View Full Version : LFG 1player Mon or Fri evenings Sun anytime EST US Pathfinder

Majin Tang
July 5th, 2019, 07:41
FG License: Demo
Time Zone: EST
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Monday or Friday after 6pm EST, Anytime Sunday 11am - 11pm
Term: I would love to play a character through in an evolving world.
Voice: Yes I can voice chat.

Game System Preferred: Pathfinder
Game System Experience: Pathfinder
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I will be totally new to Fantasy grounds, though I have been watching video tutorials on youtube and pride myself in being a pretty fast learner.

Character Type Preferred: My favorite class is Alchemist, and I love playing support type characters. Strange character driven builds are what really make me happy.
About me: I am a laid back gamer, I've played video games my whole life, for 30+years now. I grew up reading all of my fathers 3.5 books, and fell in love. I never got the chance to paly back then. I started with Pathfinder about 6 years ago and have been hooked. I have played many one shots but never have had a character above lvl 5. I love Paizos Pantheon and Goblins, (and cant wait for 2nd edition with Goblin as a standard player race. Power to the Gob) Thank you for the time!