019, 22:45
This looks and sounds excellent!

• Your mundane world name: Robin
• Your preferred pronouns/gender identity: Male, He/Him
• Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience: Intermediate
• Your level of FG experience, same ranks: None, unfortunately
• Your time zone/general region of the world you will be playing from: GMT, United Kingdom. My most available times are the evening, night, which fits nicely :)
• Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process: I’m a huge game nerd, am currently studying 3D Games Art at university, and I also love to cosplay!

• Your character concept. Race, class, future class specialization, name (but that can change), gender (also mutable), any plans on multiclassing and to what, preferred weapon(s) or spells, your background, etc.:
I believe for this one I’d enjoy trying to play a Way of Shadow Monk, a class I haven’t played with much previously. He is a high elf named Ilidael, who primarily uses a quarterstaff in combat, but wields daggers on occasion too. My major focus with him would be dealing damage. I think as a background I’d like to follow the Faction Agent route if possible.

• A short bit about your character's history: Unlike many others, his monastic training was his own choice, and not one he made until a little way into life. Having spent a lot of time in and around Luskan, Ilidael struggled with keeping his own spirits high when his surroundings were filled with such negative energy. What began as simple, self-taught meditation, led to the seeking of a monastery when he had his chance to move into Baldur’s Gate. If he learned one thing from Luskan, however, it was the rewards that a well-connected master of subterfuge may reap. Reluctant to kill without purpose, but happy to act as a spy or hired hand, he eventually turned to relying on small contracts he could pick up. Living and breathing in his own zone, Ilidael would seldom be seen by those he was not acquainted with - for when he was actually away from his monastery or home, he was enveloped in the shadows of the night.

So to answer the setting question, the sword coast!

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forwards to hearing how it went :)

July 24th, 2019, 10:47
Personal / Experience Questions
Your mundane world name: Nick
Your preferred pronouns/gender identity: He/Him/His
Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience: as a player i'm not super experienced, as a DM i have a decent amount of 5e exp, running my 3rd campaign now.
Your level of FG experience: I have ultimate and am currently running a bi-weekly 5e game, I am a fan of getting the most automation i can out of FG.
Your time zone/general region of the world you will be playing from: I am in California(PDT), also known as (GMT-8).
Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process: i work in electrical engineering, i fly flight sims and play DnD in my free time.

D&D Questions
Your character concept. Race, class, future class specialization, name (but that can change), gender (also mutable), any plans on multiclassing and to what, preferred weapon(s) or spells, your background, etc.
Eise Falconhand: V. Human Vengeance Paladin, male, age 24. I plan to use a glaive and play as a control melee. If there is some plot hook dealing with extra-planar corrupting influences, perhaps working in some hexblade warlock multiclassing could be a thing, this i leave to DM's discretion

A short bit about your character's history.
Eise (aye-suh) is a descendant of the Falconhand family that started the Knights of Myth Drannor. Having such illustrious kin, he is in a large hurry (perhaps, too much of a hurry) to prove himself worthy of the family name. As his parents were too busy adventuring to raise him, most of his early life was spent in the care of acolytes of Torm. This upbringing has made him a bit socially awkward, and morally unbending.

IF you are experienced in D&D settings, decide please which world you come from.
Forgotten Realms, Sword Coast.

On a seperate note, I would be willing to try out a wizard if the chance comes around.

July 25th, 2019, 01:16
Your mundane world name - Don

Your preferred pronouns/gender identity - Male pronouns or my name is fine but I'm not really worried about it honestly.

Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience - Advanced (I would never call myself an Expert but I have been playing a LONG time and I both play and DM 5e. I will GLADLY help any newer players)

Your level of FG experience - I am intermediate with FG. I play and DM using it regularly but am still learning the DM side of the system better.

Your time zone - I am USA Central time which makes your Eastern time of the game perfect for me.

Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process - Heh well gaming might be obvious. I also design and draw a lot some technical and some artistic. I recently learned to weld for some personal motorcycle projects. I am also a beginner on bass guitar and I have a couple degrees in Graphic design. The list goes on. I painted game miniatures for almost 20 years as well.

Your character concept. Race - Human (The concept came tome when I asked why a hag or a witch themed character was always an NPC What if one wasn't an evil monster but a PC wizard?)

class - Wizard

future class specialization - Undecided at this time

name - Madena

gender - Female

multiclassing - no thanks lol

preferred weapon(s) or spells - Prefer to be a spell generalist and flexible but as you will see in my character concept below many spells that fit with a hag or cackling witch theme. (plenty of thematic utility and some combat spells)

your background - (just the highlights here for brevity sake) When Madena was a young girl her parents sold her to a witch doctor of a wondering tribe to avoid starvation. Madena grew up in the tribe as a cast off, an outsider that would never be accepted. The witch Doctor subjected her to alchemical potion experiments and spell rituals all in the efforts serving his tribe. When Madena was in her senior years (About 64 years old) The witch Doctor finally dies and the tribe cast out Madena. Since that time she has wandered Faerûn selling her minor alchemical potions and spell services. Sometimes staying on the streets of a town for weeks before moving on. Madena Looks a lot older than she is due the the abuse and magical and alchemical exposure throughout her life. (The concept came from me wondering what it would be like to play a hag/witch archtype as a PC rather than the typical NCP character).

one major memory from your Childhood - The day my Parents sold me.

one from your Adolescence - My first kiss from a tribal boy who later was beaten for touching a cursed girl.

one from your Apprenticeship -The methods taught to me by the witch doctor in the last year before he died in hopes I would still serve the tribe.

IF you are experienced in D&D settings, decide please which world you come from - At this point Madena has been wandering the sword coast eeking out her survival by selling potions and occasionally hiring out to use her magic for others from low life scum to loose adventurers. Madena is an ugly old woman often mistaken for a hag or a witch so she is shunned by many. she has no concept of propriety or socialized manners but she does care for others.

With all this above I can say I am also willing to change characters if it is needed. Madena is my first choice and I knew the character's personality well enough that the other players will understand rather quickly what she is like in the game. I also have a hand drawn face portrait of her in a style I rarely ever use lol but needed to so I could get the feel of her worn appearance and nasty hair across.

July 25th, 2019, 13:12
Name: Mike (He/Him)
RPG XP: Advanced. Began play with AD&D 2e back in the late 80s, then took a hiatus until Pathfinder a few years back. Have been playing mostly 5e and Savage Worlds for the last 2 years.
FG XP: Advanced. I have been using FG for 2+ years, as both a player and DM.
Region: EST (GMT -5); US Southeast
Hobby: Outside of D&D, my time is normally spent with my wife and three teens.

Background: Tharivol Othronus, High Elf male Nature Cleric, born and raised in Loudwater, always found with his trusty quarterstaff. As a child, Tharivol would frequently make trips to the High Forest with his father, Toross. One particular journey into the forest, they stumbled upon the Grandfather Tree, which whipsered a simple phrase into Tharivol's mind and shaped the remainder of his life. Those whispered words were, "...You will find him..." Tharivol's love of the forest and nature, remained true as he grew in age, and led to his discovery of Silvanus, whom he still worships today. He began to devote more and more time to his worship, until he was approached by a Forest Master, Galan Elyarus, and joined the local monastary devoted to Silvanus. There, Tharivol remained for the next 200 years, studying and researching and worshipping, but those words he heard long ago still echoed in his mind. Recently, Tharivol believes he has discovered the location of a great evil through his research, and his faith is so strong he believes the words of the Grandfather Tree have come to fruition. He is leaving his monastary for the first time in centuries, on what he believes to be a righteous quest.

Player: I have no plans to multiclass, as I am not a fan of it. My preferred/favorite spells are Thaumaturgy and Magic Circle.

July 25th, 2019, 14:47
I also forgot to mention that I have streamed in the past and have a good mic and cam if ever needed. I am perfectly comfortable in a streaming environment and game especially with action descriptions for my characters. I am hoping to begin streaming again soon just life happens sometimes.

July 26th, 2019, 01:11
Excellent character concepts. One more week left for applications, but I can already see a fun campaign spinning up just from what's been submitted so far.

#1 - Thanks for the clarification on Path of the Zealot. I haven't had much chance to play the fun stuff in Volo's myself yet so it's not immediately on my radar and I appreciate the heads up.

#2 - We'll be playing a single character, so folks with two in the app, know that the slot will be awarded with one. I would rather see one character that you are more invested in than trying to hedge bets by putting up multiple concepts when the application asks for one. You might want to edit your original post by the end of this next week to clearly indicate which is your first choice. ;)

#3 - To the folks who wrote to me back channel - No worries about no experience. Just take a stab at your character concept and be honest about your experience in the application post. The kinds of player groups I assemble are usually very supportive and help each other figure out how to get the most out of the game and are tolerant for changes moving forward as need be to 'play into' something that doesn't quite fit the way it was conceived once you actually hit the game setting.

Thanks again, and keep the apps coming. Next week I'll have my work cut out for me.

-DM Adam

(I'm working under the channel name of One For Fun Gaming. Twitch is still not set up. I made a solitary post to get YouTube set up. The game will be live streamed to both Twitch and YouTube. More specific URLs as we get closer to the game.)

July 26th, 2019, 03:32
Will we be using the standard point buy system for stats? So I can start to build something just in case to have it ready. Always nice to have some build characters on my laptop for cons.

July 26th, 2019, 07:45
Will we be using the standard point buy system for stats? So I can start to build something just in case to have it ready. Always nice to have some build characters on my laptop for cons.

+1 i rolled stupid-good stats when i made my pally in FG (4d6 for each stat, choose 3 best), if its going to point buy i'll have to rethink a few things.

July 26th, 2019, 12:17
Ah yes, starting stats. House rules.
Assign the following scores to your base ability stats before mods by race or feat:

18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8

Especially running Strahd, the Dark Gothic Romance means shining brilliance and tragic flaws, so you're welcome for that 18, and have fun with the 8. :)

Newbies or folks without experience rolling up characters, feel free to not worry about this portion of things just yet unless you want to.

July 26th, 2019, 16:57
Lucky for me those stats are very close to what I already had. I am just dieing waiting for the final decision.

July 28th, 2019, 03:10
Personal Experience

• Your mundane world name: Clayton
• Your preferred pronouns/gender identity: He / Him
• Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience: Between Intermediate and Advanced. Been playing for a long time with 3.5 and 5e for....2 years-ish. I've also started DM'ing. I have no problems whatsoever in helping anyone who has any questions, but I absolutely do not want to overstep my bounds.
• Your level of FG experience: Still relatively new. I've been using Fantasy Grounds for about a year now. Limited DM experience with it. I have a Standard licence and I backed the Unity Engine Kickstarter, so I'll have that once it drops.
• Your time zone/general region of the world you will be playing from: I'm near Toronto, so I'm in EST.
• Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process: I collect dice...pips, polyhedral, doesn't matter...lol. I have kids that are curious about D&D so I'm trying to teach them the basics and how to play. As for me personally outside of D&D, I love hockey, binge watching whatever documentaries or miniseries I can find on Netflix or Crave. Oh, I also love Critical Role.

D&D Questions

Your character concept. Race, class, future class specialization, name (but that can change), gender (also mutable), any plans on multiclassing and to what, preferred weapon(s) or spells, your background, etc: I typically play Human characters, I can't really explain why, but I usually do. If I were to be selected for this campaign, I have two characters that have been rattling around in my head for a while now and I think would be neat to try in Barovia.

The first is a Human Cleric - Life Domain. Typical adventurer upbringing. Caring parents, no tragedies or crazy childhood / adolescence. But after attending the Academy and seeing the suffering and pain in the world, his eyes were opened and he's very upset at how the good and help his faith can bring, it's always overshadowed by the misery a small minority inflicts and is now doing some serious soul searching into his faith.
This character always rushes to help, wants to make people happy, but when people blame him or his temple for the pain they bring to others, he takes it very personally and really hurts him.

The second is a Human Monk - Way of the Open Hand. This character I've taken a bit of a liberty with in that he's not from the Sword Coast area at all, he's from the far east lands of Kara-Tur. The town he's from banned all forms of weapons. As a city guard he had to learn to fight with his hands and practiced martial arts from the city guard leadership. This character is in his later years and uses a walking staff (really a quarter staff which he's very capable with). This character would be in his late 50s early 60s. Polite to a fault, but struggles to fit in with western culture. He wears a robe and has long white hair. (think Pai Mei from Kill Bill. Looks only, not how he acts).

This character was sent to investigate a disturbance at a local tavern in his home town, and there he found the Magistrates son, very drunk and very abusive to the female staff members. When he tried to calm things down, the Magistrates son attacked. In the encounter, the Magistrates son was badly injured and accused my character (I don't have a name for him yet lol) of attacking him unprovoked.
My char was stripped of his rank as a city guard member, and rather than live in the city with that shame, he left to explore the rest of the world.

Full Disclosure: I recently started to DM Curse of Strahd for my friends, but a player approached me during break and told me he can't handle the content. I've since stopped that campaign and we're on a bit of a break. So, as a DM, I've prepared Curse of Strahd up until the basement and escape of the Death House and a very little bit after that. Anything past that I'm in the dark. I can let the other people at the table drive the play through the Death House and I'll try to avoid meta-gaming that area.

This sounds like it's gong to be a blast! Good luck to everyone applying for a spot!

August 1st, 2019, 16:15
Do we have a date to be expecting decisions on players? I am holding several other games at bay because this one is my first choice.

August 1st, 2019, 20:59
From reading back, it looks like he's accepting applications until August 2nd.

August 1st, 2019, 22:18
Ah yes but that doesn't mean a decision by the 2nd lol. No pressure just trying to juggle some other offers that honestly aren't my first choice. Stall tactics Engage!

August 2nd, 2019, 16:46
Ah yes but that doesn't mean a decision by the 2nd lol. No pressure just trying to juggle some other offers that honestly aren't my first choice. Stall tactics Engage!

Final Roster announced on the 4th.

August 2nd, 2019, 21:50
• Your mundane world name
John or Johnny

• Your preferred pronouns/gender identity
Grandmaster Nagus….errr he, him, or it .. Nannu Nannu…. Human yes human

• Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience
Advanced, playing since AD&D 2nd edition in multi-year campaigns. Started playing in 5th edition recently as DM and player. I always play in the spirit of the game for all players and DM to enjoy, through creativity and interaction. More than happy to help through suggestions in game or through role playing.

• Your level of FG experience, same ranks. Advanced and Experts will be asked to help with the mechanics of the VTT system.
Beginner, but incredibly fast learner when it comes to applications… I’ll probably have an intermediate understanding by the time sessions start.

• Your time zone/general region of the world you will be playing from
Northeastern US, EST (-4 UTC)

• Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process
I play ultimate frisbee and go hiking, camping, and biking a lot. Also prefer to travel so I maybe on different coasts of the US at any time. During my journeys I spend a lot of time theory crafting characters, scenarios, and mechanics that I never get to play. Also an avid reader of Jim Butcher, Brandon Sanderson, and Terry Pratchett.

• Your character concept.
A Fallen or Scourge Aasimar, Boros Legionnaire from the city of Ravnica who has become a Paladin of Vengeance. Seeking to avenge my family who was betrayed by high ranking members of another guild. Turning to the darker side I plan to seek out a patron of Shadowfell to curse all those who have done my family wrong. Acquiring additional powers as a Hexblade will allow me to hex my enemies in battle! Perhaps, even acquire a friendly imp companion along the way through a pact, who understands my thirst for vengeance!.... Or just to talk to during down time.

TLDR - Aasimar Paladin Oath of Vengeance multiclass into Hexblade for Hex/Cursing ability using sword and board technique. Possibly aiming for Shield Master or Sentinel feats to help protect fellow party members. Strong front line tank shouting curses at enemies, “My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.” … “SPOON!!”

• A short bit about your character's history.
Tavarus Klatuu Archleon was raised by his father and sister, an honorable but low ranking merchant family. They never spoke of his mother until the day his powers appeared. His sister was attacked and ….

Despises evil doers who hide in plain site behind the bureaucracy of law and order. Tired of seeing those in power, who conivingly scheme and betray others simply for wealth. “I see the truth now in who the greater evil is, and they too must be punished.”

• IF you are experienced in D&D settings, decide please which world you come from.

August 3rd, 2019, 02:23
Thank you everyone. Applications are now closed.
We have had 14 applicants. This is more than double for the available slots. Here's what I propose:

1. If there is anyone who needs to withdraw from consideration, now's the time to do it.
2. I will announce the 3rd Sunday game roster on the 4th as promised. These folks applied for the Sunday slot and were selected.
3. Those who are not selected for the 3rd Sunday game are given the option if it meets their schedule to run in the 3rd SATURDAY slot for the same campaign, 2pm EDT to 8pm EDT, just one day prior. Everything else the same.
4. If we get at least 4 people who can run on Saturday, we'll spin up the second Strahd campaign game. One weekend every month will be Strahd Weekend for me, which is fine.
5. If you PREFER Saturday, you can volunteer between now and 2pm EDT on the 4th when I'll post the Sunday Roster. If no Saturday game manifests AND you were on my shortlist for the Sunday Roster, you won't lose your slot, the party will just risk being large.

Won't this spoil the fun? Well... chances are... no. The way that the Curse of Strahd is organized as a campaign, the Thing(s) you need to do the Stuff that helps you win is randomly determined at a Certain Point in the adventure. I will reject any duplication/reroll results until the two campaigns have essentially two different agendas to fulfill. You can watch each other's game stream if you like, and the parties will have the same campaign, but different adventure goals to achieve. Spoilers will be minimized as much as possible.

But, as I said, original plan still stands. I'll check the boards and review prior to posting the Roster at 2pm on Sunday August 4th, EDT. And we'll see where we net out. This way, everyone has a shot to play (And Yes, that means I will be casting 7 players for the Sunday Roster to give it the split down the middle that the numbers require.)

August 3rd, 2019, 03:03
• Your mundane world name


• Your preferred pronouns/gender identity

-Meat Popsicle (kidding) I'm Male ; 37 years of Age ; Army Veteran ; Mechanic

• Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience - None, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert. Advanced and Experts are expected to help newer players come up to speed and make good character decisions/get into the swing of things more for everyone's enjoyment.

-I suppose Intermediate not terribly familiar with 'all' the rules. But I have played a few campaigns.

• Your level of FG experience, same ranks. Advanced and Experts will be asked to help with the mechanics of the VTT system.

-This would be my first time using FG (just bought it on Steam, had a sub in the past but never got around to playing)

• Your time zone/general region of the world you will be playing from

-PST California

• Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process

-I paint and draw, I also play WH40K orcs and eldar

• Your character concept. Race, class, future class specialization, name (but that can change), gender (also mutable), any plans on multiclassing and to what, preferred weapon(s) or spells, your background, etc.

- (As a note: I'm willing to fill a role for party balance.) Tiefling. 'warrior' branching into 'Eldritch Knight'. Sailor background. Male. I was thinking part of the background (and as teifling lore dictates there ancestors made deals with infernal) instead one of my human ancestors struck a deal with a Fae - 'Nereid'. Giving my teifling a more of a aquatic look? If you wanted to stick to true lore I don't mind coming up with a different background. As a preferred weapon (and as level with eventually dictate) by level 4 I would use Trident, Shield, Warcaster Feat. Allowing for defense and ranged offense ability to throw the Trident and with 'weapon bond' easily return it. The spells I would primarily use would at first be shield and protection from good and evil. Ray of Frost, Prestidigitation, and Thaumaturgy for cantrips. I leaning the side that my character would have come from a long line of sailors. Favoring no god as the deal with the Nereid would be broken. His life in the sea would have steered him to a Chaotic Good alignment. As being boarded by pirates can be common by those who hire you. Taking a life in self-defense is common practice during his upbringing. Was thinking that (depending on level) he would obtain his eldritch powers when he comes of certain age? kind of role play in that (by level 3) he is finally approached by the Nereid (whether it be a dream, or vision, or a puddle on the ground?). To sort of explain how he becomes more magically inclined (considering he would have hellish rebuke from level 1).

This is all just an idea* I'm willing to speak with you to flush out any details if you are interested.

I think if my character came from anywhere it would have to be the sword coast.

damn, missed the dead line while typing lol

re-apply for saturday then?*^

August 3rd, 2019, 17:26
WOW! Congrats on the MASSIVE interest!

I'm free on Saturday, so I'm happy to volunteer to play on Saturdays instead of Sunday.

August 4th, 2019, 05:17
damn, missed the dead line while typing lol

re-apply for saturday then?*^

I'll consider you for the Saturday game, definitely. :)

August 4th, 2019, 08:16
Appreciated: even if you don't, hit me up in a future game? I don't mind. < so mundane.

August 4th, 2019, 13:28
Thank you to everyone for applying. Here is the Sunday Game Roster for the Curse of Strahd campaign. (May the odds be ever in your favor.)

1. Sindustry/Slopp, the Kobold Druid (Circle of the Land)
2. Khavi/Shynt'lara, the Half-Drow Bard (College of Lore)
3. FuzzyBunny/Chance(Athren), the Half-Elf Ranger (Beast Master)
4. KushMaster69X/Robert Taerwin, the Human Rogue (Assassin)
5. Elf_Boy/Umlilo, the Fire Genasi Wizard (War Mage)
6. DeadMenStare/Kirryl, the Minotaur Cleric (Light Domain)
7. Zergburger/Eise, the Human Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)

Khavi/Christy, I know you volunteered for the Saturday game, but I rather prefer the Bard in the Sunday roster, if you don't mind. If Saturday is clearly the preferred day of gaming for you, please let me know back channel ASAP so I can tag an alternate for the slot.

For everyone else, thank you so much for your interest. In the end it came down to a balanced party roster to cover all the roles, with an eye on the content of the campaign.

Sunday Roster Members
Please send me an email at [email protected] and we will begin to gather the party, establish backstories, and work out the rough edges to get everyone ready for the first game session in two weeks on the 18th. Congratulations, I look forward to playing together.

There are options that I did not see until more close review of everyone's applications this morning which would possibly keep everyone playing Strahd on the same Sunday time slot. I'll clarify more once I hear back from the folks involved. Even if that falls through, the Saturday game will still be an option as promised, though if I can avoid having to run two games on two consecutive days each month, that would be ideal for me, I'm happy to do so if it proves necessary.

Streaming details will be shared here prior to the game. (Still working on Twitch setup properly, but definitely 'One For Fun Gaming' on YouTube will host the videos long term, just getting the livestream set there as well.)

Thanks everyone, this was definitely a much larger response than anticipated.


August 4th, 2019, 14:51
Saturday Game
We're moving forward with the Saturday sessions. If we can get at least 4 people interested in the Saturday game, we'll run that from 2pm-8pm EDT third Saturday of every month. Likely not streaming, game only, but we'll see how the misadventures and learning curve of the streaming goes.

If you are still interested, please send an email to [email protected]. Any email correspondence please use the '+saturday' designation for inbox filtering if you don't mind.
The 'roster' such as it is looks like so:
1. EvoGamer/M M Calahoun, the Human Ranger (TBD)
2. Zomnivore/Gl'ul'p, the Grung Rogue (Inquisitive)
3. TropicTactic/Ilidael, the [TBD] Monk (Way of the Shadow)
4. Herondesign/Madena, the Human Wizard (TBD)
5. Twistedtechmike/Tharivol, the Elf Cleric (Nature Domain)
6. Tiguak/[TBD], the Human Cleric (Life Domain)
7. Zylak/Tavarus, the Aasimar Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
8. Grim_Dark/[TBD], the Tiefling Fighter (Eldritch Knight)

If interested, please confim via email by Saturday, August 10. I will be launching the Sunday roster game in August, if there's still enough interest in the Saturday game we'll launch in September on the 14th.


August 4th, 2019, 20:53
Gotta bow out of the Saturday option. I run games on Saturday.

August 5th, 2019, 01:03
Oh sorry, I can't join the Saturday crew, I wish you a good game!

August 5th, 2019, 01:05
I won't be able to play in the Saturday game. Thank you for the offer, though!

August 5th, 2019, 18:06
i tried but lost everything i typed because it took to long and it ended yesterday.

August 5th, 2019, 19:02
• Your mundane world name
• Your preferred pronouns/gender identity]
not sure what that means.

• Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience - Started on version 1.0 paperbacks, have played ever since.
• Your level of FG experience, same ranks. Advanced and Experts

• Your time zone/general region of the world you will be playing from

• Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process
I am retired and watch the grandkids, i like wood working and roleplaying games.

You must also include:
Goodle the Shadar-kai thief, his goals: he with the most stuff wins. He will tolerate the party as long as they are working with him to accomplish his goals. He is self centered and ego centric cares for nothing but himself. He will step on the necks of the party without hesitation.
I have played this type of character before in games and have the rest of the party hate the character. It is a balance of hate and love for this type of character, I dance the dance to keep the rest of the characters just mad enough to hate him but not mad enough to disrupt the game flow. As an experienced player I know when enough if enough. I think Straad would be the perfect setting for him I have been thru this module when it first came out many many years ago.

August 6th, 2019, 19:39
Given the number of dropouts from the Saturday roster, I think it might be best for me to pull out. I've found another group, so I'm happy to give up my slot to make it easier to redistribute the remaining players.

August 8th, 2019, 23:07
Okay, given all the Saturday drops, I'm going to have to drop the Saturday version of the game. The Sunday roster has been filled, so thanks for the late applications but I'll reopen the thread here if there's any need for replacement players.

If you have won a Sunday roster slot, please contact me at [email protected] if you haven't already done so and I'll set up times this weekend for folks to connect to the game and Discord and work out character details and specifics.


August 10th, 2019, 14:03
Folks That Have Confirmed Their Seat
1. Khavi/Shynt'lara, the Half-Drow Bard (College of Lore)
2. KushMaster69X/Robert Taerwin, the Human Rogue (Assassin)
3. Elf_Boy/Umlilo, the Fire Genasi Wizard (War Mage)
4. Zergburger/Eise, the Human Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)

Folks That Have NOT Confirmed Their Seat
1. Sindustry/Slopp, the Kobold Druid (Circle of the Land)
2. DeadMenStare/Kirryl, the Minotaur Cleric (Light Domain)
3. FuzzyBunny/Chance(Athren), the Half-Elf Ranger (Beast Master)

With only a week to go, I need to hear from you at [email protected] to confirm your interest at the table, people. I will send a followup message to your forum accounts as well.

If you haven't confirmed via email by midnight EDT Weds 8/14, you will lose your seat in this game.
People actually applied and got turned away from this game. Please don't take the seat for granted before we even begin.

For Those Originally Turned Away
If you were one of the late applicants or those passed over and you're still interested, check back on this thread Thursday morning EDT to see if there are any slots reopened and receive instructions on expressing interest.

Thanks, all! Looking forward to our romp through cheery Barovia.


August 15th, 2019, 20:07
We have two slots open due to cancellations etc. Anyone from the original crew interested, please drop me a line by Saturday to [email protected]. First come, first served.


Also, there had been some accidental timing confusion - the game runs 2pm EDT to 8pm EDT every 3rd Sunday of the Month. In places I mistakenly identified it as 12noon. Correcting that now, 12 is just a wee bit too early and the game would run too long.


August 16th, 2019, 07:18
i tried but lost everything i typed because it took to long and it ended yesterday.

It seems to be a running thyme on these boards, commitment issues. Well, such is life. So I'm going to submit my character anyways.

Your mundane world name : Mitch

• Your preferred pronouns/gender identity: Him / He / It / Ancient / Wile E Coyote.

• Your level of D&D or Tabletop RPG experience : Expert, Bought the red box set 1st ed. bran new, 2nd, 3.5, (4th-was not acceptable) read a lot of 5th and want to try it. DMed most of the time, want to run a character for once. Played Doom when first out, DAoCamelot 1st one, Bata tested WoW. So I have a little gaming exp.

• Your level of FG experience, same ranks: Novice, but computer savvy. I've been watching the videos, still learning.

• Your time zone/general region of the world: -7 Colorado.

• Some interest or hobby, skill or passion of yours from the outside world to start the getting to know you process : Online gaming, astronomy, electrician, woodworking.

• Your character concept. : Wizard/Monk , Race: Tabaxi.

• A short bit about your character's history. A work in progress.

• IF you are experienced in D&D settings, decide please which world you come from. Abeir-Toril.

"Spoon!!" back at ya.

August 17th, 2019, 15:00
Hey Paxx, drop me a line at [email protected] and I'll get you the pertinent info. Welcome to the table. :)

And with that, our roster is closed again. Thanks all!

August 19th, 2019, 18:12
Im interested.